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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14234967 No.14234967 [Reply] [Original]

Just got brekkie delivered to work. Fooken lush.

>> No.14234969

what kind of absolute bellend uses the word lush

>> No.14234982

The same bellend that takes pictures to post on the internet instead of getting stuck in.

>> No.14234986

what kind of absolute cockwobble uses the word bellend

>> No.14234988

Insert butter knife in neck. Thanks.

>> No.14234997

looks fukkin good mate

>> No.14235003

Top nosh mate, nice one.

>> No.14235013

what kind of absolute churlish ninny uses the word cockwobble?

>> No.14235025

looks like trash

>> No.14235027

Do europeans really?

>> No.14235031
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>> No.14235033

Back to geography class with you trollop.

>> No.14235034

The UK is America's even more insane grandpa.

>> No.14235048
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>> No.14235056

Dont huh me you whippersnapper.
The first post quoting the OP is a full english, famous in the UK
The second post confirmed that yes Europeans do really although the UK is not part of Europe anymore.
Lines outside fast food establishments is not the topic at hand.

So pipe down and put a sock in it

>> No.14235064

Nice """""bacon"""""" you got there

>> No.14235069
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the British bacon cut is objectively better than the scraps served elsewhere

>> No.14235071
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>> No.14235109

American's just enjoy eating strips of fat. Their bacon contains the bare minimum meat to trick themselves into thinking that they're eating otherwise.

>> No.14235111

Clean your damn cutlery man, my god - that knife handle is greasy as fook, almost defeats the purpose

>> No.14235151


I'm American and I hate eating the fatty parts of bacon.

I just like the thin cut. Canadian and British bacon is too thick for my tastes.

>> No.14235155


Looks like something I would eat in the rain before I go on guard duty for the queen.

>> No.14235171

That's completely fair. I like a good bite to it.

>> No.14235783

beans ruin it

>> No.14235807

It's cockwomble, you fucking larping twat.

>> No.14235894
File: 151 KB, 341x332, ham-circle..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leaf master race here, enjoying both strip bacon and back bacon. Not really sure what those "Canadian bacon" disks are though; we don't have those in Canada.

>> No.14235927

basically thick cut ham with less moisture content
it's good

>> No.14235968
File: 282 KB, 418x497, literally you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Europe and the EU are the same thing
you know the UK is not the only European nation that is not a apart of the EU

>> No.14235977

Don't be fucking daft, the EU and Europe are literally the same thing i.e. Germany's bitches.

Next you'll be saying America is not a country

>> No.14236008

This. The EU is basically France and Germany up to their same old, same old expansionist tricks, but just rebranded in cute little blue and gold stars. Fuck 'em.

>> No.14236013

Northerners. Still very common in Lancashire. I mean, if you knew anything about what you think you think you know that you're talking about, you'd have known the 'fooken'' part was a dead giveaway on this, anyway. Alas, however.

>> No.14236892
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>> No.14237047



>> No.14237302

brit bacon is fucking garbage

>> No.14237320

>brits are fucking garbage

>> No.14237355
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Stop perpetuating the myth of non toxic white culture. There is nothing redeemable about us.

>> No.14237366

What kind of absolute cock snogger uses the word churlish ninny?

>> No.14237473

dude you arent some minority group. nobody fucking cares. they could have called you white devils and no one would give a shit. fuck you

>> No.14237605
File: 42 KB, 800x479, it_is_genetics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is not a country, it is a giant ranch between Canada and Mexico where Israel grows soldiers to fight wars for them.

>> No.14237615

What wars? Are we invading Iran right now?

>> No.14237640

Looks absolutely vile

>> No.14237677
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Better than synthetic yank hormone meat slop

>> No.14237687

you're a faggot

>> No.14237714

rent free

>> No.14237721

That shit is reconstituted meat. Canadian bacon is pork loin that is cured and smoked.

>> No.14237752 [DELETED] 

And for me suppa I'm avin am sandwich

>> No.14237938

> hash brown and not bubble
> black pudding (Irish shit; not English)
> beans ok but you could probably have had the option for chips
> absolutely pathetic quantity and quality rashers
> terrible, cheap, scraggly microwavable 'bangers'
> tinned fucking, cold mushrooms
> eggs covered in cum and snot
> no fucking tomato
> no fucking fried bread
> no fucking toast
> no fucking cuppa
1/10. Obvious motorway service station shit.

