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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14068752 No.14068752 [Reply] [Original]

Post stories of you working in the industry.
Cont from——->>14060423

>> No.14068778

Papa Johns fag from last thread here
the manager that hired me is the kind of guy to post unfunny garbage on /b/
>fat man-child who plays xbox all night
>always sipping mountain dew
>constantly taking vinegary shits in the bathroom
>big box/mod vape that he takes outside every 15 or 20 minutes
>made a bench out of an old shelf and some dough trays, honestly the best thing he ever did at that store
>one night he's teaching me how to dock after rush
>says something about the flour, make a shitty cocaine joke
>says he could "bust out the coke right now"
>think he's joking
>he stares at me for too long with an expectant look on his face
>dont say anything
i had just turned 18 and this was my first month at the store.
that's retarded. teachers at my highschool did the same thing, id be out of there too. boss sounds like a power-happy cunt

>> No.14068780

That’s fucking gross, with the mop.

>> No.14068800

we had a driver for a while that was a total degenerate, was always on probation and drinking beer in his car on deliveries. we also share our strip mall building with a mom and pop sports bar/pizza place
>owner of pizza bar is an ass
>super conservative suburban dad type
>parks his truck on the grass behind his restaurant
>one day degen driver and bar owner get into it out back
>dont know the details but it was probably dumb
>degen driver stops at Lowe's on his next run
>buys a box of nails
>scatters nails on grass around the guys truck
>dude hasnt parked his truck on the grass ever since
side note, dine-in hasn't been allowed here for a while, but sports bar guy has been letting customers in through the back door anyway. none of the customers or employees wear masks even though its mandatory at this point. i hope they all get the rona

yeah but at least it was clean mop water. the floor was really sticky for a few days

>> No.14068807


Even better he couldn't even tell us, he had a meeting with his most trusted lapdog managers about the issue, and "suggested" the idea, to which his lapdogs cannot say no or he'll fire them, so of course it went through, and instead of telling us about it as he was literally sitting 5 feet away from me doing paperwork, he sent a text to the other managers that effective immediately this was policy. Then he started bitching about food waste despite his own policy being to throw out a ton of food every night

>> No.14068857

this talk of shitty bosses reminded me about this fat bitch that was a shift lead for a month or so
>closing one night, just me and her
>i hate working with her, shes even lazier than the SL that wrote me up
>other driver clocks out, hangs around the store to talk to fat bitch
>they go out into parking lot and make out in drivers car for half an hour every night
>while theyre doing this, we get 2 or 3 big orders, im on the phone taking an order, pizzas coming out of the oven, and a customer comes in to place a carryout order
>too much shit going on for me to do by myself
>fat bitch still sitting in drivers car
>im stressed as hell and super irritable because i was on day 3 of quitting smoking
>finish phone call, talk to customer
>im jittery and keep glaring out the window waiting for fat bitch to come back inside
>customer finishes ordering and pays
>"hey man, are you okay?"
>tell customer whats going on
>"oh man, that sucks. take your time with my food, ill come back. try and have a good night, man"
>thank him, put extra effort into his pizza. extra toppings and cheese
>fat bitch finally comes back inside, i snap at her and leave with a delivery so she can handle all of the bullshit that she let pile up on me
>smoke a cigarette, quitting is hard
customers who understand that shit happens make me all warm and fuzzy inside.

fuck that guy. sounds awful to work for, glad you got out of that place anon

>> No.14068882

the summer i worked with autist manager, there was a driver named Kevin
>nice guy, quiet
>would talk about music if you brought it up
>pretty decent taste, into shoegaze and some metal
>pretty good guitar player, had an awesome 8 string
>closed with him almost every night
>eventually tells us that he broke up with his girlfriend and is moving to Alabama
>year or so goes by, standing around during opening shift
>coworker comes up to me and says "hey, you remember that guy kevin?"
>"well i got this friend suggestion on facebook"
>he shows me his phone
>"girl" named Katherine
>Picture is Kevin wearing makeup, grew his hair out
>had a good laugh with coworker
i feel bad for him, apparently his girlfriend was a massive cunt.

