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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 618 KB, 2259x3014, Mexicoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14127903 No.14127903 [Reply] [Original]

Ah yes the superior version of coke

>> No.14129964

More like any coke not from the USA

>> No.14129969

Diet Coke in a can is the superior choice

>> No.14129972

>diet or zero anything
gross chemical junk

>> No.14129977

>science bad

>> No.14129982

Regular coke is full of chemicals too bro. Diet Coke is more palatable because it isn't sweet

>> No.14129993

Why the fuck would you drink coke if you don't like sweet stuff? Sugar coke is just objectively the better option. Water should be your all day drink and soda should be an occasional treat.

>> No.14129994

it has a weird aftertaste that i dont like

>> No.14130060

Diet Coke is intended to replace water. I'm still not sure if it's safe, your body produces insulin to break down sugar which isn't there, and aspartame becomes formaldehyde at 31°c. There's natural things like stevia is probably better. Do see a lot of obese people walking and eating chips whilst drinking diet cokes.

>> No.14130066

>Do see a lot of obese people walking and eating chips whilst drinking diet cokes.
No, you don't.

>> No.14130108

Sugar substitutes like aspartame have a disgusting chemical taste.

>> No.14130157

Grew up drinking it. I've been conditioned and regular Coke is too much.

>> No.14130222

Diet Coke is intended to replace normal coke, you tard.

>> No.14130301

I mean yeah I guess the glass bottle is cool but it's still just Coke.

>> No.14130360

I'll be sure and photograph them as I come across them, just for you

>> No.14130378 [DELETED] 
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>sugar bad

>> No.14130385

Not saying that, just saying it's easier to drink things that aren't extremely sugary. I could care less about the health effects of a soda.

>> No.14130409

You COULD care less? So you do care

>> No.14130414
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>> No.14130429

Lol, I concede

>> No.14130430


where are the peanuts?

>> No.14131225

Am I crazy? Why does glass bottled cola taste better than canned cola?

>> No.14131249

For a long time the only glass bottling plant left in North America was the Mexican plant, where they still used cane sugar instead of corn syrup.
I think they started bottling in glass in the USA to capitalize on the hype a few years ago though so it could just be in your head.

Next Passover, find a bottle of kosher Coke (yellow cap) and compare.

>> No.14131268

I'm in UK though.

>> No.14131283

Then it's all in your head.

>> No.14131484

>Diet Coke is intended to replace water
are you high

>> No.14131494

Most things taste better out of a bottle, cans taste metallicy

>> No.14131519

This. I crave for the moment when diet versions of coke or pepsi actually taste like the real thing.

>> No.14131520


>> No.14131536

Cans have had liners in them to prevent that since the 70s granpa

>> No.14131593

Sugar is bad tho

>> No.14131598

Tell that to any beerdrinkers tastebuds zoomer

>> No.14131650

>live in a country with a "sugar tax"
>literally every drink aside from coke has become undrinkable swill over the past 2 years because "muh children"
Pisses me off so much. Fuck diet garbage, fuck fake sugar, and fuck the government for doing this shit.

>> No.14131654

Bundaberg root beer is undrinkable now. Curiosity cola is the only one that stayed nice

>> No.14131656 [DELETED] 
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>Sugar is bad tho

>> No.14131687

Diet coke can be drank all day without any (apparent) unhealthiness
drink diet coke instead of what you should be normally doing, drinking water. I don't have to be high I've a hole in my head, nigger

>> No.14131785

Yeah, good luck with that one buddy.

I used to drink a 2 liter bottle of fucking pepsi max a day, and then one day I just got sick of drinking all that garbage, and quit cold turkey.

Did water taste awful for the first few days? Absolutely. But you get used to it, and then you start enjoying it.

Now I only drink real soda very occasionally, instead of drinking fake soda all the time.

>> No.14131801

If beerdrinkers had decent tastebuds they wouldn't drink pisswasser now would they

>> No.14132587

>junk food is meant to replace prepared food
Yeah you're fucking retarded

>> No.14132604

yeah libs have been trying to push that shit in canada, may as well just fucking give out rations if they want to decide what I put in my body.
bundaberg root beer was undrinkable before

>> No.14132610

>imagine drinking anything but water

>> No.14132613

They already decide what goes into your body, what with all the government health inspections and food regulations keeping you from getting botulism.

>> No.14132642

please explain what the positive effects of botulism are. sugar is not a dangerous or infectious substance unless not used in moderation. there is no moderate way to consume pus in milk other than in trace amounts, which is not the same as moderating your milk intake. adults should be allowed to make decisions for themselves, even if they're dangerous

>> No.14132650

Not with universal healthcare they shouldn't. You have a responsibility to your fellow taxpayers not to burden the healthcare system overmuch.

>> No.14132661

whatever bootlicker, enjoy your shithole

>> No.14133743


>> No.14133746

if you don't like artificial sweeteners you're basically rejecting science. take off the tin-foil hat and join us sane people with a diet coke.

>> No.14134040
File: 20 KB, 250x246, Hokuto_no_Trumppu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Drinking beaner water

>> No.14134052
File: 30 KB, 620x349, irn-bru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coke is still an inferior soda

>> No.14134078

I tried this for the first time recently. My burps tasted like dog food and for some reason I was overcome by fatigue fifteen minutes later.

>> No.14134083

it does not produce insulin you retard that would ruin the whole point of it being sugar free

>> No.14134130

Based. Raising prices slightly to accommodate the tax would have had only slightly reduced sales, but greedy CEOs couldn't risk their KPI bonuses for the integrity of the company.

