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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13879326 No.13879326 [Reply] [Original]

The great debate

>> No.13879331

the cup ones are shittier in every way but convenience, terrible little meat and vegetable pieces and you're forced to endure the full saltiness of the flavor dust, which you can choose whether or not to add with the packaged version

>> No.13879594

>inb4 someone posts that spicy Korean garbage
Maruchan all the way - end. of.

>> No.13879610
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>> No.13879750

>terrible little meat and vegetable pieces
^This. I fucking hate instant noodle cups. The little pseudo-grocery store by my apartment restocked their ramen noodle shelf with nothing but cups instead of packs like they used to and that was the last time I ever went back there. I have no idea why anyone would want those retarded decoration vegetables ruining perfectly good noodles.

>> No.13879754

>shit with msg
>shit with msg
Enjoy your brain damage.

>> No.13879763


why are you in every fucking thread, jesus fuck, GO BACK TO /POL/ AND FOCUS ON YOUR ADRENOCHROME THREADS

you insufferable fucking people ruin this site

>> No.13879766 [DELETED] 

>hurrrr knowing that MSG is bad is /pol/ ma durr nurrr

You ruin this site, sperglord capslock retard.

Go back to plebbit where you can have the safe space you so clearly are demanding, you fuckin snowflake.

>> No.13879781

>brain damage
Glutamate is the most abundant naturally occurring neurotransmitter in the brain you retard.

>> No.13879803
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I don't eat garbage.

>anon states their opinion
>MSG shills sperg out and derail thread

>> No.13879880
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Uncivilized fags

>> No.13879888

Maruchan. No contest.

Tho cup ones are shitty as hell regardless of brand.

>> No.13879906

"MSG causes brain damage" isn't an opinion you idiot. It's an obviously wrong claim about how reality works. If he said "I don't personally like the taste of foods flavored with MSG" then that would be an opinion. Hope that helps.

>> No.13879915
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Pack up and go home, boys. You can't beat these

>> No.13879918 [DELETED] 

>the MSG shill can't drop it
You're wrong. Now stop derailing the thread.

>> No.13879945

The cups in general are beyond shit tier, if you want an all in one package just get those Yakisoba containers. They have more stuff in them and you can actually choose how much of something you want in them, or better yet those really big bowls that go for $1.

>> No.13879981

Only one derailing is you by pretending to be even more retarded than you already are when everyone reading the thread can easily look up what glutamate is and see through your bullshit.

>> No.13879988

>p-pls no bully, just blindly accept my mom-science!

>> No.13879992

what is with you fuckign pussies needing to play dress up and customize your fucking insant ramen

>> No.13880001 [DELETED] 

debased schizo shill posters

>> No.13880004

It's not customizing to not want decoration vegetables. The Top Ramen and Maruchan pack noodles don't even include those to begin with, hence one reason why they're better than cup noodles.

>> No.13880007

I refuse to believe anyone is actually as low IQ as you're behaving right now.

>> No.13880011 [DELETED] 

>can't refute anything
>attacks poster instead
debased schizo MSG shill still derailing thread even after being directed to another thread about MSG

>> No.13880018

There's nothing to refute when you post timecube tier "sources." This is an 18+ site, friend. Come back when you're older.

>> No.13880020
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Swerve, plebeians.

>> No.13880023

timecube is completely correct though

>> No.13880032
File: 69 KB, 640x645, brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Starts an argument using nonsensical mom science
>Gets upset when called out for it and starts crying about thread derailment

>> No.13880087

>You can't beat these
I can't find these. I want to try that flavor.

>> No.13880091

they had too much msg i guess

>> No.13880119

How about some actual food and not some plastic shlock?

>> No.13880210

Best regular packets: maruchan, because nissin doesn't have pork in ameriland
Best regular cups: relatively interchangeable
Best premium packets: nissin raoh > maruchan gold
Best bowls/large cups: maruchan because nissin doesn't have any halfway decent varieties in large sizes
Best "yakisoba": maruchan because cheddar, chicken and spicy chicken are tits and the nissin ones all taste weird + no cheddar
Best non-American varieties: nissin because HK seafood is great
Best non-maruchan/nissin (guaranteed to give you coronavirus): JML beef stew flavour
Best ramen broth base: Lee Kum Kee. Srsly. I know for a fact that at least three ramen places in NYC during the beforetimes used it and served it to round-eyes at over 500% markup. One place charged over 1000% markup.

t. fatty fatty fat fat who loves instanoodles

>> No.13880215

Your aunt Karen is a cunt.

>> No.13880219

At first I saw this was one of those "here's my autistic opinion on everything" posts and was ready to disagree with it all, but as I went down the list you kept on saying things that are correct.