>> No.14068892

that's pretty much all ive got, ill post more if i can remember. is anyone else here?

>> No.14068898

Give me a second I’m cooking right now

>> No.14068912

You Papa Johns nigga? I've worked dozens of jobs in my life but your experience sounds like shit

>> No.14068920
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>at mexican restaurant
>young parents booth over
>bab crying and being a shit
>hear that universal gag-burp
>babby pukes onto parents' food
>mixes in with the queso dip
>can never eat there again
>mfw always think about it when I hear mexican music

>> No.14068922

i papa johns nigga
its not so bad. most of the time shifts are uneventful, i just drive around and listen to spotify. money is good for how much i actually have to work, customers are generally nice enough. shitty coworkers suck but the turnover rate is so high that i can just wait it out
nasty. they probably got that shit comped, too

>> No.14068947
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this post reminded me of when the John Schnatter controversy happened
>year 2ish
>come into work, manager has a talk with the whole store
>tells us that Papa John got fired
>gives each of us a piece of paper from corporate
>it tells us not to talk to the press, as if a reporter is going to walk into the store and interview highschool kids about it
> we get new boxes that were clearly rushed out, just a logo and brown cardboard
>not allowed to use old boxes with johns face on them
>have to take down anything with papa john on it
>if you remember pre-nword, youll know that his face was basically the company logo
>pic related was hanging in front of store
>autist manager leaves it on the desk
>i ask if i can have it
>he says no
>it sits on the safe for a week or two
>i take it home when he's not working
i also stole a car topper, i use it as a lamp now

>> No.14068964

show lamp. cute pup

>> No.14068981
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When i was at uni, i could stick it to the wall because of the metal studs in the dorm. I unironically love it and will never get rid of it.
Pup says thanks, by the way

>> No.14068990

Clean your shelf

>> No.14068993
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Dont know why these keep uploading sideways, sorry. Have another picture of pup

>> No.14068999

theres no point, this desk is completely trashed. the shit next to the bottlecaps is epoxy that leaked out of the bottles, it is not coming off. when i move this target desk is going in the dumpster anyway

>> No.14069043
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>working closing shift
>dead, too early to start closing duties
>checking dates on dough
>we have like 7 trays that expired the day before
>me, manager, and other driver make some breadsticks
>what if we braid all of this dough together and make a really long breadstick
>get to work, manager braids/stretches, other drivers feeds it into the oven on screens, i pull it out
>its really fucking long
>runs entire length of oven, around cut table, and onto docking station
>when we run out of dough, i take medium screens (12" screens for non-papa johners)
>get to measuring
>17.5" breadstick
>everyone takes a bite and decides that it was a stupid idea
>take it out back and leave it out for the coons and birds
this is the only picture i have of it, i took a video walking around the thing but i lost it

>> No.14069049
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we made plenty of stupid pizzas while we were bored. made a couple apple pie pizzas, too but no pics

>> No.14069055

lame, fucking do something with your pathetic life

>> No.14069057
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manager at the time was always eating chik fil a. this pizza has Chik Fil A sauce instead of red sauce, half of it has chicken nuggets, and the other half has spicy chicken sandwiches cut in half. sandwich side was fucking dumb and hard to eat, but chicken nuggie side was actually really good

>> No.14069063

thats kinda sad
how old are you now

>> No.14069081

21, back in school to get certifications to be a mechanic on airplanes. pizza job is just to keep me busy and have some drinking money.
sometimes you have to try and have fun with work, anon. this stuff was funny to me when i made them in high school

