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File: 22 KB, 310x700, everclear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14198389 No.14198389 [Reply] [Original]

Is this purely a mixer or are there some giga chads out there capable of drinking it straight? It has more alcohol in it than rubbing alcohol its basically moonshine/lighter fluid

>> No.14198397

you can set it on fire and throw it at joggers

>> No.14198400

Protip: bring this and some "water enhancer" on a camping trip. 70 just-add-water cocktails in under two pounds

>> No.14198435
File: 47 KB, 451x604, Vodkat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to drink it straight back in college because I lived in a dry county and a trip to a liquor store was a several hour affair. Never much cared for mixed drinks unless I'm drinking socially so I'd down a shot or 2 while making dinner. It's been impossible to find ever since C19 hit so I haven't had any in a while, I mostly drink vodka now anyways.

>> No.14198442

>dry county
what's that?

>> No.14198463

Had a couple nights in college where me and my friend would just do shots of this and play Call of Duty

>> No.14198476

There are places in the US where alcohol is still functionally illegal

>> No.14198483

Counties where you can't buy booze. You could buy drinks at restaurants but you couldn't go to the grocery store and pick up some beer.

>> No.14198500

It's best used to make Liqueurs, honestly.

>> No.14198515

holy shit thats a thing?!

>> No.14198525

Found this giga chad

>> No.14198528

We're talking about a country that once added anti liquor laws to it's founding documents. Of course there's still places like this

>> No.14198530

Yes. Smith is no longer a dry county but in all of Texas you can't buy beer before noon on a Sunday. Also liquor stores can't open on Sunday.

>> No.14198536

that sounds like a nigger thing to do

>> No.14198591

You'll regret it. I took one shot and had a sore ass throat for like a week. Just mix it bros.

>> No.14198679

Religion is a disease

>> No.14198716

I’ve done shots of it chased with kool-aid. Not pleasant, but it’ll get you fucked up quicker than a snicker

>> No.14198719

I said this in a thread yesterday. But since is related I'll say again: in my country people drink E95 (95%) ethanol fuel from the gas pumps.

They are not chads, just ultra alcoholics.

>> No.14198730

What they described is what we call a moist county there are completely dry counties as well

>> No.14198742

I’m glad I’m not from your country. I’d be dead at this point

>> No.14198754

what country is that?

>> No.14198772


Nobody is forcing them to drink that shit. They drink it because it's hella cheap.

>> No.14198781

You ain't wrong. When I left Tyler IIRC 90% of the city council were members of a megachurch that controls everything.

>> No.14198872

I have consumed it straight on several occassions.
Never do that.
I felt like shit, and my sweat smelled like vodka for 2 days.

>> No.14198876

I have had some shots of 96% polish vodka. It feels cold instead of warm when you drink it pure (evaporation?). Also the best way tog get some respect amongst the polish dudes.
Just make a nice liquore of the stuff.

>> No.14198884
File: 189 KB, 450x450, cachaca-magnifica-envelhecida-70cl-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you recommend this one here cachacer, m8?

>> No.14198888

i did a few shots of it straight up once.

currently my insides are cringing in horror upon the memory and the sight of the picture.

>> No.14198903

In college, at the peak of my alcoholism, I could take shots of this. But I used to be known as the guy who wandered around parties with a handle of Jack Daniels and just drank that all night.

One time the cops showed up at a party, our friend ditched us, and we asked some random dudes for a ride back. We were freshman and they thought they'd be able to fuck us up and make us throw up if we took big gulps of this before getting in the car. My buddy and I took two big swigs, no chasers, said "let's roll," and got their respect. I miss college.

>> No.14198961
File: 120 KB, 1701x1023, Bird_up_velcrowed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You had spiritys. That's no longer vodka, it's a hospital utensil. European hospitals use that to desinfect table surfaces.

But you're right, you can also mix it with orange juice or mineral water and have a nice drink.

>> No.14199121
File: 201 KB, 1400x1400, max payne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So even max payne wouldn't drink everclear str8? I wouldn't even consider it a drink I would just say its just pure poison
>96% polish vodka
Of course lazy ass poles would make a vodka that's 96% alcohol just so it would be ez to make

>> No.14199136

Most people don’t drink any vodka straight. As an alcoholic, it’s not any more harsh than cheap vodka. It’s the first drink I had that wasn’t beer. If you’re able to chug vodka out of the bottle, you can drink everclear straight.

