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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 285 KB, 949x927, 9ce78b3b8faba7a364f59db4b429a27c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14110136 No.14110136 [Reply] [Original]

>“We start on Friday, but only with our bistro. No Chinese wanted!!!” French headchef Jean-Claude Bourgueil wrote on Facebook

>Beijing's loudhailer Global Times subsequently highlighted that the high end restaurant, Im Schiffchen, had been removed from Michelin Guide’s website.

>The Im Schiffchen Facebook page also could not be accessed.

im glad the industry is stamping out bigotry wherever it it found.

>> No.14110141

What a retard.. You juat can't get away with shit like that anymore.

>> No.14110145

What was he expecting?

>> No.14110146

Sounds like he's fighting yellow supremacists

>> No.14110152
File: 74 KB, 710x788, im-schiffchen-german-restaurant-banning-chinese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The incident is not an isolated case but a reflection of the rise of racism and xenophobia during the pandemic, Zhu Wei, a communications researcher at the China University of Political Science and Law in Beijing, told the Global Times.

>Some Western media and politicians have hyped rumors against China and tried to smear Chinese people during the pandemic, which attracted "unthinking" local followers, Zhu said.

>The removal came after overseas Chinese in Germany complained to the Michelin Guide and local media over the issue.

>The German overseas Chinese anti-epidemic work committee and 23 other overseas Chinese groups in the country sent a joint letter to a local media outlet Rheinische Post to express their dissatisfaction, and the outlet later reported the incident. Another local media outlet Westdeutsche Zeitung described the behavior by the chef as a "scandal."

>Ye Zengya, head of the German overseas Chinese anti-epidemic work committee, told the China News Service that "we will firmly protest against the rise of racism and xenophobia while helping each other in the fight against the epidemic."

>The restaurant's ratings on major websites have plummeted, with only a score of 2.2 (out of 5) on Google reviews, according to media reports.



>> No.14110163

Seems reasonable. They removed Jiro for his similar autism towards foreigners.

>> No.14110190

China has now killed thousands but they have some chutzpah fuck that Winnie the Pooh looking bastard

>> No.14110191

Lol >germ*n.

>> No.14110204

Seems reasonable to me. The Michelin's guide is a guide to the best restaurants by holistic dining experience. Not just a measure of what the best food is. Given that Chinese people want to eat there too, they're gonna have a shitty experience if they go to this restaurant. Not SJW bullshit, because they're not saying the food sucks.

>> No.14110211

it's the huwhite flu now fritz

>> No.14110214

That sounds like the sort of ridiculous statement a retard like Xi Jingping would make. Imagine declaring economic sanctions on a nation you have a free trade agreement with just because its politicians suggest it's a good idea to investigate the creation of a disease that shut down the entire world.

>> No.14110220

he looks like an insufferable retard anyways

>> No.14110228

so we're all supposed to pretend this is a new thing? Chinese tourists are such bad guests they've been getting banned from restaurants across the globe for nearly a decade now

>> No.14110234

From my experience it's ok to be racist towards specific subgroups within a race. Anyone who disagrees is deluding themselves. I personally can't stand poor blacks and Chinese with money, especially the latter. They should have never given them chinks money.

>> No.14110253

Rich Chinese are where rich Americans were in the 70's. Watch the episode of Fawlty Towers where he gets shit from the American tourist. Same shit, different decade. Progress is linear and one phase of it is "tourists from there act like unbelievable assholes". Albeit, less street shitting from the Americans, though maybe it's just that Alabamans from the 70's couldn't afford airfare.

>> No.14110275

>China has now killed thousands
Literally didn't happen. China didn't create nor control the virus, you idiot.

>> No.14110299
File: 517 KB, 755x862, 8A-2014-12-02-NYPost-CesarRamirez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't they remove the guy from Chef's Table at Brooklyn Fare for saying he hated Jews and Asians?

>> No.14110309

Their failure to control it is kind of the point. Businesses in Wuhan were shutting down in October 2019. They knew something was happening before we did.

>> No.14110313

they controlled it better than the usa did. Their lockdown was many times worse than what the west had.

>> No.14110316

They fucking dealt with it, the West didn't. You are in the parallel universe of /pol/tards. The West had 3 months to prepare but did nothing.

