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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13910845 No.13910845[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13910855


>> No.13910859

I don’t get it

>> No.13910866

Retarded breeders, it's like trying to comprehend the logic of someone with alzheimers or downs

>> No.13910876

cant afford another piece of bread but have disposable income for headphones for your infant?

>> No.13910892

I didn't get a picture of it but tirimisu from the local mom & pop Italian joint that's pretty much next to me. The owners daughters make it and told me that without a doubt it was made with love.
That's pretty much a quote from them.

>> No.13910893

That's love, anon.

>> No.13910897

No it's not, it's retarded fucking adults with no fucking life skills bringing unnecessary life into the world they're incapable of caring for therefore continuing a cycle of neglect and abuse ad nauseum

>> No.13910901
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>> No.13910902

What skills do you bring into life?
Specify yourself before judging others, even then it's not your place to judge.

>> No.13910906

I know that this isn't the site or place for it, but try to be a bit humble before being an arrogant cumbucket that backup what it says.

>> No.13910911

... can't backup...

>> No.13910914

I made a mistake, now you have an attack vector. Try it.

>> No.13910915

I can support myself and my family just fine, financially and emotionally, I'm in a perfect position to be judging people bringing children into a world of neglect and poverty

>> No.13910916

>white bread
it's like you don't even care for your childs health

>> No.13910919

Irrelevant, parents are useless

>> No.13910920

Yet you did that yourself, so sure of yourself? How many millions do you have and done deal properties for them?
Otherwise you're full of shit.

>> No.13910922
File: 20 KB, 500x333, 41gw-Jlz6XL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the joke that she can't afford food or some shit? Also how is that love? That's a shite breakfast. Not even whole wheat.

Pic is sort of related giving easter. I think the "royal dark" ones are better, but the milk chocolate ones look more eastery.

>> No.13910927

No. You're only considering money, and I pity you. There's a lot more to that, I guess that you'll never know tears. I hope that you never have to go through them but you will.

>> No.13910928

>being this upset over a mother eating her child’s crust
so you’re either full of shit about having a family, or whatever is actually upsetting you isn’t in this thread, and you should probably go deal with it instead of making us listen to your faggotry

>> No.13910936
File: 200 KB, 500x375, Jamaican-Beef-Patties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can make them into Jamaican beef patties

>> No.13910938

>you should probably go deal with it instead of making us listen to your faggotry

>> No.13910940

women want to be congratulated over anything they do
you're supposed to give this particular woman asspats for not being a wasteful retard of a human being

>> No.13910950

Lemme guess, you're one of those chicks that thinks she's special cause she let some retard shoot in her pussy

>> No.13910954

Appreciated and fucked into oblivion

>> No.13910962

Why? They're disgusting.

>> No.13910963

yes goy, consume!

>> No.13910969

buying shit for your kid isn't love, it's a perk

>> No.13910972

At you can fuck a nice warm beef patty, you can't fuck them if they're just soylent green wafers.

>> No.13910978

It's in fun, to see some kids light up.
Maybe that never happened for you, and that's sad.

>> No.13910984

It's all about you isn't it?

>> No.13910988

>white bread

where's the protein? where's the fiber?

>> No.13910989

Good man

>> No.13910996

Feeling joy when seeing a kid light up is the reward for the parent, not the kid.
The kid may have fun with a $300 RC car for a while, but if dad isn't there making ramps and obstacle courses with him the gesture has no lasting meaning for either party.
Unless you're the kind of parent who goes "I bought you expensive things when you were a kid and now you owe me!", then you're just a jackass of a human.

>> No.13911036

If that's how you took what I wrote then you need some therapy.

>> No.13911046

>y-yeah, I don't have kids because I'm smart, not because I'm a fat delusional asshole no one would willingly mate with. Stupid breeders!
gotta love that cope

>> No.13911052
File: 14 KB, 405x447, albundy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feed kid nothing but carbs

>> No.13911054

Indeed, like making model trains for something for a daugther then its in fun for all, not for either or, but all.
I learned a lot from my own parents and extended family, it takes a few years but people learn that giving is just as much fun if not more than receiving.

>> No.13911060

>buying headphones for your daughter
>carefully making a teddy out of bread for her to eat
>continuing a cycle of neglect and abuse ad nauseam

>> No.13911064
File: 30 KB, 512x384, bundy_smelly_socks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Al Bundy can always sell his smelly socks to the space aliens for serious bucks.

>> No.13911069

Nah, I'm not the only one that knows you wanted to sound genuine but in reality it wasn't. Take your own advice and seek help.

