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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13953607 No.13953607 [Reply] [Original]

He did it again!

>> No.13953608


>> No.13953977

still better than the meatball sliders that looked like they'd just roll off the table at any minute.

>> No.13954064

That's a good looking boigah

>> No.13954100

fugggg i needs it bruhs ;_;

>> No.13954112
File: 39 KB, 580x327, pan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grill pan
get that on
nice and hot

>> No.13954214

I need someone to count the number of times he says "literally" in this video

>> No.13954311

His senpai looks so comfy

>> No.13954363

he would be such a cool dad

>> No.13954430

He records his kids with cameras in their rooms.

>> No.13954440

>imagine having Ramsay 24h a day in your house
What a nightmare.

>> No.13954441

he yells at his kids for not panning to the food enough in the quarantine episodes

>> No.13955002

Household Nightmare season 2 soon.

>> No.13955031

Explain how that shit is supposed to fit in your mouth

>> No.13955038

uhhhhhhh ima scoot over to mcdonalds actually

>> No.13955063


>> No.13955109

he really has to stop making burgers, he really isn't great at it

>> No.13956162

What's wrong with him? He acts like he's high as fuck on speed.

>> No.13956389

oh fuck it looks so good bros I need it now...

>> No.13956736


>> No.13957181

What a fucking hypocritical hack.

>> No.13957197


His burgr restaurant is super popular in LV. It's good too, and pretty reasonably priced compared to typical Vegas prices.

>> No.13957199
File: 7 KB, 250x206, question pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Puts an egg yolk in his burger

>> No.13957217

Feels like it takes all his self control to not beat those kids. I wonder if he'll snap one day.

>> No.13957226

It's actually pretty good. Putting butter on a burger is fucking genius.

>> No.13957228

The guy is a workaholic, I'm sure quarantine has him wound up into a manic state.

>> No.13957317

Touch of oil

>> No.13957370

Salmonella man just killed whoever he fed that burger to.

>> No.13957377

>makes fun of dozens of restaurants for big tall burgers
>makes a gigantic shitwich a foot tall
Yep, totally not a narcissist tearing down others who enjoy the love of food. Someone should go into his house and brutally murder his daughters and wife. Then he may treat others like garbage if he wants.

>> No.13957401
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Not saying the cowboy burger would've been any good, but him making a show of HURR DURR I CANT EVEN FIT IT IN MY MOUTH is pretty blatant hypocrisy.

>> No.13957405


>> No.13957591

I wonder whether this character type nurtures happy kids or not

>> No.13957647

i was gonna make burgers tomorrow, i might try the whole 'tall patty' style but it'd feel like a waste if i didn't go the extra mile and get all the toppings

>> No.13957662


He made fun of it when he was still a Brit that was unaccustomed to American tastes.

He eventually realized that was he thought was a large patty/burger was standard for Americans, and readjusted accordingly.

>> No.13957704

the best tip ive ever heard is never to be a controlling parent, because every kid will grow up to be the humans you meet every day on the street, so theres no sense in trying to control them to be different

>> No.13957777

That's true, it's impossible to control a human soul and even if you manage to do it on a surface behavioral level the kid will still be dysfunctional because there's no room for its self.

>> No.13957846

>meatloaf burger
Whatever happened to just salt and pepper?

>> No.13958286

nice quads

>> No.13958294
File: 29 KB, 524x336, microexpressions-disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up you weak-chinned fairies.

>> No.13958606

You can bite into the ones he made
But you can't bite into that one fromKN because the meat is too fucking big, you'd have to bite around the bun first

>> No.13959276

at least the one on the bottom and the one from kitchen nightmares would stay together without falling over. The newest one seems like it would fall over and make a mess if not moved carefully enough.

>> No.13959282

>make meatloaf
>call it a burger
hell of a chef.

>> No.13959291

anyone have the comparison webm?

>> No.13959386

Im sorry your daddy beat you and didn't let you play with Barbie's

>> No.13959447
File: 47 KB, 728x721, dork scrolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically you want to treat your kid like he's you but disconected from your experiences and explain to him everything that happened in your life and then talk to them about theirs as you watch it unfold together.
It's literally newgame +

>> No.13959761

what the FUCK is hi problem?

>> No.13959791

when did the "put the toppings on the bottom of the sandwich" meme start?

>> No.13959835

I don't know but I hate it. Something about using the lettuce to keep the bottom bun from getting soggy by patty grease.

>> No.13959847

where's the beef, all i see is yellow; also is that a spaghetti noodle?

>> No.13959900
File: 1.27 MB, 1121x587, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering the correct way to eat a burg is upside down it makes sense putting the toppings on the bottom.

>> No.13959908

americans, I...

>> No.13959994

Sorry to break it to you like this anon.
you've been doing it wrong.
The bun is there to soak the juices up, not the lettuce

>> No.13960015


>> No.13960029
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Do I even really need to say it?

>> No.13960897

>He doesn't know about Gordon's world famous cocaine recipe

>> No.13961373
File: 2.79 MB, 340x243, poetry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's literally newgame +

>> No.13961479

>no unexplained time travel in this one

>> No.13961566

ramsay is a fucking hack

>> No.13961578

It’s about the diameter of the meat compared to the bun. The meat juts out of the one on the left

>> No.13961598

has he given up?

>> No.13962055
File: 2.24 MB, 480x492, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the matter? why are people upset?

>> No.13962074

Either bait or retarded retards. They don't get that you can bite into his burgers, but can't bite into that one where meat is the size of their mom without biting around the bun first.

