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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 303 KB, 380x800, dickel bib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14113723 No.14113723 [Reply] [Original]

Try to keep the autism to a minimum.

Post what you bought recently, what it tasted like, and if you enjoyed it.

>> No.14113744
File: 1.45 MB, 1504x2256, img_2082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this meme out of curiosity. It's decent but not worth the price.

>> No.14113748

reddit meme whiskey

>> No.14113752

Yes, good job repeating what I already said.

>> No.14113754


Do you have any clue how stupid you sound?

>> No.14113756

notice he admitted it was a meme

It's good enough, but doesn't deserve the cult status it enjoys. Elmer T. Lee is the only non-antique-collection BT that's worth the hype.

>> No.14113975
File: 135 KB, 1024x873, wild-turkey-rare-breed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to try a new bourbon
>never as good as rare breed even if it was double the price
I don't know why I even bother buying anything else.

>> No.14113987

I like dickel, it's my go to

>> No.14114002

I get off probation in 2 weeks. Im going to get so fucking shitfaced.

>> No.14114021

You should probably reevaluate your life first.

>> No.14114027

Best part about this is the bottle it comes in.

>> No.14114029

>try to keep the autism to a minimum

No such thing on this board, my man.

>> No.14114044


I recently bought a bottle of Smirnoff vodka & despite how nasty it normally tastes it was surprisingly nice.

>> No.14114046

You ever wonder if the reason you're on probation is because you do stuff like that?

>> No.14114279

shhh don't let the normies know, it's already becoming harder to find

>> No.14114352
File: 44 KB, 490x490, rowan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just being the best bourbon under 40 bucks

>> No.14114442

Mellow Corn.

$15 at my shop and it’s a solid B.I.B. to mix with whatever.

>> No.14114455

Dickel is the best TN sipping whisky.
Walks all over JD.

>> No.14114469
File: 161 KB, 546x1159, old-grand-dad-114-proof-bourbon-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've decided to give pic related a try and am gonna pick a bottle up tomorrow. I'm doubtful that it's as good as the reviews claim it is given its lower price, but I'll find out!

>> No.14114475

I have this in my liquor cabinet. The only thing that comes close is Four Roses Single Barrel

>> No.14114511

I've seen this mentioned here many times so I'm going to try it. What is it that you like about it?

>> No.14114545

Got a bottle of the peated Balvenie 14 as a gift. It's good but not my favorite. I still have a hard time getting much flavors beyond the smoke in peated whisky.

>> No.14114557
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Love drinking this tequila! It is tasty and pretty cheap. I know the branding is ~edgy~ but this is a fantastic tequila for summertime kick backs.

I would be interested to hear if anyone knows some other good tequilas as I am going to vacation at a friends summer house soon and wanted to bring a large bottle of something.

>> No.14114568

I find I can't taste shit in peated whiskeys unless I serve them in a lowball and give them a drop of water

Although balvenie is smooth and flavorless by design

I like Dulce Vida because it's some of the only tequila not proofed at 80. Even their anejo/extra anejo is 50%. It's not hotter/more alcoholic on the palate in my opinion, just more flavorful.

>> No.14114928
File: 399 KB, 2160x1216, larceny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this for my birthday, its retarded smooth for the proof, kinda dry, some sweetness, dense. The Green Label is really good and insanely drinkable.

>> No.14115020

It's a nice bottle.

>> No.14115492

I'm mainly a scotch drinker. The only bourbon I've had is pleb shit like Maker's Mark and Woodford Reserve and neither of them wowed me. What is the logical next step in bourbon after this?

>> No.14115517

Jack, tastes and smells like being 17 and blackout drunk.

>> No.14116338

as a pleb who only drank the casual stuff and only likes Jameson - what else would you recommend me to try next?

I don't like sweet stuff, in fact I like Jameson for that almost apple-like acidity that it has.

>> No.14116356
File: 33 KB, 694x572, 9F34E715-437A-4236-A18C-7C589692C695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw on meds so haven’t had a pour in like 2 weeks
I guess this proves I’m not alcoholic, right bros

>> No.14116605

Try Glenfiddich 12. I personally think it's disgusting, but it tastes almost exactly like sour green apples and might be a good intro to scotch.

>> No.14116614


>tfw nothing under 90 proof gets me drunk anymore

>> No.14116646

Sounds like you should try some ryes.

>> No.14116648

>placed an order for 20 bottles at an online shop
>they don't respond to emails or calls
thank fuck i didn't pay in advance.

>> No.14117528

Its pretty great for the price and once it decants in the bottle some it gets sweeter

>> No.14117551

Bought four bottles of Svedka vodka last week to drink with Squirts. I still have 2 1/2 left so I'm not too fucked up.

>> No.14117564

I can't get too drunk because I might have to deal with shambling zombies.

>> No.14117569


some fag bought all the Maker's barrel proof at my local liquor store the same day it released, so I've been waiting on this one to hit the shelf to curb me over.

>> No.14117587
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>> No.14117591

Maybe some hoarding fag?

>> No.14117607

I guess, this is the first time this has happened for maker's though. Typically stays on the shelf for at least a month or two.

>> No.14117619

What I'd do if I knew the people that owned the store is just ask them to set one or two aside for me.

>> No.14117641

They even let me go through their wholesale catalog sometimes when I'm looking for obscure stuff.

>> No.14117667
File: 49 KB, 496x744, jim-beam-vs-jack-daniels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought these to have with coke and to compare them side by side. How have I never noticed how sweet/banana Jack is? It's pretty good desu, doubt it'll replace my go to drinks

>> No.14117681

>female detected

>> No.14117689

If you think Jack's tastes like banana you should try some rums

>> No.14117713

I absolutely hate the banana flavor that Jack has.