>> No.13880224
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>> No.13880234
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>Why yes, I do only eat Rollton noodles for 21 cents a pack, how could you tell?

>> No.13880257
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>> No.13880264
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>> No.13880676

Toss in beef jerky when it cooking.

>> No.13880934
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But anon.

>> No.13880942

My nigga.

>> No.13880944
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well well well

>> No.13880999

I like the random ass swastika on the package, nice touch

>> No.13881001

But those are terrible. The only good flavors are Kimchi and Spicy Miso.

>> No.13881133

dis cos tan

>> No.13881140

Reminder, if you don't drink the sodium juice you're a fag.

>> No.13881149

I eat the maruchan cup noodle about once a week at work because of convenience, price, and how tasty the spicy one with lime is. That being said, the brick maruchan noodle outclasses it in every way because of customizability

>> No.13881161

this anon ate so much msg he got brain damage

>> No.13881403

every time i get Maruchan the seasoning always has this weird, nasty sugar-y aftertaste
is that just me?

>> No.13881436

Both sides are wrong.

>> No.13881535
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For me, it's Jin Ramen (Mild)

>> No.13881564

rinse it off, if you don't want 75% DV intake of sodium.

>> No.13881657
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Anyone remember these. They were around when I was a kid back in the 90's, minus the puppy and panda things.

>> No.13881665

The Shin black are probably some of the best noodles I've had, it just sucks they are so expensive

>> No.13881716

nongshim pot or pan is the best

>> No.13881960
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What one do I eat?

>> No.13882106

2 of the 2x spicy

>> No.13882111

I can't stand those cheddar cheese yakisoba. I used to eat one of those every day for lunch when I was at work to save money. I would buy them in bulk when they were bogo. Makes me sick just looking at them

>> No.13882145

nissin > maruchan but ichiban > both

>> No.13882215


>> No.13882245

why are the noodles always crushed into a million pieces in these?
fuck it makes it so mad that retards actually eat this.

>> No.13883309


>> No.13883314

I stopped buying the packets a while ago in favor of the cups. I find the cups way better and better tasting. One of the biggest reasons is the texture in comparison. I do not like the consistency of the packet ramen.

>> No.13883320

Nissin Beef is really on another level, no other grocery store flavor compares. Chicken in general is shit tier no matter what brand, it's just shitty yellow turmeric tea.

>> No.13883350


>> No.13883414

my nigga. i haven't tried that flavor but i had the original last week and it was 100x better than any other ramen i've tried

>> No.13883431

>shit that you drain the water out of
This is a ramen thread, nigger. Innie shills need not apply.

>> No.13883475

>wahhh it has to be in water

shut up tastelet

>> No.13883512
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Ramen is by definition served in a broth retard
You're shilling a non-ramen food designed by pig disgusting SEAsians

>> No.13883516
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no cap

>> No.13883575


>> No.13883582
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Leave you plebs

>> No.13883588

ironic cuckposting is still cuckposting

>> No.13883677
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brick noodle > bowl noodle > cup noodle

>> No.13883773
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>vegetarian flavor

>> No.13883777

Yo homies. Add red chili pepper flakes and lime juice to the Beef flavor ones. It's delicious.

>> No.13883842

that's a manji tho
also nice trips

>> No.13883858


>> No.13883890

wahhhhhh i can't appreciate a different flavor because it hasn't been diluted in water

>> No.13883895

>caring who "designed" it instead of objectively just caring about the flavor

based retard

>> No.13884010
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>> No.13884457
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is this even a question?

>> No.13884485

I might be missing something here, but you know that cup is going to leak now, right?

>> No.13884490
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I can't touch anything else after this

>> No.13884498

just tilt.

>> No.13884505

Nongshim is entry level. Step up to Paldo or OTTOGI

Best in show.

>> No.13884698

Tonkotsu has a nice creamy broth

>> No.13885553

Good thing we're not discussing ramen you brainlet American too dense to figure out that everyone else calls this shit "instant noodles" for exactly the reason you yourself are describing.

>> No.13885556

This is what dinks actually pretend to believe

>> No.13885558

>Ramen thread
>dude its instant noodles lmao
Your food is shit and your genes are shit too

>> No.13885562



>> No.13885588

I used to eat the cup noodles all the time in grad school. I'd use the entire seasoning packet plus a metric fuckton of hot sauce. my hands would swell up from all the sodium

>> No.13885606

What "ramen thread", American?
I know you won't reply to this post.

>> No.13886698


>> No.13886705

I just love my MSG packets and I JUST LOVE MY MSG PACKETS

>> No.13886712

Finally someone posted Mama, the best one i’ve ever had. Based Finland started selling these as their first instant noodles too back in the day, going straight to the top.

