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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 184 KB, 1200x800, JapaneseCuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14266592 No.14266592 [Reply] [Original]

Is it overrated? Everything tastes too fishy, even the things not fish.

>> No.14266594

Literally built for BBC

>> No.14266601

Yes, but it's still good.
Chinese>Korean>Japanese cuisine

>> No.14266620

Well it is an island nation after all

>> No.14266640

everything has fish in it pretty much
it's a seasoning

>> No.14266645

literally every country is an island nation because continents are basically just large islands idiot

>> No.14266657

wow 200+ iq confirmed on this poster. literally smartest person in the world award goes to you.

>> No.14266710

This looks like a meal for a Saiyan

>> No.14266720

it would only be an island nation if it doesn't share a boarder with any other country

and I think technically japan as a country counts as a peninsula because it shares a northern boarder with russia even though the mainland is an island itself

>> No.14266725

Thanks captain autism, I knew when I made the post someone like you would come in with an “acktchuallllyy”

>> No.14266733
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wow.. i never thought of it that way! you're smart anon, don't listen to your father

>> No.14266734

fish is just the base flavor the same way chicken/beef is for western cooking

do you just not like fish anon

>> No.14266748

Some things are just not supposed to taste like fish.Things like candies and pastries. Why are the Japanese so weird

>> No.14266763

Yeah but unadon is really simple and really good. What you posted there OP looks more korean with all kinds of stuff all around.

>> No.14266770
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>> No.14266793

for me, the best donburi

>> No.14266811

>Japanese Food
>Is it overrated?
How many times a day does this thread get made?

>> No.14266812

>mah umami flavoring that needs to permeate in every fukn dish

Yes it is, the nips just have to much pride to admit it, and the fact that westerners have brought into the meme of Japanese cuisine is prolonging their delusion. Anything good in Japanese cooking was stolen from the chinese. Literally the Britbong cuisine of Asia.

>> No.14266813


>> No.14266816

Best shared with a beautiful lady

>> No.14266819

'bout tree fiddy

>> No.14266823
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>> No.14266826

Why are you counting like a faggot?
Does it take up time from your fast food threads or useless celeb threads?

>> No.14266837

>too fishy
No such thing

>> No.14266841

Pretty much this.

>> No.14266845

False dichotomy, not wanting to have to hide variations on this thread every other time I refresh the catalog does not mean that I enjoy seeing nonstop fast food threads and e-celeb bullshit. If anything you're just tacitly admitting that these threads are garbage but happen to be a flavor of garbage that you like.

>> No.14266857

Yeah right, go huff some more RAID and you might make some sense to yourself.

>> No.14266861

The word ‘overrated’ is definitely overrated though. It’s like the only word these redditors know.

>> No.14266863

>what are mainly fish dishes “taste fishy”

>> No.14266868

The people making the fast food-adoring threads are in fact the very same ones making countless “fish is icky” threads

>> No.14266872

Seek psychiatric help.

True, although it is decently fitting. I don't disagree with the base point of these threads as the Japanese upsell to a ridiculous degree and even their street food is way the hell overpriced now thanks to hipsters.

Probably. I'll bet that's why that's the first place the first guy went to.

>> No.14266874

It's okay
The vast majority of it is Chinese Food for cowards.

>> No.14266990

Don't you mean NHK?

>> No.14267011
File: 1.95 MB, 300x300, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eats food from an ISLAND NATION
>"eVeRyThInG tAsTeS LiKe FiSh!! yUcKy!!!! DoEsN't TaStE LiKe My ChIcKeN tEnDiEs!!"

>> No.14267199
File: 11 KB, 236x245, images (60).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im pretty sure the nips overfished their local fish stocks decades ago, which is why they now go around the world buying out whole fisheries and driving species to extinction to feed their chinky eyed population who dont give a fuck about sustainability. If the nips liked tendies like the average Anerican manchild, it probably wouldn't cost me my whole weeks wage to buy a local tuna for special occasions.

>> No.14267206

you know damn well I'm a virgin

>> No.14267226

imagine seething this hard because man-baby don't like fish

>> No.14267234

>reddit capitalization

>> No.14267241

die mad about it

>> No.14267404

It's because of the bonito in the dashi stock which they use in almost everything.
Japanese food is God tier

>> No.14267416

>Sea urchin

Ordered it at a sushi restaurant in Ikebukuro. Literally the worst thing I have ever tasted. Everything else was amazing mind.

>> No.14267455
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Bonito is a dried smoked fish they shave into paper thin slices and it's used in a LOT of their dishes. (Like how curry shit is in most of Indian cuisine.) Lots of soup stocks and broths and marinades have bonito in it. They'll even throw a wad on top for extra flavor and decoration. It's turbo fishy and if I'm being perfectly honest, despite my trolling OP, I don't care for bonito's flavor either.

>> No.14267495

Sometimes they use fermented things, like miso paste to flavour even pastries. That's where a sort of fishiness comes in, I guess. Unusual but not necessarily bad tho

>> No.14267502

I think legitimate ramen is pretty cool.