>> No.14117727
File: 64 KB, 400x225, jjjjjjjjjj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a girl I just like sweet and fruity drinks...sometimes
I do drink rum, just mainly navy rum which isn't that fruity. Used to drink Captain Morgans when I was a teenager though.

>> No.14117730
File: 343 KB, 900x1200, japan_hib11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this worth $80? Noticed that it's available near me and thought I might buy it and save it for when my palate is a little better.

>> No.14117746

It's a flavor bomb. The spice coming from the high rye content and the high proof aren't for everyone but it's a miracle of the universe for those of us who like intensely flavored, strong whisky.

>> No.14117795

Same, it tastes like the shitty mike & ike's synthetic banana

It has no business being 80, but back when it was 40 it was a solid value
Give it a try, just because it's hard to find.

>> No.14117904

Might as well ask here because it's the most relevant thread.

Is it worth it to take a quick bartending course for the hell of it and just general knowledge? I basically know nothing of drinks or alcohol for the most part. Two of my friends wanted to go with me and it seems like a fun way to spend 2 weeks.

>> No.14117945


just buy/download Liquid Intelligence or any other of the numerous cocktail books, and practice. Bartender courses are a waste of money, 90% of your clients at any bar without a specialty menu will order either an old fashioned, a margarita, a mojito, a vodka + juice, or a whiskey + coke.

>> No.14118002

I don't even know why colleges exist anymore other than to brainwash people into being communists.
The near entirety of human knowledge is available to everyone via the internet. There's no fucking reason for most classes.

>> No.14118064
File: 684 KB, 1000x1000, 11931336966174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought this. Haven't opened it yet so I'll wait until Friday to see how it is.

>> No.14118105

Rare breed is the shit

>> No.14118117

I tried it out, it turned out to be more of a novelty thing than anything worth $80+
It was 100% not worth the japanese pretense.

>> No.14118259

>honey Jack Daniels
Fucking disgusting, almost as bad as Southern Comfort
>Taylor Fladgate 2015 vintage port
Breddy gud/10
>Hokkan Yuga daiginjo sake
Very good, fine sake but I think I actually prefer cheap-ass low grade Hakutsuru junmai

>> No.14118278
File: 36 KB, 299x600, 201908269_rabbit_hole_heigold_kentucky_straight_bourbon_whiskey_shadow_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Local place (I'm in Louisville). It's excellent.

>> No.14118529

>actually opening a 2015 bottle of vintage port in 2020
wtf you doing
bad anon

>> No.14118569

>work in a whisky distillery
>actually dont like to drink that much

>> No.14118592

Thanks for sharing

>> No.14118597

oh shid
I'm very new to port and I wanna drink it, what am I supposed to do?

>> No.14118698

>Vintage ports may be aged in barrels or stainless steel for a maximum of two and a half years before bottling, and generally require another 10 to 40 years of aging in the bottle before reaching what is considered a proper drinking age.

>> No.14118708


>> No.14118711

I thought this was pretty okay for the price

>> No.14118714

Max I'd pay for it is $60. It's good though.

>> No.14118776

>another 10 to 40 years
Fuck that

>> No.14119067

buy port that's already been aged, you can get a 2000 warres otima for 100 bucks, which is about the going price of a 2016/2017 vintage port

or just buy tawny/ruby port, which don't require aging

>> No.14119080

Yeah I usually get tawny, local liquor stores have pretty mediocre port selection but I'll see what I can find, thanks m8

>> No.14119148
File: 27 KB, 512x512, bf88b1d1fa564daeac432361b9ebc4f9_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Booker's actually worth $80?

>> No.14119175

It's better than blanton's, but there's a lot of batch variation
the most recent batch was very good and definitely worth 80
some of them have been kinda thin and shout have been more in the ballpark of 40-50

>> No.14119184

dickel 12 is good quality at an affordable price. it's a good sipping whiskey really and you don't need any water to open it up unlike other whiskeys at that price range. it's a smooth and sweet whiskey with a strong vanilla smell and taste

>> No.14119190

I would just try different whiskeys to see what it is that you're into. Maybe you would be more into different malt whiskeys from around the world if you're curious about getting "deeper" into this stuff.

If you want recs for things that taste similar to Jameson, well your next stops should be single pot still Irish whiskey like Redbreast and the spot line from Midleton. Then afterwards try single malt scotches from Auchentoshan distillery, as that's a Scotch distillery founded originally by Irish refugees that does an Irish-style influenced scotch (triple distilled, very light, tropical fruit and vanilla palate, and so on).

>> No.14119211

Kek, of course OP bought something with dick in the name and enjoyed it. What a faggot.

>> No.14119226

I forget which batch it was, but I had one that tasted to me just like a perfect fire roasted marshmallow. I loved it and drank way to much that night because it was 60+ percent? Either way I loved it and would take that for $80 any day of the week.

>> No.14119283

Its a shame because its really good but not when places are changing $90 for it since people drove up the price. I got a select bottle from a place I trust and holy shit was it good. Still worth it for that and they only charged me $75.

>> No.14119495

It's very mild, like all Jap whisky. The price is a meme. Never pay more than $75 for a Japanese whisky and never buy a Japanese whisky under 80 proof.

>> No.14119497
File: 49 KB, 598x574, 1589667225694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

americans believe that charging more than 1 dollar per lb of beef is usury but they'll gladly pay top dollar for something that tastes like paint thinner and oak.

>> No.14119501

The average person has zero agency and will not work unless ordered to do so on pain of nebulous social consequences.

>> No.14119506

Now go ahead and post your favorite whisky, ironyfag.

