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13969398 No.13969398 [Reply] [Original]

Latte edition. This thread is for all coffee related discussion and inquiries.

>what are you drinking
>do you like it
>getting anymore

Previous thread >>13929375

>> No.13969480

Had a cup of the brazilian ruby today. Did the math on it. At 2.60 an lb, my single cup v60s and 15g double espressos come out right about $0.10 per.

>> No.13969500

Good fucking morning lads.
Going to get some actual work done today so I don't feel like a piece of shit, I've been saying it for days and always let myself down, but this time it's for real.
I'm drinking Eight O'clock coffee, hazelnut flavor but I want to up my game. I make my coffee in a french press, any recommendations on coffees? Also, is getting whole bean and grinding it at home worth it?

>> No.13969515
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Saw this in the last thread, is it better than a brikka?

>> No.13969522

Is a contraption like this really necessary to make hot bean water? Does it actually taste better this way than just made normally?

>> No.13969524

What do you think about thick Navajo coffee like what this lady is making?

>> No.13969529


>> No.13969530

It's basically just a moka pot that can reach slightly higher pressure, still far from a real espresso.

>> No.13969536

Stop spamming your waifu, permavirgin

>> No.13969587

I don't even know this lady, nigger. Didn't know you can't even embed her channel here.
There's two Youtube channels who did this type of coffee, and the other one is a fat pig.

>> No.13969593

>I don't even know this lady
Keep larping.

>> No.13969610

I just want to talk about coffee mixed with roasted flour, man.

>> No.13970527


>> No.13970544

Honduras - Roberto Figeuroa
Fully washed Pacas
Roasted to about 10% DTR
Brewed in a bonmac dripper with 110GH 55KH water at 207f
>do you like it
It's really good. Big intense acidity, flavors of golden raisin and rose hip jam. Sweet clean and bright. 8.5/10
>getting anymore
Yeah, I have just under 2 pounds of green left. This was just the test batch.

>> No.13970556

What's an inexpensive replacement for a Mr. Coffee grinder? No preference over hand-powered or not.

>> No.13970894

Oh btw setting my set variable at 420~ makes my heater band from there, back down to about 385, causing my ror to stall/crash a bit. I can combat that by adjusting my pid parameters, or by actively adjusting that set variable higher when this starts happening. Thoughts?

>> No.13970920

wtf kind of coffee are you making? Are you on the ISS or something?

>> No.13970960

Really not sure how to remedy that - my setup has pretty minimal programming.

What I would recommend would be to change how you manipulate your heat input. I would recommend programming a slow incline in heat, rather than starting with your heat at a specific place and then adjusting fan around that. I find that high fan speed (mine stays at 100%) helps to reduce the impact of moisture release around FC, as well as to clear smoke and maintain good bean movement.

I would think that adjusting heat input based on ET like you do could lead to quite a lot of other ROR issues that may be less obvious as well.

I know you get good results, so if you don't want to experiment with entirely changing your code I can see that. With that said, I'm very convinced that a smooth declining ROR is paramount - have noticed my coffee improve a ton since I've smoothed it.

>> No.13971029
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>adjusting heat input based on ET

I was running the pid of BT until recently, but a 20 page thread on homeroasters informed me that in a fluid bed, ET is the way to go. These single set temp roasts are only while I'm getting my pid tuned.

>// PID Control Options
>#define PID_CONTROL
>#define PID_CHAN 1 // physical channel for PID input (corresponding to thermocouple inputs T1-T4)
>#define CT 1000 // default cycle time for the PID, in ms
>#define PRO 5.00 // initial proportional parameter
>#define INT 0.15 // initial integral parameter
#define DER 0.00 // initial derivative parameter

Once I get the code dialed in to be able to surf right at a set temp, I can design/save/rerun exact ror curves and the board will manage it automagically.

$2.60 an lb Brazilian Ruby.

Brazil Ruby Semi-washed

Farm: Sta. Edwireges Farm

Producer: Edna Maria Felicio

City: Monsenhor Paulo

Altitude: 960-1000m

Farm Info:

Producer since 1990, dedicated to the farm, with several plantations on her property, being: Bourbon, Ruby, Mundo Novo/19, Yellow Catuai and the very rare Maragogipe. This producer makes great drying control, does not use pesticides in the crop, maintaining the good quality of the soil, as well as preserving local fauna and flora with a legal reserve maintained with in the property.

Tasting Notes:

Sweet, creamy, peanut butter cup, long after taste.

>> No.13971286

Wouldn't it be easier to just send commands right to the heating element based on time rather than on heat feedback? My profile is set by time, and gives me nice ROR consistently. If I could program it to go up even more smoothly that would be what I would want. Hopefully your approach gets you to your end goal though, I just think it might be more complicated than necessary - especially with the noisiness of these thermocouples. Looking at the chart (and ignoring the flatness around/after FC) it looks like you have some real rough spots starting around 4 minutes up to FC - maybe try smoothing the big jumps in heat around there?

Looking forward to when you have it all sorted out.

What are your sampling interval, BTdelta, and smoothing settings at?

>> No.13971301

And for measuring ET, that is what the Ikawa does as well, so you're definitely onto something there. I measure the BT, but I have a 3mm probe that's about 2 inches long that I have horizontally in the bean mass. I have a 15c offset downward in my temp so that FC happens around the right temperature, since the mix of air and bean temp makes it look higher than the bean temp is. I remember that ikawa went with the ET partly because the probes wear with time if they are in the bean mass. I think going into the bean mass is better, as you get a more direct reading.

>> No.13971393
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I'm measuring both et and bt. I'm calculating the values for my heater based on my air temp, not my bean temp. Thats all

>>#define PID_CHAN 1 // physical channel for PID input (corresponding to thermocouple inputs T1-T4)

changes. Supposed to be more consistent. I've got my sampling interval at 1.0, and most other settings default. I've been switching between 1.8 2 and 2.1.2 so finding everything is sliiiiightly different. As for that stall ~4min, I think thats where bumping up my bean mass/dropping fan slightly will help trap a bit more heat while maintaining fluidity, but we'll see. I've gone up to 115g from 100g. Sweet marias says 3oz batch size so I'm 30g up from that already, with a bigger power supply.

>> No.13971468


>> No.13971527

The bump around 4 minutes is at the same time as your ET does a big change as well, so I think it's related to that. Increased batches can definitely increase heat retention, but I don't think it will smooth the ROR by a ton ( at least from what I've seen).

Wish I had someone close by to chat roasting with like this. Would be fun to cup the results together.

>> No.13971548

That clarifies things. Pretty cool

>> No.13971650

I can just run my set variable at 460 and dial it back down as the beans approach ~390 and it shouldn't overshoot too far, if any at all. There's a bunch of shit you can do with that tc4+ board, you should probably snag one to play with.

I've got no clue what settings to change in artisan at all, so lemme know if you have any input.

>> No.13971708

I saw someone say a while back that they put crushed up eggshells in their coffee grounds to make the texture more full. Is this a hidden incantation or just a meme.

>> No.13971969

I've been using:
0.5s sampling interval
Oversampling on
0 smoothing for BT and ROR
Smooth spikes is checked, so I can see a less noisy graph after I finish the roast, but during the roast it's as bumpy as the info coming in.
15s ror interval

Lower than 15s ends up being pretty useless because my input is so noisy. 20s works well, but I'm worried it could cover up flaws.

>> No.13973413

What is a good manual grinder for a course grind? Preferably one I can aso use for spices.

