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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.88 MB, 3925x2166, donut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13966206 No.13966206 [Reply] [Original]

the gf and i made donut today

>> No.13966212

Which one you gunna fuck?

>> No.13966214

awesome, how do they taste?

>> No.13966216

looks good OP, does she have a penis?

>> No.13966229

that's a lot of cum

>> No.13966378

they're nice. we've never made donuts before. i had to use like 50% wheat flour because i ran out of regular flour. it tastes like a wheat donut which is not so nice but with the glaze it's really nice. i was surprised how easy it was to do. it's braindead easy.

>> No.13966401
File: 130 KB, 640x608, TimeToMakeTheDonuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which ones are yours?

>> No.13966402

who's cum was that? her other boifriend?

>> No.13966416
File: 28 KB, 303x294, sad-panda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to have a gf

>> No.13966481

I'm glad that it worked out ok, anon. They look tasty.
You've made me interested in making some donuts of my own, although no gf unfortunately.

>> No.13966484

looks like he already fucked them

>> No.13966491

Your gf is cis? Cringe bro. Women can't cook for shit

>> No.13966501

>cum joke
>cum joke
>sex joke
>tfw no gf
>cum joke
great thread /ck/. edifying as ever

>> No.13966508

Make some sour cream ones next

>> No.13966515
File: 1.26 MB, 2026x1293, money shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biggest complaint is that they're not as airy as i wanted them to be. i was very careful to not fuck with them too much after cutting and proofing, but when i put them in the oil they sank right to the bottom. too dense. i guess it must be an under-proofing thing. my first rise, they didn't really rise all that much, so maybe my yeast was fucked. perhaps if i let it sit overnight. i only gave it like two hours before cutting, then proofing for like 10 mins, then frying.

>> No.13966536

nobody gives a shit faggot. now GTFO this board

>> No.13966540

shut up bitch. hes giving us on topic OC which is more than you've ever done

>> No.13966554

Better than :
>cuck joke
>muh vegans
>Jew joke
>cuck joke
>Jew conspiracy
>muh degeneracy
>muh vegans
>cuck joke
>attempt to get thread on track
>muh libtard cucks
>muh degeneracy
>muh /pol/
>muh pseudo-political whining for rest of thread

>> No.13966569

Get outta here lil man

>> No.13966613


>> No.13966716
File: 1.21 MB, 408x340, cheers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man up. ye'll pull out better one next time

>> No.13966729

You can take my wife for free

>> No.13966741

That's probably an after effect of the majority wheat flour in the receipe. Next time you might get the idea to make donuts, make sure you have enough all purpose flour on hand.

>> No.13966747

did you glaze her donut

>> No.13966756

baking with gf is one way trip to PTSD

>> No.13966771

shut the fuck up at least the anon here is posting something that isnt yet another fast food thread

>> No.13966821

I'd like to make doughnuts but frying is a pain in the arse. You have to use a heap of oil, it always gets everywhere and it a pain to clean, then you have to deal with all the used oil.

>> No.13966829

The doughnuts are your girlfriend

>> No.13967482

i'd definitely like to try it with proper flour. idk if wheat flour is more dense than all purpose or whatever, but it would be neat to see the difference.

it was surprisingly easy. i've not really fried anything before, other than fried oreos one time. the frying was no problem. i used canola oil and i'd probably use something different next time, but i fried at 325F. no real foaming, shit in the oil (like crumbs when frying fish), etc. the oil ended up really clear and I just ran it through a coffee filter and put in freezer. idk give it a shot when you've got free afternoon. i'll probably try beignets next time i feel like doing something like this.

>> No.13967493

>idk if wheat flour is more dense than all purpose or whatever
It leads to denser products because it doesn't hydrate as well.

>> No.13967536

>One of the biggest problems that bakers encounter when using whole wheat flour is a lack of volume in the final loaf. The dough never really rises as much as they would hope or they end up with dense bricks and are baffled as to why. The truth is that getting a whole wheat dough to rise properly can be a little tricky and the more whole wheat you use in your dough the more difficult it becomes.
yeah that explains it then. thanks for the insight. i primarily use wheat flour in flatbreads so i haven't really noticed the difference in rise.

>> No.13967758

Delicious cummies glazed

>> No.13967790

The frosting looks like you came on it, but I'm sure they taste great

>> No.13967984

Get out