>> No.14199159

>If you’re able to chug vodka out of the bottle, you can drink everclear straight.
Vodka is 40% alcohol while everclear is 95% alcohol are you fucking with me right now?

>> No.14199160

I’m not. I’ve never had a problem with it

>> No.14199173

Yes he is. I can do both but there's a distinct difference.

>> No.14199176

Back in high school, I witnessed on more than one occasion my buddy turn a bottle of Everclear to the ceiling and chug it like it was water.

I have no idea how he didn't end up dying from alcohol poisoning. Better yet I have no idea how he was capable of it. I tried to take a shot of it one time and ended up spewing it out of my nose.

>> No.14199199

>my buddy turn a bottle of Everclear to the ceiling and chug it like it was wate
He probably did fill it with water just to fuck with you. Either that or he was getting molested at home by his dad so often that he didn't want to be sober ever

>> No.14199205

i think its more like if you can chug vodka you can probably swig everclear straight. i can kinda believe it but then again you would be surprised how much more it burns to drink turkey 101 rather than the 80 proof

>> No.14199638

>more alcohol in it than rubbing alcohol
They're different chemicals you brainlet, ethanol vs isopropanol, take a chemistry class retard

>> No.14200075

Yes, and real life bootleg moonshine is still a thing in these places as well

>> No.14200111

That's not particularly relevant you hyperpedant.

>> No.14200734

They pretty much taste the same except everclear burns really hard going down because its so strong. I don't advise drinking everclear straight though, it makes you deliriously drunk and the onset it very fast. When I was in college my roommate gave me a pint of it because he took one sip and said it was horrible. At that time I was a huge alcoholic, literally putting away a handle of burbon every two days. But even with my elevated tolerance, I apparently finished that pint and a few shots of burbon within an hour and a half then blacked out. Found out later that I drove us to McDonald's doing like 90mph through active school zones at like 2pm, ordered $30 worth of shit, blew a tire on the way home and kept driving on the wheel until it warped it, stripped all my clothes off in the living room when we got back and ate about 5,000 calories worth of cheeseburgers and passed out. I woke up naked at 3am in a pile of stale vomit with no memory of what happened.

>> No.14200761

What a fucking story.

>> No.14200768

You can make your own herbal extracts and perfumes with it.

>> No.14200930

A friend drove to another state to buy everclear specifically for mixing with five parts water for jello shots. He refused to understand using lower proof with less water.

>> No.14200937
File: 326 KB, 1100x450, sneed dab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I screen capped your story anon

>> No.14200973

>At that time I was a huge alcoholic, literally putting away a handle of burbon every two days.

This reminds me that even though I don't drink daily, a handle of vodka is a three-to-four day affair for me. I could also drink everclear without wincing in college, but it was harsh.

Really need to get off nights, since they leave me in a constantly tired-but-not-sleepy state that encourages me to drink.

>> No.14200989
File: 72 KB, 727x728, 1564822431956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we're speaking of foul, I find most baijiu much, much worse than everclear.

Pic related gave a headache after the first sip.

>> No.14201007

You gotta end stories like this by saying "And lived to tell the story"

>> No.14201013

Oh shit that reminds me, I should ask this thread
What Asian liquor/beer is good?

>> No.14201018

I make limoncello out of it. I've tried it straight and I can barely swallow it. I can drink Wild Turkey 101 like it is water too.

>> No.14201143

>Asian liquor
Besides some Japanese whiskey variants, which are price-gouging regardless of their quality, I'd personally skip on other liquor variants.

>Asian beer
Not exceptional, but for a regular beer I find Taiwan Beer and Kirin Ichiban to be OK.

>> No.14201293

I just bought some to make a cannabis tincture. Used a sous vide machine to decarb the 3g of herb in a mason jar and then mixed in about 4 Oz and let it infuse for a couple more hours in the sv. Turned out really potent. There was instructions to take some sublingually but the burn wasn't worth it. 190 proof shit.