>> No.13973462
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What do you have with coffee?

>> No.13973636

Will a machine that produces 4-5 bar pressure make good coffee?

>> No.13973863

How well it pre wets the shot, how evenly it pulls it, and how good it is at maintaining water heat is going to affect flavor more than not reaching 9 bars.

>> No.13973996

what is a real espresso?

>> No.13974013

I finally got into "good" coffee and grinding it myself. The problem is "cheap" coffee comes out bitter, and "good" coffee comes out sour. I don't particularly like either overly bitter coffee or overly sour coffee.

How do I achieve smooth balance?

>> No.13974047

it seems to do all of those okay. i've been experimenting with different beans and finding differing results but am also using an electric spice grinder for the beans. i keep the beans in the freezer and use them within about 2 weeks but it seems like during the second week the beans come out more bitter, was unsure if it was an issue with the machine, beans or grind.

>> No.13974273
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I'm new to coffee (well, technically I've been drinking vedning machine coffee for 15 years) and I'm pretty amazed by the variety of flavours even from just trying out a few different beans and brewing methods. It's like discovering a whole new beverage.

I have a question: what coffee brands/types and what methods are most suitable for making "sour" coffee? Apparently acidity/sourness is something that's not usually desired in coffee, so when I search for it online, I only get suggestions on how to avoid/prevent sourness, not how to achieve it. I've tried sampling coffees from my local roasters that have "citrus/lemon/orange" etc. in their descriptions but this is very hit and miss and doesn't seem to be a good indicator. I also tried underextracting my coffee when making it at home and it kind of works for the sourness but it's not as good as a properly extracted coffee which happens to have a lot of sourness. These coffees exist, I've had them at different cafes before but I haven't been very succesfull at tracking them down...

Wanting sour coffee probably makes me a filthy pleb, but it's just what I like so any hints would be appreciated.

>> No.13974281

Any good beans from Amazon to look for?

>> No.13974312

Use good coffee but grind finer and make sure your water is hot.

>> No.13974315

Do you take them in and out of the freezer? If so, don't. If you use the coffee within a month of roast, you don't need to freeze.

>> No.13974328

What you want is just high acidity, and you are not alone. This is something a lot of coffee fans end up wanting over time. What you want is light roasted coffee that is wash processed, and from a few specific regions mostly. Try Kenyan coffees. African coffees more generally will have brightness. Coffee from Brazil, mexico, Peru, sumatra likely wont.

You can also adjust your water composition. Lower levels of carbonate buffer will allow more acid to exist. Higher concentration brews will have more acid per part per million of buffer, so can be more acidic, without changing water.

>> No.13974366

Thank you, this is very helpful.

>> No.13974411

Jesus, what a gay video.

>> No.13974471

How long do you guys let your French press sit for? I feel like I've never gotten a concrete answer. Usually I just go for a minute per hundred grams

>> No.13974480

I do the Hoffman method. 4 minutes then stir, skim the top and let it sit for at least 7 more minutes.

>> No.13974487

I should probably look into this Hoffman guy, I hear his name around enough.

>> No.13974691

People tend to go for pour over for more acidic coffee. The filter helps reduce th he acidic level while still maintaining a clean unmuddled flavor.

>> No.13974698

How the fuck do you brew a good cup of coffee with a chemex?

>> No.13974699

>spice grinder
If your putting your coffee under that much pressure, invest in an espresso teir hand grinder.

>> No.13974710

I'll post a guide later.

>> No.13974798

Love you, Anon.

>> No.13974816

This is entirely wrong

>> No.13974848

What is the best brewing method for acidic coffee, guys? I know which beans to buy now (African, light roast, washed) so I'm halway there, this really made my day.
I already have a regular automatic coffee machine, French Press, moccapot and Aeropress at home, but I'm willing to load on one more appliance. What should I get?

>> No.13974986

Depends on what you want to highlight. Brew methods are around 90% the same, if you brew to the same extraction. Metal vs paper filtration is the biggest difference. Immersion is more forgiving than percolation. Thicker paper will give lighter body and better clarity.

The best method, in my opinion, for bright coffees is to use the novel espresso method described by Hendon et al. In this method, you use lower pressure, coarser grind, and far less time to produce a very clean, sweet, bright espresso like beverage.

>> No.13975026

>Preferably one I can also use for spices.

>> No.13975037

Washed is fine but I think that African coffees shine even more when they are natural processed. I love a really fruity coffee though so you might not care for them but I suggest at least trying a natural if you can find one, they may be a bit more expensive though.

>> No.13975042

1. Get an actual grinder
2. Don't freeze your beans it fucks them up

>> No.13975088

I see.
Does the Hendon method work for coffee and how exactly? I googled this but the articles mostly refered to a method with which Baristas in cafes can reduce the extraction time and the amount of coffe used for making espresso, it seems more like economic than culinary advice to be honest. I don't own an Espresso machine and don't have the budget to get a decent one any time soon.

Sounds interesting. Do you skim off all the coffee ground that are floating at the top or just a bit? Wouldn't the coffee be kind of lukewarm after a total of 11 minutes in a French press though?

Noted, thanks

>> No.13975095

I've got some gold honey processed ethiopian koke thats fucking DELICIOUS. Real forward peach notes throughout the entire cup.

>> No.13975102

I just finished a cappuccino. I really have to learn how to make a proper latte with my new machine, the foam's like meringue.

>> No.13975128

Natural processing is fine, but it does reduce acid.

>> No.13975138

It does work, yes. I've made quite a few in that style and been pleased. It is not for monetary considerations that it is recommended - in fact, it doesn't really work well with milk I've found. The idea is that typical espresso prep creates a lot of micro-channels, leading to uneven extraction. By grinding coarser, reducing pressure, and reducing dose, you present less resistance to the flow of water, creating fewer channels and less turbulence. It's not something I would recommend buying expensive equipment at home for.

You're probably fine with your aeropress, but if you really want a brewer, check out the blue bottle dripper.

>> No.13975240

Thanks. Is there some kind of tutorial you can point me towards? As a beginner tips like "grind coarser" and "reduce pressure" don't really mean much to me since I haven't even figured out a baseline.

>> No.13975374

Just to be sure, do you have an espresso machine? That technique is only for espresso. But just in case you do:
6 bar pressure
15g in an 18g vst basket
10second extraction
You'll have to find what grind gets you to that range of extraction time and then dial around to get a good tasting extraction.

>> No.13975404
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I went overboard today and drank like 4 cups of cof. I ma truly experiencing caffiene induced anxiety. PLZ d help.

>> No.13975447

Feels bad but it peaks after 30 mins. Drink some water and open a window.

>> No.13975625
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Hey what grind size do you guys use for different coffee makers? On my virtuoso I use
>16 v60/aeropress
>19 chemex
>30 espro

I know the espro is just wrong, 30 is waay to coarse and I'm thinking of knocking it down to 22

>> No.13975739

EK43 with the 3fe dial, and 1 is burrs just about to touch:
10 - cupping
11 - french press
15.5 bonmac dripper
That's really all I have dialed in right now.

Your espro should be a good bit finer than your v60. Not sure where the meme about french press being super coarse came from, but it's the opposite of reality - it should be one of your finest settings

>> No.13975745

Really? That's news to me, I've always heard it has being a much coarser grind

>> No.13975820

Im back. Not mine, but another anon posted this a while ago.