>> No.14069094

>start working as a dishwasher in Toronto restaurant
>take a Sunday brunch shift
>clientele are young bimbos and drug dealers
>people are getting wasted and spending hundreds on bottles and drinks
>see white dude with a sleeveless hoody and 4 girls sitting at his table order a Texas Micky of grey goose
>think "huh didn't know you'd have bottle service at brunch"
>at 2pm all the curtains are closed.
>at 2:30 a stripper comes out and starts dancing on the table in the middle of the dining area
>she pours champagne all over her body
>dances for 30 minutes then leaves.
>I have to clean up the champagne
>whole restaurant turns into a club for Sunday brunch
>all the waitstaff are drinking and dancing
>I am left cleaning dishes and stripper champagne

turns out this restaurant does this everyweek and they make 50 grand for that service. Of that 10 grand is food the rest is drinks.

>> No.14069100

Currently in the navy working as a technician on helicopters.
What’s it like going to school for aviation maintenance? I heard it’s very easy to get a job in the industry with military experience.

>> No.14069134

right now im just doing gen ed stuff, kind of boring but im looking forward to the rest of it. a lot of people in my class are retired military who need certs to get into the civilian side of the industry.
ive been told that demand is really high right now for A&P's as well, the average age is something like 55-65. pays well, too. blows slinging pizzas out of the water
rotorcraft are cool, do you work on anything that goes brrrrrt like apaches? met a guy who was a blackhawk technician, sounds pretty cool

>> No.14069139

was this at a normal restaurant or a club type place? I'm picturing all of this going down at the mom and pop cafe i bussed tables at and it hurts my brain

>> No.14069154
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I work on the navy’s version of the Blackhawk, the Seahawk. Navy doesn’t really have helos that rain fire upon the enemies of America. It’s more ASW and vertical replenishment.

>> No.14069159

Sounds like a lounge/club that serves food in the side.

>> No.14069162

it's both. On a typical night food is served food service occurs from 5-10 then at 11pm or so an area is opened up. I had no idea they turned the restaurant into a club on sundays during the afternoon. The restaurant in question is called Brassaii

>> No.14069177

that's still pretty cool, do you have any stories? instructor told me someone was fucking with the hydraulics in an aileron, then someone pulled the tag/pin out. aileron snapped flat with someone between it and the rest of the wing, cut them clean in half. makes me nervous to do that stuff.
sounds like the name of a club, to be honest. 2pm is a bit early for strippers, though

>> No.14069199

How the hell is demand high right now? More planes are grounded than ever, experienced people have been laid off, and it is going to stay this way for a very long time.

>> No.14069214

I have more stories of ship and dumbass shipmate bullshit than the bird itself. When you do shit by the book things don’t really go wrong. I’ve heard of blades dropping on people and shit like that.
Worst shit that ever happened was washing the top of the aircraft at 0400 in the morning in the middle of the ocean at 30+ knots of wind coming my direction, and I almost fell off the top after a bunch of water hit my face from the hose and I had a mask over my face and water boarded myself.
When you’re in the navy, you spend the majority of your first year in the line shack.

>> No.14069215

Having fun is sad?
Kill yourself faggot go suck some navy guys dick everyone knows you suck eachothers poop decks

>> No.14069216
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>work at dominos during uni
>shit job overall but the people are pretty fun
>manager is super depressed and burnt out career fast food manager
>he doesn't give a shit about anything as long as the wheels are still turning
>one day our store wins an award for "most improved sales"
>manager goes to the dominos conference (this is apparently a real thing) where he wins a rolex
>he comes back all motivated and shit, lots of "ideas" on how to "improve things"
>suddenly there's a shit ton of extra work to do
>shit sux
>eventually he is having a hard time making rent
>he and his partner decide to sell the rolex on ebay
>they sold it to someone in fucking NIGERIA
>they almost even paid the "fee" to the "nigerian police" to track down the scammer afterwards
>goes back to being depressed and burnt out
>job gets easy again
Being a fast food manager must be the worst job in the world. long hours, shit pay, babysitting incompetent teenagers, rich boomer owners shitting down your throat, customers screaming at you. I'd unironically rather clean toilets all day than be a fucking fast food manager.