>> No.14119514

talisker 10, it costs 45 bucks and blows that bottle of corn juice out of the water

>> No.14119527

>the talisker corn juice guy thinks his opinions are worth the electricity they're printed on
You are welcome to sip my dick, nigger

>> No.14119538
File: 85 KB, 822x832, 1548970189752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fast banjo music ensues

>> No.14119565
File: 2.48 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2020-05-20-19-45-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He'll fuckin' yeah borther

>> No.14119567

Decent for $15 bucks. Nothing special. I was expecting worse.

>> No.14119570

Nah. 50 to 60 yes. I only buy it on sale

>> No.14119575
File: 134 KB, 750x563, Rebel-Yell-100-Bourbon-Whiskey-750x563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.14119756

are you a rebel, anon?

>> No.14119866

My Four Roses singlebarrel tastes like paint thinner with char. Wild Turkey is so much better and more affordable.

>> No.14119879

you are all being memed

>> No.14119883

I keep a bottle of standard rebel yell for cocktails and such. good deal

>> No.14119893

>tons of great booze of many types out there
>/ck/ only ever drinks scotch and bourbon

>> No.14119910

So what if I am?

>> No.14119919

There are rum/beer/alcohol threads all the time ding dong. Why did you come into a whiskey specific thread to make this proclamation?

>> No.14119940

OP didn't say whiskey only and the general spirits threads hardly ever talk about anything else

>> No.14119947

This is the "whisk(e)y/alochol discussion thread", just just whisky in particular.

>> No.14120082

If you had the option to get filthy rich off of billionaire Chinese and retard accountants from America, you would too. Most of my friends don't give a shit about any of this stuff. I consider it a vice that I know anything about it at all

>> No.14120104

You have no idea just how much I hate the Chinese.

>> No.14120643

got the bottle and am enjoying a glass. It's nice and has some real character to it. similar to WT101 but with more punch. Really good value

>> No.14120690

scotch and bourbon are the two most popular types of booze

Nobody's stopping you from posting about cognac/whatever you want though.

>> No.14120959
File: 93 KB, 960x1920, fayf4ks74wnsfqlv4yxe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for the hot takes, I looked up the current granny batch and it didn't look like people were too hot on it. I went with a bottle of Old Grand-Dad Bonded instead.

>> No.14121048

Dont waste the money, it's worth half that at best. It's a forgettable sipper. Reminds me of famous grouse but a bit more flowery and less watered down.

>> No.14121059 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14121105

Espolon is fucking great, it blows my mind that normies blow $50/bottle on Patron when this is half the price and just as good, if not better.

>> No.14121114

thanks for spreading corona, kike nigger

>> No.14121179

Jesus Christ why can't my wife do this

>> No.14121244
File: 498 KB, 500x208, source (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any wheated bourbons under $60 that aren't shit or did Pappy Van Winkle hype successfully price out anything worth buying?

>> No.14121256

Willet I believe

>> No.14121273
File: 19 KB, 398x313, TtrJfv6u9FfLeFB2eEyR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently their mashbill varies by barrel, so depending on the bottle you buy it may or may not be wheated, and you have to check the serial number to confirm. That's bizarre.

>> No.14121321

Larceny BP
Weller at retail, if you can find it
1792 sweet wheat, again if you can find it

>> No.14121345
File: 133 KB, 1024x995, 6rndi998n6m11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked because I just got my hands on a bottle of regular Weller Special Reserve and I'm shocked that there's any hype surrounding it, it's like a mildly sweeter Maker's Mark, it's not noteworthy at all. I tried Maker's 46, which while good was almost indistinguishable from comparable rye bourbons. I'll keep an eye out for 1792, wish I could find some of the better Weller bottles but those are impossible to find now.

>> No.14121346

teach her you little fuckin bitch

>> No.14121354

The only broad I've been with without a stupid gag reflex was bulimic

>> No.14121357

Weller special reserve is better than BT and slightly cheaper, but doesn't deserve any hype. I think it all spans from the fact that weller 12 and van winkle 12 are the same mashbill, but selected from different parts/barrels.

Antique 107 is much better, and weller 12 is good if you like oak. Havent tried the full proof, but I did get to try W. L. Weller, which absolutely delivers and is probably the best bourbon ever made.

>> No.14121362

No kidding? My father in law got me a bottle that specifically said wheated so idk

>> No.14121390

I much prefer BT, it's got a nice combo of sweetness, smoothness, and bite, there are one or two bourbons I like more but BT is my gold standard. I've heard good things about Weller 12 and Antique, but are both impossible to find now thanks to the Poor Man's Pappy phenomenon.
Really? Post a pic of the bottle, I haven't seen any that specify wheated.

>> No.14121425

I tossed it a while ago. I think it was from Costco or something so it might've been special for them or whatever

>> No.14121429

I could also just be wrong

>> No.14121505

I actually picked this up because there was no makers cask strength left which was what I was planning on picking up lol

>> No.14121776

i can get larceny and mellow corn for a rather good price where i live. are they worth it?

>> No.14121821
File: 418 KB, 1509x1422, Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-21 um 10.28.28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't make me watch these reddit tier channels bros

>> No.14121873

larceny is nice not sure about the mellow corn
tempted to just make 1 minute or under review videos where I just taste the whiskey and say if I like it

>> No.14121875

Develop your own tastes anon, only you'll know if they're worth it to you

>> No.14122681

Mellow Corn is simple and inoffensive. If you live in one of the areas where it's under $20, it's a really good deal.

>> No.14122734
File: 81 KB, 800x600, Squirrel_having_a_pint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should have married a squirrel.

>> No.14123126

are there electronic cooling elements i could place in my cupboard during summer to protect my whiskies from the heat? they just need to be efficient enough to keep the temperature from going over 23°C

>> No.14123188

wine refrigerators have specific temperature settings. that might work for you.

>> No.14123296

Mellow corn is closer to a scotch-bourbon hybrid in terms of the profile. It's good for the money and is BiB.