Reposting: how to chemex. Not bothering with metric conversions though I do acknowledge imperial is retarded. Also while not required, do not ever use preground and try to grind right before use, also a gooseneck electric kettle helps tremendously. Deleted and reposted to fix typos and shit since phoneposting.
>Acquire a light to medium roast. Dark is just flat out burnt, even medium roasts commonly dip into being unironically burnt
>Use around 1:18 grounds to water (personally I just use a third cup measuring cup to scoop beans which results in around the right amount of grounds for 16-18oz water)
>Heat water to 200 (not boiling, you retards)
>Grind size is medium-fine (on a Barista Encore I use size 18)
>Put filter in chemex
>Get hot water from sink, use it to wet the filter and preheat the glass
>Pour water out of the chemex when the kettle water is heated
>Put grinds in filter
>Pour water from kettle VERY slowly (dripping) to evenly wet the grounds without flooding it
>Wait 30-60 seconds
>Pour very slowly in the circular motion everyone describes so the water evenly is distributed throughout the grounds
>Pour faster once the water is clearly just impacting the water rather than the grounds under it, maintaining a level of around half an inch to an inch under the top
>once the kettle water runs out, take a spoon and scrap the sides of the filter so that the grounds settle back on the bed, otherwise it'll form a volcano and barely pass through any grounds resulting in watery garbage
>when there's more than about a second or so between drips it's done
>pour (people say to swirl it in the chemex for aeration but it makes no sense since pouring it will aerate it far more)
>rinse the chemex with clean water a couple times, it's quick to clean and prevents oils from building up that become rancid

>> No.13975852

I dont see how I'm entirely wrong. As another anon mentioned, paper filters affect the body and clarity. Last I checked brewing coffee with a paper filter helps reduce the acid level if only by a little bit. Considering most of the other brewers you have can brew stronger, thicker brews, I'd go with a pour over cone. I've seen people have decent luck with even the cheap non brand stainless steel ones, but pick which style or brand you want after research. Plus if you get a cone you'll have the holy trinity of brewers(press, moka, and cone).

>> No.13975884

Nothing about the filter will reduce acid. In fact, if anything, the lighter body and cleaner flavor may serve to increase the perception of acid.

Yeah, like I said, not sure why that meme took hold. Here's a post from Rao explaining grind settings a bit, and is the first (only) place I've seen what I've found to work personally corroborated.

The one issue I have is with his choice to have cupping be coarser than FP. The reason I would go finer for cupping is because of the extra heat loss due to smaller brew volumes and a lack of lid.

>> No.13975941

All I know is I've read it online before, not maybe it was bullshit. I'm still sticking with that anon buying a pour over cone that can use a filter.

>> No.13976034

Well, since more acidity is actually what I'm looking for, according to the original statement, I should probably avoid paper filters and go for metal filters instead. Since there seems to be some debate over wether they reduce or increase acidity I'll just order a metal filter for my Aeropress and report back with results in the next thread.

>> No.13976086

Thanks for that dude. I'll see how this method works.

>> No.13976168

9 bars of pressure.

>> No.13976212

>>once the kettle water runs out, take a spoon and scrap the sides of the filter so that the grounds settle back on the bed, otherwise it'll form a volcano and barely pass through any grounds resulting in watery garbage

Fug. It's super obvious in hindsight but I've never done that before, nor seen anyone doing it, ever. First thing I'll try tomorrow morning, thanks anon.

>> No.13976279

It's actually much more effective to just give the whole brewer a gentle swirl.

>> No.13976311

nigga I spit bars on the mic you aint got nothing on me

>> No.13976539

Kek. Matthias(tc4+ designer) informed me that the pid settings in arduino code don't matter. Probably why all that tweaking didn't change anything. Artisan overwrites it all with its own parameters in the control dialog. The more you know. I'll get it dialed in soon.

>> No.13977047

>tfw love the taste of coffee but can't drink it because it makes me unable to sleep a night

Half a cup at 7 am is enough to keep me awake until 5 am next day.

>> No.13977192
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I posted it..been using it for a few days now. Coffee was a very welcome change from Moka. I've been using a proper espresso grinder and machine for years but they're stuck in storage now, so this was the best I could do that wasn't a Moka pot, which I was honestly tired of.

Like >>13969530 said, it works the same way as a moka pot but there's a couple of handy advantages.

1. It reaches a higher pressure and it's way easier to preheat it and get that pressure up.
2. It has a handle that controls the flow and between this and your stove temp. you can fine-tune your game quite a lot.
3. It's much simpler to clean and maintain than a moka.


1. The "portafilter" only takes 7-8g of coffee at a time so you can only really make a single shot espresso, no doubles.
2. If you use proper 100% arabica and not crappy robusta heavy mixes, you won't get the masses of foamy "crema" the guy gets in the videos but you still get something.

I got this half-price from what it normally is as they're running a sale now and for that price I'm extremely happy with what I got. If I had to explain the taste of the coffee, it's literally halfway between moka and espresso and I'm guessing that's because it's halfway in terms of the pressure it reaches.

TL;DR If you're looking for a proper "espresso", this won't satisfy you there's only one true stovetop espresso machine (i.e. goes to 9bar +) and it costs 300 bucks (Bacchi). If you're looking for an upgrade from the moka pot, which is even less hassle and couldn't be bothered with the full espresso kit set-up this is for you.

Yes it does, it's also extremely simple as a machine, took me an evening to figure out my preferred "settings".

>> No.13977223

Very curious to try this. I k now it's not going to be something mind-blowing but I wonder what it's like. Also could be great with other flowers, especially almond or oat.

>> No.13977228


>> No.13977240

Just got a nespresso machine, does that make me a pleb

>> No.13977271

Have been enjoying home made nitro cold brew this week with some almond milk.

So much cheaper than what shops/stores charge

>> No.13977320
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Nespresso capsules are probably the most expensive way of making really mediocre coffee, so if anything it makes you a frivolous spender. You could probably achieve better results with a 8$ French Press and cheap, pre-ground supermarket coffee.
However, I have to admit that the capsules look super effay so the best course of action is probably to put them on display in your kitchen or living room and serve Nespresso to your female guests.

>> No.13977397

Sounds interesting, got a recipe/guide?

>> No.13977423

what's the appeal of nitro cold brew vis a vis normal cold brew?

>> No.13977472

How do I know if coffee is under-extracted or over-extracted?
How long should brewing in V60 take?
What happens if it takes less or more time? How do I fix it if it happens?

>> No.13977554

>How do I know if coffee is under-extracted or over-extracted?
Do you have a kettle or water heater with a thermometer? Brew two cups of coffee, identical amount, identical method, one cup with below optimal temperature and one above. The first cup should be under-extracted, the second over-extracted. Memorize the flavours. Wa la, you can now identify extraction levels by taste.

>> No.13977614

I'd honestly rather buy instant coffee

>> No.13977648

It's literally impossible to brew in V60 with "above optimal temperature" unless you're boiling it inside the dripper.

>> No.13977759



>> No.13977775

I made a grinder upgrade and I really want to expand my coffee tasting beyond my local roasters. What are some good roasters in the US to try?

>> No.13977779

is chicory coffee ok?
i have fucked genetic heart problems and cant have caffeine.. ever
literal retard looking for something like coffees taste but no caffeine

>> No.13978009

Try swiss water process decaf. It's supposed to be the best tasting decaf. Most good roasters will have this as their decaf line

>> No.13978357

If you want to impress girls, you should get a coffee siphon.

