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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14135519 No.14135519[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>the only thing i look forward to each day is food
anyone else feels the same way? and no im not fat im normal weight

>> No.14135534

honestly, man, yeah.
At night, I think about what I am gonna eat for breakfast and get real excited. The anon who redpilled me on rice instead of toast for breakfast is a fucking god.

>> No.14135549

Do what I do, collect and trade funkos.

>> No.14135568

I don't even look forward to food

>> No.14135575
File: 59 KB, 960x882, cmon-now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no im not fat im normal weight
that's what all fatties say. find a hobby, tubs.

>> No.14135595

No. I look forward to when the cute cashier brushes the tips of my fingers while giving me my change, affecting a smile the whole time. It's the only thing that makes me feel good. Even the alcohol is just a way to dull my senses and drift into sleep more smoothly.

>> No.14135625


>> No.14135627

Nah I kinda hate being awake because it's getting more unbearable to cope with all of my mistakes but eating is indeed the highlight of my day.

>> No.14135681

Thats why I bought some land on the cheap and grow my own food. Why work for thing I dont want?

>> No.14135693

>normal weight
Normal human, or normal american?
Also, you look forward to the whole food thing, like cooking, all the culture and drama about it? Or do you simply look to stuff you mouth with something carby and fatty?
If first, it's a nice hobby, but may be you need to try some new things and seek a new direction. Try finding something that interests you.
If second, then, shit, you have depression. Get that shit looked at, or it will seriously make you life miserable and you may end up offing yourself, and after that there's no more food for you. Only eternal torture of the soul in the fiery depths of hell.

>> No.14135762

>i really like eating crap
>hmm you must be depressed
mental health is such a meme

>> No.14135776

Overeating crap food while not having interest in anything is a pretty good sign. It becomes the only dopamine resource, which is bad.

>> No.14135781

thanks doc. hey just wondering I think about killing myself sometimes, what SSRIs should I try?

>> No.14135787

yup. my family is cancer, i have no friends and ever since i quit drugs food is the only nice thing i have in my life.

>> No.14135908

same but I'm trying to lose weight and get ripped so it's extra hard
fuck this gay lockdown there's nothing else to do

>> No.14135917

no, I hate having to find ways to feed me. If I could I would just eat a pill each day that provides all I need. I thought learning to cook might help me. There are a few nice surprises every now and then but it's still effort. Sometimes I think about switching to a raw whole foods diet just so I can cut out prep time completely

>> No.14135921

I look forward to my morning bowl of microwaved oats every night. Nothing compares.

>> No.14136138

how do you make your oats exactly? I tried getting into them and while I didn't dislike it it didn't beat chocolate cereal for me.

>> No.14136145

Quarantine shit is making it hard to enjoy anything else, don’t feel bad OP

>> No.14136151

One of my close friends is like this. But he's obsessed with staying in shape. So food is like this huge forbidden pleasure to him that he rarely gets to enjoy, whereas I just don't fuckin' think about it. I can happily go days without eating.

Unfortunately not the same for alcohol. If I'm not drinking, I'm thinking about drinking.

>> No.14136152

now try rice pudding (milky rice with cinnamon).. thank me later

>> No.14136170

My day peaks when I have eggs for brekkie and everything after that is shite/neutral.

>> No.14136181

Only if ready-made tv dinners weren't shit, i could stop wasting time on cooking

>> No.14136216

Cooking keeps me from drinking until later in the day since I don't like cooking or making food from scratch when I'm drunk. Generally feeling a bit better since I usually don't open my first beer until dinner now.

>> No.14136266

>tfw almost out of eggs
>saving them for as long as possible
>don't feel passionate about eating anything else
i'm going to starve not because i didn't prep but because i think death is less boring than oatmeal

>> No.14137537

I feel you anon, I've been extending my workouts just so I can eat more. Maybe that doesn't sound like a bad thing, but it's kinda fucked the more I think about it.

>> No.14137577 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 500x596, 760616 - adjusting_glasses alice_margatroid bespectacled blonde_hair blue_eyes glasses megumiya smile solo touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds like anhedonia, Anonymous.
The inability to enjoy things you previously found enjoyable.
You may be looking for food as a coping mechanism.

What's stressing you out, my friend?

>> No.14137581 [DELETED] 

It's quite true. That's one of the biggest things people who are depressed do.
Soloft is the most well tolerated in general.

>> No.14137617

Not him but this whole looming economic collapse business has me a bit tweaked. Also being mostly stuck inside sucks. If I could hit the gym and sauna during this while getting neetbux it would be awesome.

>> No.14137620

I look forward to sleep, because it symbolizes one less day to be here on this earth

>> No.14137642 [DELETED] 
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Oh, well, I work in finance <4
I can help you with that at least!
We're not in an economic collapse <4
Don't you feel better now?

Alright, obviously, I'd need to explain this in detail, but we can look towards other events to see what can be done, what is being done, and why what we're doing is working: the flu of 1918 and the Great Depression.

The flu of 1918 was very similar to this one; it had a high mortality rate, it was easily spread, and we did social distancing in order to stop the climb, flatten curves, etc. The difference, of course, is that modern medicine was literally 100 years behind where it is now, and that the flu of 1918 had no asymptomatic period.
We were able to lock down movement, and while a second wave was much more deadly than the first, with adequate lock downs we were able to overcome it.
Did the lockdown harm the economics? Only temporarily: we had a U shaped curve sort of recovery, and it would have been a LOT worse without the lockdowns: the economy cannot recover with dramatically reduced labor after all!
The flu of 1918 lead to the roaring 20's.
So while there will be a lot of hard ship and things to get through, we CAN get through it.

>> No.14137646 [DELETED] 
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So, our economy is showing signs we're heading towards a recession or maybe even a depression. Notably, unemployment is up.

Now, obviously, it's bad to have unemployment as bad as The Great Depression, and a lot of problems will inevitably occur from it.
I'm not saying there will not be hard times.

But we have a LOT more economic levers to pull this time: the Great Depression was substantially increased by austerity mechanisms and a lack of ability to influence or ramp up business.
We're not really facing that now: a lot of businesses will fail, but we're not seeing across the board decreases in capacity like we did in the Great Depression, and we're seeing active market interventions that should smooth out the harm caused by it.
Yes, our debt is now much higher, but we're more than able to pay off the principle, and we're in a situation VERY similar to post WWII, where EVERYONE is kind of messed up so debt interest payments are not really a concern.

We've gotten through this before
We know how to get through this
We know how to prevent the worst cases
We're not approaching the worst cases
And our worst worst case (The Great Depression) occured because we weren't doing what we're doing now.

So sit tight. Try not to go stir crazy. We're in this together.

>> No.14138676
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>morning bowl
>every night

>> No.14139804

I genuinely agree
Cooking is the only hobby I have which still feels great to just execute. Even playing vidya can feel like I'm doing a chore to get a reward sometimes but every aspect of cooking is just satisfying.

>> No.14139857

I fuck hot guys
Blast HUGE loads
Not even gay

Simple as

>> No.14140085
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Yeah, me too. I also think about killing myself all day everyday lol

>> No.14140750

Are you me?

>> No.14140827

>exited for daily meal
>spend a lot of time thinking what i'm going to eat tomorrow
>be bored and just want to eat
>not even fat
yeah I'm there

>> No.14140831

Fapping, working out and food are the only reasons I haven't offed myself yet.

>> No.14141395

I look forward to tuning into the voice chat in my furry discord servers and playing roulettes in Ff14 with my friends.