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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14251782 No.14251782 [Reply] [Original]

Here's what I've had so far today:
>6 glasses of water
>glass of milk
>granola bar
>bowl of rice with a small amount of soy sauce
>small bowl of plain popcorn, no salt or butter
>bottle of vitamin water
>2 multivitamins
And I'm about to have a salad for dinner.

How am I doing? Any tips?

>> No.14251791

milk and yogurt aren't very healthy anon, pretty based otherwise

>> No.14251792

>soy sauce
Post breasts and cock

>> No.14251804

I would add a little more protein to your diet, maybe another yogurt or add a little chicken or an egg to your rice

Also know that bananas are like 100 kcal

>> No.14251806

What's wrong with milk and yogurt? Genuine question.

>> No.14251810

Have you considered eating a bullet?

>> No.14251825

depends on the sources, but most yogurt has a lot of added sugar. better, plain yogurts are easy to find, though

many milk brands also add sugar or other preservatives at various stages. again, healthier versions of milk are easy enough to find, though

>> No.14251829

it's pretty unhealthy unless it's truly grass-fed and nonGMO cows, and "Grass Fed" labelling holds no legal or governed value outside of making you feel good about yourself, so you'll never get actual grass-fed milk unless you're friends with the farmer. good luck drinking unpasteurized milk though.

>> No.14251836

You’re doing awful. You think eating healthier means eating barely nothing. Eat food, eat more fibrous vegetables, eat lean meats, don’t drink calories, don’t eat processed foods or refined sugars. Stop being a Nancy faggot who thinks eating healthy means eating nothing.

>> No.14251851

Don't listen to this retard OP. Eat high carb, low fat. Keto/no-card dieters go bald from their shitty diet.

>> No.14251859

In what world is that nothing? Let me guess, you're American?

>> No.14251865

I'm American and that guy is retarded, disregard him

>> No.14251870

>How am I doing? Any tips?
More oats. More protein.

>> No.14251874

/fit/izen / al/ck/oholic here
>48-72 oz of water
Drink 1 oz of water for every lb you weigh, but not all at once.
It's a rough guideline, but it helps your body process and break down the bad shit built up in your system and kickstarts body functions.
>Glass of milk
neither here nor there, if you were going all out it'd matter but always better than a can of pop
plain greek yogurt is pretty good for you
>granola bar
watch that high fructose corn syrup, granola bars are really only good for hikers and cyclists
>bowl of rice
again good
>soy sauce
high sodium and soy content, not the best but better than any fast food option
>unsalted plain popcorn
>bottle of vitamin water
meme, if you have it then burn it to free up fridge space but you don't gain anything over regular water
>2 multivitamins
If you're hitting your daily water goals this isn't a problem
If you're dehydrated this will wreck your kidneys
>salad for dinner
don't smother it in ranch
Add tomatoes, onions, carrots, beans, etc.

There's a pretty significant protein deficiency here. If you're building muscle shoot for 1 gram of protein per lean lb of muscle, maintenance is 3/4 that. Without exercise you can drop that all the way to 1/2 gram per lb but more is better so long as you're hydrated as protein is brain and muscle fuel.

What was your past diet and what're the reasons for change? Body type, BMI, height/weight are all important factors for a proper diet.

>> No.14251888
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>muh protein

>> No.14251892

>glass of milk
Stop eating dairy products.
>granola bar
Kek, eat a snickers next time, it's as healthy.
>bottle of vitamin water
>2 multivitamins
Sugary water.
You eat like shit. Stop eating carbs, you mong.

>> No.14251900

>Drink 1 oz of water for every lb you weigh
That is so fucking much and I'm not even fat. How do people do it?

>> No.14251906

An ounce is 30ml

>> No.14251914

liquid ounce or regular ounce?

>> No.14251924

what do you think, genius?