>> No.13978864


>> No.13978867
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>> No.13979074
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S&W roasting, good coffee, comes in 16oz bags. Mexican Chiapas on the v60, pretty good classic washed Central American cup. Got tired of all the Niggerberry African cups.

>> No.13979199

What's the best way to get Hawaiian coffee? Like 100% Hawaiian coffee, not just "contains some bled of 10% Hawaiian coffee". What's a solid brand?

>> No.13979255

Hawaiian coffee is way overpriced. You can do better for much cheaper. Get yourself a Gesha if you want to spend money.

>> No.13979683

I wanna be a nationalist hipster about it and only use coffee grown in the US.

>> No.13980103

Could never bring myself to spend $50 on a pound of 100% Kona.

>> No.13980120

Been brewing natural Brazil espresso 21g in 47ml to draw it out, praline, milk choc and almond. Mostly just drink as espresso but tastes mighty fine as an 8oz latte

>> No.13980126

This is someone pulling your leg

>> No.13980133

Heat, brew a touch hotter than you might do usually. Light roasts generally retain a lot of the acids that can be regulated by heat. What you want is the malic and lactic acids to be broke down and the citric acids to be evened out.

>> No.13980140

Eat a banana.
Old barista trick

>> No.13980656

Why do coffee alternatives suck?

>> No.13980755

I've got some cheap puerh bricks that are suuuuuuuuuper enjoyable.

>> No.13981214

Looks cool. I would like an espresso machine but got no kitchen space for one in a shared flat.

>> No.13982047
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Would something like this be adequate for roasting? I've seen the Stir Crazy Turbo Oven combo, but I cant find a stir crazy around for cheap.

>> No.13982281
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Is the Bee House dripper good? How is it in comparison to Clever or Melitta?

>> No.13982427

i just served my husband coffee brewed from beans that i ground 3 days ago. should i feel bad? i'm gay btw, not sure if that matters.

>> No.13982541
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What's your prefered machine?

>> No.13982596

Just drink decaf

>> No.13982598

find some way to blame it on the pandemic

>> No.13982603
File: 89 KB, 1400x1400, 43536_36_Cup_Coffee_Urn_A_1400x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do coffee urns make appreciably better or worse coffee than smaller percolators?

>> No.13982697

Literally nothing wrong with days old grounds provided you store in an airtight container

>> No.13982712

Depends on internal mechanic.
Temperature for heating and making coffee is different on Pecolators, and if the mechanic is bad, it will try to burn the coffee at the wrong point of the cycle instead of heating it.

>> No.13982776
File: 137 KB, 1151x790, nestle choco hot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simple, yet effective.

>> No.13983177

yeah, it was stored in an airtight container. thanks, now i don't feel so guilty.

>> No.13983267

No. Just use a popcorn popper. You'll have to modify it to get good results though.

>> No.13983280

Did you try it yet?
From the times I tried it, texture was interesting but the taste was a little weird.

>> No.13983318

Has anyone here tried to make a coffee liquor? I can't buy a decent one around me so I thought I'd make one. Most recipes call for coffee (cold brew or hot that's been left to cool) and either vodka or rum, plus syrup. My question is, could I steep the coffee in vodka to cold brew it? What kind of difference would there be, besides the higher proof?

>> No.13983533

Standard for quick infusions in the bar industry is a cream whipper. You kind of want to make coffee liqueurs "to order" as the oils will go rancid over time. Don't make more than about a half liter unless you plan on just downing it all. In that case, make a pourover and just drink your vodka.

>> No.13984017

Decaf still has caffeine

I just developed an allergy to it, now I am leaving this thread forever

>> No.13984039
File: 71 KB, 853x933, 61IBrd+FwwL._AC_SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok so real talk, what is the best way to make it at home? even our lord jimseven doesn't use an espresso machine at home.

what's the best option? chemex? what about steamed milk? I have a nespresso machine currently but I'm so over it

>> No.13984046

>I am leaving this thread forever
no anon dont go

>> No.13984248
File: 555 KB, 2365x2365, Mr Brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried a can of Mr. Brown iced coffee today. I liked it but everybody else says it tastes like an ashtray. Do you think it's really that bad?

>> No.13984265

Got a Gaggia and I really need to do the OPV mod for it. To get shot timing right I need to grind extremely fine. I ordered a mod kit but it'll take a month to get here because it's coming from the UK.

>> No.13984272
File: 2.90 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20200425_125454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my picture

>> No.13984416


>> No.13984618
File: 81 KB, 1080x1080, 2020-04-25-16-59-01-294_compress56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some cold brew with a pump shortbread flavor. Its not bad, but I should have gotten the pump of chocolate.

>> No.13984625

Never had it. Is it non merican brand?

>> No.13984659

Taiwanese but its a french recipe. Casino sells them for $3, I used to get them for 90 cents at the asian market.

>> No.13984724

Might have chicory in it. Next time I'm at my Asian market, I'll give it a look.

>> No.13984884

I'm a /coffeelet/. My setup consists of using some "espresso grounds" coffee from my local grocery store with a $10 moka pot my mom gave me. What should I do to start making better coffee?

>> No.13984894
File: 58 KB, 565x973, 9fbb4cc8b45641df7b6ba5327eaeb1d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I had my coffee with some homemade blueberry sweetener

>> No.13984968





>> No.13985709
File: 207 KB, 600x600, Fellow__0000s_0014_Stagg-EKG-Plus-hero-shot_Copper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>electric kettle
>$199 plus tip


>> No.13985719

gib recipe

>> No.13986214
File: 60 KB, 800x600, 20200426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I want a GOOD cup of cawfee from Indonesia.

>> No.13986413

doesn't exist

>> No.13986463
File: 1.50 MB, 1656x1809, burnt charred food-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark roast coffee is cancer causing shit.
Don't drink dark roasted coffee.
Stick to medium roast or lower roast that it has proper taste of coffee, not that burnt charred dark roast tasting like shit.

>> No.13986777

>tfw coffee grinders are so expensive

>> No.13986802
File: 275 KB, 1024x705, $500 coffee grinder-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13986892

Buy once cry once. I'm about to pair a kinu m47p with some kruve sifters and see where that gets me.

>> No.13986915

Any good beans I can buy off amazon?

>> No.13986966


>> No.13986993
File: 33 KB, 270x480, 94491395_2554877484785548_3515622188533153792_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my setup, had to use a tea infuser to make my coffee today

>> No.13987014
File: 92 KB, 570x678, 1573405499160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13987031

either buy from a local roaster that knows their shit, buy from a well regarded supplier, or don't buy at all. not worth wasting your money the trash from big box sellers.

>> No.13987039
File: 2.24 MB, 2160x3840, IMG_20200426_025057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's my fortune?

>> No.13987058


>> No.13987178

All the people in this thread are fucking retarded. How could someone be so obsessed over some fucking beans? I bet that even my grandma can make a better espresso than you. You literally, and I do not like using the word literally often, waste time out of your day to reach "the best result possible" and meanwhile your girlfriend, which I doubt most of you have one, is being pounded by a knife wielding actual chad Chef. Baristas are fucking pussies and a waste of oxygen, I hope your anal beads get stuck deep inside your ass one day. People that really think that they can taste "a huge difference" when following more precise steps in order to make a single cup of coffee instead of just doing it real quick, like coffee's actually meant to be enjoyed are either nouveau riche or lying pieces of shit that just want to feel like they're a part of a community. Either way, I bet that most of you have Nestle's cock shoved so deep down your throat that you can't even speak properly so just keep drinking your gay ass coffee and most importantly, keep putting monkeys in danger.