>> No.14267605

>using le epic meme arrows

>> No.14267743

As much as I want to love Japanese food, I can't. Outside of Ramen and Okonomiyaki most of the food has the same flavor. It's not bad by no means but it isn't isn't on my bucket list when I think of foods to try out. Why is Japanese food taste the same?

>> No.14267799

yes it's fishy,
good if you want to be on a diet

>> No.14268009

These threads attract 3 kinds of people:
1. those looking for sincere criticism of something they enjoy
2. autism spectrum persons who hate the food (icky, gross, muh texture)
3. poor people who cannot afford said food

>> No.14268020

And then there's me.

>> No.14268026

>t. cope and seethe

>> No.14268030

#2 and #3


>> No.14268043

>even more reddit man-baby babble
Come on bitch, say "have sex, incel" so I can complete my bingo.

>> No.14268044


>> No.14268065

The third-worlder is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a hue-hue, faveloid, aerial target practice, not-white, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him poor and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: I have been found out.

>> No.14268076

Their eel is exceptional.
I'd recommend anyone here go out of their way to try it. Either in sushi or on its own.

>> No.14269399


>> No.14269562

I like fermented food.

>> No.14269674

The best fucking shit right here
That sauce man. How do the japs make such good fucking sauces?

>> No.14269678


>> No.14269683

It's a love or hate thing. I personally like bonito but I know a lot of people don't. I ate a lot of fish growing up though so fishiness doesn't bother me.

>> No.14269689

Are there really any “islands”? After all we are all connected by land. Some of the land just has water over top of it.

>> No.14269693

Its good. I like several dishes from it. Its overrated though, just like italian food.

Indian and mexican are superior to both

>> No.14269975

absolute galaxy brain take

>> No.14269996

Not even Australia is an island nation, but rather a continent nation.

>> No.14270029


where's my bbq pork belly?

>> No.14270706
File: 42 KB, 560x560, Fresh-Fuji-Apple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun fact: the genes for fatty acid metabolism follow a geographic trend, and generally increase as you go towards the north and east, with Inuit/Siberians having the highest levels.

The further north/east you go, the less people desaturate their fatty acids. Which of course means that they require more polyunsaturated fatty acids (like from fish, eggs, and pork)

As you go towards the south/west, people desaturate more because they ate diets low in polyunsaturates (plant foods, dairy, coconuts, red meat)

>> No.14270715

This is incidentally why Asian desserts taste like garbage to our palate, because they're based on salty/yolky flavors rather than on sugar and saturated fat (instead being based on starch and unsaturated fat). Moon cakes have literal whole egg yolks in them.

>> No.14270791

wow you really made me think

>> No.14270806

Just about japanese everything is overrated on the internet.

>> No.14270822

go home white pig.
but before you do... 300 dorrar plus tip

>> No.14271005


>> No.14271020

It's overrated, but it's good.

>> No.14271065

Generally I am not very into japanese food. Sushi can be nice when its not over the top, but the rest leaves me saying "meh" in my experience. One other exception, though, is japanese hotpot (shabu shabu), which can be very good.

>> No.14271320
File: 36 KB, 720x474, 59752923_397875704399484_7763093885043081216_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinese>Korean>Japanese cuisine

>> No.14271329

All the other asian look at it the way we look at British food. Bland and uninteresting

So if your british its great if you like taste in your food it's shir

>> No.14271331


>> No.14271337

Maybe it's the fish or oyster sauce?

>> No.14271339


>> No.14271354


>> No.14271393

Based retard

>> No.14271538

the fuck are you talking about

>> No.14272032

A sissy saiyan*
Real saiyans like Begeta only eat meat.

>> No.14272033

Biggu sroppu of shittu

>> No.14272036

The one thing on the right that looks like it's made of meat looks slightly edible, everything else looks terrible

>> No.14272038

>raw fish on white rice
Yes it's overrated, not bad, but still overrated.

>> No.14272471

very neat

>> No.14272547

Dude, the Karafuto prefecture (South Sakhalin) was lost after WW2.
Nowadays they are a perfect example of an island nation.

>> No.14272585

When I studied abroad in Japan, like half of the people I went there with “didn’t like” fish or seafood, and always complained about food tasting like fish. The end result was that we just left them behind in the dorms to fend for themselves. Picky eaters are on the same level, mentally, as toddlers. They just can’t understand the difference between having preferences and having an actual dietary prohibition. Don’t like seafood? That’s fine with me, but you need to understand that you will be expected to order, eat and pay for a meal of seafood when you go to a seafood restaurant with other people, and you need to do it without complaining. If you can’t do this, then you are not an adult and don’t belong out of your parents house.

>> No.14273809

Is there an "American style sushi" restaurant in anywhere in Japan?

>> No.14273815


>> No.14274123

These dumb brits don't know good food, so no....

>> No.14274151
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, hitsumabushi-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The patrician choice.

For me, it's unagi, in the way of hitsumabushi. You get this in Nagoya, it's worth the shinkansen layover.

>> No.14274366

That's correct.