>> No.13911077

>giving your offspring false hope by praying to an invisible man

>> No.13911081

Call me a breeder to my face and you go back home with no teeth.

>> No.13911082

what the fuck man

>> No.13911083

no, I’m unfortunately an oldfag with kids who regularly loses his shit on 4chan about unrelated shit, and when I do I leave because I’m being a faggot. like you are now.

>> No.13911087

they cant afford those fancy things

>> No.13911091

So you're a psychic and very judgemental.

>> No.13911096

Goddamn this thread is Reddit tier

>> No.13911103

reddit tier is people repeating the same thing every post, or re-arranging the words or using shitty puns in every reply

>> No.13911104

I've got kids you fuckin retard

>> No.13911108
File: 136 KB, 1080x1350, emrata-bangkok_street_food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look on the brightside of life.
Emily might offer you street food some day...

>> No.13911109

The majority of her breakfast is fresh, nutrient-rich fruit. What's the problem?

>> No.13911111

How do you little pissants even care about reddit if you hate it so much? How can you compare it to what's here on 4chan if you're not on reddit 24/7 like fucking N*S

>> No.13911112

Like fuck you would chubs, 100% guarantee you're hard as a pensioners shit irl

>> No.13911120

Yes because the loving alternative is plunging your child into a pit of nihilistic despair that their life will be brief and full of suffering, and their hedonistic pursuits will ultimately never fill the void. And then it all ends in oblivion.

Thank God you'll never the parent of anything more than a fedora.

>> No.13911124


>> No.13911125

Hello faggot.

>> No.13911133

Why are there so many triggered breeders in this thread? Do they not like the red pill?

>> No.13911147

Most of us don't define ourselves by some lame ass movie. Do define yourself by some lame ass movie matrix which was a boring sack of shit?

>> No.13911150

true giga chads like myself can appreciate both websites. lots more sluts post their tits on rebbit than 4chin anymore

>> No.13911154

>lame ass movie
woman confirmed. opinion discarded

>> No.13911159

I cant deal with their site, its format sucks and its putting it lightly.

>> No.13911162

wasted digits

>> No.13911164

ewwwww, touched a nerve there did I?
So you actually liked "matrix" and its bullshit? Do you realize that you should be consigned to selling shit in "hot topix?"

>> No.13911166
File: 61 KB, 1813x1523, autistic_pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah because cultural usage of the term is still a direct reference to the movie, this is why you're too stpud to breed you fucking tool

>> No.13911167

Not at all, it got the point across.

>> No.13911179

She didn't buy those headphones the day before anon.

>> No.13911182

boomer hands typed this

>> No.13911184

Abbut: A herring is just a herring, but a good cigar is a Cuban.
Kosh: A stroke of the brush does not guarantee art from the bristles. Do you understand, Miss Winters?

>> No.13911187

why are you being a faggot using buzzwords like you’re on twitter?

>> No.13911192


>> No.13911199

Why are you being a faggot using words like you're reading a dictionary?

>> No.13911204

Idiots like you use terms that mean nothing to anyone except for sad selves.
You should explain yourselves for your complete and total bullshit.

>> No.13911207

how do you know?

>> No.13911212

The easy answer is that we've been doing it longer than you and while you think you think you're quite cute, we've all seen it before. Take that to heart.

>> No.13911215

stfu you no taste having cunt. go watch harry potter or something if you cant appreciate the matrix as a good movie

>> No.13911219

haha. No thanks, I dredge up the bottom of the barrel bullshit as if it meant something. If you want something meaningful, try out Babylon 5.

>> No.13911222

Kosh: The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote.

>> No.13911228

and what would you suggest she do with the leftovers from the bear piece? Just throw it away? Thats wasteful for no reason.

>> No.13911244

maybe just eat a second piece as well? the image is trying to brag about how they sacrifice for their daughter

>> No.13911251

Knaw on them like a wolf

>> No.13911257

how about just eat it and try not being an attention whore by posting it on social media so others can "like" it to make yourself feel better instead of faking that it makes the kid feel better

>> No.13911258

Always take care of your lead huskie or malimute, always. Friends are friends.

>> No.13911272

Because they know that if they don't earn for the entire family, daughters and sons included then there will be nothing left. Daughters do come first because they're the cool ones and intelligent ones. Most males are stupid and expect things without working for anything. Kind of like the N*S

>> No.13911278

Jealousy can tear a familiy apart.

>> No.13911296
File: 44 KB, 850x567, 1575192411092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a hash brown from McDonald's once with a dead beetle in it that startwd a series of events that led to me being a 45 year old violent sexual sadist and child murderer with schizophrenia.

