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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14035284 No.14035284 [Reply] [Original]

What are some foods or drinks that are certain to give me explosive diarrhea? Don't have any pic related, and coffee and spicy foods don't work for me anymore.

>> No.14035291

4 elgin sausages
quart of chocolate milk + 5 teaspoons of inositol
2 mcdonalds breakfast sandwiches

>> No.14035303

Undercooked salmon with a slightly fishy smell. It won't make you sick, but you'll wet shit your brains out. Why do you want to have diarrhea?

>> No.14035325

It's easy to lose weight if you're shitting everything out

>> No.14035327

I miss my coffee shits, and am super backed up

>> No.14035333

Lots of alcohol, beer is the best because you get two effects.

>> No.14035385

Eat a whole bunch of bananas at once, or an entire papaya

>> No.14035390

Can't argue with those trips, or using the 5th of may as an excuse for drinking
cheers, mate

>> No.14035396
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epsom salts will do the trick, or eat a spoonful of vaseline

>> No.14035595

Indian food at a restaurant. Their personal hygiene is so appalling you'll almost definitely get explosive diarrhea.

>> No.14035669

that's called bulimia

>> No.14035732

Just eat less

>> No.14036817


>> No.14037065

Open a can of saurkraut and eat the whole thing.

Trust me. This will clean you out. I ate this a few times because it has low calories, but oh my god will it ring your guts out like a wet sock

>> No.14037089

keep your antiquated racist stereotypes out of my thread thanks

>> No.14037092

Eating a lot of heavily salted food and then chugging several litres of water later that day can usually trigger massive osmotic diarrhea as the salty food draws a huge amount of fluid into your colon. Just don't try holding it in for too long or you will pass out from dehydration and shit yourself.

>> No.14037136
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Couple of these will get you shitting 3 to 4 times a day.

>> No.14037146

Raw sauerkraut or the juice from a can or glas of it (known as a natural laxiative here in germany).
Eating hard leafy greens without chewing thoroughly.

>> No.14037175

man, the toilets i've destroyed after a night of beer drinking.

>> No.14037184

Hey, you're not me, and this isn't your thread. Normally I absolutely despise /pol/smokers shitting up this board with off-topic racist bullshit, but just for that impersonation attempt, racist garbage is officially allowed in my thread this one time.

>> No.14037201

based and fuck niggerspilled

>> No.14037405

Cocaine. God I miss cocaine.

>> No.14037426

Melt a pound of butter and drink it.

>> No.14037430

Lol if your cocaine made you shit your dealer was cutting your shit with baby lax retard

>> No.14037469

Didnt think I had any, but it turns out I do, cheers

Don't have any of this though

Salt is already like 50% of my diet, I'll just have to remember to drink water, I'm bad at drinking when I'm drinking


Sadly don't have any of this either, but >>14037430

>> No.14037555

Eat a can of sauerkraut and chase it with a bunch of whole milk.

>> No.14037683

This thread is just making me realize I'm not well stocked at all, don't even have any milk

>> No.14038028
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And I've become drunk enough to make it the horrible diarrhea-inducing mixed drinks thread First you take 1 part butter

>> No.14038042
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melt it down

>> No.14038054
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throw into cup, salt shotglass lightly

>> No.14038068
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one part vodka

>> No.14038082
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one part rum

>> No.14038096
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snd one part taco sauce

>> No.14038107

Definitely the sodium content unless you buy the fancy refrigerated stuff that has live cultures. Hope you don't do it often, senpai.

>> No.14038114


>> No.14038115

is this spicy butterbeer?
because i dig it

>> No.14038122

>hot sauce
nigga gonna die of acid reflux before alcohol poisoning

>> No.14038126
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mix well

>> No.14038154

I've been slowly dying of acid reflux my entire life,this is nothing to me

I have no idea, but it surprissingly is not half bad, very salty, but kinda good actually

>> No.14038199

Step 8: drink quickly, the butter hardens very fast making it harder to drink

>> No.14038251

9: shit your brains out, it hasn't happened yet, but I feel it coming

>> No.14040110

kale smoothies always get me

>> No.14040123

creatine + coffee

>> No.14041441

Keep me posted.

>> No.14041457


Unironically Chipotle. Not because of food poisoning but it makes me shit 30-60 minutes after guaranteed.

Burrito bowl
Fajita veg
White rice
Hot salsa
Sour cream
Guac cheese

>> No.14041479

I didn't think this thread would still be alive, but I did sucessfully have a really messy shit and promptly passed out afterwards. I guess it was a pretty good cinco de mayo all in all.

>> No.14041533
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For those who don't know, the worst diarrhea you can possibly get is with large quantities of fake sweeteners.

Most fake sugars are called "sugar alcohols". Simply, they don't usually have calories because they aren't a macronutrient and don't get absorbed by the body.

HOWEVER, sugar alcohols still leech water out of your large intestine as they pass through your body. Leading to very, very extreme diarrhea and farting.

Here's an example:
