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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 8 KB, 300x168, hardtack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14079590 No.14079590 [Reply] [Original]

firstly whats your favorite hard tack ratio?

how do you store hard tack?

has anyone tried adding spices to keep bugs away or using different flour for better nutritional value?

>> No.14079603

How about some cardamon and clove? I'm a slut for the Townsend's by the way.

>> No.14079628

i was thinking about cinnoman but heard to much can cause liquid poop which im not going to want to deal with

>> No.14079732

I prefer cram

>> No.14079746

I don't think using a sane amount would be a problem. You'd have to be using the good Vietnamese cinnamon that contains cinnamon oil to get a problem.

>> No.14081069

I didn't know pirates used 4channel

>> No.14081097

Why are bugs a problem? Store it in airtight container. Bugs aren't going to magically spawn out of thin air into them, they have to fucking come from someplace.

>> No.14081312

i was thinking along the lines in having them in a situation where i could not provide a airtight container ,ex hiking,innawoods

>> No.14081328

your going to carry bags of flour and salt innawoods but not sealable storage bins/bags?

>> No.14081409

freezing seems to work well for most things.

>> No.14081426

No, you make them and then take them /out/
op is one of the many historical re-enactors/LARPers we get on /out/
You should ask them for recipes for lembas or cram to mock them

>> No.14081506

anon what is your recipe for lembas?

>> No.14081515

i mean if i just want to trow them in an back pack or pocket and not carry a clunky ass container.or if i can;'t get airtight container say if corona makes society collapse

>> No.14081557

no one in the history of anywhere EVER had hard tack as a favorite food. if you put ANYTHING in it but flour it's not hard tack it's a cookie.

>> No.14081563 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 417x606, angry reddit wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no don't try to preserve your food and have food security bigot

>> No.14081568

i think op means stuff to make it last longer and get better nutrition

>> No.14081598

no if you put anything else in hard tack besides flour and salt it will last less long, sugar will attract water. anything else will go rancid.

The only thing I can think of is you could put 1 gram of calcium propionate to 1000 grams of flour before mixing and baking it. but even then that's not needed if the shit is stored in an air tight container.

calcium propionate prevents the growth of mold and is used in yeast breads. it does not work in breads with a high ph. mold can't grow if there is not enough humidity. if your hardtack is growing anything it isn't made right or stored right.

>> No.14081618

also if you are eating hardtack you have more to worry about than nutrition.

>> No.14081692

like what

>> No.14081712

>have to store food for long periods
>airtight containers aren't allowed

>> No.14081738

good post
Scurvy and, if it is not enriched flour, thiamine and riboflavin deficiency

>> No.14081739

>not relizing not everyone lives in a first world shit hole
>not relizing trying to make a recipe for future generations that won't have air tight containers

>> No.14081746

what are cures to scurvy ?

>> No.14081747
File: 120 KB, 333x331, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>not relizing trying to make a recipe for future generations that won't have air tight containers
LARP harder

>> No.14081750
File: 25 KB, 250x251, can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitamin C

>> No.14081769

sheepole harder lib cuck
you think society will continue to progress for ever ?you total idiot faggot

>> No.14081776

>make a recipe for future generations that won't have air tight containers
egyptians had airtight containers. what future are you going to live in where there are no airtight containers?

>> No.14081784
File: 494 KB, 732x591, Fallout4_Cram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I prefer Fancy Lads Snack Cakes or Salisbury Steak but a sometimes you don't have a choice.

>> No.14081805

the future when most of the first world has forgoten even how to do basic shit so we have to learn stuff all over again

>> No.14081816
File: 105 KB, 960x504, legolas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd better start stockpiling Tupperware then, to store all your Lembas bread

>> No.14081839

in that future the 4chan archives will also be gone. larp harder

>> No.14081854

I'm going to make a 100 year supply of hard tack so I can survive forever in my fallout shelter and you can't stop me!

>> No.14081875

society hasn't collapsed. buy ziplock bags to store them in... wtf. why waste your life trying to solve non-existent problems.

>> No.14081887

retard thats why u learn now

>> No.14081892

Maybe some chickpea flour for nutrition? The only kind of thing that would infest hardtack would probably be something that would also enhance the nutritional value.

>> No.14081958

>society hasn't collapsed
Oh you sweet summer child.

>> No.14082095

ahh yes the sky is falling good point

>> No.14082203


>> No.14082306

i ain't clicking that shit nigga

>> No.14082310

Living in denial, good point.

>> No.14082389

You have to lie to yourself to justify not putting your wheat pucks in a plastic bag.

>> No.14082930
File: 78 KB, 750x764, str8pride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen that font before. It's the KEK who betrayed MY PRESIDENT. Please never post that man again, you liberal snowflakes have a bad case of TDS. This is why she lost!

>> No.14083137

go buy some canning supplies then

>> No.14083198

go back to reddifd faggot

>> No.14083228

im drooling

>> No.14083347

you are lost at sea, or society has completely collapsed and you have no survival skills.

>> No.14083358

what about honey?

>> No.14083360

that's sugar honey bun. no

>> No.14083362

Ahhh yeah time to savor the aromas and flavors of the 18th century

>> No.14083366
File: 57 KB, 800x450, poptart20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a pop tart lel

>> No.14083371

Whatever, but honey doesn't rancid and is antibiotic etc. Honey is a preserving agent.

>> No.14083375
File: 101 KB, 740x982, 1496347536839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>honey doesn't rancid

>> No.14083393

honey is hydroscopic and about as "antibiotic" as sugar. yes it preserves but not in hard tack.

>> No.14083406

collapse with nobody knowing skills

>> No.14083413
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>> No.14083415

brb doing interwebs search: is honey antibiotic

>> No.14083418

misspoke it's hydrophilic

>> No.14083427

I knew a guy who argued with me that raw honey was antibiotic "blah blah methylglyoxal, blah blah hydrogen peroxide"

shortly after that he got bit by a spider and since he was a poorfag he decided to put honey on it. he got a massive infection and came close to losing his leg. cost him more than if he had just gone to the doctor in the first place.

>> No.14083437

Probably because of the poison the spider injected into him

>> No.14083446

no, he got a bacterial infection.

>> No.14083451

Well I don't know, I'm not arguing about putting honey on a spider bite.

>> No.14083455

Hey OP, so after a 3 minute search I'm going to recommend that you add turmeric.

>> No.14083460

either way honey IS a preservative but the biscuits would have to be submerged in them to do any good. adding honey to the biscuits would cause them to eventually get soggy. unless sealed in an air tight container.

>> No.14083475

nigger they use honey in the hospital

>> No.14083532

*pats head* of course they do honey. of course they do.

>> No.14083537

nigger are you stupid i now for a fack it is mabey if u weren't a retard u would have the sense to look it up

>> No.14083543
File: 157 KB, 1262x592, embarrassing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has anyone tried adding spices to keep bugs away or using different flour for better nutritional value?
you are losing site of what hard tack is. it's a last ditch food, or a supplement to other survival rations. it's designed to last a long time, not taste good or be very nutritious. to fill your belly in time of need.

if you want something tasty and that will last 30 years buy some freeze dried food.

also no one eats hardtack directly you soak them in water and make a porridge. real hard tack is mostly inedible in it's storage form.

>> No.14083549
File: 59 KB, 750x500, 01 - ad hominen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have looked it up.

also stop typing like a hoodlum.

>> No.14083731
File: 111 KB, 417x606, angry reddit wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ad hominem
>le epic logical falicy
go back to plebbit i swear i hate you people

>> No.14083735

i have eaten hard tack directly

>> No.14084273

Not the retard you've been arguing with but honey is antibiotic