>> No.14251942
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Use a big glass and always have cold water in the fridge.
My daily use water cup is 32 ounces.
I empty it with every meal as I like to drink water between bites.
I also empty it 3-4 more times throughout the day.
I weigh in at a whopping 170 lbs
Once you're properly hydrated your mouth isn't so sticky and dry. It'll start bothering you when you're THIRSTY

>> No.14251950

so like, why weight or size?

>> No.14251959

Different body types require different nutrients.
Same with level of physical and mental activity.
The water thing is an overarching deal where it's 1 fluid ounce per lb of body weight.

>> No.14251961

You may want a source of protein.

>> No.14251968

no like liquid oz or regular ounces?

>> No.14251970

everything in his post has protein except maybe the soy sauce

>> No.14251972

So much misinformation, I wouldn't even know where to begin to correct you.

>> No.14251979

That's like 10g protein total.
Nothing at all. Also, instead of taking pills, just eat food with vitamins in it. More vegetables, more fruit. Add legumes, small amounts of meat and fish.
This is way too little food, unless you are a 10 year old girl.

>> No.14251982

Are you retarded or do you not know that granola is like 40% protein
lmao if you ate all of that garbage and consumed it at 2000k/cal it would easily be 50-90g protein
post body

>> No.14251983


>> No.14252014


hey OP listen to me your diet is pretty good but needs more protein also eat vegetables

>> No.14252036

This word has officially lost any semblance of meaning.

>> No.14252038

Based tranny larper

>> No.14252067

OP drank a glass of milk, do glasses in your house have 5 liters in them you retard?

>> No.14252098

>milk is the only thing with protein in that list
Imagine being an Amerifat lmao

>> No.14252489

imagine being a tranny this hard though

>> No.14252542

Pretty clear you a baiting, but I'll break it down if some fatass is dumb enough to listen to you.

A glass of milk (250ml), a cup of Yoghurt (150g), a small serving of popcorn (50g).
Is that 90g of protein you think, moron?
No, that's barely 20g.
Stop embarrassing yourself.

A granola bar has like 5 grams of protein, not 70. It's mostly carbs really.

So again, for anyone reading through the thread:
He is not serious, he is just baiting (poorly).

>> No.14252547

All milk is pretty unhealthy though

>> No.14252553

>Any tips?
I lost a hundred pounds in 2013 (and have since gained 20-25 back) and it started with just dropping soda as a new year resolution. After a month and 20 pounds gone I got serious about it in February and there's two invaluable tools for losing weight: a food scale and counting your calories meticulously. There are a lot of tools to do the latter, I used the food/exercise diary on livestrong since it was free and seemed pretty accurate. I was able to keep to 2000 calories on rest days and 22-2400 on exercise days. I ate a varied diet that included fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, meat and whey protein powder/bars. I did a few simple compound lifts with dumbbells that started at 25 pounds and I eventually had pairs up to 70 pounds. For cardio I played DDR and went on walks whilst listening to trance and keeping in beat. I still have some of the good habits (I eat mostly food I prepare myself) but some of the bad ones have come back (fucking soda). Luckily I now work an active job to counteract that a bit.

>> No.14252591

>literally no protein.
you should be getting at least 100g per day or enjoy your binge in a few days

>> No.14252603

if you want a protip, eat less, not healthier because eating healthier means eating more what means your stomach will grow

>> No.14252634

>whey protein powder/bars
You lost me, I'm not eating chalk.

>> No.14252637

okay whiny pussy enjoy your shit tier body and health then lmao

>> No.14252641

You know people lived healthy for thousands of years without eating chalk, but you do you man :)

>> No.14252743

hurrr durrr you know ppl havae lived on dis earth without computers lol

>> No.14252938

Not an argument, retard. People have been consuming dairy for fucking ever as well, where do you think whey comes from you fucking moron

>> No.14252957
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>granola bar

>> No.14252978

I’m sorry, I didn’t know you would be one of those faggots who gets all pissy if I don’t hold your hand like a fucking toddler and tell you that you did a great effort and you’re super special! you are what is known as a waste of time, because you will only ever accept any advice that is already in line with your own preconceptions, and that’s why you will always fail, because if you knew what the fuck you were doing you wouldn’t be the fucking joke you are now. have fun with that.

