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14110702 No.14110702 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys actually drink 2L of water per day? I've been drinking 1.5L.with the help of some app and can't stop pissing, it's so uncomfortable

>> No.14110706

Every morning and every night before bed I down 2 litres of water.

>> No.14110708

Is water good for you?

>> No.14110711

drink as much as you need. only drinking 1.5L makes me think you're an inactive skelly.

>> No.14110712

fucked up that we "need to drink water" but we just piss it all out

>> No.14110730

I probably drink 6-8L per day, I've already had 1.5L this morning

>> No.14110740

If you meant physically uncomfortable then either you really needed that water, or you gotta hit the doctor, OP
Either way yes you definitely need 1.5 at the VERY least, more depending on heat, your activity, and your weight.
The clearer your piss, the better (up to an extent)

>> No.14110741

That's a man, isn't it?

>> No.14110746

damn, you are one dumb nigger.

>> No.14112056
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It's 4pm here and ive drank 1.5l today already thanks for the support friends

>> No.14112078
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time to take a pis

>> No.14112553


I don't.

>> No.14112569

no. look up water intoxication.

>> No.14112595

Do you even know what water is? The stuff is used in nuclear reactors. Of course it’s bad for you.

>> No.14112613

That's heavy water. Ordinary water contains vitamins, salts and flavor.

>> No.14113207

Water? That's that stuff in the toilet you piss in? Fucking disgusting.

>> No.14113217

You people should try drinking salt water and stick to it, it'll clear your heads.

>> No.14113360
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Hitler drank water, think about that

>> No.14113379

The liquid nazi indeed

>> No.14113384

You had to ask?

>> No.14113387

I don't fucking know, who the hell measures how much water they drink? Drink if you are thirsty man, you'll be fine

>> No.14113394

i drink a few cups of tea per day. i don't measure it.

>> No.14113397

It's supposed to be 2L including the water you get from food. It's also highly variable, being dependent on environment, bodily habitus, activity and so on.

>> No.14113398

i drink 3 litres on a light day

>> No.14113489

Enjoy your flouride poisoning.

>> No.14113542

How am I supposed to be productive when I have to stop what I'm doing and go pee every thirty minutes because I'm trying to drink lots of water?

>> No.14113559

you should only be pissing about 7 times per day, and only once at night. if you are pissing more than that you are drinking too much water.

>> No.14113565

4 liters of water a day here. And that's the minimum. During summertimes I get up to nearly 7 liters easy.

>> No.14113566

does it have what plants crave?

>> No.14113599

>pills: not taken
>mossad: blamed

>> No.14115141

I forget to drink plain water
but I drink maybe 1L worth in cups of tea throughout the day

>> No.14115152

>not getting water from the spring-fed well in your backyard
hahaha dumbo

>> No.14115165

Even that water has estrogen traces. We're doomed.

>> No.14115173

what if you ate a woman
how much estrogen

>> No.14115185

maybe he eats a lot of soup

>> No.14115209

I just drink a lot of water as soon as I wake up until I feel satisfied, usually ends up being .5-.75L, and then again around the middle of the day. Sometimes more or less depending on what I eat. Doesn't feel like I have to pee too often. I think if you're constantly taking in small amounts it means your bladder pretty much always has something to expel, but maybe if you take in more water at once your body can fully hydrate from it better and keep your bladder empty for a while before you feel like you need more water.

>> No.14115220

Yeah, pretty much always, maybe a little less if you don't count the couple liters in my food and unsweetened beverages.

>> No.14115224

You're free to not, but kidney stones are painful.

>> No.14115364


> 7 times a day once per night.

nigga you 70 or just trolling

>> No.14115566

That’s like nothing. Only 68ish ounces or just over a half gallon of water... 4 liters is probably more reasonable.

I’d imagine living in Europe and staying hydrated sucks. No bathrooms anywhere unless you pay.

>> No.14115790

Yeah I have a 40oz bottle that I fill up throughout the day. I'm hydrated as fuck I never get hangovers.

>> No.14115818

Ye. I drink 750mls of booze which is about half water then when I wake up to piss I chug two pint solo cups of tap. Back to sleep then another half pint bottle with energy kool aid and a pint can of energy drink. Supplement with a soda at the end of the day before I get home from work.

>> No.14115837

Energy kool aid? That sounds awesome, I'd love to get a tub of powdered monster so I can make it at home.

>> No.14115851
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Not technically kool-aid but it's the same thing. Literally the only reason I go to Walmart.

>> No.14115856

i drink 2 or more litres, im a real water drinker, also i have adapted to drink pretty much any tap water for my own benefit
t. been surviving on stable hose water for over a month

>> No.14115858

That's fucking cool.

>> No.14115866

Using rough math, ~2.53L a day at work. However I work a somewhat physical job and sweat a lot.

>> No.14115879

I drink when I'm thirsty. Fuck the "experts".

>> No.14115922

Thirst is the body response to dehydration. By the time you feel thirsty you are already dehydrated.
Drink maor

>> No.14116074

I piss at least 20 times a day, never at night though.

>> No.14116119

"maor" LMAO

>> No.14116205

I'll usually drink 4-6L a day.

>> No.14116210