>> No.13886713


>> No.13886714

I heard this are bad for you, but the Asian people eat them all the time and seem fine.

>> No.13886726

Should I start an instant ramen company? I have some good ideas

>> No.13886728

these. based asian section of walmart. i dont give a fuck that theyre 2 dollars per cup. stop being poor

>> No.13886733

in what dimension do Asian people seem fine?

>> No.13886792

Run some by us champ

>> No.13887285

kung pao flavor or BUST

>> No.13887298

For me, it's Cup Noodles.

>> No.13887312
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>not posting the best choice

>> No.13887334

holy fuck are you my boyfriend?
he just walked off with a cup of this shit

>> No.13887337

I will be your boyfriend babe

>> No.13887343
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Fuck you kike, you were NEVER into animu, anyway.

>> No.13887351

Bought a couple of these for the apocalypse but havent tried it yet. Is it just sriracha or something?

>> No.13887356

Not really. It's very sweet in a good way and has just the right amount of spice.

>> No.13887430
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The only debate I see is whether you are poor or just have no taste

>> No.13887594

No, /v/ nigres already steal my incredible game ideas

>> No.13887754

This one you retarded mutt lmao
I know YOU won't reply to THIS post

>> No.13887846

Based Jannies
Also, these people know what's up

Sometimes I feel nostalgic for this brand but the ones above are just better

>> No.13888947

nongshim bowl soup, FAGGOT.

>> No.13888957 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 720x832, IRLRINGU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Baby Take-A-Bow to Curlytop and Heidi America's favorite little darling Shirley Temple has been entertaining us for generations. And now through this exclusive TV offer, you can experience the most comprehensive DVD collection of one of the brightest stars in film history but you havent seen Shirley until youve seen her brilliantly restored in b&w,and in color! Presenting the Shirley Temple Little Darling DVD Collection!Eighteen timeless films packed with hours of her unforgettable singing spectacular dancing, and pure wholesome fun the entire family will enjoy together! These classic Shirley Temple films have stood the test of time, and you'll cherish sharing these heartwarming adventures again and again with your family and friends! Bring home the magic of Shirley Temple, with the new Shirley Temple Little Darling DVD Collection! 18 classic family films, beautifully restored in b&w and in color for just2 payments of $24.99 Call now and recieve this collectible photo of Shirley Temple, absolutely free with your paid order! This collection is not sold in stores and only available through this exclusive TV offer! If these priceless movies could lift a nation during the worst of times, Imagine what they could do for you and your family today! Tales of innocense, friendship, courage, hope, and love! and now you can enjoy the original b&w movies, and the beautifully restored color versions, all in one amazing DVD collection, at the most incredible price! These films have been digitally restored and remastered to preserve their integrity and quality! This is a limited time offer, so don't miss your opportunity to own the most complete Shirley Temple DVD collection ever! Call now to order your special edition Shirley Temple Little Darling DVD Collection! 18 classic films in b&w and in color, plus this Shirley Temple collectible photo, all for just two payments of $24.99+5.99 shipping and handling! This offer is not sold in stores so call now! Rush delivery available.

>> No.13889021

unironically based

bottom of the barrel will always be top ramen
maruchan gets the job done

>> No.13889022


top tier cheap bowl
fuck the corn in it though, why bother.

>> No.13889068

Is ramen sold out in stores due to corona?

>> No.13889314

These make me want to vomit. I’ve tried all the flavors. The plain chicken top ramen is better than this trash

>> No.13889770

In some places, others stores I've been to have plenty. Not like it's hard to make

>> No.13889851
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When i was studying in Seol my accomodation always had these for free, so i figured they must be the cheapest shit available. Taste better than most i had at home but still low tier in comparison to other choices.
Fuck, i miss the bbq and fried chicken there.

>> No.13889968

But nobody mentioned ramen until you did. You're the imbecile, the cretin, the absolute dunce who assumed a few pictures of instant noods meant "this specific form of Japanese Chinese-inspired noodle soup".

>> No.13890233

were they good?

>> No.13890346
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This nigga based as hell. Beef ones are better, though.

>> No.13890534

This brand is garbage

>> No.13890564

there are some I've had that is better then shin black, but its a solid "buy it" if I see it. When costco has em its glorious

>> No.13890810

Shut up retard I won you lost, reply and you agree. Don't reply and you don't disagree.

>> No.13890888

Too bad m8 we've already established you're American which makes you lose by default, go and pay half your life savings to get something to treat that burn lmao GOTTEM

>> No.13890903

I love pot noodles because they're so shit. It's a nostalgic kind of shitness. It's all I ate as I curled up on the sofa getting my arse beaten at Splatoon.
But the fact they're more expensive than nongshim is an absolute piss-take.