>> No.14253001

It's demonstrably fine

>> No.14253122

>6 glasses of water
>glass of milk
okay if it doesn't have added sugar
>granola bar
>bowl of rice with a small amount of soy sauce
eat veggies instead
>small bowl of plain popcorn
>bottle of vitamin water
>2 multivitamins
probably a waste
>salad for dinner
good if you don't slather it in ranch or sugary dressing
>How am I doing?
>Any tips?
homemade soup is really good for eating healthy

>> No.14253130

granola is not high in protein

>> No.14253271

You called OP's diet based when it's literally what a single white girl in her 30's would eat.

>> No.14254532

The estrogen from cows (and they have a lot of it because they're post birth and lactating) is much more similar to human estrogen than the plant-analogues from soy milk, which means it's more easily metabolized by your body. The cow milk, not just soy milk has been making you limp dicked cucks all along.

>> No.14254547

170g oats micro'd in water
2 bananas
500ml milk
25g nuts
1 small chicken breast
A shit ton of mash potato

Beginning to regret the last

>> No.14254557

>drinking calories
>a shit ton of pure carbs
oh ya, you’re gonna make it all right. make it to 300 poons...

>> No.14254571

>6 fucking glasses of water
Drink when you're thirsty. Don't stress your kidneys you retard. The 6 glasses a day thing is some food-pyramid-tier nutritional popscience

>> No.14254827

Not bad OP, but don't forget your macros! Eating healthy isn't the exact same as eating low-calorie. Try and eat some lean protein or switch our your yogurt for greek yogurt that's high in protein. Popcorn is a godsend for people who are dieting but like to snack, if you find yourself craving some food between healthy meals popcorn is a great choice! Same with binging fruits and veggies. Good luck anon we believe in you.

>> No.14254833

kys red-pilled anon, men have been drinking whole milk for millennia and are still around and don't have tits.

>> No.14254843

disagree, it's better to fill an already-stretched stomach with healthy food as opposed to eating six chicken nuggies and be starving all day

>> No.14254870

"Trying to eat healthier" but...
>drinking calories
>granola bar
>all that added sugar
>no lean protein
>no vegetables
Is this bait?

>> No.14254896

>water water water water water water
>solid milk
>cereals (with sugar?)
>good carbs
>vitamin supplements

Ok let's see:
Yoghurt and milk are redundant but as long as the yoghurt is natural and without too much sugar you can go for it.
The granola bar could be a good energetic snack but beware of super processed ones with lots of sugars
Rice is good but that dish sounds disgusting, you can season your rice with better things than nothing/soiy
Popcorn is meh, and the one you buy can still have additives, if you buy the corn and you pop it in a pan it's OK but still a shit meal
Vitamin water is a meme
Vitamin supplements are OK BUT see next points.

You lack protein, since you drink milk I assume you could be vegetarian at most, I suggest meat but you can go for legumes as well.
Veggies are good as well, eat some carrots, spinach, etc
Add variety to fruit, don't just eat bananas, go for seasonal fruits like oranges, apples, berries, peaches, etc depending on the season.

Adjust your vitamin supplement based on your diet. If you only eat bananas get vitamin C, if you don't eat meat get B12, if you don't eat fish get some omega3, and if you want add a bit of D3+K on top of that.

>> No.14254902

>Keto/no-card dieters go bald from their shitty diet.
only if you don't incorporate eggs into your diet. if you're doing keto eggs should be a staple

>> No.14255663


>> No.14255810

eat more vegetables. have a source of protein. don't drink fucking vitamin water.
fuck this bait.