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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13908949 No.13908949 [Reply] [Original]

anyone ever use one of these is the price justified

>> No.13909010
File: 473 KB, 2048x2048, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make one out of a flower pot and decide if you want to spend $800 on the real thing

>> No.13909069

There are tons of carcinogenic chemicals in the clay itself, and the glaze/coating they put on these things. I cannot stress this enough, do not do this. Do not use non-food safe items to cook food.

>> No.13909075

It's completely unglazed terracotta you donught

>> No.13909086

The clay itself used to make the terracotta has chemical additives. Don't be a retard and cook with shit you by in the Home Depot garden section.

>> No.13909091

Any chemical additive that would be harmful for food will also be harmful to plants that you might want to grow in them.
There's a reason no one makes raised garden beds out of treated wood.

>> No.13909093

When plants are growing in them, they aren't being heated to several hundred degrees.

>> No.13909100

It's obviously not the same thing, Alton.

>> No.13909102

And they weren't heated several hundred degrees in the kiln?
Like how many people have died in a pottery class lmao

>> No.13909104

U dum

>> No.13909109

If you want to cook food in a chemical deathtrap, just to save a couple bucks, by all means continue to do so.

>> No.13909116

I'll believe you if you can cite three separate, independent sources and at least one medical record.

>> No.13909121

what do they put in clay that makes it poisonous? If I made a pot from clay in my yard would it still be poisonous?

>> No.13909130

I don't care about you enough to do that kind of leg work. Hopefully anyone with a marginal IQ will simply see that I am correct and not make the same mistakes you have.

>> No.13909135

Bitch you can't even name a single ""'additive""" because you're a shill making shit up and pulling it directly out of your asshole

>> No.13909136

Chemical agents used to promote uniformity of the clay, texture, color etc. There's a reason they all look exactly the same.

>> No.13909149

If it helps you to believe that, continue to poison yourself man.

>> No.13909150

Name a single poison in clay.

>> No.13909152

alton brown invented it, it can't be that bad

>> No.13909160

The clay they use in mass produced terracotta pots is chemically treated.

>> No.13909169

I'm noticing a distinct lack of names here.

>> No.13909180

Good ol' Alton Brown.

>> No.13909184

I'm not going to do the legwork for you here, anon. I can tell you this though. The clay they use is absolutely treated with chemicals, and those chemicals should absolutely not come into contact with your food in any capacity. Do you want to know why your terra cotta flower pot isn't food safe? Because it legally doesn't have to be if it doesn't claim to be, and it can be produced in China for much cheaper that way. So if you trust Chinese manufacturers to not put god knows what kind of poisons into their clay to knock a few cents off each pot, then by all means continue to use it to cook your food.

>> No.13909186


Mother fuck Alton would not steer anyone wrong you faggot Melvin you’re probably scared of your own shadow probably don’t eat stuff you dropped on the floor or cup your farts with your hand and smell them. What a faggot

>> No.13909192

I see a whole lot of conjecture and not a single fact here my dude.
Outrageous claims need proofs. Proof your statement.

>> No.13909195

my uncle has one and long story short, no. they're cool but in terms of performance they don't even come close to justifying the pricetag. just get a 22" weber kettle.

>> No.13909198

Goddamn, it is near impossible to get you Boomers to ever see reason. Go poison yourself you Boomer fuck. You'll sure show me!

>> No.13909204

I am being perfectly reasonable. You have made a claim, it is only reasonable for you to back that claim up.

>> No.13909207

based schizo

>> No.13909211

Nah, I'm good. I want you to keep using your chemical oven. Cheers.

>> No.13909212


This nigga sniffin his own farts

>> No.13909221

Why are you so triggered by simple concepts like burden of proof?
Are you one of those LISTEN AND BELIEVE WAHMEN types?

>> No.13909261

I'm probably not going to make an oven out of a couple of pots but if you're saying a couple of unglazed pots are glazed that stinks of bullshit out the gate, plus those things are kilned at much higher temps than smoking would reach. You can't or won't even name one of those "chemicals", a simple bit of source analysis is enough to chalk you up as a bullshitter talking out of your ass.

>> No.13909322


I would strongly recommend not doing this due to chemical additives in non-food safe products. That being said it won't kill you.

>> No.13909414

Jesus this guy is such a fucking moron

>> No.13909429

hard retard over here. back up your claims lord autismo

>> No.13909431

I know, what kind of retarded Boomer actually thinks using non-food safe chemical treated terra cotta is suitable for cooking food in. That's the Boomer psyche for you though lmao...they literally have no idea how to listen to reason.

>> No.13909435

Okay Boomer. Keep using your chemically treated non-food safe clay pots to cook food.

>> No.13909438


>> No.13909450

Facts don't care about your feelings, Boomer.

