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14227540 No.14227540[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything more cringe than alcohol culture?

>> No.14227546

yes - anti-alcohol culture

>> No.14227548

That one guy that complains about alcohol culture

>> No.14227571

This thread

>> No.14227573

Yes, OP.

>> No.14227574

define alcohol culture

>> No.14227584

Can't trust a man who won't have a pint

>> No.14227587

Otakus, weebs or whatever they are called. Anime in general.


>> No.14227598

simple as

>> No.14227602

Weed culture, the MCU fanboy culture, homestuck, bacon mania, fine dining autists, anti fine dining autists, people who genuinely give a shit about "flyover and coasties," hot sauce fanatics, ect. All of these this are cringe/reddit/cucked/whatever the fuck you faggots are using to describe shit you don't like this month.

>> No.14227618
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>> No.14227625

The only faggot here is you my friend.

>> No.14227633

Alcohol culture is only cringe when everyone involved is fat and obviously not in control of their lives.

>> No.14227639

>Alcohol culture is only based when everyone involved is fat and obviously not in control of their lives.

fixed it for you

>> No.14227656


T. Alcoholics

>> No.14227660

Japanese alcohol culture

>> No.14227672

What is alcohol culture?

I used to drink and like everyone else who drank, drinking wasn't our main culture. I knew people who had High Times magazine and would have centerfolds of buds up on their apartment wall next to the Bob Marley & Pulp Fiction posters but I've never seen anyone who had pictures of wine or whatever up on their walls.

Plus whatever little culture there is isn't one unified thing, hipster dudes that are into indie beers aren't the same as whiskey boomers they're completely different worlds

>> No.14228086

>Alcohol culture
What does this even mean? Having a fun night out with your friends? or wine tasting and shit?

>> No.14228097

How can one thread be so based?

>> No.14228100

Pub culture in bongistan is really the only "alcohol culture" I find cringe. The vast majority of Europe and America have really nice alcohol cultures.

>> No.14228106


These people
In these threads you're always either a crumbling alcoholic or an annoying faggot. No in between.

>> No.14228125


>> No.14228133

If you mean coastie "clubbing culture" then thats pretty dumb, waiting in line to go to expensive places with shitty people, but thats not really what alcohol culture is to most people

>> No.14228139

And that’s the thread

>> No.14228195


>> No.14228205

I don't drink but "sober" people usually seem pretty weird. What's up with them?

>> No.14228249

>puts very expensive poison into body

>> No.14228251

They're just boring no-fun people in general, take life way too seriously and act like pussies about the smallest shit.

>> No.14228257

>thinks it’s fun to drink toxins

>> No.14228267

Pack it up boys, we're done here

>> No.14228268

it literally is
also ethanol has extremely low toxicity

>> No.14228272

^^^ See? It's precisely this that i'm talking about, they're like vegans but much more numerous
>ewww, do you think its fun to eat cadaver???

>> No.14228277


>> No.14228292

It’s literal poison
and no. I don’t really give a shit what others do. But I don’t drink and I’m sick of people trying to get me to consume alcohol. It’s also really hypocritical because the same people who drink are also the same people who try to “eat healthy” and talk about fatty food is so terrible, but they are literally poisoning their liver and killing brain cells with expensive drinks

>> No.14228297

Black and white thinking is a sign of autism, anon

>> No.14228300

Fucking beat me to it

>> No.14228308

>It’s literal poison
Whether or not alcohol is scientifically classified as a toxin/poison depends on the dosage/availability in the bloodstream. I.e. if you drink one beer, it is factually not poison. If you drink a liter of vodka, it is factually poison.

>> No.14228314

>It’s literal poison
Eh, not moreso than most other chemicals we consume. Most things considered essential nutrients will kill you in way lower doses than ethanol does. Ethanol is actually rather safe, and we need to drink it in very high quantities to harm ourselves

>> No.14228325


>> No.14228333

run out of RAM in your brain? can't think of anything more significant to say?

>> No.14228334

how does that word apply to this situation at all. You just say wrong things, people correct you and all you can say is "cope" for some reason?

>> No.14228339

I found a bulletin board where you can talk with people all over the world.
This bulletin board has automatic translation function.


>> No.14228353

Dependent on time between consumption as well as amount, as the liver can only break down ethanol at a limited rate.

Downing two shots of vodka in quick succession is significantly more taxing on your body than finishing two beers over an hour, for example.

>> No.14228370

So basically anyone who cares too much about something you either dislike, or find unworthy of the attention and appreciation it receives.

>> No.14228376

yes, but even all at once, your body can handle a relatively large amount of ethanol, most things we consider toxins will kill you on the order of a few hundred mg. One light beer has about 14,000 mg of ethanol

>> No.14228378

Alcohol culture is only cringy when faggots and their cuck buddies go do "tastings" or insist that they must try the latest "craft brew". As long as it tastes decent and goes down well, I don't care as long as it provides a nice buzz. Getting drunk is fun.

>> No.14228381


>> No.14228382

Yeah, you ain't wrong there

>> No.14228402

lol stop being poor man

>> No.14228462

think of the al/ck/ threads that got banned. it's all fun and games till you drink just to function and hate yourself for it

>> No.14228487
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OP is fag, but even he might agree that tobacco culture is far worse

>> No.14228503

I think mac culture is pretty shit, and the fact that those ciggies aint Lucky Strikes or Nat Shermans Havana Ovals indicates that you're part of the homosexual agenda
t. linuxfag

>> No.14228526

The reddit tab open should have been your first clue

>> No.14228528

yes, anime

>> No.14228561

It's how he copes with being retarded.

>> No.14228575

>paying premium for fermented grapes and sugar

>> No.14228582


I actually really do like macbooks (a lot of the good things about linux without having to waste your time fucking around with the OS), but their prices are absurd.

>> No.14228586

craft beer isn't made out of grapes man

>> No.14228607

>craft beer is expensive

I would rather just crack a case of miller high life than hear another one of my friends still their latest milk stout. I'll pass.

>> No.14228620

stop being poor

>> No.14228690
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this thread faggot

>> No.14228887


>> No.14228920

Meth culture

>> No.14228940


>> No.14229269
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>> No.14229275

Alcoholics must be annihilated.

>> No.14229293

it's because sober people have secrets or some hidden agenda. they dont want to relax for fear of breaking the mask they're trying to deceive people with.
see the Irish Stew Autist.
dude would've been fine if he just had a beer and chilled the fuck out.

>> No.14229442

caring about other cultures to begin with

>> No.14229648

Either they are addicts and they know it, or they are really annoying uptight faggots who don't ever let go of controls.
Both types are as annoying as idiots that drink every day and can't see a problem and pester people with questions "Y U NOT DRINK BRO, R U PUSSY?"

>> No.14229654

Twitter culture