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14254577 No.14254577[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do white people like mayonaise so much

>> No.14254588

I'm not white and I prefer mayo over ketchup

>> No.14254593

White person here and I can't stand it for the most part. I never understood putting it on burgers and shit, just give me mustard instead

>> No.14254608

you mean mexicans? they slap mayo on everything they eat. black people also love mayo, I used to work in fast food. blacks get mayo more often than whites. white people like ketchup the most.

>> No.14254618

Because fatty and creamy foods are good. I'm half Arabic half European and both cuisines have a precedent for fatty creamy foods, it's because it's good and goes well with other flavors such as spice or salty.

>> No.14254633

same here, I love mayo as well. It tastes better if the oil used is olive oil tho.

>> No.14254634

Im asian and I love mayo

>> No.14254640

Where did this meme start? Is it a twitter thing?

>> No.14254651


I think black twitter with their
>muh hot sauce
>wypipo cant handle the heat

They are truly jungle folc

>> No.14254666

It makes no sense though. Wing joints are flooded with white people getting the hottest sauces.

>> No.14254675

it's good for salad and white people like vegetables

>> No.14254684


Yeah, they say there is a special white people hot sauce which is not very hit by POC standards

>> No.14254689

Please tell me what "european" cuisine is?
This reeks of Amerifat.

>> No.14254694

It tastes good.

Mustard is even better.

>> No.14254729

It's a nigger cope

>> No.14254732

because it makes the outside of the grilled cheese sandwiches we make for the kids we have and stick around to raise really crispy and delicious

>> No.14254743

It tastes like ______

>> No.14254750

>It's good for salad
You're not white.

>> No.14254751

Ah so it is a twitter thing.

>> No.14254753


>> No.14254754

White person here. Mayonnaise has been useless my entire life unless im:
making in n out sauce for fries...
A blogna n cheese sandwich(have not seen since daycare when I was 5 thank God)
Using mayo instead of butter when making grilled cheese when I'm low on butter.
Devilled eggs+ tuna fish sammiches.

There I think that covers every base + realistic use scenario .

>> No.14254758

>doesn't know how dressing is made

>> No.14254760

is Japanese mayo different from common mayo? What's the secret ingredient?

>> No.14254765
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Why the H*CK do Chileans eat so G-d much mayonaise? Can someone please explain to me what is going on there?

>> No.14254770

Different type of vinegar and it is only made with yolk.

>> No.14254771

>he thinks of potato, macaroni, tuna, and egg when someone says salad
confirmed not white.

>> No.14254773

>doesn't know how dressing is made

>> No.14254793

dressing is cooked outside of the bird. stuffing is cooked inside of the bird. checkmate jealous non-white

>> No.14254796

The special ingredient is being weeaboo.
There is very little actual difference, except maybe the unpleasant fishy aftertaste that stretches across their entire shit "cuisine".
Basically they did what slant eyes do best.
>Look at white man
>Do same thing but put some weird perverse spin on it

>> No.14254799
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>> No.14254800

only faggots and housewives don't stuff their poultry

>> No.14254808

That's very white though.
When you say "whites", you are pretty much only talking about American caucasian people in my book.
In Europe, we don't go "I'm white, that guy is white".
There are French, there are Germans, there are Russians, there are Brits.
I don't relate to a Brit just because our shade is the same.

>> No.14254813

you just listed all the whitest foods

>> No.14254824

I didn’t say they weren’t. all I said is that it’s not what we think of when we say salad dressing. it might be what subhumans think we think of, but they can’t be blamed for that anymore than my 3 year old could for believing in Santa. they don’t know anything for themselves...

>> No.14254826

except no one said salad dressing and thought of mayo, retard
it was the other way around

>> No.14254858

sure. I had a black friend in high school. I ate at his house for supper once. it was a huge deli block of square processed ham microwaved with Caesar salad that was just romaine lettuce covered in mayo. now I was also invited over to a white friends house for a hotdog cookout and they were roasting them over a fire pit full of 30 year old painted fence posts. now I would rather the black family’s meal anyday, but that being said, picking the best out of a bad situation doesn’t make it a good option, and the only people I ever saw mix a bowl of lettuce and mayonnaise together and call it as salad were black.