>> No.13987189

hee hee, i like when the crema go bubble bubble

>> No.13987200

guess this means im watching pixels (2015) sometime soon

>> No.13987227
File: 1010 KB, 1944x2592, todays batch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be great to hear what you all think

>> No.13987271

try getting rid of the chaff
otherwise looks pretty good, what beans are they?

>> No.13987298

Shit, I never knew youre supposed to get rid of it, I thought it was just flavorless

Sweet Maria's Kenya Nyeri Githiru, this is my second time roasting it

>> No.13987310

also, what's your method for roasting? the darkest color you have is ideal, but there seems to be a ton of variance in the roast, with a higher amount of blonde beans than i prefer IMO. otherwise, looks like a good batch.

>> No.13987311

having it there won't harm it much, just a nice thing to do
how is it?

>> No.13987342

I used a FreshRoast 540. Tried a different method than last because my roast consistency wasn't uniform last time:

F9P9 for 3 minutes
F8P9 for 1 minute 30 seconds
F7P9 for 1 minute
Cool for 3

First crack started about 3:30

Haven't tried it yet. First batch I made was a lighter roast, and was really bright with tart sweetness.

>> No.13987417

I've heard good things about the FreshRoast, but I'm still stuck in my ways and use a wok to roast. I just feel like I have more control over the process and am able to keep a better eye on the beans throughout.

>> No.13987774

Sweet Maria's themselves say that a Bodum blade grinder is fine for pourover

damn I never get first crack that fast with mine

>I just feel like I have more control over the process and am able to keep a better eye on the beans throughout.
I think you're right desu, if I hadn't gotten the Freshroast as a gift I would've stuck with heat gun/dog bowl

>> No.13987784

>try to drink coffee as a substitute for adderall so I can cut my amphetamine intake
>all it does is give me a bad headache, dissociation, and panic attacks
what am I doing wrong

>> No.13987844

Does anybody else feel a slight tingly sensation in their upper right body after consuming a large amount of coffee? Idk... Scared the shit out of me, might have to stop drinking it completely, I am only 19.

>> No.13987963

Try nicotine gums instead. You will get addicted though.

>> No.13988205

Something important will be revealed to you if you find a way to connect to your distant ancestors. I'm talking Neolithic.
Also don't go out at night for the next couple months.

>> No.13988211

Nigga how much bean did you drink?

>> No.13988248

Stop taking adderall if you don't have ADHD faggot, and if you do have ADHD keep taking your fucking meds

>> No.13988533

I've bought beans from amazon before and the coffee tasted just as good as the stuff I could get at the cafe. I bought local beans once and they were worse than what I bought off amazon. Is this like the wine thing where people get all high-nosed about taste-profiles and whatever when really they themselves can't even tell the difference between the drinks?

>> No.13988556

Much too fast. Likely underdeveloped. Can't tell shit from a picture of roasted beans btw - doesn't give any insight into the quality of the roast, barely gives info regarding roast degree.

Try to hit first crack at 6 minutes, slowly ramp up the heat until 4 minutes, then drop a minute after fc starts. Leave the fan mostly alone, maybe decline by 20% total over the duration. That should get you a decent lighter roast, but not crazy light.

>> No.13988588

Somewhat. But it's moreso that most roasters are clueless about their craft, and routinely roast too dark and introduce other roast taints into the coffee as well.

For instance, there is a local roaster here that has been in business for 30 years, and does a lot of volume for our city size. They have good reviews and people leave comments like "best coffee evar" on their social media pages. Their coffee is downright insultingly bad. I cupped one of their "lighter" blends for the first time in a while this week. I cupped it next to a coffee that I took to medium roast level, which is quite dark for me. Theirs was not just roasty, but it was also totally devoid of anything pleasant. Totally flat, no acidity, no vibrance, no flavor but cardboard and ash. But they are a well liked (by some at least) local roaster. If you didn't know better, you'd expect their coffee to be good. Local doesn't mean quality, it means you don't have to pay shipping.

>> No.13988590

They also recommend Vienna roasts all the time.

>> No.13988607

how? they arent addicting at all

>> No.13988626

Anyone have a recommended brand of K-cups that are a decent price/quality and can be bought in a decently bulk amount?

Before someone jumps down my throat for it the keurig isn't my main method of brewing, but it's convenient to have some pods around for when I want a quick cup first thing after waking up or something.

>> No.13988698

>Variance in roast
And how would that happen?
When roasters talk about an "even" roast, they mean that the outside is the same roast degree as the inside of a bean - not between beans. Color variation between beans in the same batch is not likely due to a roasting issue, but rather something with the green coffee such as ripeness, quakers, size variation, etc. Roasting very fast may accentuate these variations.

>> No.13989560

what's the point of using your aeropress inverted

is it really just being anal about the water that drips into your cup before you press using the regular method?

if you just remove that pre-press drip and use a fresh mug when you press, is it otherwise basically the same as the inverted method?

basically i bought a prismo and i'm wondering if there's any reason for me to do the inverted method and not use my prismo when i'm brewing regular (not fauxpresso) coffee

>> No.13989613

Call me a tasteless plebian if you want but I do love to drink L'Or Classic XL capsule with a Creamer capsule from my Tassimo machine.
Yes its expensive. Yes I probably could make my own coffee better but you know what? Its consistent and it tastes pretty good and its ready in like 2 minutes and I can buy the pods in bulk at a discount.
Now I shall smile, spread my arms and await the firing squad.

>> No.13989638

Instant is better tasting, cheaper, and faster

>> No.13989698

Community coffee. Today is king cake flavor

>> No.13989741

It allows full immersion of all the coffee and water for whatever time length you want. Non-inverted will allow some water to escape. You can use the plunger to stop the flow for the most part, but you'll lose some. Inverted just makes it neater and easier, without any downside. So, why not?

>> No.13990131
File: 427 KB, 640x438, less-caffeine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart people don't drink coffee. Period!

>> No.13990239

ok so if that's it then there's no reason for me to not use my prismo for brewing regular coffee

>> No.13990726
File: 3.85 MB, 2945x3927, MVIMG_20200426_141234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Another roast of the brazil ruby, tweaked pid, little more stable. Stalled my bed fluidity so I recorded first crack at ~365 somehow. Smelling fantastic, and looks great visually. I'll v60 some tomorrow morning.

>> No.13990892
File: 3.57 MB, 2945x3927, beantism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks lighter than your previous efforts. Glad you got some more stability. Do you have a graph?

Looks even like some of the beans haven't hit FC. Some have kind of a smooth, but not expanded look. I've got a few circled.

I'm going to see if the big spike at the start of my ROR is something that I should address. Going to try some different profiles out tomorrow.

>> No.13990967

Looks fantastic.
Are you selling?
Can we buy some.

>> No.13991281
File: 137 KB, 1366x768, new profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't wait. Did 2 batches, and this is the second. Really happy with the ROR. Cupping tomorrow

>> No.13991329
File: 2.10 MB, 4240x2832, jakub-dziubak-XtUd5SiX464-unsplash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to make my coffee look this aesthetic?