>> No.14134153

Tinfoil hat implies a conspiracy of some sort.
Fake sugar just doesn't taste any good.
Except Xylitol, that tastes fine. And gives you the shits.

>> No.14134175
File: 132 KB, 1140x918, bean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You called?

>> No.14134261

taxing sugar is a regressive tax, any actually economically woke libs wouldn't actually support a regressive tax. too bad the left platform is all about identity politics now

>> No.14134264

Coke Zero is close enough

>> No.14134270

You don't know what the left is, and complaining about idpol is a form of reactionary idpol

>> No.14134331

Lol no.

>> No.14134341

educate us please

>> No.14134371

aspartame doesn't produce insulin itself and that's not what was said, learn to read before you start throwing stones in glasshouses you fuckwit

>> No.14134379

>your body produces insulin to break down sugar which isn't there,
>and that's not what was said
Stupid fucking bitch id gut you alive

>> No.14134396

The aspartame is treated by the body as a sugar. The body produces insulin to break down the aspartame which isn't sugar (which isn't there).
Nigger, do you wear velcro shoes?

>> No.14134425
File: 26 KB, 380x445, nr. 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me?!

>> No.14134429

So again you failed fucking abortion. No insulin is produced.

>> No.14134457

Aspartame is metabolized through gluconeogenesis of amino acids and the production of monoamines. Your body will make glucose out of it just like table sugar except now you're also increasing your nitrogenous waste.

The benefit of aspartame is that it's about 200 times sweeter than sucrose so you can cut down on calories in theory. In practice though gluttons just numb their sense of taste and double down on sugar to reach the same sweetness they've become addicted to from sugar substitutes.

>> No.14134478

Your body does not make glucose out of aspartame.

>> No.14134480

Aspartame is a dipeptode of phenylalanine and aspartate. Aspartate is broken down in gluconeogenesis.

>> No.14134481

Anyone who prefers this is pretending and a self-hating liberal

>> No.14134484

it is not made into glucose. Thanks for playing.

>> No.14134487

What? If anything Diet Coke is 10x sweeter than regular sugar coke.

>> No.14134488

Why are you so sure? This is basic biochemistry.

>> No.14134495

Why am I so sure of the truth? Because it is?

>> No.14134496

I don't drink diet much but I would assume the goal is to make it the same sweetness with less calories. Though with aspartame you could make it much sweeter and still lower calories.

>> No.14134500

Are you denying that aspartame is a dipeptide or that amino acids are broken down in gluconeogenesis?

>> No.14134507

Yeah no matter how many times you pretentiously state that, it isn't broken down into glucose, k?

>> No.14134511

I don't mean to be condescending, I genuinely want to understand you. Do you understand what gluconeogenesis is?

>> No.14134514

I didn't say you were condescending, i said you were pretentious which you are. Sorry to disappoint you.

>> No.14134518

>pretentiously state that
being correct isn't pretentious, if you don't understand what he's saying maybe you should actually learn about what you are trying to smugly act correct about even though you're wrong

>> No.14134521

You can stop pretending to be someone else. Its very cringe

>> No.14134522


Aspartame is made of aspartate. Aspartate is made into glucose. I can't make this anymore straightforward.

>> No.14134531

Aspartame is also made of phenylalanine and methanol, all of which are then broken down into formaldehyde or dopamine. Thanks for playing again

>> No.14134534

I don't understand why you want to die on this hill. I can only assume you have an unhealthy dependence on diet soda, and need tell yourself you can drink as much of it as you want.

>> No.14134538

Why do you make character assumptions about someone because you're wrong? Very immature

>> No.14134540

>Methyl L-α-aspartyl-L-phenylalaninate
You see that aspartyl part?

>> No.14134543

Yeah, that still has nothing to do with what I said, but okay?

>> No.14134544

The Post

>> No.14134545

Is this a bot? You append every post with a bizarre passive aggressive remark.

>> No.14134546

Totally dude

>> No.14134547

Good we're getting somewhere! Aspartame is made of aspartate. Aspartate is converted into glucose via gluconeogenesis. Therefore aspartame is converted into glucose!

>> No.14134574

That effect quickly vanishes when you eat it more often. But yeah, agreed. Xylitol is best. It also has that slight cooling effect.

>> No.14134576

Aspartate is not converted into glucose, it is converted into amino acids that serve other bodily and neurological functions. Gluconeogenesis is not a primary functioning of glucose synthesis. You should probably expand your knowledge outside Wikipedia University

>> No.14134586

Hey guys super serious genius here, this thing that has no transient or postprandial effects on insulin or glucose totally unleashes them and makes you fat mkay

>> No.14134589

>Gluconeogenesis is not a primary functioning of glucose synthesis.
You are a retard.

>> No.14134603

It's made into glucose, it's going to increase insulin levels. The benefit of aspartame is that you can use 200x less of it to achieve the same sweetness so you consume less calories if you drink the same amount of soda.

>> No.14134606

Ooh. You're really showing me, tiger. Better luck next time

>> No.14134613

Sorry, we're well past declarative statements of stupidity and doctorates in internet searches. Gonna need the peer reviewed double blind RCT's

>> No.14134648

This is basic biochemistry. It's common knowledge. Glycogen stores run out in ~7 hours, it's why we eat 3 times a day. Whenever you're burning fat, you're doing gluconeogenesis using whatever sources are available including glucogenic amino acids like aspartate.

>> No.14134715


>> No.14135047
File: 292 KB, 950x1200, america-when-feminized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing quite like a regular Coke in a cup with ice. Also fuck the Freestyle machines, everything comes out tasting like a mix if all 9,000 artificial flavors since it all goes through the same spigot (flushing it with water does nothing).