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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14038450 No.14038450 [Reply] [Original]

>half-asses a recipe she found online
>throws a tantrum when her coworkers provide any kind of constructive criticism
>"that's not what i need to hear right now"
>just remake the same shit instead of actually trying to improve it
>coworkers have to lie through their teeth to avoid setting off another hissy fit
>spends multiple days making an inferior version of something you can buy a frozen 2lb bag of for $3
how does anyone actually enjoy watching this petulant little brat? nobody could actually respect her as a chef, could they?

>> No.14038467

>i mean, i've seen them around, i've just never tried them
OK, Claire.

>> No.14038555

"nobody could actually respect her as a chef, could they?"
>being a woman
>being respected
pick one

>> No.14038581

I like it when Sohla contributes to videos. She's so cool and has a good personality. I could see me happily spending my life with her.

>> No.14038615

>how does anyone actually enjoy watching this petulant little brat?
because she is cute, did you honestly have to ask that?

>> No.14038870

hey there, BA shill. you really need to vary your threads to avoid being so blatant. we've talked about this before.

>> No.14038906

This series and the Joshua Weissman's series of "gourmeting" fast food or junk food items are both infuriating to me.

Neither of them understand the original appeal of any of the products they try and boujie up. Like Weissman's Crunchwrap, what a fucking nightmare that was.

>> No.14038911

But she never tries to enhance it in any way. She simply tries to recreate the product with accesdible ingredients.

>> No.14038932 [DELETED] 

Looks like a jew. Better not give views

>> No.14038990

Meanwhile, in the Mythical Kitchen.

>> No.14038995

Fair enough. I have less of a problem with her than I do Joshua.

Still, her recipes are just pointless at best and wasteful at worst.

>> No.14038999

Is a 3/10 with no charisma or cooking ability. Can be replaced by literally anyone off the streets of NYC.

>> No.14039008

cringe man

>> No.14039033

there was a video in the video titles "In praise of tater tots" and i cant find a single video with that exact title from the youtube search bar and its pissing me off

>> No.14039044

>what if a way shittier chef made Bravetart: the video series
>the twist is she pretends the book doesn't exist

>> No.14039059

nvm its a part of a shitty news video, not worth it

>> No.14039097

Guys why didn't you tell me how great BA Brad is? I've basically only ever seen posts about her and just figured it was because she is cute, but I didn't realize they actually make good stuff too

>> No.14039108

brad got a demotion a while back and has way less airtime these days. he's not woke enough

>> No.14039142

He got a demotion?
I only started watching these recently so I have a lot more to go

>> No.14039174

I want to cream fill her donut if you know what I mean.

>> No.14039189

Just learn to cook lmao

>> No.14039219
File: 37 KB, 270x307, youretryingtoohard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how does anyone actually enjoy watching this petulant little brat? nobody could actually respect her as a chef, could they?
Why do you keep giving views to their videos despite hating them and keep giving them attention with these hate shill threads?

Is it envy?

>> No.14039234

I know how to cook decently enough. Did you think I was watching these videos to actually learn their "recipes"?

>> No.14039291

Do you think she does big poos?

>> No.14039297

She completely unqualified and is only getting paid because TRIBE.
She's admitted to not being a pastry chef in one of their videos, even.
She's almost as bad as that one indian whos entire thing is "look how indian i am isn't that crazy" or the creepy little mexican fag.

>> No.14039321

Duplicating frozen food just seems like such an exercise in futility. I like the channel just fine but I pass on her videos left and right. I'm bored but not THAT bored.

>> No.14039326

Making your own bread/tortillas is pretty easy for a home cook. Deep frying however is a fucking hassle without an extractor and some way to recycle the oil.

I just buy frozen popcorn chicken, mix it with Panda Express sauce, and make some fried rice.

>> No.14039334

I love serious eats but this bitch is so annoying and her recipes aren't simple.

>> No.14039341

Why do they try to pass themselves off as pro chefs? They went to some kiked cooking school and that's it.

>> No.14039347

She doesn't even figure it out in this one. She goes online and finds a recipe.

>> No.14039352

they are literally getting paid to cook shit man, thats what a pro chef is, its not some esoteric club, anyone can do it

>> No.14039541
File: 437 KB, 1800x1125, 1019-Claire-Apple-Walnut-Upside-Down-Cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well today we're making this
>it seems pretty similar to this other thing that I made so it should be easy
>video runtime: 40 minutes
>first attempt
>okay so I think I'm on the right track, we'll come back tomorrow
>3 weeks later
>I forgot everything I did and I said I was going to do some research but didn't
>second attempt
>I'm pretty close, instead of tweaking it I'm going to radically change what I'm doing
>why isn't it working
>third attempt
>hey maybe I should try doing it like the other thing I made like I said I would in the beginning
>I don't feel like working anymore, this is it
>*everyone tries it*
>"it's decent, but needs a little bit of this to be spot on"
>I'm done with it and not changing anything
>in that case it's perfect you did an amazing job

every episode is like this, yet I still watch

>> No.14039553

Welp, time to watch another one of her videos and slowly masturbate again.

>> No.14039561

Reminder to report for advertising.

>> No.14039579


>> No.14039616

> all of this
> gets a kk of views
That's how the normtenret works, my good chum.

>> No.14039636

Huge vinegary ones.

>> No.14039671


>> No.14039693

A few of them have actually worked in real kitchens, like Molly and Sohla. That's the experience that really matters. Don't know if Chris did as well but he's probably the most talented and competent of the bunch.

>> No.14039705


>> No.14039757

Wow, three versions in three minutes insteas of one in fifteen. Is she a god?

>> No.14039832


>> No.14039834


>> No.14039951

And she even improvises without just copying, in the case of Chef John's

>> No.14039964

cute as fuck

>> No.14040038

desu im thinking this video was not supposed to be released because she basically cheated but they did it just to give people Test Kitchen content during the quarantine

>> No.14041018

Her videos are always long as fuck even though they are 90% filler. I don't need to see you think to yourself and constantly ask how you're going to make it. Just make the damn dish.

>> No.14041047

i don't get why this lady insists on having a job.

>> No.14041053

oi vey if only there were someone to help me with the big vinegary shit thats brewing in my fat jewish tuchus

>> No.14041070

What do you expect from a neurotic jewess?

>> No.14041076

I want to slurp up those logs.

>> No.14041082

Why does anyone?

>> No.14041092

I don't even think she's close to that, silver hair and empty ovaries.

>> No.14041131

I didn't get this one either, tater totes can't be really improved, its not like you can use some super premium potato

you can just fry it in duck fat if you want to be fancy

>> No.14041414

Hit the nail on the head. Interesting concept but executed in the most boring laziest way possible

>> No.14041637

The silver hair is dyed. She intentionally gave herself old lady hair

>> No.14041685

yeah we know, doesn't mean it's not ugly

>> No.14042019

Oh! I thought she had just aged terribly.