You should be embarrassed posting that.

>> No.14238126

kys heeb

>> No.14238750

>the UK is not part of Europe anymore
Yeah we used a gigantic crane to pick the country up and move it somewhere else.

>> No.14238772

>can't help himself and has to post in the millionth full English shitpost thread
Hopelessly obsessed.

>> No.14239079

>British bacon
>canadian bacon

jesus lad thats not bacon in my mind. pork belly master race here. around here we use the loin only for cutlets or whole roasts

>> No.14239214


>not liking black pudding, a core element

Opinion binned

>> No.14239228

I always associated it with Bristol/west country rather than norf

>> No.14239307

You must be drunk to eat that vomit on plate "lush"

>> No.14239312

Just by mrs. Wright's thick-cut I look for the meaty packages. unlike hillshire farms or bar s they don't mind if you can see the product.

>> No.14239329

Red rose best rose

>> No.14239723

Son, you should be the one to take geography lessons: Europe =/= Europen Union.

>> No.14239794
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this. also:
>no seasoning on eggs, probably not even salt
>entire meal is reflecting all the light in the room, drenched in water/fat/whatever the hell that is
>visible line of fat on the sauce, probably canned, along with the mushrooms, grown in bacteria-infested soil somewhere in China
verdict: absolutely disgusting.

>> No.14239836

you're lecturing an actual canadian, why don't you take a fucking step back?
especially when "Canadian bacon" isn't even a thing in Canada, and when I wasn't even saying it's actual "Canadian bacon"

>> No.14239845

>mistakes condensation for fat
you're really fucking dumb aren't you
i don't particularly like England either but lmao misrepresenting your opponent is fucking pathetic
there's plenty of factual things to make fun of, why not just do that, faggot?

>> No.14240221

Black pudding is not English, dumbarse. It was introduced into the fryup via Irish migrants in places like Bury (where it IS traditional). It's purpose now is largely as a lazy plate-filler for shit-tier motorway service station fryups like OP's (same as the hash browns), but you won't find it as obligatory in a London caff fryup (the OG home of them), nor in most Northern caffs that aren't in fucking Lancashire. You find it used in all sorts of Irish 'food' too, but there isn't a single traditional English food that uses it, either.

100% Irish shit. No place in an Englishman's breakfast at all.

>> No.14240233

Why are bongs so tribal?

>> No.14240235

Foreigners are so vile

>> No.14240624

Where do you stand on white pudding?

>> No.14240755

Is this why Britian has an obesity epidemic? I can't imagine this is healthy at all for you.

>> No.14241028


>Black pudding is not English

This just isn't true though. Blood sausage with oats has been a thing in every corner of the British Isles longer than England being one Kingdom.

Weird hill to die on

>> No.14241050

It really hasn't. Care to cite me an actual recipe used now? And no, relying on some text from 400 years ago is not a source, either.

Good job on ignoring my pointing out that it's come into our fryup via Irish migrants (hence why it IS part of a Bury fryup), by the way. I see you really know what you're talking about.

>> No.14241059

100% Irish. They both are. In fact, you will always tell an Irish 'fryup' because it'll include both. They also have beef, not pork, sausages. Another reason why black pudding is not traditional. If it were, then you'd see the white included, too.

>> No.14241066
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larp'ing as a lad

not gonna make it

>> No.14241081

>what kind of absolute bellend uses the word lush
>Northerners. Still very common in Lancashire.

You havent got a fucking clue.

Bristol you fucking cretin.

Gurt lush.

ffs prick.

>> No.14241089


Thank god one of you is not retarded.
Leave this site Anon, whilst you still can.
There is a life for you out there, good luck!

>> No.14241092

id love to ave me a fookin go at that brekkie m8

>> No.14241105

ain't that too much meat?

>> No.14241130


Care to cite anything to the contrary? You're the one with a thumb up your arse about black pudding.

Only benders and women don't like it, I'm guessing you're the prior

>> No.14241134

Yeah, yeah. Your samefag is showing, silly southern cunt. 'Fookin' lush' is as Manc as it gets. Seethe more.

>> No.14241143



Black Puddings Matter

>> No.14241144

You're the one who made the claim it's been traditional here for 'years' or whatever. Burden's on you.

Save your personal insults, too, cocknugget. Either provide your sources or fuck off.