>> No.13909453

Hey you fucking retarded niggerfaggot failed abortion

Please either

mention 3 chemicals used in the making of garden terracotta that would be hazardous if heated to temperatures in excess of 500 degrees F
go out and buy a shotgun so you can fucking blow your head off

>> No.13909454

I'm a random guy who came in, saw you make unsubstantiated claims, didn't post proof, then got indignant. You're a chicken shit loser.

>> No.13909457

Nah, I'm good. Keep cooking food in shit you find in the Home Depot gardening section lmao

>> No.13909461

Eat my ass Boomer.

>> No.13909466

You are such an insufferable fucking subhuman piece of shit that you can't even tell I'm not the original poster. Go back to getting raped by your dad, sorry we've been distracting you.

>> No.13909469

Oh wait, hold up. This post also applies to you sweetheart >>13909461

>> No.13909482

bullshit, alton brown had a segment about making a grill with one. proof?

>> No.13909492

I used ceramic tiles as a pizza stone for a while and I’m not dead.

>> No.13909494

alright everyone shut up

read this thread before posting another reply in this one


>> No.13909497 [DELETED] 
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So digits and ima making terracotta army smoker

>> No.13909500 [DELETED] 
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Yeah but theres no harmful chemical on the grill so if it dont touch clay its fine. Get that noggin joggin anon.

>> No.13909589

What is the consensus of the article?

>> No.13909592

IT leads to cancer and degenerative diseases later in life dude. It's like saying, I smoke a pack of cigarettes a day and I'm not dead yet!

>> No.13909627

Tell us what in the ceramic leads to degenerative diseases and cancer other than lead leeching out from prolonged contact with acid, which doesn’t happen with a pizza stone

>> No.13909637

It's less about the material, and what is used to make the material. Food safe materials are legally required to not have certain chemicals in it, while non-food safe items (this ceramic tile and terra cotta pot I brought form Home Depot hurr durr) are not legally classified as food safe, and can have anything from heavy metals, plastics, ashesives, etc. You can't compare a food safe pizza stone to a mass produced ceramic tile meant to be used for construction purposes.

Do you understand now you thick Boomer cunt?

>> No.13909654

"Unglazed clay pots don't have things like lead that would be an issue, it's fine, technically."

>> No.13909686
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>> No.13909782
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>everything that isn't certified food safe is poison

>> No.13909872

Hah americans screaming cancer i don't think you will dying from cooking ones in a while on a terracotta pot. Maybe stop drinking diet coke all the time.

But seriously, how to open terracotta bbq when hot?

>> No.13909983

i'm sure that just isnt true in some hot places in the world

>> No.13910007

You're a legitimate retard

>> No.13910081

tragor smokers are superior

>> No.13910286

Why would adding something to clay be cheaper than just the clay? What do you think they are adding besides maybe a flux?

>> No.13910430


>> No.13911141


>> No.13911180

Potter here. Unglazed terracotta pots are fine. People have been cooking in unglazed clay pots for 10,000 years.

>> No.13911194

Potter again. No it doesn't.

>> No.13911205

and every person who ever used one is either dead or will one day be dead. coincidence? maybe. the jews? probably...

>> No.13911220

60 yr old diabeetus boomer spends $800 to meme cook on presumption that anything that isn't $800 is carcinogens
30 yr old millennial doing $70 DIY to meme cook because too poor

or something like that

>> No.13911264
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I have one and use it once every week or so. I've learned to use it so my results are consistent and good. Initial buy in is high,but the cost of fuel is extremely low and it'll never corrode. With little to no care it really is a lifetime purchase. Also you can use it reliably in any weather if that's a concern where you live.

>> No.13911273

Ok, fine. I'll play. There actually may have been traces of asbestos in the talc in some cast terracotta clay recipes. That would have been rendered completely inert during firing. There may also have been traces of arsenic and manganese in the red clay (though it is primarily just tinged red from the iron oxide). These will have been volatized and burned off during the kiln firing along with the carbonaceous matter. There is no significant lead in unglazed pottery. You will be exposed to more lead just going outside and breathing air. If you are worried about someone having sprayed an already fired pot with a chemical pesticide, you can wash it in soapy water, then soak the soap out of it with copious amounts of clean water. Just don't blaze it up when it's damp or it may crack. You actually can (and should) soak unglazed clay pots in water prior to using them to cook in the oven. This makes the food moist. The original brazier lidded casserole dishes (what crock-pots are today) were used this way. They can also be impregnated with cooking fats and seasoned like cast iron from the inside out to make them water tight. Always put unglazed clay pots in a cold oven so they don't crack. It is possible a little hotplate in a homemade smoker could crack a pot, but it is unlikely because it's not very much heat. Even if it did, who gives a shit? Buy another one or shove some foil in there.