Larceny is good-enough, I put it in the same ballpark as maker's/buffalo trace, in that it's more an all-purpose bourbon that's sippable rather than something you savor

>> No.14123328

Your thoughts on Glenlivet?

>> No.14123463

boomer drink

>> No.14123469

i had a mini bottle of it once and it tasted like burnt tire/skunk

>> No.14123484

perfectly fine intro to scotch, just overpriced and underproofed

>> No.14123505

I'm a poorfag so I can't really afford anything over 40 euros, between glenlivet and glenfiddich which one is the better?

or should I save for a macallan?

>> No.14123506

16 and 18 are legit great

>> No.14123511

GOAT starter scotch, along with Glenmorangie

>> No.14123519

Get the Livet or Morangie

>> No.14123528

Glenlivet > Glenfiddich, mostly because their one-off releases are much better overall. The latest enigma was like 61% alcohol and one of the best things they've put out in a while.

Macallan is good but not worth the markup. Although the triple oak series is getting discontinued, so I picked up a few bottles for the hell of it.

>> No.14123547

Morangie is one of my favourites but I cant find it for sale where I live unfortunately. However there's a balvenie

>> No.14123552

try Green Label, its a blend of 15 year old malt scotches for the price of a 10-12 year old single and its great.

>> No.14123556

Thanks for the clear up. Is Laophraig worth it instead of Macallan?

>> No.14123569

I'll have to look into that one, in my area doesn't seem to be much more expensive than the double black label which is 36 euros

>> No.14123582

It was 5 bux more than black label at my liquor store, I didn't like double black but this tastes like double black if it were good imo.

>> No.14123599

Laphroaig is peated, which gives it a distinct medicinal quality. It's a very divisive flavor range of scotch, but it's the best intro to peat out there. It's much better fresh than it is once it's been open for a while, so drink it right away if you like it.

It's hard to compare to Macallan, as they're very different. I can tell you for a fact if you put 100 people in a room, more would like Macallan over Laphroaig

>> No.14123618

I see. from my research I have found the Laophraig not as expensive as a macallan so perharps i'll give it a shot just for curiosity

>> No.14123764
File: 162 KB, 1200x630, 51b5318f-283f-4451-896b-60f3ec94df40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smorgascake (smörgåstårta), with shrimps and salmon.

Dinner today and lunch tomorrow, my gf bought it because she knows how much i like shrimps and salmon, she is so fine and nice :D

>> No.14123797

Nice choice

>> No.14123811

My favorite whiskey by far.

>> No.14123848

I'm pretty sure that even stray cats roaming around wouldn't touch that.

>> No.14123858

rangeban sweden

>> No.14124002

yeah this i just got a bottle as well, its alright, meh

>> No.14124071
File: 208 KB, 1500x1472, 028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's alright, but I was hoping for nicer.

>> No.14124090
File: 314 KB, 200x149, 018.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched a few of the Whiskey Vault videos when I was looking for wheated bourbons, I almost bought a bottle of Wyoming Whiskey since they were giving it rave reviews until I found out they were straight up shilling the distillery because of a partnership.

>> No.14124236

never trust ecelebs.

>> No.14124287

Aberlour for a while was the single best value scotch on the market, but the price just kept going up

it's still good, but they're now in the same ballpark as glendronach

>> No.14124327

Not gonna shill it here, but I started a whiskey review channel. No themesong, no outro, just immediately tasting and reviewing whiskey. Every video is ~2 minutes.

Thumbnails are just a picture of the bottle and a glass with the whiskey in it.

Anything you're looking for particularly? I fucking hate obnoxious exuberant youtube personalities so I tried my hardest to avoid all of that.

>> No.14124347

I've just been looking for decent wheated bourbons lately, it looks like the only great bottle you can find on a shelf is Maker's Private Select. As far as reviews, I'd just like it if reviewers would name a few comparable whiskies as far as taste goes, both to get an idea of the taste and to be able to get a similar bottle if it's not available.

>> No.14124351

I can't watch their vids longer than 2-3 minutes

>> No.14124355

i think i know who you are if you have a wt 101 review

>> No.14124411
File: 18 KB, 500x500, 52816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been going through a bottle of this every week or so since lockdown started
only costs $10 and isn't bad to drink with ice

>> No.14124438

I got some evan williams black label for my freezer and I shared it liberally but I found it just so tasty, come the morning after let's just say I didn't remember finishing the bottle, but did find a bucket in the living room. went a little quicker than it could have, not that I didn't enjoy it. so it'll be beer for a little bit, Grolsch was recommended to me, and you can get a 12er of bottles at Street-Name-It's-On Liquors (shop local) for the same price as a 6er of Heineken, which is what it pleasantly reminds me of. Flavor's a bit stronger though, I don't mind. Cheers.

>> No.14124528

shots and mixing > sipping all day my man!

>> No.14124539

college core and based
we would do new amsterdam (cheaper) and the red ruby grapefruit squirt

>> No.14125768


>> No.14126592

Liquor store I frequent offered to sell me a bottle of Old Fitzgerald 15 yr BiB

Should I do it?

>> No.14126654

what price?

>> No.14126669

I work(ed) as a bartender, and you don't need to know dick besides the top 10 cocktails at most, along with what weird shit your regulars order up. If you want it for your own personal knowledge of alcohol, go for it, but I'd recommend checking out old farts like this guy and hitting the books.
Also, the International Bartenders Association has a pretty good set of standardized forms of popular cocktails.

>> No.14126714

retail, $130

>> No.14126731

i'd say go for it, says it goes for like 500+ when I googled the prices online

>> No.14126737

Been blowing through a handle of Lunazul, it's a 100% agave reposado that cost something like 30-35 americans. It's spicier than most tequila, which is a nice change of pace for a while but after the 2/3rds point I'm just diluting 1:1 with water and throwing in a fuckload of lemon bitters.