>> No.14069225

>local brewery opens a pizza shop in bum fucking nowhere.
>Slow as shit and we mainly just goof off and browse 4chan on the for some reason top of the line computer they used for cashiering.
>We do none of the hiring the brewery owners do.
>Hire some stick guy I'll call Thomas.
>Supposed to be a cook but doesn't show up on his first day.
>Comes in the next day and didn't know what his job was. Had literal zero idea what jobs a pizzaria would even have.
>Doesn't do shit anyways but the place is always dead so whatever.
>After the first week Thomas will just randomly show up. Has no idea what he schedule is, never writes it down when we show him and even when he does by some merrical show up correctly he'll just leave and not come back.
>Weeks go by and Thomas just hasn't showen up.
>Durrinf this time brewery give us control of hiring and shit.
>3 and a half months go by and Thomas comes in on afternoon.
>Ask him what he's doing cause he hasn't showen up in literal 4 months.
>Thomas gets upset that he's fired but we just tell him to reapply and will just hire him back.
>We go back our business. Thomas is just sitting in the lobby staring at his blank application.
>I'm in the back when I hear some screams and some skin slapping.
>Thomas for some reason attacked the manager and is now getting his ass pulverized by manager and our driver (Remember, Thomas is a literal stick person so no shit nothing was gonna happen)
>Literally throw Thomas out to the curb and he just darts.
>Never see him again.

He didn't smell of weed or heroin or anything. Didn't talk like a retard or seemed like he had autism. I have no ides what was up with him. I guess some people really are just fucking stupid.

>> No.14069234

Navy guy here, I’m not that guy you were responding too.

>> No.14069247

okay, maybe not right /now/ with corona and shit, I mean demand is expected to be high for the next few years, since most pilots and maintenance technicians are actual boomers and will be retiring soon. not many people have been going into the industry and there's a general shortage of qualified AMTs
i'd love to hear some, anon. getting knocked overboard sounds terrifying, i could never be military, especially not navy. ive toured a couple of carriers and it looks awful to spend so much time on those ships. busted my shins so many times on those stairs in the few hours i was aboard.
there's a general idea that everyone who works entry level fast food is a degenerate, but that anon is just mad that he will never make a dick pizza and eat it with his coworkers after hours. im used to being told im pathetic due to my job, but they clearly don't know me so i dont care

>> No.14069259

papa johns nigga here
i'm trained for every job in the store and have been offered the promotion to management twice now. i've refused both times because its mandatory 50 hours a week at 12/hr, and i make more than that in tips alone on a good night. fuck management.

>> No.14069263

You cant smell heroin on a person

>> No.14069269

people like thomas are why everyone thinks foodservice workers are idiots.

>> No.14069284

Im about 10 mins from having an interview at this coal fire pizza place and a mega hottie just came out someone never getting laid

>> No.14069286

>>14069216 here, i have more now that i think about it

>that time when the white trash girl who drinks 4 monsters a day ordered pizza from a different pizza place to our restaurant in the afternoon just as the rush was starting
one time she chased a "robber" with some kmart knife out of the store with the pizza paddle through, she was actually mega based

>that time when the kid who took the job way too seriously was bragging to me about how he was being promoted to "junior manager" (made up title) over me on the same day i was quitting because i graduated and got a salary job

>that time when the house next door became a brothel for a few months and the gross old hags who stop by with their johns to pick up their pre-coitus 'za

Don't do it. I'm not joking when I say I would literally rather clean toilets. Fast food manager is literally the most cucked job on the planet.