>> No.14110319

Chinese are worse.
In both cases it's about poorer people finally getting the money and starting to live their live big.
Your average american was(still is) ignorant and sees himself better than others. Hell, most people from all around the world are like this. But he is still somewhat educated and cultured.
Chinese.... those are people who literary shit on the street today. On top of that, chinese culture was always xenophobic and they treat everyone like shit. And they don't have sjws to shame them for that. They lie, cheat and steal at every opportunity, because there's no shame in doing it to a foreigner. Plus there are just shit ton of them, compared to other people, so every fucking popular place is just flooded with them.

>> No.14110322

It's Brooklyn. Everyone who isnt a trust fund virtue signaller hates Asians and Jews in the boroughs because they hate everyone else.

>> No.14110332

Their official line is that it started somewhere else. Suggest that we investigate where it started? Looks like your abattoirs are poorly regulated and your barley exports from one of the most lightly subsidised agricultural sectors in the world needs to have new tarrifs because of subsidies.

>> No.14110333

Pretty stupid now that China has more dollarmillionaires than america.
And they love throwing money away on stupid shit for bragging rights. IE overpriced Michelin starred restaurants.

>> No.14110336

It literally doesn't matter where it started. Several viruses started in the US, Mexico, the Middle East, Europe, etc.

>> No.14110352

As are most German men

>> No.14110354

China seems to think it matters. They're so proud (read: egotistic) they're willing to allow the human species to go extinct before being found culpable.

>> No.14110367
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>all these retards replying to this basic as fuck leddit bait

Lmao, do you retards really think anyone is so dense to ignore the fact china covered it up and the first cross species spread happened because of them?
Stafting to think /ck/ really has hit rock bottom

>> No.14110377

>covered it up
in jan everyone already knew it was happening

but your government did fuck all and thats not chinas fault

>> No.14110382

China is fucked after all this. So long manufacturing, hello ricefields.

>> No.14110390

This. Bragging rights and status is everything to them, it's the cringiest thing ever.
Same goes with wine, we keep shipping cases of the good stuff to them when obviously they are not able to even begin to understand it, just because they've got the money to pay for it.
If we're gonna have these animals anywhere at least we should charge them triple.

>> No.14110402

his restaurant should be shut down, or he should give out free meals to asians to atone for it.

>> No.14110406

they knew back in november and arrested the Doc for trying to alert people to it

>> No.14110409


ok so how did that stop the usa for not preparing for it when you guys had 3 months to do so?

>> No.14110410
File: 15 KB, 801x118, Annotation 2020-05-19 135905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no china shills on suicide watch

>> No.14110412

Good fucking good it's about time western people get what they deserve from centuries of oppression. This is like the bare minimum.

>> No.14110416

>rest of the world didnt prepare when the news was already out in jan
>b-b-but having these extra 4-6 weeks would have allowed us to prepare

if you arent going to do shit after 3 months 1 more month isnt going to help

>> No.14110420

how about people are free to conduct their business exactly the way they want you fucking retard?

>> No.14110425

free speech =/= freedom from consequences

then he should be boycotted and blacklisted
the michelin guide did the right thing, bigotry has no place in the 21st century.

>> No.14110426
File: 118 KB, 1280x1272, photo_2020-04-12_23-52-12 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>china instructs the WHO to tell the west that human-to-human transmission isn't happening
>lmao why didn't the west prepare for this??

>> No.14110428

ok rabbi

>> No.14110430

if Hillary was elected, we’d have a hundred times more deaths

>> No.14110434

>china locks down entire cities and freezes all transport

"well, they are just doing it because...they like doing it! it doesnt transmit human to human, i dont know why they are shutting down"

unless your IQ was 50 you would have seen the signs
and doesnt the usa have the world's best spy intelligence?

>> No.14110436

yes it does. go to fucking asia everyone there is super racist.
Blacklist all you want, I'd fucking eat there, you're either a nigger or a race traitor and no one cares about your opinion

>> No.14110440

the democrat party is a party of science and she wouldnt have told people to inject bleach

>> No.14110441


>> No.14110464

America has a way lower death rate percentage. What are you fucking high?

>> No.14110470

They did prepare. Everyone wears masks now.