Other than that, my favorite pet brandy, Armagnac de Montal. It costs next to nothing for how good it tastes.

>> No.14126992

No, you shouldn't buy it, but also where is this store?

>> No.14127159

kk, will report back tomorrow or saturday

it's invite-only for people who spend a lot there, assumedly to minimize collector cancer
they do it for all of their allocated bourbons now

>> No.14127202

I'd pay a nickel for another shot of Dickel!

>> No.14127249

Anyone ever try Bruichladdichs Islay Barley? I like their classic laddie a lot and thinking about buying a bottle.

>> No.14127268

>red ruby grapefruit squirt
I'll have to check that out, I've never seen the red ruby one before.

>> No.14127383

based. Noah's mill too

>> No.14127732

Last 2 bottles I drank were teeling small batch & high west campfire, teeling was great especially for the price & campfire was nice too. Not what I usually get but would buy both again.

>> No.14128213

I love how thick their bottle is.
Anyone else have a favourite bottle? Whether the shape or something that just calls out to you?

>> No.14128295

Lunazul is great at a good price. It's like 20$ here

>> No.14128526

bulleit has a nice bottle. shitty corks though.

>> No.14128569

I don't drink because i get anxiety attacks.

Anyway to fix this?

>> No.14128827
File: 112 KB, 1024x815, yamazki-1024x815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the plastic screw caps mid to higher end Suntory and Nikka whiskies use.

It's not like the shitty plastic caps you get on cheap bottles. They're nice, solid, thick caps with a snug seal. I like them better than corks since you don't have to worry about the cork crumbling into your whiskey. I honestly wish western whiskies would use them.

>> No.14128832

Four roses SB
It used to be blantons

>> No.14129919

I haven’t tried the 114, but Old Grandad was the best affordable Bottled in Bond bourbon available, and better than a lot of bourbons that cost twice as much, then someone realized and it went ip $10 per bottle.

>> No.14129933

Knob Creek, Eagle Rare, and Bonded Old Grandad are still somewhat affordable, and come out within the top twelve spots in aggregated review of bourbons.
I’m not sure, but I think all three get finished in Oak barrels that may originally have aged some sort of red wine like Cabernet.
Eagle Rare and Knob are the two better of the three.

>> No.14129934

they also mention green spot suspiciously often

>> No.14129986
File: 2.92 MB, 4160x3120, 20200522_105318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better than toki, but i'd rather spend the $35 than the $80.

>> No.14129991

who the fuck rotated my post

>> No.14130008

Green Spot is pretty solid though

>> No.14130052

Your cheap shitty phone that encodes orientation metadata wrong.

>> No.14130386

Taketsuru near me is 57, whereas Toki is 41, so it's a no brainer

except Taketsuru was discontinued so now it's even harder to find

>> No.14130446

yeah, agreed. tasted like a slightly better version of four roses. i'll buy it if i see it but not gonna search hard for it

>> No.14130507
File: 62 KB, 1200x1200, 8595-ri-rye-whiskey_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love this bottle, shame the brand was discontinued, as I understand it the whole thing was pretty badly mishandled by Beam Suntory

>> No.14130663

I have this friend who is a whisky secondary, so to speak
he'll act very interested towards someone who displays a good knowledge of whisky and alcohol, and will pay good money for a whisky, but only if it's a meme whisky, or at least a well known whisky
moreso, he will spend minutes listing the qualities of a bland whisky and won't drink anything that's anything more than slightly peated
I keep making him try the stuff I have on hand, as I often have new stuff on hand either because of leftovers from work or because I was curious and bought an unknown, cheap-ish bottle, and while being corteous and polite he'll only really look like he's enjoying a whisky if it's a (very) light bodied, floral, sweet spyeside whisky, with just a hint of smoke and no peat
he's also a big fan of japanese whisky, and will struggle to find an overpriced Nikka for the satisfaction of having gotten another such weak-spirited whisky
I honestly find it more and more difficult to take him seriously lately

also sorry for the blog post, I'm drinking Ben Bracken blue label and Oban 14 lately, try the Ben Bracken if you can find it, it's dirt cheap, at least where I live

>> No.14130674

Frogmore 18 Monster Vat Finish

>> No.14130684

I can understand not liking peat, it's not for everyone. I don't mind it myself but at times it can be overwhelming and hard for me to pick out any flavors beyond the smoke. Oban 14 is great stuff, one of my favorites.

>> No.14130766

its pretty uncommon but absolutely worth it basically like adding a dash of grenadine to the drink if i remember right

>> No.14130784

>he'll only really look like he's enjoying a whisky if it's a (very) light bodied, floral, sweet
Steer him towards lowland and Irish whiskies

>> No.14130831
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>hey /ck/, can I pour you a dram?

>> No.14130860
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>> No.14130940 [DELETED] 

He sounds like he doesn't actually like whiskey. He likes the idea of whiskey and and the social connotations of being a whiskey drinker.

>Year of the bat
Nice attention to detail, but I don't think walker blue would fit in a seconday's cabinet, it's more of a boomer whiskey, probably should replace it with something overpriced and meme'd like whistlepig

Also yamazaki NAS or the 12 would fit better for the Japanese whiskey, Hibiki isn't that hard to find

>> No.14130956

3 Sake's I bought recently were the Onikoroshi, Dassai 45, and Ozeki. they were all great, for their own reasons, I would recommend them to anyone. Dassai is probably my favorite of them all

>> No.14130983

>>14130663 #
He sounds like he doesn't actually like whiskey. He likes the idea of whiskey and and the social connotations of being a whiskey drinker.