>> No.14069288

*sip* make sure you give the man in charge a firm handshake.
yup, that how you get a job, son *sip*

>> No.14069303


>50 at $12/hr

On one hand, that's some money if you have no hope of getting another job

on the other hand, management at a restaurant is never fun

>> No.14069305

Any other tips

>> No.14069325
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I was on a carrier for most of 2019. We were on the ship for 9 and a half months.
We had two guys go overboard. Both of them jumped of on purpose. One was saved the other one was never found. You have to be extremely unlucky to get blown of by jet exhaust to get blown overboard. I was always more scared of flying off the top of the helicopter and landing in my back in the flight deck than I was going overboard into the ocean.
I spent most of Cruise on nights. The ocean is a scary place at night. I can’t understate just how fucking dark on a moonless night. But when the moon and stars are out it’s really gorgeous. I grew up in South Florida so I never saw the Milky Way, North Star, Orion’s Belt and the dippers. It was really cool. I honestly thought seeing all that was a myth lol.
The worst part of cruise was cranking. I was brand new to the squadron without qualifications so I had to work as part of the ship for 3 months, in the officers galley. It kind of has to do with the thread so I’ll post a green text in a second.
The coolest thing I got to do was pic related, giving signals for the pilots and everyone else around while they are landing and taking off was badass.
Being out to sea isn’t that bad. You save a lot of money, and if you get lucky you see some cool places. I got unlucky though, the deployment sucked.

>> No.14069329

this reminds me of a story from papa john's
>working with autist manager
>talking about robbery procedure with new highschooler
>show him silent alarm, etc.
>he doesn't understand why we would just give them the money
>"if someone came in here, i'd take the pizza cutter, jump the counter, and cut him up!"
>roll my eyes
>tell him that he's dumb
>he turns to manager, "HE JUST CALLED ME DUMB!"
>manager smirks and says "is he wrong?"
our cutters are literally never sharpened, autist manager was being autistic and pressed it into my forearm. He ran it all the way to my elbow (down the tracks) and it barely left a red line.
you could just as easily get a job as a driver, make your hourly pay of 7.25/hr in store and 4.50/hr on runs, plus the 10-20/hr you make in tips. delivering in a rich neighborhood is stupidly good money. and way less responsibilities.
unironic tips? just dont completely sperg out or try to be funny. firm handshake was a joke but wouldn't hurt. yes sir and no sir. be polite. food/service jobs aren't hard to get, they just want to know if you're a crackhead. dont be like >>14069225 and you'll be fine
good luck, anon!

>> No.14069343

jumping off on purpose? is that suicide attempts or trying to get sent home? thats crazy.
I live in the suburbs, and i'd kill to get a view like that of the stars. i love that shit.
sucks that you didnt get to bang any ladyboys in thailand

>> No.14069355

Anyway so cranking:
>an aircraft carrier is filled with 5000+ people. Despite that, there is no job in the navy that you sign up for that all you do is wash dishes or handle trash
>that’s where cranking comes in
>you’ll be in your division or squadron and they’ll send you cranking. That’s the slang term for Temporary Duty
>dishes have to get washed, kitchens have to get cleaned, trash has to be burned etc. you get the picture. No one signs up to do that shit. But it has to get done
>I get sent to the wardroom. It’s where the officers eat.
>the cooks for the most part are assailed to most FSA (Food Service Assistant) but if you aren’t an idiot they are cool
>now there were less people working as FSA in the wardrooms but the food was WAYYYYY better since they cook for less people.
>like they’ll actually cook their steak instead of just burning it. Shit like that.
>since I worked at night, I didn’t have to deal with Khakis
>KHAKIS is slang for Chiefs and Officers because they wear Khaki pants.
>because I didn’t deal with Khakis and the cooks liked me they let me cook for myself
>so for three months I ate really good.
>whenever they had steak I would tell them to leave me four or five strips aside so once Mideast was done I could cook steak.
>I would cook the steak, cut it into pieces, then get a bunch of eggs and bagels and veggies and make steak/egg bagel sandwiches.
>I would also make quesadillas too.
>on top of makin my it for myself I would feed my friends too.