>> No.13991386

put it on a literal coffee stage, set up coffee lighting, photograph it with a nice coffee camera, and learn how to do digital coffee color adjustment

i take concerta daily and don't have any symptoms like this while drinking coffee throughout the day. you might just be experiencing amphetamine withdrawal or drinking too much coffee at a time assuming you didn't previously drink it.

>> No.13991444
File: 1.97 MB, 2921x3035, new profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bean pic

>> No.13991679

Here you go. 125g batch, up from 115g. Makes a world of difference when the values you're tweaking aren't getting overwritten lel. Still going to try to dampen that response a bit. No clue why my ror is so wild, how do I clean that up in artisan settings? Am I just taking more samples than you?

Nice, what origin and varietal?

>> No.13991734
File: 216 KB, 1732x853, tweaked brazil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always too stoned to upload :/

>> No.13991735

100% castillo from Maria Rojas in Colombia

You can clean your ROR up by increasing the delta interval, maybe try 20s and putting more smoothing on. But the graph I posted is 15s no smoothing, and you can see how jittery the bean probe reading is, so it's likely that your ROR reading is showing you some issues to address.

>> No.13991758
File: 744 KB, 1024x683, Clearcut forest_for coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millions of trees being cut down for your sick pleasure of consuming absolutely non-essential shit. Coffee.

>> No.13991763

Yeah, looking at the chart there is a ton of wild stuff going on with your bean temp that seems to be linked to your ET as well. I don't think your ROR graph is lying to you

>> No.13991834

Slit your throat and let your blood nourish the ground.

>> No.13991840

Coffee drinkers are very agressive.
Why is that?
Maybe because they have no brains.

>> No.13991894

Yeah this is the best you can get. Otherwise you could split the price of a capsule machine with your flatmates and buy reusable capsules and a grinder and beans .

>> No.13991914

Beautiful. The OPV mod will help you loads, I would also recommend a bottomless portafilter, and a good showerscreen. Also, in terms of maintenance and future headaches - get a silicone gasket to replace the rubber gasket of the Gaggia, which is an absolute nightmare in the long run.

>> No.13991979

You've got room for a flair and a kettle. If space is really an issue, it breaks down into a little case when you're done.

>> No.13992035
File: 36 KB, 475x318, coffee agent cooper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a more based combination than drinking a cup of your favorite coffee that you just hand ground and put through your french press while watching ASMR on YouTube? For me it's Men's Shaving and Pampering ASMR Roleplay by cute girls while drinking my coffee before I hop into bed. I don't beat off to this though because I'm not a coomer.

>> No.13992040

I heard coffee can cause impotence and also make your dick shrink, be careful

>> No.13992042

The Cafelat Robot is smaller and is better for thermal management

>> No.13992043
File: 59 KB, 750x826, coffee stained yellow teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a real person and his teeth are also real. Effects of drinking coffee.

>> No.13992245

Doesn't pack away and for all that design experience, it doesn't fit an acaia underneath. You can use the cheap little chinese jewelers scales, but with the robot's dripping after shots, you'll be replacing them.

Also my stimulus check hits on thursday so I guess I'm BLOWING it on an ekg, lunar, SEP, kruve sifters + more to come. Any other dumb one time purchase suggestions? Oh I'm for sure getting the kruve brew stick too.

>> No.13992267

What do you have for a grinder?

>> No.13992352

Two bricks.

>> No.13992376

Why the sifters?

>> No.13992435

Kinu m47p. Figure optionally sifting is biggest upgrade I can get without springing for a niche or ek43.

>> No.13992446

Eh, the sifters seem like a frivolous expense when you can put your money into a better grinder. I've seen the ROK can produce grinds comparable to a Ceado and you can get that for pretty cheap nowadays. Even then the Kinu is pretty good.

>> No.13992448

>local coffee shop that I go to once a week has been closed due to corona
>numbers have been pretty low lately so talks of reopening
>as soon as they say this the new cases per day doubles

>> No.13992457

Rok is massive and ugly with a shitty catch cup. Getting the sifters lets me get the bean grading screens.

>> No.13992474

lol the EK43 is gigantic if you're concerned about size and at that level you might as well get a double boiler machine. I'd save up for a Niche though.

>> No.13992492

I'm trying to push the fully manual meme as far as possible. I just saw the sifter 12 comes with a 15 slot holder. 12 -2 in the holder leaves me with 5 open slots. Getting the 5 bean grader for sure, done deal. Emailing kruve to see if they'll toss me a (((deal))) on buying a bunch of shit.

>> No.13992502

I'll get a helor stance here in a few years, and still have the sifters to fuck with.

>> No.13992647
File: 700 KB, 2560x2560, s426247277753192220_p161_i2_w2560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look good?

>Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia
>washed process
>flavour notes: Earl Grey, Nectarine, Jasmine

>> No.13992650

i know people say steaming oat milk is hard but i'm having a much easier time getting satisfactory textures from oat milk than whole cow milk. i'm not even using the barista oat blend. is something wrong with me? i think I may be too afraid of scalding the milk so I'm not developing it enough. I'm just going to pretend it's oat milk next time

>> No.13992653

yeah pretty much any yirgacheffe is good.

>> No.13993215

Would try it

>> No.13993255

Barista here, out of all the non dairy alternatives oat milk is undoubtedly the best. Almondmilk is way too foamy when steamed, coconut milk is just watery as hell, and soy milk is also very foamy. Oat milk is the only nondairy that’s actually creamy and you can get a nice head of foam on without all of it turning to foamy goop. Also I like the taste (we use oatly) because it tastes like cereal milk from a bowl of cornflakes

>> No.13993272
File: 21 KB, 550x364, 20200503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Singapore Coffee vs Italian Gourmet Espresso Coffee

>> No.13993347

sure. everything monogram makes is pretty good. enjoying a bag of their agua dulce now.

>> No.13993918

Monogram is very good. Best cafes, best espresso. Their filter coffee is also great, but a hair off the best I've had.

>> No.13993923

What roasters do better job for filter coffee?

>> No.13993928

Don't bother with the sifters. Do you want to shake your coffee for 3 minutes every time for minimal improvement? I found my kruve very disappointing. The sizes are too fine for the most part. I also have an ek43 so maybe I expected more improvement than was reasonable.

>> No.13993943

Phil & Sebastian, for local roasters at least. CleverCoffee in Denmark. Depends on the coffee you get. Monogram typically goes for a touch more development in the roast than I prefer. Still in my top 10, and number 1 for espresso. Phil & Seb seem to put out incredibly intense, vibrant coffees that occasionally err on the side of underdeveloped.

>> No.13993954


>> No.13993970

They literally don't sell the bean graders with the aluminum body. If you're in the states, sell me that sifter 12 for homie prices.

>> No.13994114

Thinking more today about your log here. Perhaps your bean probe isn't properly situated within the bean mass? Could give some noise, but not enough to make me go back on my previous assessments.

>> No.13994191

yeah i do, also lightheaded just do smaller doses and its okay

>> No.13994218

that looks so fucking dark
i dont want to drink charcoal lmao

>> No.13994524
File: 308 KB, 1024x768, destroyed forests for new coffee plantation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee faggots, think how many millions of rain forest trees were cut down so you can drink your useless shit.
I hope you are drinking dark roast so you can get cancer sooner.
Stop supporting this nature destroying industry.

>> No.13994556

Show some data rather than just pictures. Nature is important, but it is not categorically more important than everything else. Coffee is a core component of developing nation's economies for instance. Is it worth cutting down 100 trees to give 100 people jobs for 10 years? Is it worth cutting 1000 trees for that? 10000? 100000? How many trees is it worth cutting to save a life? How much less co2 does a coffee tree process compared to existing trees?

