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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 152 KB, 1200x761, sv3rige.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14182836 No.14182836 [Reply] [Original]

First time posting on this board. I want to get started with high meat. Any suggestions?

In case any of you don't know:

>> No.14182842

it's something i recommend to other people but would never actually do myself.

>> No.14182843
File: 235 KB, 849x551, 1589646325081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't take advice from flat earthers

>> No.14182851

there's nothing inherently wrong with asking questions

>> No.14182852

Animals eat raw food all the time and they aren't dropping dead from food. How is he able to survive if it wasn't good for you? As long as the meat is from a quality source I don't see why it'd be comparable to flat earth.

>> No.14182857
File: 136 KB, 640x428, 363_00021000032761.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During my first year of lifting and being autistic about protein I prepared this a lot. Keep in mind I'm a pleb when it comes to food, but it tasted great.
>ground beef cooked with chopped onions
>unflavored whey
>queso cheese
>pico de gallo
>pic related

>> No.14182864

>ground beef cooked
that aint high meat son. Get your low meat shit outta here

>> No.14182883

Just realized what this thread is. Good luck with that bro

>> No.14182938

there is if you refuse to educate yourself

>> No.14182955

Asking questions is how you become more educated. Believing in a narrative on the basis of reliance on authorities over sciences is not "educating yourself." If you cannot explain the physics evidence of a round earth and do the measurements and calculations yourself to prove it, you don't actually know it. You only believe in what authorities have told you to believe. You can only become educated by finding things out for yourself and that means you have to be allowed to ask questions. I believe in a round Earth btw but I frankly don't really care and don't have definitive proof so I don't impose my worldview on others. People are allowed to test any hypothesis they want.

>> No.14182969

>You only believe in what authorities have told you to believe.
thinking like this is why you're a brainlet

>> No.14182978

This is what you believe if you REFUSE to allow anyone to try to come up with any alternative theories or question the prevailing ones. Do you realize how retarded that is? That goes against the entire philosophy of science to say that you are not allowed to question any findings that are widely accepted.

>> No.14182989

look at that hairline lmao

>> No.14183000

Keeps his hair pulled back like a Chad, doesn't even hide it. Has a qt raw meat eating gf too

>> No.14183080

Fuck off toothless

>> No.14183102

As long as it was caned and salted I don't see the problem

>> No.14183233

raw meat is great for you teeth you stupid vegan

>> No.14183238

no its not you fucking moron

>> No.14183253

yes it is you stupid retard look it up

>> No.14183259

Says toothless

>> No.14183265

The problem is we can EASILY disprove the flat earth theory, unless you think satellites are also bullshit, and spaceX, NASA, JAXA, ESA, CNSA, and Roscosmos are all in cahoots to lie about it.

It's so fucking smooth brain that I can never take you seriously if you legitimately think it's even in the real of possibility that the earth could be flat.

>> No.14183270
File: 262 KB, 388x450, Screen Shot 2020-06-01 at 10.42.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is your body on veganism

>> No.14183276

Your lack of reading comprehension is stupefying

>> No.14183279
File: 52 KB, 474x350, 2020-06-01 22_45_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could start a new civilization on that forehead.

>> No.14183286

that glorious dome houses a raw-meat-fed, western-civilization-building cerebrum capable of transcending the astral plane when fueled by the highest of high meats

>> No.14183297

Smart man.


>> No.14183403

Gaddis is bat-shit crazy but I can't stop watching his videos.

>> No.14183414

I stopped watching him awhile ago because it was repetitive, but wasn't Luna pregnant? Just looking at his channel I don't see anything about a baby.

>> No.14183423

Toothless is a vegan thing tho.

>> No.14183424

I'm not sure if they show the baby. If they do it is on those 4+ hour streams they started doing and I don't watch those. He drinks the shit out of Luna's milk though, he says it is the best milk he has ever had.

>> No.14183426
File: 788 KB, 567x563, suet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Fucking this. Did you see his latest what I eat in a day video where he drinks yogurt made out of his gfs breast milk? I think he gives it to her to try also. Bruh he crazy but its hard to look away. I wish he'd do less vegan react vids and more of his psychotic rambling in the woods with heavy metal music.

>> No.14183427

I would too, goddamn.

>> No.14183432

>He drinks the shit out of Luna's milk though, he says it is the best milk he has ever had.
holy based

>> No.14183434

Yes. Sv3rige half naked ramblings in the woods and eating offal at vegan protests is my jam.

>> No.14183521

there's something wrong with being retarded

>> No.14183550
File: 1.09 MB, 499x499, 1580484294528.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol this dumbass thought high meat means a meat-heavy diet! What a fucking idiot! Everyone point and laugh!

>> No.14183830

>he drinks yogurt made out of his gfs breast milk?
i know very little about this man but this doesn't sound all that crazy, especially considering what else is in this thread

>> No.14183831

they look the same

>> No.14183837
File: 192 KB, 1000x1462, best-homemade-oven-beef-jerky-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad got some homemade jerky from a friend and my god was it addicting. I want to make my own but have no clue how to start, if I need to buy a smoker, etc.

>> No.14183852

buy a dehydrator. literally all you need. once you make your first batch you'll never buy jerky again

>> No.14183930

is high meat supposed to actually have psychoactive effects or does he just mean he feels good? like a runner's high or dude weed?

>> No.14184096

please stop responding to trolls

>> No.14184626

>asking questions is retarded
>supporting a man's freedom to ask questions and test hypotheses is trolling

>> No.14184632

I haven't tried it myself but everybody on youtube claims that indeed it has a mild psychoactive effect

>> No.14184705

anything to think about when buying one? high/low wattage? cost?

>> No.14184726

Most of those animals have parasites and people who follow diets like this get food poisoning but claim it's just their body cleansing itself. You can survive for a long time on shitty diets, especially with modern medicine.

You should probably be wary of anyone pushing more extreme diets like this, it's not that uncommon for people to do things like that as a way to deal with other personal issues they have but don't want to face. Supposedly sv3rige randomly stabbed a bunch of people when he was younger, and along with all the other crazy shit he does, doesn't make him seem trustworthy. He's right that a vegan diet isn't ideal but you don't have to go to the opposite extreme either when a balance usually works better.

>> No.14184735

How would eating regular raw meat give you food poisoning? I understand if it was fermented but regular meat is regular meat. As long as the meat is clean then it's fine. Lots of cultures eat raw meat.

>> No.14184748

Just YouTube jerky in the oven

>> No.14184760

cultures that do eat raw meat are used it, if you try it and youve never eaten it you probs get ill

>> No.14184763

By what mechanism would I get ill

>> No.14184764


>> No.14184814

not that dude, but probably some bacteria and parasites. Honestly, its probably not as bad as people say, and as you point out there are cultures that heavily rely on raw meat. That being said inuit and the like generally have shitty lives compared to modern standards and theres probably a reason we started cooking meat in the first place. we also have a pretty long lifespan compared to most carnivorous mammals. pursonally im going to to stick to susji and rare steaks with the occasional tartare or ceviche. its my personal policy to not listen to youtube weirdos also- very untrustworthy sources

>> No.14184831

When apes started eating meat they got smarter

>> No.14184854

The problem is that he doesn't ask questions, he makes assertions.
He says:
>Planes DON'T fly upside down. (you WOULD sense it)
as opposed to:
>Do planes fly upside down? Why don't we sense it?
One of these is a question that can be researched and answered. The other is an assertion that pushes an assumption.

>> No.14184866

Most animals are full of parasites. Modern humans are among the few animals for whom it's not normal to be constantly full of parasites. Native Americans were noted to have lots of parasites. Probably didn't cook all their food.

>> No.14184875

fucking this man

>> No.14184896

a hypothesis isn't a question retard

>> No.14185030


Yes when people eat bacteria that is foreign to them they may get ill like when tourists drink water in Mexico. There are less extreme examples of this as well where someone can go from one first world nation to another part of that first world nation or to another first world nation and get ill simply because they are not used to certain bacterias in different geographical locations and local foods. Your body fights off the bacteria and after that you are fine. You could certainly eat clean raw fish or raw milk for the first time and get ill not because there is something wrong with the foods but because your body is not used to ingesting these things. This is particularly true for people who eat nothing that isn't pasteurized or otherwise processed, who eat no cultured or fermented foods, few raw foods not even egg in salad dressing, meticulously keep everything in tupperware containers in the fridge and throw it out if it's sat outside of the fridge for an hour, and only eat a very limited scope of foods in general. Lots of Americans are like this. My family was growing up, and my dad would get sick from anything that wasn't sterile. That is NOT healthy. Your body should be strong and able to fight off relatively non-threatening bacterias that are naturally present in clean foods that come from healthy plants and animals.

>> No.14185068

I think if it were your own livestock that you raised yourself, you probably wouldn't be as worried. It would be unwise to eat a wild animal raw especially any kind of wild swine. Certain types of fish might be safer than others, but if you don't have the knowledge of which fish are okay during which season/life cycle then you could get serious parasites. You don't know what they've been eating and if they've been displaying symptoms of illness as you would if you raised them on your own. But if you can guarantee that they've been raised properly, are healthy at time of slaughter, and that the meat has been handled properly, then there shouldn't be a problem with the raw meat. I had never heard about high meat, but if we can rot/ferment other things give that they are clean and fermented in a clean environment, then it follows that this may be possible and healthy to do with flesh as well. But I would not go out and buy typical supply chain meat to try this out. Stick to suppliers that you trust to have the cleanest, healthiest animals or your own livestock.