>> No.14254914
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Why don't niggers like mayo?

>> No.14255006

>everything is a race issue!
I'm black and most of my family likes mayo. Stop with these stupid stereotypes

>> No.14255017

That’s probably the whitest food you listed
>and it’s delicious

>> No.14255026

Why do humans like mayo so much? Maybe because it tastes good.

>> No.14255033

>"european cuisine"
>"arab cuisine"

Man, you do not know what you're talking about.
Like it's the same moroccan that lebanese cusine or spanish and german. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.14255444

It's bland, unhealthy, and has the consistency of semen. It's the epitome of caucasoid cuisine, really

>> No.14255525
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If you think white people love mayonnaise, check out the Japanese.

>> No.14255544

Different ingredients. Japanese mayo doesn't taste the same.

>> No.14255553

>this mayo has the same mouthfeel as semen
how do you know that?

>> No.14255563

Foods traditional to European countries. Dipshit.

>> No.14255572

White guy here. It's good with certain things like on chicken burgers (preferably with some kind of hot sauce), or in a chicken and bacon sandwich, but I don't obsess over it like the memes would have you believe.

>> No.14255576

Vietnamese people too, mayo is an integral part of banh mi.

>> No.14255686

So you'd gladly just group skandinavian cuisine with french, just because you are too retarded to differentiate european countries?
Yikes, sure is Amerifat in here.

>> No.14255689

Legit disgusting.
Chink cooking is such a dumb meme it's all disgusting.

Weeaboo detected. It tastes the same, just they put their weird fish sauce in it that makes everything taste disgusting.

>> No.14255692 [DELETED] 

White people love big sloppsa shit

>> No.14255729

>are americans really this dumb
even Germany and France have vastly different cuisines and food cultures even though they're neighbors. They're is no such thing as
>European cuisine

>> No.14255738

>I'm half European

>> No.14255766

i just bought some hellman's mayo that's made with olive oil and it's fucking great

>> No.14255771

Because it’s good. Have you tried mayonnaise and red ripe vine tomatoes? It goes on literally everything and makes anything taste top notch

>> No.14255814

What's not to like? I mean if you gob hellmans onto everything you eat, yeah that's not gonna be great, but it's super versatile and in tons of recipes.

Only thing I can't stand is when people ask for extra mayo at subway/sandwich shops. That shits gross, turning your sub into a toothpaste tube full of mayo is horrendous.

I had a couple of guys that were regulars when I worked at subway in high school. Always asked for a bunch of extra mayo, one would always add black olives. Made me wanna puke.

>> No.14255964

>it tastes the same, they just add something that makes it taste different
Are you genuinely retarded

>> No.14255970

The real question is why do japs like mayo so much? You'd think we dropped mayo bombs over there

>> No.14255982

This. Similar cuisines are the Mediterranean ones like Italy, Spain, Portugal and France, the Germanic and Slavic ones like Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Czech etc. and the Balkan ones like Greece, ex Yugoslavia, Turkey.

>> No.14256021
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>Why do white people like mayonaise so much

Nice reference my Nibba.
Just put some hot sauce on it.

>> No.14256035

I've never seen people use mayo more than mexicans and blacks. Most of my white friends don't even have it in their fridges.

I like mayo however and find that 90% of people who think it's disgusting don't realize how many things they've probably eaten that have a mayonnaise base.

>> No.14256038
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Why do Haitians eat dirt?

>> No.14256047
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>blocks you are path

>> No.14256091

>you are what you eat

>> No.14256114
File: 70 KB, 797x677, Kino cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am still curious about this here. There has to be one South American who can explain to me why Chile is the 3rd largest per capita consumer of mayonaise in the world.

>> No.14256240
File: 237 KB, 380x214, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I don't care if you use mayonaise with fries/in a sandwich.
But I need explanations on WHY ON EARTH do japanese people cook with mayonaise ?????