You have a simplistic understanding of the world.

>> No.13994633

best instant?

>> No.13994639
File: 440 KB, 1280x827, destruction of forest for coffee plantation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have a simplistic understanding of the world.
>Coffee is a core component of developing nation's economies for instance. Is it worth cutting down 100 trees to give 100 people jobs for 10 years? Is it worth cutting 1000 trees for that? 10000?
Hey Einstein, they could be growing food if it wasn't for your stupid desire (and brain washing) to drink something that is not essential for human body to function. Food is.

>> No.13994746

Transcend is also good Calgary-bro

>> No.13994751

i get my beans from ethiopia calm down

>> No.13994753

Do you guys buy instant coffee, ground coffee, or whole bean coffee?

>> No.13994787
File: 39 KB, 512x512, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Every /general/ I like is eventually destroyed by retards and tripfags:

>/hyw/: bones and laundrymom
>/smg/: SNSSanon and the army of pennystock shills
>/OPT/: pornfaggots
>/letterboxd/: okay, this one was a shitshow from the start but the faggotry got so bad it eventually imploded for good.

Good generals are the only saving grace of this cancer-infested shithole nowadays, and more and more of them are dying. I swear to god if you ruin /ctg/ I will bribe a Janny to give me your IP and you will be sorry.

>> No.13994926

They still have the option to grow food. However, they chose to grow coffee because it gives them better income given their resources. If it weren't a better financial trade for them, they wouldn't make it so consistently. You don't understand economics.

>> No.13994934

Best? Swiftcup. Best but reasonably priced? I haven't tried very many, but Nescafe gold, or Tim Horton's light roast are not half bad. Look for nice light looking crystals.

>> No.13994939

Leave and never come back. All generals are and always have been cancer.

>> No.13994948

Roaster bro, you might be interested in this: http://christopherferan.com/2020/02/18/so-a-coffee-walks-into-a-sauna/

I have 300g of Kenyan rehydrating on the counter right now. I don't have a way to measure its humidity, so I assumed 11%. I started with 283g green coffee, and added 17g to get to 16% hydration.

Hoping that this plus my new smoother ROR will give some good results. I cupped my batches from yesterday earlier today. The one posted in this thread turned out very well. I had become used to my previous roast defects. The coffees were still pretty dang good, but this one is so clean it made me ashamed to have been roasting with my previous profile.

>> No.13994953

Transcend is decent, so is Rosso sometimes, but P&S and Monogram are on another level. World class stuff.

>> No.13994965
File: 189 KB, 1026x534, bag_o_bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to not respond to trolls or bait. No (you)s, just ignore.

>> No.13994968

Luckily I use a straw to drink my coffee

>> No.13995078

Generals are the only places where on-topic discussion is possible. Generals that have few or no tripfags are the last remnants of what used to be 4chan - everything else is 4channelTM.

>> No.13995375
File: 43 KB, 500x225, xcoffee-questions.jpg.pagespeed.ic.md1ckNVMzU[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long do you wait to drink your instant coffee after pouring?

>> No.13995386

I've got like 3 or 4 sensorpushes sitting around unused after I downsized my humidors. Not sure how accurate they are that low, but I can try it.


>> No.13995526
File: 7 KB, 225x224, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw pulled a shot of yirgacheffe in my espresso machine

>> No.13995624

Kek, That stuff always scream french press or pour over.

>> No.13995826

i hear yeah. some of their stuff can be hit/miss. but man that scent of honey whenever you open one of their bags. they have to be faking that somehow.

>> No.13996165

Just extract more, not that complicated.

>> No.13996173

Been a long time since I've had one of their coffees... roasted by them at least. They aim for a more developed light roast than I prefer. Nicely balanced, but not my favorite. I use their green coffee for most of my roasting, and they sell good quality stuff.

>> No.13997129

WTF are you yapping about?

>> No.13997147
File: 1.60 MB, 1656x1809, dark roast coffee...dark evil secret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Afraid of the truth, aren't you...

>> No.13997848
File: 215 KB, 564x768, Pesticides sprayed on coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know that what you are saying is twisted.
It's the First World countries with their stupid desire to drink useless coffee are forcing them to grow coffee and to clear cut the rain forests
and to use tons and tons of harsh chemicals on coffee bushes.
Coffee is not essential for human body to exist. Food is.

>> No.13998279
File: 193 KB, 640x640, 1sweeties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your prefered form of coffee?

It's cleared up for cattle-grazing. Stop eating steak, you non-vegans. Hahahahaa.

Did you see the youtube link? It's roasted with sugar so it has a caramelized taste to it.

>> No.13998316

What coffee roasters would you recommend in Toronto?

>> No.13998337
File: 36 KB, 427x461, arab wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem to be afraid of the dark, pansy

>> No.13998683

who /hoffmannfrenchpress itt

>> No.13998739

hopefully everyone

>> No.13999195

>It's cleared up for cattle-grazing. Stop eating steak, you non-vegans. Hahahahaa.
No idiot, those are specifically clear cut to grow useless coffee.
Coffee is not essential for humans to stay alive. Food is.

>> No.13999352

Meat isn't. Stop eating meat. You can grow 80x the weight in vegetables that you'd get from slaughtering livestock on the same acreage.

>> No.13999378 [DELETED] 

Your argument is very stupid.

>> No.13999435

We should use our finite land in the most responsible way with the greatest return on necessity?

>> No.13999465

>We should use our finite land in the most responsible way with the greatest return on necessity?
So stoping drinking coffee and supporting expansion of coffee industry is the first and very simple step.
Yes, meat eating too needs to be addressed, but stoping eating meat is not as simple as you might think.
There were millions of vegetarians who ruined their health by abstaining from eating meat even tho majority of them were eating very balanced vegetarian diet.
Stoping eating meat for many people is not as simple as stoping drinking coffee.
Modest consumption of meat is in many cases extremely needed for human body to function properly.
But what type of meat and quality of it is another issue.

>> No.13999493

fuck you I'd eat that meat

>> No.13999515

It was very simple for me to stop eating meat by purchasing a $20 grow your own oyster mushroom kit and using that to inoculate a large tub. If you think stopping meat consumption is more difficult than occasionally spraying water on mycellium, you may be retarded, in which case, we don't need to be wasting precious commodities on the likes of you.

>> No.13999548

>If you think stopping meat consumption is more difficult than occasionally spraying water on mycellium, you may be retarded,
Retard, eating meat is not about saving space you need to grow oyster mushrooms.
It's about specific nutrients that only mean can provide. And for some people this is very essential to stay healthy.
There were thousand of cases when very well educated in nutrition vegetarians very badly damaged their health by lacking nutrients that only meat can provide for human body.
And when they started consuming (modest amounts) of quality meat their health improved drastically.
Lot's of very well documented cases as such.

>> No.13999567

Nah you're wrong. Fuck off back to /pol/ please.

>> No.13999610

>Fuck off back to /pol/ please.
Lol, what a an uneducated idiot.
Btw, what's /pol/ ?

>> No.13999811
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>> No.14000222 [DELETED] 
File: 340 KB, 1280x1280, 068BB298-D60E-4CD9-A1BF-3CA53F817343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to figure out how to improve this Dalgona trash but I don’t know what to do, it tastes of instant coffee.