>> No.14110478

usa has 278 deaths per 1 million (#13 highest in world) and china only has 3 deaths per 1 million. (#120)


>> No.14110483

yeah cause communist china's numbers are definitly legit you fucking globo homo retard

>> No.14110486

>>rest of the world didnt prepare when the news was already out in jan
No, they didn't, and you were calling anyone who was talking about this a crazy racist, just like you were blowing a gasket about how PUTIN HACKED OUR DEMOCRACY but now that it turns out that Israel was stuffing ballot boxes you're not letting out a peep.

>> No.14110489

Literally everyone who votes for trump is not wearing a mask and think it's fake. The irony is trump blaming China for a bad job.

>> No.14110490

>okay we dont know the numbers, but trust me, we did better than them
>source: my ass and patriotism

ok bud

>> No.14110495

we either they're lying or they knew something we didn't and hid the truth.
you pick.

>> No.14110499

all these CCP shills, fucking go take a toaster bath, have fun with winnie the flu

>> No.14110511
File: 42 KB, 440x362, 1589136488932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the chinese even have "no blacks allowed" restaurants in fucking Africa.
Their racism is on a whole different level.

>> No.14110540

Who cares? Dont eat there if they dont want you. I would prefer for them to straight up tell you when you're not wanted rather than tamper with your food.

>> No.14110562

hello based department? do you publish a restaurant guide?

>> No.14110570

>doesnt double down
>immediately backtracks and says the chinese governor isn't welcome when he realizes his status was in jeopardy
Y'all act like this guy is based when hes a fucking coward, classic cu/ck/

>> No.14110586

>your post
The Chinese told the WHO to tell everyone that the virus had no transmission between humans
>your image
China reported that they did not yet see any evidence of human transmission.

See the difference here?

>> No.14110591


>> No.14110603

So china shills and redditors are the norm now...

/ck/ is fucked, it's like you all came from /int/ and /his/

>> No.14110616


>> No.14110620

>you dont suck usa cock so you must be a china shill

>> No.14110629
File: 56 KB, 1920x728, 1920px-Reddit_logo_new.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>freedom to vote /=/ freedom of consequences

Sorry bud you committed wrong think by saying or voting for the wrong thing

FUCK OFF BACK TO plebbit 4chan is founded on the principle or saying what the fuck you want, none wants you faggy leftoids here to police what we say.

>> No.14110632

Fuck off retard, mutts and chinks should be gassed, there are more than two countries

>> No.14110640

The WHO was depending on China to provide information given that China would not allow any external scientists into China to study the virus you imbecilic chink.

>> No.14110660

What, exactly, does this change about my post? Use big boy words, you ass blasted schizophrenic.

>> No.14110662

the chink can't even read english

please fuck off

>> No.14110676

>party of science
oh the irony

>> No.14110679

/p*l/ pls go back

>> No.14110687

r*ddit please go back, 4chan is an open community and not about suppressing free speech

>> No.14110745

That's funny, coming from the borderline ESL with shit reading comprehension and terrible grammar. If I were a chink you should be ashamed for insulting someone elses English despite them knowing the language better than you.

>> No.14110750



>> No.14110759

He's french though, the restaurant is german.

>> No.14110760

Kill yourself communist shill.
You are all going to get the rope along with your Antifa tranny golem on rope day you fucking scum.

>> No.14110769

>It literally doesn't matter where it started. Several viruses started in the US, Mexico, the Middle East, Europe, etc.
Fuck off communist bug. It is literally a bioengineered weapon. You bug people need to be exterminated by nuclear fire.

>> No.14110771


>> No.14110774

You need your skull stomped. Fucking kike rat.

>> No.14110783

>bioengineered weapon with a >0.1 death rate

kinda fail desu, why didnt it wipe out all the boomers

>> No.14110787

/ck/ is done for

we have some schitzo /pol/ autist

and some r*ddit/tranny/chink shill autist

>> No.14110791
File: 236 KB, 1600x800, 1589756255396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kinda fail desu, why didnt it wipe out all the boomers
Because there is more than 1 strain. ShItaly and Iran got the weapon while China and Israel got the common cold it was derived from for plausible deniability.

>> No.14110796

Only JIDF rat kike gatekeeper shills use this talking points buzzword. You dirty fucking nation wrecking scum. Too bad the Holocaust wasn't real.