>> No.13962095


>> No.13962168

>keeps yelling at his daughter to pan down to the food
>camera is pointed straight at the food

>> No.13962378
File: 96 KB, 750x746, wR8fS6qkAhoh0fM80fvd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think at this point i can kill a man for a mcdonalds or BK burger any day

>> No.13962413

I have no problem with the patty being a bit wider. Gives you a chance to taste the quality of the meat by itself before you tear into the whole combination.

>> No.13962474

extremely based take, i thought i was the only one who realized 'gers were meant to be eaten upside down

the top bun's meat juice absorption are far superior to the bottom bun's

>> No.13962567

Son of a BITCH

>> No.13962585

>posts a frog on /ck/

>> No.13963317

there is doubt. his daughter acts like a lippy little bitch and seems to have been getting away with it her whole life. no kid who's had discipline would talk to their father that way.

>> No.13963329

utterly fucking wrong. your job as a parent is to impart guidance, discipline, order and knowledge in the lives of your children. what the fuck kind of hippy laissez-faire free spirit bullshit is this? fucking blue board faggotry

>> No.13963338


>> No.13963340

Gordon Ramsay hates niggers! Why?

>> No.13963752

Being your kid's personal drill sergeant only makes them hate you and any kind of over-controlling authority. It also messes up their ability to form connections for life.

>> No.13963832

My parents tried to do that to me and make me study all the time and be perfect in manners and whatnot. Now I'm on this website jacking off to anime while I'm suppose to be asleep while they keep trying to get me make grandkids.

>> No.13963841

control them too much and once they are a teenager they will rebel. Hope you enjoy your daughter fuckin black dudes

>> No.13963912

>rape seed oil
>lays meat on wooden cutting board
>i want the bacon fat going into the burger
>cooks bacon on rape seed oil
well at least he tells his daughter how to film in the same style as keith floyd. plus that meat is just to thick and the meat is literally cold, and he keeps squeezing the shit out of that burger holy shit

>> No.13963960

>I'm suppose
You're still acting like a naughty kid, no wonder your parents don't take you seriously. A grown man doesn't ask permission to stay up at night.

>> No.13963971

I don't ask for anyone's permission, but the benefits of a regular sleep schedule are real, as are the detriments of irregular sleep schedules. Do you seriously not know this or do you just enjoy acting like you're all-knowing in the field of psychology?

>> No.13964279
File: 1.17 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20200406_222320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blow his ass out the water with my 5 min bourger

>> No.13964282

how many stars do you have?

>> No.13964283
File: 990 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_20200421_165349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And my 7 min bourger, ronnie sullivan OR whatever his name is /BTFO/

>> No.13964284

>I blow

>> No.13964298

>burnt on the top and bottom you can actually see the fucking black marks
>fucked up bun so much half of it is gone
>is it fucking meatloaf it's so fucking grey and dry looking
>uneven tomato slices

Jacks cooking/10

>> No.13964300

Also your $1 walmart buns look so stale and appetizing

>> No.13964305

How do you fuck up so badly that the patty looks both undercooked and overcooked at the same time

>> No.13964314

>he was given michelin stars so he can do no wrong

>> No.13964319
File: 1.04 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20200406_222234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U gay, nigga
You need actual SKILL blend the mind of the observer into the pattie, with such perfection
Jack was a tenner
They were 1.60 and toasted.

Naysayers game overed

>> No.13964323

>blatant hypocrisy
>go into a $5 burger joint fast casual restaurant where people want to get in and out quick
>vs a make at home take as much time as you want to eat slave all day to make a special burger

You fucking retards will find all kinds of things to nitpick about while not realizing that his criticisms are valid of the fucking shit joints that don't know their clientele or market.

Also the shit he makes at home are made to look good on camera for the cooking show and it's designed for home cause it's harder to fuck up a thicker piece of meat compared to a thinner one which will overcook much easier, he also doesn't serve that shit in restaurants.

>> No.13964329

>face full of onion with the first bite
>Black as shit grease everywhere
Nah mate mcdonalds makes better burgers.

>> No.13964337

>buns not toasted inside
>onions thick as fuck
>black grease showing how dirty your crappy pan
u bad man

>> No.13964351

are u twins or something it was *airfried*

>> No.13964353


Better to do two 4oz thin patties and double stack them, thick patties are alot harder to cook all the way through properly without burning

>> No.13964354

>airfryer burger

Just uninstall /ck/

>> No.13964363


Bro how do you fuck up a burger this badly

>> No.13964367

He's not the chef there

>> No.13964374

It is the oldest trick in the book, nothing novel

>> No.13964379
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>> No.13964381
File: 47 KB, 360x450, burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't serve that shit in restaurants.
Yes he does the hypocritical fuck

>> No.13964383

OH no no no

>> No.13964415

what is this a calorie pipebomb ? yeah no i'll stick with this anons delish : >>13964279

>> No.13964604

Is this from a Kay's cooking vid?

>> No.13964636

Thats gordons burger, doesnt it like easy to eat? Preyend youre an anaconda and unhinge your jaw

>> No.13964654
File: 9 KB, 353x363, 1549259115057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knows and embraces the "idiot sandwich" meme

>> No.13964658

Well he knows the amerifat market for sure.

>> No.13964732

Thanks anon, turned out better than they would have if I did it my way

>> No.13964755
File: 85 KB, 680x680, reiernanimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13965450

I bet it costs more than 50$

>> No.13965728

Missing bottom right bun. Are you intentionally fucking this up?

>> No.13965745

Those prices, especially for Las Vegas are pretty fucking reasonable