>>14130831 #
I don't think walker blue would fit in a seconday's cabinet, it's more of a boomer whiskey, probably should replace it with something overpriced and meme'd like whistlepig

Also yamazaki NAS or the 12 would fit better for the Japanese whiskey, Hibiki isn't that hard to find

>> No.14130999

>boomer whiskey,
that doesn't even mean anything, fuck off.

>> No.14131038

t. boomer who drinks walker blue because he sees it as a status symbol of having "made it"

>> No.14131061

those are exactly the people that wouldn't touch a blend because the forbes article that taught them all they need to know about whisky explicitly stated that single malt like glenfarclas or lagavulin is the way to go.

>> No.14131124

drink higher proof alcohol slower

>> No.14131224

Hahaha, just don't go shooting up a school without a government mandated mask.

>> No.14131412

Alright that's true. I guess blue is just business expense/Chinese bait now?

I still stand by what I said about it not really fitting in a secondary's shelf. It doesn't get meme'd enough.

>> No.14131623

i just looked up whisky prices for canada...wtf, i would definitely not drink whisky if i lived there.

>> No.14131674
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>> No.14133249
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Hat's off to the guy who designed this, huge step up from the old bottle.

>> No.14133503
File: 51 KB, 540x720, irish_red1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some of this based on the recommendations of some anons on here. Never really tried any Irish whiskeys before but it's pretty good. It's kind of pricy so I probably won't buy it again but I'm going to enjoy this bottle while it lasts.

>> No.14133510

Picked up bottle of Very Old Barton 100 proof tonight. Cheap and decent sip

>> No.14133582

I took 1 excedrin this morning which is like 250mg acetameniphin and 250mg aspirin.

i know those drugs and alcohol mixed are a big nono, but its been like 10-11 hours since then.

would it be fine if i started drinking or should I just wait till tomorrow

>> No.14133588

i'd say you'll be fine but i also don't give a fuck about whether you die so take that into consideration before you proceed

>> No.14133602

Look for it at Costco if you can, it's usually like $10 cheaper there wherever it is. I've seen it for as much as $70 and as low as $40, at which it is a good value for the quality.

>> No.14133615
File: 26 KB, 512x512, empressgin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snagged some of this... Pretty good in a Vesper.

>> No.14133635

I think you should be fine but don't drink too much.

>> No.14133664

Is having a drink everyday good for you?

>> No.14133714

I generally get on best with Speyside. I can deal with more peated stuff, but it's wasted on me really.
Japanese whisky is crazy, though. I was out there last year, and even the local liquor stores were charging a fortune so I never ended up having any,

>> No.14133894

>getting anxiety from a GABA agonist
How do you even do that

>> No.14133910

Increased heartrate due to thinning of the blood and oxygen deprivation, serotonin and dopamine cascade and crash... My hangovers are equal parts dry mouth and sense of impending doom.

>> No.14133916

your hangovers are just what normal life looks like to me

>> No.14133923

Might I suggest some water at least? Constant dry mouth's not good for your teeth.

>> No.14133964

is vodka still edible if you leave the cap off for a week? is the alcohol content still the same?

>> No.14133969

>is the alcohol content still the same?
i'd bet it's not

>> No.14134020
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They offered me two others to buy, figured I might as well. Worst case, good gifts.

>> No.14134066

hows it taste

>> No.14134113

Ethanol will absolutely volatilize with the cap off.

>> No.14134133

Makes a really good whiskey sour :^)

>> No.14134157

You tasteless fucking monster =[

>> No.14134221

i need you to make another one with it and post it to r/bourbon

>> No.14134228

Mix it with soda water and say how it's so much better.

>> No.14134298
File: 778 KB, 2304x1128, IMG_20200522_180248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought these last week. Tried all of them so far. The irish is already half gone and im pretty sure its just jameson in a different bottle. Nothing spectacular but for $120 total im not mad.

>> No.14134307

also before anyone asks they didn't have kirkland bourbon or I would have got that.

also also, pretty sure the scotch is just johnny walker red. anyone know where they get this stuff?

>> No.14134327

they get some lesser quality stuff from distillers i think, I know the kirkland bourbon is just lesser aged jim beam black.

>> No.14134351

that makes sense. My store had regular jim beam white for $20/1.75L, so maybe they just carry one or the other. None of them are bad though; especially for the price.

>> No.14134636
File: 18 KB, 250x284, shoot me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in a state with no liquor at costco

>> No.14135590

I'm looking to explore Rye and some Islay Scotches beyond what I have already. Can y'all recommend me one in each category if I've tried and liked Bulleit Rye and Laphroaig respectively? Trying to stay in the 30 - 60 USD range.

>> No.14135766

kill yourself whisky "investor"

>> No.14136278
File: 225 KB, 274x599, FourRosesSingleBarrel_grande_1373fea0-e146-4e61-92e5-2c272152b781_300x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my last purchase.

I'm looking to buy a Springbank 12, but I've no clue if there's a specific batch that I should look out for, and if any of the recent ones suck, or something like that

>> No.14136312

the "experts" vary on that. some say any alcohol use is detrimental and others claim health benefits to daily moderate drinking.

I drink a glass everyday and am in great health, but I also take care of myself in other areas.

>> No.14136338
File: 2.18 MB, 4592x2704, DSC_0507-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one should i sample today?

>> No.14136919

Larceny might be one of the smoothest I had in that price bracket

>> No.14136952
File: 59 KB, 675x900, m1739_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N°10 is my next purchase.
I have to finish the 24 first, and the bottle ain't bad either. I'm keeping them above the fridge.

>> No.14136970

Pour a 1/4th shot of each into one shot glass then drink them all, report back with your findings

>> No.14136973
File: 182 KB, 908x1210, cacao_liqueur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>citrus infused gin
>bottle designed like a lemon squeezer
Love it.