>> No.14110800

okay this is a flase flag lmao

fuck off you chink

>> No.14110801

what a weird image
there are actually very few jews in china
there are more blacks in china than there are jews

>> No.14110814

Jews founded communist China via Israel Epstein and was bankrolled by Wall Street likes and the Federal Reserve. Henry Kissinger was instrumental in giving them Most Favored Nation Status and is responsible for manufacturing fleeing USA and going to China. The Jews have utterly destroyed America. On purpose.

>> No.14110819

I would gladly eat at a restaurant with a "no chinks" sign on the door.
We all know why that sign is up there, only willingly ignorant elitists (aka liberals) would deny reality when it's staring them in the face.

>> No.14110822

this, it's time for the workingmen to rise up.

kill leftoids

>> No.14110827

Jews consider the Chinese to be sememtic peoples. One of the best selling books in China is the Talmud. The Israelis make the guidance systems for the Chinese anti ship missiles that will be used to sink the American Navy. The Israelis have sold American AWACS command and control planes to China after we told them not to. Jews are scum of the earth and every Jew in the USA should be rounded up and put in a camp for treason and spying unironically.

>> No.14111045

>every Jew
This is the point where you jumped from
>israeli government fucked us over for money
>seething hatred for an entire people without good evidence/cause

>> No.14111058
File: 76 KB, 576x768, 1544098760189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>itt assmad bugmen

>> No.14111066
File: 183 KB, 1080x1064, Screenshot_20200519_170835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres one of them.

>> No.14111087

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.14111100

If you post this on /v/ these days you catch a ban. My last one came with a personal message from the mod.

>> No.14111127

This. Long before multiculturalism or PC culture, Michelin Guide mandated that restaurants they review accept reservation from anyone who can pay for the meal and follow dress code (if they have one). Michelin doesn't review restaurants that restrict who can enter or make reservation and will drop them from their guide books if they start doing so.

>> No.14111135

because it's spam lol
btw when I was in China i saw this message on 4chan a lot so I think the original meme was fake

>> No.14111140

Freedom of expression.

>> No.14111141

I dunno about Chinks in Nogland but Chinks in China are just your standard second world racists. Whites are alright, blacks and poos are weird and probably trying to take advantage of our women but unlike the whites they're poorer than us so it's bad.

>> No.14111148


>> No.14111160


Listen you Winnie the Pooh little bitch, wet markets in China caused the opportunity that created covid 19. Someone in the market was sick and an animal was sick and it caused a hybrid virus to evolve though that contact, THATS how this works you shill

>> No.14111163

In concept I get that although I only see it once every few weeks now. I'd always assumed it never really did anything more than piss certain demographics off which IMO is reason enough to post it from time to time.

>> No.14111166

>What was he expecting?
Freedom of association.

>> No.14111172
File: 40 KB, 346x284, 1586351547187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he expect to get away with it in 2020? Virtue signalling is way too popular to make even slightly offensive comments especially if you're white. Dumbass.

>> No.14111173

and he expressed it.

the system works.

>> No.14111175

Based. Chinks are the worst people on the planet.

>> No.14111176

i think it was just a joke, I doubt there's any chinks on 4chan and even a hardcore chinaboo like me wasn't pissed off by it 'cause it's funny
>I only see it once every few weeks now
I only see "your mother will die in her sleep" posts every so often but the reason they're b& is 'cause of spamming
idk, mayb

>> No.14111189

Every Jew is an insideous menace to their host and a cancer upon society. They are all spies and dual citizen disloyal traitors who will defend each other to the last breath and cover up for each other's crimes. They are a criminal people without scruples. The fact that so many millions of them blatantly lie about the Holocaust fraud so they can collect money from Germany to this very day and excuse the very real genocide they are currently doing to the Palestinians, that they did to the Ukraine in the Holomodor, and the Christians in Spain and Russia during their communist revolutions is evidence that the entire planet should be purged of the psychopathic homicidal criminal race that calls themselves Jews.

>> No.14111192

>But he is still somewhat educated and cultured.

>> No.14111195
File: 27 KB, 600x694, Pikachu doubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I doubt there's any chinks on 4chan
Pic. Also I don't think those posts you mentioned are b&, I see them used to keep shitty threads alive all the time. Same with roll images. I think it mostly boils down to what people report. You can make a post that's completely within the rules but if it gets mass reported it'll get deleted, whether that's due to mods being lazy or an automated system IDK. I do know 4chan's gone through a bit of automation, trying to post some images will get you instab& without the post even being made.