>> No.14241147


I can confirm Lush is a thing in Lancashire, honestly

>> No.14241151
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Going out for breakfast is so fucking comfy.

>> No.14241152

> traditional to certain areas
> Lancashire
That actually supports what I've said, idiot. Try again.

>> No.14241177


>literally says about middle age Kings and Isaac Newton having opinions on black pudding with breakfast
>hurr it's not traditional somehow

Even if 1000 years ago it was purely Irish (it wasn't), you've got to be the biggest virgin going to develop some kind of complex about black pudding not being a traditional part of breakfast now.

>> No.14241201

that sausage looks sad and lonely. needs more. id eat/10 though

>> No.14241264

Mate, you can screech and whine all you like but you made a claim that black pudding is somehow an English 'tradition'. You have failed to back up that claim while you writhe about with all your idiotic strawmans and other amateur shit, so save it.

Black pudding is not English. Bar the odd manufacturer in Lancashire (where it was brought by Irish scum as I said), all producers are in Ireland with one or two in Scotland.

If it were so fucking 'traditional' to England, then a) there'd be other recipes that include it (and there are not - which you have effectively admitted to), and b) we'd be producing it all over (and we don't).

Now cry some more bitter tears at me, you inept fucking tool.

>> No.14241274

>eating food at work

>> No.14241278

Blood is bad and for Euros. >:(

>> No.14241356
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Yeah, a bit less egg and a second sausage would be nice.

>> No.14241414

Those hockey pucks have blood in them don't they? What's with Euros and eating blood?

>> No.14241486

I don't think it's about the blood, it's about the spices.
But if you've got blood you might as well use it, right?

>> No.14241574


No words lol

>> No.14241612

what kind of geezer uses the word "cockgobble"?

>> No.14241633

no one in canada calls it Canadian bacon. Its peameal bacon

>> No.14241691


I believe you, iv imagined Rowetta (Happy Mondays) saying it, and it works so can confirm it as fact.

>> No.14241717
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Why do Bri'ishers eat blood sausage?

>> No.14241784

Same reason any "national delicacy" exists. It comes from a time when people were starving and needed to use every bit of the animal and people have convinced themselves over the generations that it's good. This is rarely the case.

>> No.14241881


Basically all of Europe eats some kind of blood sausage. Blutwurst is amazing

>> No.14242222
File: 854 KB, 2013x1643, E18ED1FC-B2EF-43AB-86B3-DC6D6EDE0694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, except these scary guys died for your breakfast

>> No.14242340
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My favourite foods to eat in London are being violently assaulted by Muslims then having the police ignore it because I am white.

>> No.14242458

>beans for breakfast

We should have let the Krauts flatten England

>> No.14242466

>people falling for Corona horse shit

>> No.14242500

jokes on you asshole

>> No.14242514

So african semen could be the main breakfast of all Europe?

>> No.14243604


If black pudding is Irish then they perfected the English breakfast. Imagine wanting chips on a full English as well.

>> No.14243629

oh boy time to larp as an english man hooray

>> No.14244208

The same kind that would use the word bellend

>> No.14244226


Bellend is a very normal word, it's the Harry Potter teaboo stuff like cockwomble which is shite

>> No.14244240
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>> No.14244272

What are you even trying to say here. Obviously it's just gonna get greasy again.

>> No.14244278

I might have pizza tonight

>> No.14244290

>Is this why Britian has an obesity epidemic?
Yes, but we'll continue to scream about Americans because that way we don't acknowledge our own problems.

>> No.14244349
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the fucking heinz beens you bongs eat are fucking gross. cant complain about anything else on that plate but fucking northern white beans in ketchup are just fucked in my book

>> No.14244377

Will agree to this

>> No.14244452

Can I have some?

>> No.14244489

The U.K. is part of the continent of Europe. Source: my Masters degree in Geography.

>> No.14244504

> muh geography degree
> incapable of making a distinction between a continental land mass and an island
By convention, "continents are understood to be large, continuous, discrete masses of land, ideally separated by expanses of water."

Just because you remainer cunts have arbitrarily decided to lump the UK into Europe doesn't make it so. Following your retarded 'logic' (and fake 'degree'), Japan is part of China.

>> No.14246526

This thread won't die on my watch.

>> No.14246536

Do you have a license for that knife?

>> No.14246538

no actual brit uses cuckwomble unless they r a reddit cuck mate