Like above poster has said, anything dangerous that could have been in there got burned out of it when it was fired at 1000ºC.

>> No.13911276

Good to know that you personally oversee every fucking terra cotta pot made on the entire planet gaywad.

>> No.13911331

Hey, a good post. Too bad Karen over here is still going to ignore it

>> No.13911482

just posting to tell that one dude he is a massive retard for going on about toxic clay pots

>> No.13911497

>People have been cooking in unglazed clay pots for 10,000 years.
yea and look where it got them, they're all dead.

>> No.13911676

No, not personally. But I do preside over the Pottery Kingdom as defacto Regent of TerraCottia, being the eldest member of the Order of Voulkos, 7th degree. I fully trust all of my appointed vassals to oversee the safe production of earthenware in all the realms.

>> No.13911700

>No, not personally
Then shut the fuck up.

>> No.13911709

My thoughts and prayers go out to you, sirrah.

>> No.13911741

Those pots are glazed with 100% cancer

>> No.13911757

>trusting the Chinese to make a safe product

>> No.13912085

Like every brick oven?

>> No.13912903

Oven bricks are made with the legal "food safe" regulations in mind. Construction bricks, and other materials not specifically MADE for food purposes, are not.

How is this hard for you dense fucking morons to understand.

>> No.13912910

Hey bud, I think you missed the door to Reddit and ended up here on accident. No worries man, just leave and never come back with your Reddit garbage trash memes, okay?

>> No.13912927

Oh cool, so you know exactly how mass produced terra cotta pots (meant for gardening purposes) are made in China? You know exactly what the unregulated (since they legally don't have to be food safe) manufacturing processes are? Oh, you don't? Oh, okay then. How about you shut your stupid fucking mouth and don;t talk about shit you don't know about. Huh, how about that champ?

>> No.13912937

does charcoal really taste that much better than cooking on a gas grill?

>> No.13912948

ultimate boomer bait
I received one through family and the thing is super temperamental about cooking temp or if it's going to light up or not. people buy into the lifestyle.

>> No.13913088
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>is absolutely treated with chemicals,


>> No.13913205

>Pay to add lead
>Don't pay to not add lead

gee which one sounds better

>> No.13913225

>no actual response
>better call him a redditor

>> No.13913238

The fact that you don't see that as a valid criticism just shows that you don't belong here either.

>> No.13913243

Yes, I know exactly how they are made in China and everywhere else in the world. The pots are fine. the workers who make the pots are possibly exposed to more silica dust than would be legal elsewhere, though.

>> No.13913257

t. midwit

>> No.13913393
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scared potter?

>> No.13913529
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>scared potter?

>> No.13913562

No, I'm hairy.

>> No.13913577

hey dude you know that salt you add to your food?
yeah that's a chemical additive

>> No.13913581

this dude posts exactly the same as they guy that was obsessed crystals in his honey were arsenic

>> No.13913588


>> No.13914214

Yes, it is a food safe chemical additive. The key term there is "food safe".

>> No.13914217

Tell me just one thing, what purpose does this chemical additive treatment serve, why do they do it, what effect does it have on the finished product that you don't get with pure clay

>> No.13914218

>I know exactly how they are made in China and everywhere else in the world.
Okay, so you know just how unreliable and unregulated their manufacturing is then?

>> No.13914225

>what purpose does this chemical additive treatment serve
Chemical agents used to promote uniformity of the clay, texture, color etc. If the clay was meant to be legally classified as "food safe", they would use chemicals that were food safe to accomplish this, but since they are made for gardening, and not cooking food in, the Chinese absolutely do not use food safe chemical agents.

>> No.13914229
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>> No.13914236

Green Egg shill detected

>> No.13914243

Only midwits say this

>> No.13914249

Only a Sith deals in absolutes

>> No.13914282

That statement itself deals in absolutes.

>> No.13914290

I decided to look up the dangers of using unglazed terracotta for cooking because of that one anon who refused to include any sources.
A lot of arsenic can leech out from the untreated clay
In general heavy metals in the earth can become a problem when cooking.

Additionally glazed ceramic is also an issue. Most glazes contain quite a bit of lead or other heavy metals, which isn't a problem normally but it can cause issues when cooked with.

So high quality unglazed clay can be used safely. But that cheap chink shit should not be used unless you want lead poisoning.

>> No.13914339

I use one, their main benefits are insanely efficient charcoal use for long time smoking. They can smoke something for 8 hours at 250 for about $5 of charcoal. Have very precise temperature control.

The second great thing they do is get very very hot for sears.

they are pretty terrible at mid temp BBQ / grilling tho.