>> No.14000664

non /ctg/ regular here. what are your experiences with drinking coffee black versus adding milk, cream, etc? I usually drink black and tried adding a bit of milk earlier, found it inexplicably gross and difficult to enjoy

>> No.14002169


>> No.14002191

I usually drink it black, but I had some with sweetened condensed milk and it was delicious....cold though.

>> No.14002310 [DELETED] 

Real man doesn't drink coffee.
Coffee is for very weaklings and sissies.

>> No.14002316

Real man doesn't drink coffee.
Coffee is for weaklings and sissies.

>> No.14002346

Good coffee can be enjoyed black.
Bad coffee can be tolerated with milk and sugar.

And sometimes I'll add a splash of milk to good coffee just to take the edge off of the acidity.

>> No.14002364
File: 177 KB, 989x1200, repent sinners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a question.
So I hear so much about the different flavors coffee can have and I'm interested deeply in it. Problem is that my bitter sensitivity is through the fucking roof and almost every type of coffee I've had, which mind you hasn't been the good shit, just tastes like bitter beans juice. On top of that, anything over 120° F will burn my tongue and I won't be able to taste anything for the rest of the day. Do any of you have a remedy for this shit?

>> No.14002381

Sounds like your only real options are cold brew and Japanese "cold" brew.
You're not going to get the sort of rich nutty flavors I might enjoy in my coffee, but you're not going to get bitter bean juice either.

>> No.14002425

Cold brew is bitter bean "juice" as well, though I haven't had anything not boxed or concentrated. Is that really the best I can do? Are there no other options? Am I just doomed to never be able to taste what I'm destined to make?

>> No.14002434

You really can't compare commercial product and low quality beans to a fresh made coffee from quality, locally roasted bean.
Throw that entire mindset in the trash.

>> No.14002436
File: 67 KB, 500x334, 20200426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you use coffee grounds as fertilizer for veg?

>> No.14002450

Maybe I can't, but my entire area does two things only, citrus and alcohol. No idea where I'd even start trying to find local stuff. Highest quality I can find around here is bags from fucking Publix.

>> No.14002456

Right now is probably a bad time to go around looking anyway, all things considered, but shit man I can get local roast at the god damned pet food store I go to.
I guarantee you that somewhere there is at least one mustachioed hipster roasting beans in your area.

>> No.14002496

Closest place I can think of is a town 50 miles away. We only really have drunks and druggies here. But even if I were to get my hands on locally roasted beans, what would be the best way to do cold brew? Would I need special beans for that?

>> No.14002522

The easiest way to cold brew is to just grind your coffee and put it in a jar of water in the fridge overnight.
As for beans, I would suggest avoiding a dark or espresso roast, as they tend to be more bitter.

>> No.14002604

I'm growing mushrooms on mine rn.

>> No.14002667

Sounds like you want a nice light roast. If you brew it right it will taste sweet and juicy, and will be best at cooler, but still warm temperatures.

>> No.14003290
File: 305 KB, 3000x3000, Mahlkonig EK43 Coffee Grinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*dabs on grindlets*

>> No.14003885
File: 409 KB, 460x618, don francisco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know of a good vanilla whole bean brand? I bought pick related as a shot in the dark since it was Amazon's choice and the reviews seemed fine but I didn't really like it. It tastes somewhat chemical, at least to me.

>> No.14003948

where do you live, bro

I would suggest something like this too, personally

>> No.14004071
File: 158 KB, 710x711, coffee-good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I sweeten cold brew without looking like a pleb?

>> No.14004091

mmm goffee

>> No.14004137
File: 1.43 MB, 916x1190, Screen Shot 2020-04-29 at 10.08.19 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting a stock image

>> No.14004200
File: 18 KB, 318x239, 1586607544865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using Firefox solely because of extension autism

>> No.14004248
File: 43 KB, 1000x1000, BlueThunder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made my first proper cup of coffee using my French Press using the coffee in pic.

I'm very proud of the result and it was very delicious.

>> No.14004281

What would happen if you crammed old apple juice in there?

>> No.14004332

Don't bother wild cold brew. It's not a good brew method. Produces, typically, bland malty, soy saucey garbage.

>> No.14004337

You align those burrs yet?

>> No.14004345


>> No.14004360
File: 1.74 MB, 2560x2560, ierdgeoqtyzs9monfez8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, you caught me, I actually used DARK THUNDER, not BLUE THUNDER for my grounds.

>> No.14004421
File: 798 KB, 600x600, Dark Roast Coffee beans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Consuming cancer causing charred burnt dark roast coffee in 2020.
>Dark roast coffee is cancer causing shit.
>Don't drink dark roasted coffee.
>Stick to medium roast or lower roast that it has proper taste of coffee, not that burnt charred dark roast tasting like shit.

>> No.14004596
File: 95 KB, 1000x667, Yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dark Roast causes cancer
Good, get me off this fucking planet faster.

>> No.14004618

not recently. got this about 2 years ago but hasn't been on bar since november 2019 and just lives at home until my shop can open up.

>> No.14004766
File: 53 KB, 1080x1080, 2020-04-29-11-32-00-905_compress68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried that ready whip micro foam stuff today with some Colombian from my moka pot undiluted. Not too bad. It stays on top of the coffee well without mixing or becoming an oily mess like regular ready whip. Going to enjoy making faux macchiatos with it.

>> No.14004983

What's a good ratio for iced coffee?

>> No.14004989

Alton Brown just SHIT all over you dumb fuckheads

>> No.14005080

God fuck imagine looking like that and not getting plastic surgery

>> No.14005110

How's that?

>> No.14005276
File: 982 KB, 1944x2592, todays batch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would love to know what you all think

>> No.14005332

Looks good, would love to know how it tastes!

Alright boyos, its done. Acaia lunar + stagg ekg + SE profiler otw. Preordered the kruve espresso glasses, said fuck the sifters for now, grabbed a bunch of pureh instead since I needed a gaiwan and pick and have the ekg now. Multi /general/ drifting. Don't tell those fuckers over on /tea/ tho, I just bought random shit.

>> No.14005354

I let is rest for 24 hours before tasting, but the last time I tried the old batch was great. Really recommend >>13987298

Really nice flavors, bright with raisin sweetness.

>> No.14005482


>> No.14005493

id eat the meat ngl

>> No.14005617

Looks nice and light, but impossible to comment on quality without tasting it or at least seeing some graphage!

>> No.14006070
File: 119 KB, 1080x1246, 859af748d1eed0d67d5801a6df188a89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goes to coffee thread for first time

>why yes I do own a Gaggia Classic coffee maker with a baratza vario grinder, I also only drink Ethiopian coffee beans, Ethiopia being the region in the world where the coffee tree originated, how can you tell?

>> No.14006093
File: 1.81 MB, 4608x2176, IMG_20200414_162423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I can't go to cafés I've decided to get into brewing coffee. In the last three weeks I've been teaching myself how to brew with an Aeropress and V-60 and I've gotten so much better. Feelsgood.jpg Anytips for a newbie?

>> No.14006327

Thing is that ethiopian coffees don't have a wide spread of flavors. Always kind of the same. Great, but the same.

>> No.14006419

If you can pull a food shot of an Ethiopian coffee on a Classic let me know how

>> No.14006511

Temp surf like a retard or pid and opv it.

>> No.14006516
File: 113 KB, 640x960, 52649447_2595652397128460_2945672142793998336_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also kek @ this ad. Not even going to mention the company.