>my recent purchase

>> No.14136991

Based 502 poster. Rabbit hole is good but they're guilty of making some meme bourbon as well. Really cool distillery your right in the middle of a shit part of town.

>> No.14137015
File: 276 KB, 1080x1568, 79e90fa03699a37fc435eff6469d95600b29086af385bc89bc82c7c817a30d2b_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Really cool distillery your right in the middle of a shit part of town.

>> No.14137020
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>> No.14137084
File: 321 KB, 860x1054, 216-2162134_pepe-meme-rarepepe-happy-happypepe-elegant-apu-apustaja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend some to someone just getting into Whisky.

>> No.14137089
File: 157 KB, 297x296, 1-5-2017 2-22-59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha, geroge DICKel

>> No.14137258

Bushmills 10
Strathila 12
Maker's Mark

>> No.14137555

Bulleit, Buffalo Trace, and George dickel are all reasonably priced mid shelf entry level bourbons. Bulleit and dickel have good rye versions as well, dickel being my go to

>> No.14137573
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>> No.14137643

Drink less. You can enjoy the taste of liquor in small doses without any side-effects

>> No.14137650

Half the reason I got the four roses was for the sweet bottle. When it's empty, I'll use some goo-gone on the label and repurpose it.

>> No.14137933

Baby Sazerac and lot 40 are good fruity rye's in that range.

Idk if there's any other scotch that is similar to laphroaig's pure bog peat taste. Ardberg 10 is a pure peat, but it tastes like a campfire, burning wood and smoke. I thought the flavor was a bit basic and I didn't like it as much as Laphroaig.

>> No.14138810

Longrow is the closest peated Scotch to Laphroaig. It's actually nothing like it, yet it's the closest.

>> No.14138828
File: 89 KB, 1017x321, hibiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but thanks for warning me.

>> No.14138866
File: 14 KB, 173x364, Honey Whiskey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what brand of whisky this is? They were giving free samples of some Honey Whiskey at Edinburgh Castle when I went there in 2017, but I haven't been able to make it out. If anyone recognizes the brand here I'd really appreciate it.

>> No.14138871


Thanks. I guess in terms of the Islay stuff, I'm not necessarily looking for another Laphroaig, just looking to stay in the same general ballpark. I was eyeing the Ardbeg, plus I've had it before years ago, but don't remember what it's like.

For the Rye I was hoping to grab something that's, well, very much Rye. I've so far had Bulleit and Woodford, but I know the latter has a relatively low mash bill, and I like the former a lot but am getting the impression that it's still relatively mild. I'm hoping for something where I'll give it a sip neat and go, "yup, that's fucking rye".

>> No.14139802

cheer up friend
Total Wine is changing their allocation policy
if you live near one that sells liquor, it would behoove you to go there on Tuesday

>> No.14139945

Just drank some tonight. Extremely underwhelming. Get some Irish whiskey instead.

>> No.14140528

Why does everyone suck WT101's dick?

>> No.14140572

its great quality for the price and tasty

>> No.14140650


Okay, let's make this interesting, actually.

I'm in VA which means liquor trips are to the ABC. I'll spend up to $250.00 tomorrow while I'm out to get groceries.

Here's what I'd like,

1) Rye to have neat that is going to make me think "Jesus, that's made out of rye."
2) Islay scotch that isn't Laphroaig for drinking neat.
3) Gin for use in Martinis - my favorite so far is The Botanist but I haven't explored beyond that.
4) Wildcard - y'all's choice.

Recommend me your list and if things get repeated I'll be more likely to choose those.

>> No.14140675

It's a good, affordable bourbon that's immune to faggotry because WT is too big a company to interest collectors.

>> No.14140828

Because WT is more based than Buffalo Trace

>> No.14140855
File: 168 KB, 715x1000, springbank-12-ar-cask-strength-single-malt-whisky-54,8-(jan-2019)-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this stuff really as good as people make it out to be?

>> No.14140877

Just ordered Rebel Yell straight and Ezra Brooks
Anyone got any experience with them?

>> No.14140985

Ezra Brooks is good for the price

>> No.14141015

Espolon is good as shit, but I tried Altos blanco recently and really loved it. I'm in Australia so tequila prices are all over the fucking place, but it was about the same price as Espolon and it had a lot of spicy citrus flavours that I really loved. I actually tried it and espolon back to back and espolon tasted kind of like chlorine by comparison.

>> No.14141047

A girl got me the reposado of this for Xmas and it was amazing

>> No.14141078

Espolon is bottom shelf swill

>> No.14141113
File: 802 KB, 650x1350, NIKKA-COFFEE-GRAIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this any good? Its 52 eurobucks here

>> No.14141115

It's very sweet. I like this grain one better than their coffey malt

>> No.14141124

How can you people even like this crap? Distilled alcohol tastes the same. All bitter and no actual taste. Misewell be drinking charcoal filtered vodka.

>> No.14141127

*All distilled

>> No.14141130

>Distilled alcohol tastes the same. All bitter and no actual taste.
Ummm wrong.

>> No.14141133

Nah not wrong.

>> No.14141135
File: 119 KB, 929x1175, 1571959841390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok daddy-o

>> No.14141153

Laphroaig 10 year
Ardbeg 10 year
and some Disaronno to make godfathers with.

Laphroaig is very smokey, bit salty, with a bit of sweetness and a taste I had trouble placing. smells like paint or burnt wood with a bit of plastic. Tasted good, but its an acquired taste certainly, very enjoyable

Ardbeg is a bit more classy, doesn't have the unknown taste and doesn't smell as much like burning painted wood. What you may find unpleasant in the laphroaig (I don't find any of it bad, its a nice scotch for what it is, and my first islay) isn't here, but its still smokey/ peaty as hell and tastes like you're at the sea and getting splashes of salt water into your drink, which is the same as the Laphroaig. Worth the high price, pretty similar but more refined I'd say.