>> No.14256254

food lube

>> No.14256287

"Edible" clay is usually the type that expands inside of the stomach when hydrated, allowing people to feel satiated with relatively little actually ingested. In destitute parts of the world where starvation is common, this is a 'lifehack' to keep from feeling like you're starving while you're starving.

Note that some Karens also eat dirt while pregnant due to their bullshit fad diets leaving them without certain vital nutrients and minerals that their bodies are in sudden desperate need of during pregnancy.

Due to the high level of mercury and other metals in these products, it's advised to (if you didn't already know not to eat fucking dirt) not eat fucking dirt.

>> No.14256288
File: 108 KB, 990x1146, 2dkhuw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"white" is the n-word for white people. please say "fragile little snowflake american" instead

>> No.14256393

Just an old stereotype, whites with mayo and blacks with hotsauce. If you ever work in food service you’ll find it’s true, just how people grew up

>> No.14256412

>WHY ON EARTH do japanese people cook with mayonaise
High smoke point, I guess

>> No.14256430

Agreed, being called white is worse than being called a nigger

>> No.14256431

because all non whites are the same
get the fuck outta here

>> No.14256434

I'm gonna have to infiltrate POC headquarters and obtain a bottle of their secret "No Whites Allowed" Sauce.

>> No.14256444

Mayon is a French invention. France is in Europe.

When I eat Lebanese food, there is often hummus and creamy white sauce involved.

>> No.14256446


Latinx, joggers, asian, pajeets they ALL make a big fuss about le hot food

>> No.14256452

In n out sauce recipe plz

>> No.14256471

It's really just a twitter mind virus. Nobody talked about this or built their identity on it before that platform came into existence.

>> No.14256499

I hate twitter even more now

>> No.14256500

white person here, I hate mayo.
I think you have fallen for the (((((republican))))) conspiracy.

>> No.14256518

My dad has an entire shelf in the fridge dedicated to hot sauce and he's so lily white you almost need sunglasses to look at him. The fucker bought insurance for his Roomba. He has 30 different glasses for various types of beer. The whitest dude I know

>> No.14256529

You'd think the meme would be that whites like hot sauce TOO much, but I guess twitter has its own reality.

>> No.14256532

>Fry 8 slices of bacon
>Toast two slices of bread and butter them
>Slather both pieces of toast with mayo and add bacon

Best bacon sandwich you’ll ever have

>> No.14256563

Whites ignore any name based on their actions: you can call them colonizers, slave owners, racists, exploiters, they shrug it off with a "It's not me." Oh but if you ever just straight up called one a "white" with a hard emphasis on the "h"? You will be astonished at how they recoil, how injured they are, how they suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>> No.14256658

Except for the fact that they all use mayonnaise, so it's perfectly acceptable to say that mayonnaise is used in European cuisine. If you want to be truly autistic about it, mayonnaise is used in European cuisineS. There.

>> No.14256791

only the white sauce in halal

>> No.14256935

>black people love mayo
wtf I hate mayo now.

>> No.14257332

Mayonese is spanish

>> No.14258430
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Why do black people like corn starch so much

>> No.14258563
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we grew up on this and called it mayonnaise

>> No.14258676

Hateful black people on twitter and such.

>> No.14259686

Because it's white, would you eat black mayonnaise?

>> No.14259691

>white and prefer brown/spicy mustard over mayo
It's just a stupid forced meme because mayo is white.

>> No.14259713

is it black from a tasty overdose of truffles?

>> No.14259717

waaaaah waaaah they said we don't like mayo

>> No.14259720
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>> No.14259739

Please let me know Anon if you find the secret nigger sauce

>> No.14259747

>Racism is fine if it's towards people I hate.

>> No.14259784
File: 43 KB, 429x474, 0BDE280F-D1EB-48FF-9927-70BC3E5ED79C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are europeans really this dumb
Even Texas and Louisiana have vastly different cuisines and food cultures even though they’re neighbors. Pic related isn’t even all of our states.

>> No.14259798

God bless him lmao

>> No.14259806
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>lmao white people be like
stay classy