>> No.14069384
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They were both attempts. One guy actually was successful though. The other guy did it in the afternoon and in view of people during flight operations, meaning there was helicopters in the wait already so we all knew he did it to get sent home.
>had a huge crush on this girl and I would cook for her every night
>was simpin hard and realized after a while she didn’t like me. But it was all good though. Boat does weird things to people. I wouldn’t even buy a girl a chocolate milk in the outside world. But whatever
>3 months into deployment, we had our “halfway” there meal (this was before our cruise got extended)
>they had crab legs and steaks galore
>after Midrats (the meal that is going on from 2200-0100 for the people who work at night) there was a fuck ton of extra steak, lobster and crab legs
>all of us FSAs grab cardboard boxes, line them up with aluminum and bring a fuckton of steak and shitty seafood to our actual divisions.
>when I go to my division there’s only one guy in the shop. Ask him where everyone else is and he says on the flight deck washing an aircraft
>when I go back to the berthing (sleeping quarters) later I was showered with candy and energy drinks since they said they had gotten real busy and some of them didn’t really get to eat so when they all come down from a wash job and are greeted with steak and seafood they almost cried
There was a lot of shitty times too though. Most of it was shitty desu.

>> No.14069398

He ordered me the job in like 5 mins

>> No.14069406


>> No.14069413

>manager pressed the pizza cutter into the employees presumably unwashed arm
this is why i dont eat food from fast food establishments

>> No.14069427

>tfw i will never surprise crewmates with steak and lobster
nice story. some parts of ship life sound cozy, but not enough to make it liveable.
there's a lady in my class who did flight deck ATC (?) like you were talking about, with signalling and stuff. when we were introducing ourselves, she mentioned she had a kid, and how old it was. did some quick math and figured out she got knocked up on the ship, gave me a chuckle.
congrats, anon! what are you gonna be doing there?
never mind the fact that we don't wash hands after handling money or using the touchscreen POS systems. but shit like that generally isnt enough to give you food poisoning or anything

>> No.14069435
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>most days while I was cranking were 15 hour days
>the dishwasher we had (we called it the dragon) was fucked up and would eat the dish soap like no tomorrow. While most dragons would make a block of the soap last 3 or 4 days our would tear through a soap block in 3 or 4 hours.
>we had to go to the other galleys to ask them for soap blocks and they would be stingy a lot of the time. So we would have to be sneaky and steal that shit.
>the boxes they came in weighed like 30 lbs which isn’t heavy but it is annoying when you have to go up 4 or 5 ladderwells with a 30 pound box
>one day the fridge stops working so they are not allowed to store food there long term
>it still was cold but they couldn’t keep food their for long because it was like 48 degrees instead of 45 or whatever their standards were
>so we would have to go to the downstairs galley and bring the boxes of shit they were gunna prepared for breakfast up 4 ladderwells
>it was a mini working party.
>other lowlights include working with this chick who would always disappear when it got busy. When you would ask her where she went she would say “I went to go shower and master bate” like bro what the fuck
>another time we found a pee cup in one of the storage rooms. The khakis were not happy about that
>another time we ran out of soap blocks but we had a fuckton of pre-soak blocks and this genius had the idea of putting that in the dishwasher instead and when he did that and ran dishes through it got overflowed with bubbles and fucked up the dishwasher for a few
>another time this girl was replacing beef on the line and got the hot juice on her chest.

>> No.14069440

Making pizza i guess it was really fast i dont even remember the guys name that hired me but hes paying me 50 cents more then i asked for, restraunts here are opening back up on Friday so hes gonna call me thursday about training etc he said expect to start next monday, he seemed a little wired and said "lemme tell you now, i like your energy, you got the job"

>> No.14069448

>$12 an hour for 50 hours a week
So are you being salaried at 40 hours at $12 an hour or salaried 50 at $12? Either way thats dog shit. Last service job I had was supervisor at a coffee shop and I got 14.50, plus ~125 a week in pooled tips.