>> No.13911303

theres cheese and fresh fruit
that breakfast is better than what you ate last

>> No.13911310

must be why most meaningful inventions in the history of the world came from women

>> No.13911314


>> No.13911318

How ugly are you

>> No.13911319

did you accidentally get lost on your way to facebook again cunt

>> No.13911324
File: 41 KB, 640x480, 1583195175298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanted to discuss about food with love
>and up having orphans destroying the thread

>> No.13911326

I'm ugly because I know that matrix was a boring sack of shit movie and you can't deal with anyone disagreeing with you?
Look the movie and the whole bunch of them sucked, if you liked them then condolences. Your lack of taste is not my problem.

>> No.13911330

Ok loner

>> No.13911335


>> No.13911334
File: 236 KB, 575x600, 1586201051497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad I'm not this insecure

>> No.13911336

>assaulting a hat tipping faggot and going to jail when you have dependents waiting for you at home
God damn it anon, you fucking degen.

>> No.13911340

You brought it up with the "red pill" bullshit. So, if you don't want an opinion then don't bring something up on a website or stop being a whiny pussy!
Do you expect everyone to agree with you, that's not going to happen. Get over yourself.

>> No.13911345

Butthurt breeders are coming out in force

>> No.13911348
File: 41 KB, 788x685, 1585859037370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13911358

My nose is bleeding now, am I going to die ?

>> No.13911363

>most of us
>Do you expect everyone to agree with you, that's not going to happen. Get over yourself.


>> No.13911364

It wasn't that anon that brought up the red pill shit, it was me you fucking retard, let me reiterate, you're not special because you let your broke ass BF shoot his load in your pussy. You're financially and emotionally incapable of caring for and raising your children, you're the poster child for sterilisation of low iq retards so they can't breed

>> No.13911369
File: 409 KB, 604x674, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha im so cool because my opinion is unpopular!
no you just come off as a fedora wearing piece of shit.

>> No.13911373

Who the fuck cares? Bread is cheap as fuck

>> No.13911375

>wachowski brothers
based imdb putting trannies in their place

>> No.13911376

The Matrix is mediocre. It just impressed people back then. It doesn’t hold up.

>> No.13911386

>woman steals crust, the best tasting part
>cool cup with weird ghosts while kid gets some yellow plastic garbage

>> No.13911389

I blew a bicurious drunk teen in my bathtub a few hours ago and swallowed down the cum.

>> No.13911391

You're the cunt that keeps bring up movie references like "red pill" like the crappy old shit movie that it was. Why can't you just admit that it was a shitty movie, the whole bunch of them sucked. If you made your life out of them then condolences for you.
How has that gone for you, really?

>> No.13911400

If you'd read my responses you'd have the answer to your question already you fucking retarded cum dumpster

>> No.13911402

Kinky! Like swallowing a big dog log, that's what people watching "matrix" have to do and keep bringing it up in 2020.

>> No.13911407

Now you're defending yourself when you have no defense. Why just admit that you like crappy movies with weird music in the background that makes no sense?
Do you believe in space aliens?

>> No.13911414

it's probably not that she can't afford her own 5 cent piece of bread, but that she doesn't want to spend the time and wants to stay thin.
Also that fucking breakfast is entirely for instagram and the kid's just how to dispose of it after taking a picture.

>> No.13911416
File: 165 KB, 1000x750, perro_caca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the x files and matrix for you right here in my attached picture.

>> No.13911428

Baby haters are cringey as fuck.

>> No.13911432

This. Coincidence the bear and fruit is perfectly positioned at a weird angle to face the camera instead of facing the kid head on?

>> No.13911436
File: 197 KB, 1187x1780, 2017-Nov-Isabela-Moner6912-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. I wish I wasn't an incel. Hell I've lived with my dad since I was like 8 so women really are alien monsters just about

>> No.13911441

Yeah gotta get your calories from somewhere. But looks like some vegan faggot meal. Do you really want to eat fruit for breakfast?

>> No.13911444


>> No.13911448 [DELETED] 

Back to /lgbt/ with you T.

>> No.13911449

People who project are cringe as fuck, we don't hate babies, we hate irresponsible adults having kids, creating more irresponsible adults. Literally you retarded breeder scum are single handedly devolving the human race and not only that, you want patted on the back for it while us responsible adults are left cleaning your asses. Here's some advice, kill yourselves faggots

>> No.13911457


>> No.13911463

Something a grandma made on my fathers side was honeydew, cantelope, and watermelon and whatever else was around like maybe some strawberrys. That's pretty good for a little kid when you don't have a lot of time to get to school.