>> No.13914343

asbestos would be harmless here, it's not fibrous and/or being breathed in. you could eat asbestos and it would do nothing

>> No.13914370

You're not cooking on the clay so all of that is irrelevant. Still would avoid the cheap shit just because, but it shouldn't really be an issue.

>> No.13914390

neither of those sources are relevant to clay ovens

>> No.13914397

>wants sources that say untreated clay is still dangerous ot cook on.in
>sources are provided
You dumb fucks.

>> No.13914430

No need to get upset. I could have called you fucking retarded for doing work on behalf of a retard that's got so angry from his own shitposting he's on day 2 of a seethe spree, or for having a sub-highschool level of scientific literacy, but I was polite about it.

>> No.13914440

I'm the guy that posted the sources,>>13914397, that is not me.
Thats probably the kid that was too dumb to do a google search.

>> No.13914443

Those sources say clay is dangerous to cook ON.
A smoker has no contact between the food ant the clay, the clay is there solely for insulation.

>> No.13914447


>> No.13914454

At worst you might get some arsenic sublimation, but I'm not sure if that would even happen

>> No.13914472

So it was the seethetard then? Sorry I was rude. As is pretty stable. I doubt there will be any consequential amounts subliminating at smoking temps.

>> No.13914495

>Thats probably the kid that was too dumb to do a google search.
He was right about the pots not being safe though, and got you to do the work of looking up the sources for him. Sounds like he's a pretty smart guy..

>> No.13914519

Then by all means continue to copok in gardening supplies you find at Home Depot, despite having definitive proof it is literally toxic. You non-white Boomers are the fucking worst most stubborn retards imaginable lmao. You'll jeopardize your health just to save a couple dollars everytime.

>> No.13914524

Not buying it m8, nobody is retarded enough to use a flowerpot with a hole in the bottom as a tagine

>> No.13914526

>get btfo
>go into le I was trolling this whole time mode

>> No.13914531

oops, wrongquoted

>> No.13914545
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get a komodo kamado

>> No.13914548 [DELETED] 

Fuck, he was right after. God damn it.

>> No.13914560

Fuck, he was right after all. God damn it.

>> No.13914561
File: 22 KB, 300x337, ClassicII_Hero_web_cropped_300x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's also the cheaper classic

>> No.13914562

Your reading comprehension isn't very good, eh? Second language I take it? Do you even understand what is being said in this conversation?

>> No.13914570
File: 27 KB, 250x313, rc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could you just do a rattlecan job with krylon high temp?

>> No.13914582

kamado does events at costco if you want to try one out


>> No.13914623

>non-food safe clay is harmful to cook with
>hey, maybe I can spray paint it and that'll make it food safe!
Fucking Boomers man.....lmao

>> No.13914629


>> No.13914971

this guy doesn't know how clay is made

>> No.13915313


>> No.13916934

cool, might have to try this, guessing the heating plate is on just set to low and you check the temp every now and then?

>> No.13916972

You get more arsenic from american rice than unglazed ceramic, fool.

>> No.13917005
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it depends on which type of clay is being used

Red unglazed clay or terracotta has no lead in it at all, and the odds of unnecessary chemicals being added is very low

Boomer was right

t. The above cited article
>>Red clay is largely iron-based silicate and aluminum compounds. Lead occurs in situations where you find silver, zinc, and copper, not where you generally find clay. Lead is not very soluable in any circumstance and while the metal will melt at low temperature, most forms (oxides) don't melt or volatilize below 1000°C.

>> No.13917186
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>> No.13917218

Jokes on you
I went to Lowe's

>> No.13917239

>trusts China to follow industry standards
dumb fuck

>> No.13917554

from reading on their website that paint isn't food safe and should not be used inside grills or near burners.

>> No.13917655
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Ah yes, welcome back my lord.

>> No.13918477

it has a picture of a grill on it. I don't trust you

>> No.13918523

Are you a Boomer or a non-white? Since those are only two options to describe a person as stubborn and uninformed as you.

>> No.13918557

it's literally made to be used on grills

>> No.13918579

Exterior of the grill, not interior. Even then I wouldn't trust it.

>> No.13918952

It has a picture of a grill on the can

>> No.13919822

You DENSE Boomer bitch.

>> No.13919848


>> No.13920032

This post is the biggest thread derailment I have ever seen.

>> No.13921546

>ruins your thread hehe

>> No.13923194

I dunno, day three of some lolcow whipping themselves into a meltdown over "chemicals" and "boomers" is pretty based. OP got their answer.

>> No.13923860

first day on /ck/?

>> No.13924151

I've never used one but my step dad has one he won in a raffle. He can't keep the heart very consistent and he's had a lot of trouble with it. It cooks just fine but he has to baby it where some of his cheaper stuff cooks just as good if not better and he can just leave it pretty much