>> No.14069456

Not sure what a flight deck ATC is.
The way the army marines work, they call each other by rank, like Private, Sergeant, Gunny, etc. etc.
the way the navy works, we call each other by our rate and rank. For example, A petty officer second class(E5) who works as an Aviation Technician would be known as AT2. A first class would be AT1
When you make Chief(E7), you would be then known as ATC, but no one calls them “ATC” the same way they’ll call someone “AT1” they’ll just be called Chief.
Anyway sorry about that tangent, there were a lot of people who got caught fucking on the ship. I know of at least one female who got pregnant on the ship (while she was married) and got kicked out for adultery.

>> No.14069470

The only way something like that would be worth it IMO is if you just wanted to get that added to a resume in the very near future. My cousins girlfriend was a manager for Pizza Hut for 3 months but the second she got the position she was sending her resumes to hotels because she wanted a management position at a hotel. She did not get a management position off the bat but she did get her foot in the door at the Ritz Carlton and is now a manager there.

>> No.14069478

>actual piss bottles
thats cool, i actually really like making pizzas. once you get the hang of working dough its fun to toss it
i kind of messed that up, but you get paid hourly (shift leads are still technically part time employees)at $12/hr. they generally work just under 40 hours a week because fuck your benefits. General managers are salaried at something like 40-50k a year, with mandatory 50 hours a week without overtime. completely cucked. It wasnt unusual for them to work more though. autistic manager would OC every day for a few months when we were understaffed. pulled like 80 hour weeks with no overtime, it was crazy.
i meant ATC as in Air Traffic Control, she would direct the helos to land and the jets to take off, stuff like that. I didn't know you could get kicked out for fucking, does brass really expect nothing to happen when you have that many people in close quarters for that long?

>> No.14069504

Oh okay got ya. Yea ATCs are known as ACs in the navy world lolol. I don’t think they ever go in the flight deck desu. They usually just stare at a computer and direct the birds to land and takeoff from there.
Fucking isn’t allowed on the ship, period. Once you hit port and you get a hotel room they don’t care how much you fuck. But for fucking on the ship, You’ll get in trouble for that, but typically not kicked out for it. However, if you commit adultery you can get kicked out for it. Adultery is considered a crime under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Most of the time if people are honest and upfront with what happened they will not get kicked out.
One guy I know was caught fucking on the ship and was married. The Captain of the ship sat down with him while he called his wife and told her what happened. He did not get kicked out and apparently he and his wife had an open marriage going on while he was on the boat so he didn’t even get divorced.
Another guy fucked a bartender when we ported in Spain, tried to fight some people from the boat and was accused of sexual assault. They had no proof of the sexual assault but the adultery, combined with the fighting and lying while they were investigating the incidents and all that other baggage got his ass kicked out.

>> No.14069527

that's pretty interesting, thanks anon

>> No.14069555

>salaried service jobs
Absolutely fuck that. I took an AGM position (already had benefits upon being a supervisor and working an average of 35 hours a week) and once I did the math, I was making less than the supervisors. DM was insulted when I asked for a 2500k raise after I broke down the math for him, so I stepped down and worked my 40ish and wasn't on call 24/7 because the manager never picked up her phone.

>> No.14069561

to be fair, a $2,500,000 is kind of a lot

>> No.14069578


>> No.14069607



>> No.14069854

Naw it’s not that much

>> No.14070036


>> No.14070083

Gonna ask because your town sounds just like mine. East metro of the twin cities in Minnesota by any chance?