>> No.14111206

But which ones are the Jews and which ones are those that call themselves Jews but are not Jews?
Which of you are able to say you aren’t the Jew yourself? The eternal, the undying, the conceptual - the Jew.

>> No.14111225

>linking to Global Times

>> No.14111233

Freedom of expression means you can speak your mind WITHOUT being penalised for it, you zoomer fag.

>> No.14111237

>But which ones are the Jews and which ones are those that call themselves Jews but are not Jews?
The ones that call themselves Jews, the practitioners of Judaism are not Jews. You can't be a Jew while simultaneously rebelling against the King of the Jews. That would be like an American calling himself an Englishman.

>Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
John 2:22

In order to deny that Jesus is the Christ(Messiah) you have to believe that there is a Messiah but that it's not Jesus. All practitioners of Judaism are antichrist by definition. They are what Jesus called the Synagogue of Satan in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.

>> No.14111252

>Freedom of expression means you can speak your mind WITHOUT being penalised for it, you zoomer fag.

okay racist facist

>> No.14111255

>okay racist facist
Go dilate you tranny abomination.

>> No.14111262

no it doesn't, and you can't point to time in human history when it did.
he hasn't been imprisoned or had his rights or restaurant seized by the government.

freedom of expression =/= freedom from consequence.

>> No.14111265

By the government. Michelin is its own organization that has every right to refuse doing business/being associated with any business they want.

>> No.14111269

okay facist

>> No.14111276

freedom to vote =/= freedom from conswquences

I completly agree now lets kill thsose that don't vote for my party #transrights #fuckfacists

>> No.14111281

you didn't even try to make a point.

>> No.14111282

He's not wrong

also michelin star shit is a joke

>> No.14111283

okay facist fuck off and keep voting for your facist parties soon you will see the concquences for it.

>> No.14111286

how did I become a fascist for pointing out the limits of freedom of expression?

>> No.14111288

because you are fine with facists voting for who they want and saying what they want without the consquences now fuck off

>> No.14111291

He's just mad that someone called him one, probably correctly, and is just throwing the word back at people like he's 3.

>> No.14111301

I don't think American tourists were shitting in the street.

>> No.14111302

Is this supposed to be an insult, queerbait?

I'm in fact a religious zealot. Nazism is for communist/socialist pussies like you who are afraid of working for a living.

>> No.14111308

Because they lied to the rest of the world about the danger.

>> No.14111309

He has both of those things. He freely sowed the wind and reapes the whirlwind. Michelin just used their freedom of expression and freedom of association too.

>> No.14111311

>admitting to your own zealotry
you don't meet self-aware extremists every day...

>> No.14111314

i hope his business folds

>> No.14111317

>soon you will see the concquences for it
How are a bunch of sissified literally butthurt homosexual deviant effeminate abominations such as yourself going to deliver a single "consequence" upon anyone? What are you gonna do, bleed on me after I stomp your brains? Do you even own a gun?

You're the type that calls Drumpf an evil maniacal literally Hitler and at the same time wants daddy to ban you from owning a gun. You're mentally ill which is obvious for everyone to see via your flaming homosexuality.

>> No.14111323

China literally lied about the seriousness of the virus and how it's transmitted to the rest of the world

>> No.14111325

Based lmao!

>> No.14111326

ok facist keep supporting nazis

>> No.14111335

How do you explain the better death rates in Europe then?
You think Trump just didn't say please when he asked the Italians for info?

>> No.14111337

>ok facist keep supporting nazis
>everyone I disagree with is a gnatsee
My sweet summer child!

Nazis were evolutionist retards. Their only redeeming quality was they were anti degeneracy and put Jews in work camps.

>> No.14111339

>unironcly supporting freedom of speech

yep full /pol/ here.

>> No.14111341
File: 30 KB, 675x808, lost the argument.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ok facist keep supporting nazis

>> No.14111343

I don't think you actually know what either of those words mean, not least because English clearly isn't your first language.

>> No.14111345

you homoes had 3 months to prepare

"oh well china wasnt 100% honest so lets just do nothing at all"

>> No.14111350

fuck off facist, I have reported numrous facist fucks to the police and your post is beiing forwarded as I speak.

cry FREEZE SPEECH when you are in cuffs

>> No.14111361

Ironic internet culture has rotted your brain and I pity you.

>> No.14111362

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/258032159