I only made a godfather with the amaretto, with the laphroaig as the scotch. Probably used too much amaretto, so it was a bit sweet for my tastes but I was shocked at how well the flavors mixed, the almond sweetness mixing with the smoke of the scotch, but I should've gone 2 parts scotch and 1 part amaretto, as it was too sweet to drink on its own as it was, but the equal part god father would be nice for a dinner drink I think

>> No.14141175



Haven't heard of this, I'd like to try it since I love both Amaretto and Scotch, just never thought to combine them. With a quick google it looks like the base recommendation is 3:1.

>> No.14141227

Yeah even with too much amaretto is was pretty good, just better with some food due to how sweet it was, with the proper ratios it'd probably be a nice drink on its own or after dinner as well as during

>> No.14141313

Oh yes it is. It's even better in an old fashioned.

>> No.14141366
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I'm going to cut out the gin since I have almost an entire bottle of The Botanist left. What's the last thing I should get that won't put me above 250?

>> No.14142139

If I have friends over I have Jack Daniels and Maker's Mark
If I'm drinking along I have Wild Turkey
I never buy anything else, I don't understand the hobby. As more time passes I get more cynical about drinks and I conclude that I don't really enjoy the flavor, I just enjoy the alcohol content

>> No.14142154

Port Charlotte is another good Islay

>> No.14142405

which distillery?

>> No.14142424
File: 3 KB, 150x150, 1s6nw2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw get the urge to vomit when I drink something stronger than Lagunitas.
I'm not even Asian bros, why does my body hate alcohol so much???

>> No.14142430

Base Glenlivet is meh.
Indie bottled single cask sherry Glenlivet however can be fantastic.

>> No.14142438

Macallan is crap nowadays don't bother. Last thing they had that was worth was Edition 2.

>> No.14142449

I often just drink Jim Beam white. Yesterday I bought Woodford Reserve. Totally disappointed in it. It's more balanced, higher proof, older, more complex, but the flavors it does have are kinda weak. I AB'd the Beam and the Woodford and really don't think the Woodford is worth double the price. I think Woodford is very overrated. It's not bad, it just feels like it should be in the low 20s, not $40. WT101 is definitely better.

Also, everyone seems to hate Maker's Mark and say it's overpriced, but I find it to be a pretty good flavored, unique bourbon. I swear it tastes exactly like caramel corn to me. It has the typical bourbon flavors, but the proportions are not something I've had in other bourbons. I could probably pick it out of a lineup blind.

>> No.14142466

Not asian either but I have Gilbert syndrome and while it can be frustrating not being able to take alcohol like a Russian sailor, it's also what's going to save my ass from alcoholism because it forces me to not go over my 3 drink maximum.

>> No.14142483

Woodford is just rebottled Jack Daniels, anyone who drinks it is a pleb

Maker's is a wheated bourbon so it inherently tastes a bit more mellow than rye bourbons. 46, Private Select, and Cask Strength are all great bottles, regular Maker's is pretty meh.

>> No.14142492

Based and that makes sense.

>> No.14142601

no, it's mediocre and overpriced
people only like it because it's campletown

>> No.14142658

It tastes like straight-up milk chocolate + honey

but it also does a poor job of hiding its booziness

>> No.14142691

The Double Oaked Woodford is amazeballs.

>> No.14142739
File: 171 KB, 722x547, 1579693208200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're generally correct. Almost every single person who drinks liqour does so with mixed drinks and ends up drowning all the "flavor" from said liqour. And yeah, it makes no sense. Why dont people just buy high end beer or wine? Well, thats because people are retarded and dont realize that doing mixed drinks actually takes from the smoothness of the drink (no matter how well its mixed) and from my own experience (from the texture and taste) makes me want to prematurely vomit before I even get drink. Mixing drinks (with liqour) is about as retarded as eating candy with alcohol and just upsets your stomach.

>> No.14142744

meant for >>14141124

>> No.14142779

Anything above 40% alc vol and its essentially impossible to hide any of its booziness.

>> No.14142788

No one cares, no one asked

>> No.14142792

>but it also does a poor job of hiding its booziness
because it's young af but good ol' (((toshi))) is gonna put some old timey ninja runes on the bottle to evoke images of takumi crafting samurai swords with 6 gorillion folds in your retarded gaijin head and charge you 50 bucks extra.

>> No.14142833

>nips are kikes
Gee, I can only wonder (((who))) is behind this post.

>> No.14142874

did you get dickeled?

>> No.14142894

would you dick her?

>> No.14142909

is she in a bathtub next to her shed or something?

>> No.14142936


>> No.14142958

I meant more there are almost no flavors after the initial sweetness fades, but you've still got 5-10 seconds of ethanol on the palate because the initial sweetness isn't super long

>> No.14143281
File: 86 KB, 1080x1037, 1585868477549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can get this?

>> No.14143466

Go to stores and look. They show up periodically. The bevmo's around me in socal seem to be pretty good at having them in stock.

>> No.14143521

Why the fuck are you shopping at BevMo if you live in SoCal? BevMo is overpriced as shit and you have a bunch of Total Wines down there and they actually have competitive pricing.

>> No.14143929
File: 41 KB, 520x220, IMG_20200524_161510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total Wine has better prices, but Bevmo has an online store that actually tells you if something is in stock. If it's something that TW gets irregularly they put pic related on the status which basically boils down to "it might be in stock or it might not, you have to stop by and find out."

Bevmo prices are anywhere from a few dollars more to $20 dollars more that TW. I'll willingly drop a couple extra dollars on a bottle as long as I don't have to waste my time driving to the liquor store every week in the offchance they have what I'm looking for.

>> No.14144068

Have you ever tried calling up the store and asking them if they have X in stock?