>> No.14070173

Fucking based

>> No.14070194


>> No.14070202


>> No.14070333

>be me
>2nd day in the job as a busboy
>this other new busboy gets hired and they have the two of us working at the same time
>shits busy and I handle it well but he doesn’t.
>he’s slow as fuck
>actually he looks like he’s sleep walking
>oh shit he just passed out on top of the dishwasher
>no not the machine, on top of the actual dishwasher guy
>wakes up
>manager asks him if he’s on drugs
>uh no? I mean like I smoked before coming into work
>manager is a huge pothead and has been in the industry since he was 16
>he tells him to go home, get some rest and don’t come back
>close up by myself, get more hours because I impressed my manager
>next day the guy who knew the other busboy and got him the job comes in
>manager tells him what happened
>guy literally says “oh yea he does Xanax sometimes”
>he gets fired too
>I end up working 7 days a week there
Wasn’t too bad.

>> No.14070883
File: 1.81 MB, 1412x1076, 1582418785048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't too funny to tell but it was for me as a person seeing it

>Worked at Mcdicks as a teenager
>Hated it, but pay and hours weren't terrible and I worked with friends
>Couple of the guys were kinda off though
>One dude, Jay, writes fanfiction and is like 10 years older than us, really quiet
>Shit worker too, barely did anything
>We're having a busy as fuck shift, whole screen is full and we're low on everything as per usual
>We've got a truck coming in later
>One last bag of nuggets left and just the right amount ordered to use it up just in time for the truck to come
>These nuggets are gold, if one is borked everything will be backed up
>Jay the fucking retard DROPS ONE ON THE FLOOR
>Nobody but me sees
>Make eye contact
>Nodding head "no", almost desperately
>He looks defeated as fuck, puts it in a box, serves it off
>That floor nugget went to some fat fuck
>Keeps staring at me like he's about to be executed or something
>Makes hush gesture
>Never speak of it it

Bloody hell that was a terrible job.

>> No.14070929

I dont see how xans does that to people unless hes taking like 4 mgs which then he should go to rehab where they teach you how to do drugs

>> No.14070938
File: 17 KB, 348x342, 1457737260846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nodding head "no"

>> No.14070960

One time i went and did pcp with the sous chef if anyone wants to hear also one of our waiters would get super coked out and would start making baloon animals for the kids that came in he was also a dwarf

>> No.14070966

He was more like a host/busboy/mascot not a waiter

>> No.14071384

Describe pcp

>> No.14071388

not even close

>> No.14071410

pranked the guy that delivered my pizza by having my dick stuck through the bottom of the pizza box

>> No.14071462

waiters gettign super coked out, whats new lmfao

>> No.14071525

>teaching me how to dock
you guy put your dicks together lol faggot

>> No.14071536

made that joke so many times it hurts

>> No.14071552


>> No.14071950

I'm calling it sad since you think making a dick pizza is a highlight of your life. I work in a gorumet restaurant and dick pizza is the most basic shit we do

>> No.14072779

Poor Papa

>> No.14073588

wtf cooking is gay now?

>> No.14074835

Made me feel really tall

>> No.14074926

You're such a faggot with all that negativity.

>> No.14075274

Prove it fag

>> No.14075401
File: 455 KB, 631x560, 1587138099447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if you believe me. It was the only thing that made the shityness of the retaurant chain known as outback steakhouse.
>Be 17.
>Get job at outback shithouse at the host stand, only position available at the time.
>Had a really rough life so at this point I give no fucks.
>Dumb teenage and early 20s bitches that are stubborn cunts.
>Make them get out of my way or literally slide past their bodies in the narrow confines of the host stand.
>All of then other guys say excuse me or some shit instead of making the bitches get the fuck out of their way.
>Bitches instinctively see me as the alpha.
They would intentionally get in my way so my crotch would press up aginst their ass. I could go up to them at any time and grope them. I am talking 6 young bitches getting groped on a busy night by me for hours almosy everyday, at multiple different stores. I hated it but the experience of part of my job being a literal hentai and getting paid to do it was the only icing on that shit cake.
I wish I was still young lads. Use your youth wisely.

>> No.14075593

40 pizzas

>> No.14075942

Loving the stories. Got any more about the autistic manager that you got the happy meal for? I like that guy

>> No.14077210


>> No.14077450


He might be greek or bulgarian