>> No.13911476

I'm disappointed. Here we could have had a thread about making food for people they love, like etc. Food that they put a bit more thought into because they love said person. Instead we've got retards completely missing the point of op's pic. The teddy face is literally just to make the kid smile, the mum is probably making a joke about the kid nicking their breakfast because kids can get jealous easy.
Jesus fuck I wouldn't trust any of you with kids.

>> No.13911483

You should be disappointed, what kind of faggot kids, female or male would want to deal with that slop? This isn't soviet russia ya know?

>> No.13911489

The point of OPs pic is that we have some choice and that slop in that OPs pic while one of those choices isn't the only choice. Get over your commie shit, NOW!

>> No.13911503

The clear point that you missed is that we all have choices, regardless of you top down types, we choose. Not you. If you try on us you'll get hanged from a lot of people that don't want you to choose for them.

>> No.13911520

I doubt you're a responsible adult anon. You're probably a welfare whore.

>> No.13911554

36, 4 bedroom 2 floor home fully paid off, 6 digit salary, 2 kids at the top of their class, virtually no debt, college funds already saved. I was on welfare for a year 20 years ago. Kill yourself

>> No.13911576

If in some detroit neighborhood with people shooting up the place left and right doesn't count for much at that age.
Have some taste and specify where that is.

>> No.13911584

People like you never specify.

>> No.13911590

Can your old mom get there without going through negro gunfights? Great. Buying low does equate to buying best.

>> No.13911594

Stop projecting, I'm in a European city ranked in the top 5 in the world for quality of life. Come on anon, try harder, post your own stats

>> No.13911602

Sure you are, but you don't specify.
"hey maaaaaannnnn. i'm in the top 5, maaaaaannnnnn"
Is not a specifcation of jack shit. Get over yourself and post back when you can be specific.
Consider also why didn't you do that in the first place?

>> No.13911604

Why don't women like eating breakfast?

>> No.13911605

You do come across as a complete and total euro hypocrite jealous moron, jealous of the USA.
Your nations thousands of years old and can't do shit, can't even keep their boarders controlled.
Do want me to get into it?

>> No.13911608

Looks like you made out OK in the divorce.

>> No.13911612

Because they might be so dainty, but I like them that way. The fun thing is that its mutal for both of us, I miss that right now.

>> No.13911616

Stop grasping and post your own stats, if you keep trying to change the subject I'll accept you're just salty you've been served

>> No.13911621

I served u r mum last night

>> No.13911625

Mom should make croutons

>> No.13911630

If she had an egg cooked in the center of that toast it would be a good light breakfast

>> No.13911632

maybe with meatloaf or spaghetti and meat balls, that's mom food and it's usually good
just remember that you only get one mom

>> No.13911637

Boomers are more based than your bitch ass

>> No.13911641

you tried

>> No.13911642

Now you’re getting it!

>> No.13911644

morons using the term "boomers" should be nailed from a USN Boomer for being such idiots and making no sense

>> No.13911663

Caca de perro

>> No.13911666

>im a soccer mom and this is deep

>> No.13911675

Feed your kid a bunch of simple sugars. Based.

>> No.13911683

hahaha! Touche

>> No.13911685

what in the fuck kek

>> No.13911697

Is this why the average westerner is so fat? Start them off with a sugar addiction young. Fuck up their teeth give them adhd and health problems young.

Why not give your kids some sweet vegetables? Baby carrots for example, won’t fuck up their teeth and giving them something to bite and chew helps with jaw development. Cursing your kid with weak jaws and fucked up teeth from giving them nothing but sugar should be considered child abuse.

>> No.13911727 [DELETED] 
File: 2.42 MB, 1498x1291, 290834093848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cursing your kid with weak jaws and fucked up teeth
imagine being a liberal who denies genetics and biology. Jaw shape is genetic. So much so that people who have cosmetic jaw surgery usually undergo "bone remodeling" which is just a fancy term for "the jaw changing shape back to normal"

the average westerner just has a narrower jaw. It's genetic.

>> No.13911732


>here's some fruit kid

kill yourself you know nothing of nutrition

>> No.13911767

Great retort. Forgot your meme infographic without any sources and random assortment of images though.

Post your wrists. Let’s see your sugar addicted porker wrists.

>> No.13911826
File: 30 KB, 400x533, FB5D656F-F38E-4647-A981-6CF119F73887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now post what the average Asian looks like.

>> No.13911829

another woman farming for attention