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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13870406 No.13870406[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that Americans cook solely with salt?

>> No.13870414

only the based ones

>> No.13870417


>> No.13870420

American here. I mostly only use salt these days in brines and lacto ferments. Though of course when I'm grilling a steak I use salt and pepper. Though desu I know I'm missing out on aromatics... What are some good examples of good herb seasonings for a grilled steak?

>> No.13870422
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largely no. it's a midwestern thing and probably due to the prevalence of TAS2R38+ genetics in the region.


>> No.13870423


>> No.13870424

we usually use pepper too

>> No.13870427

>conquered the entire world in the advancement and search of spices and flavors
>non whites
>meanwhile eat bats

>> No.13870445 [DELETED] 

I'm a proud black brazilian don't you ever mistake me with Japs, chinks or gooks ever again

>> No.13870459

>whites can appreciate the natural flavour of food and don't need exotic nonwhite spices to enjoy food
h-haha whitey can't cook

>> No.13870461

Looks way too spicy

>> No.13870464

monkeys are worse

>> No.13870468
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I wouldn't insult the Japanese like that. Enjoy your rice and beans.

>> No.13870483

Sometimes, but you have to use the right amount of salt, it's not just one dash and done or anything.

>> No.13870484

That’s how old people eat because they have cholesterol issues and possibly diabetes. The only people who eat like that are the ones who need to for health reasons.

>> No.13870488

Rosemary, stuff it in the steak as it cooks

>> No.13870528
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>> No.13870534

Rice and beans are literally the most complete and based combination in the world

>> No.13870553

wtf are you proud of? there's no country where they hate negroes more than in brazil

>> No.13870578

man i hate snakes

>> No.13870594


>> No.13870607

That does look delicious. Only a pathetic smoker is incapable of appreciating plain food.

>> No.13870608

There's like 10 white people in all of America and they're all in the south, where they season everything to shit with Old Bay.

>> No.13870612

Salt and pepper are all you "need," but garlic and onion are good additions to pretty much anything.

>> No.13870617
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I know, fuck white people.

>> No.13870644

>Isolationist nation with no foreign trade
>using ingredients from America and SEA
This meal is straight up multicultural. I like how blacks have no cultural traditions so they just steal culture from other peoples. Sort of like how "soul food" is just Southern food, which is heavily influenced by the Scottish and French.

>> No.13870652

>racism outside of /b/ is against the rules
>unless it's anti-white

>> No.13870653

I'd rather eat this than anything made by an American tbqhwy. A little too much spice tho you won't be able to taste all that.

>> No.13870660

Racism is only relevant if institutionalized. Therefore there's no racism against white people, only banter.

>> No.13870725
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how tf wypipo dont be cookin dey rice wif no plastic bags? lmaoooo yall niggas aint got no flavor baka

>> No.13870730

kys racist

>> No.13870738
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Racism is the most natural thing in the world, which is why all races practice it.

>> No.13870747

mexicans do this too

>> No.13870754
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>> No.13870758

mmmm xenoestrogens

>> No.13870762

Lots of things are natural. It takes intellect to understand when natural things are irrational and adjust your behavior accordingly.

>> No.13870763

Based penny pincher
Or maybe based lid-fell-out-of-my-friends-truck-when-I-was-moving

>> No.13871760


>> No.13871996

How do you get this shit? It's fairly overpriced to get fresh at the store, and it ends up moldy because I don't use it fast enough. I would grow it myself but where I live it randomly snows and hails in the middle of the fucking summer so that's not an option... If I knew how to properly store it I would buy in bulk but I can't find anywhere that does that shit either. Dried herbs just aren't the same

>> No.13872012


>> No.13872031

no we eat meat and bread and stuff too

>> No.13872150

Snakes are based, fuck you

>> No.13872156

Goddamn whiteys are thin-skinned

Learn to cook.

>> No.13872157

>adding a dozen spices to the same dish
Isn't there a point where it all starts tasting like mush? Like the culinary equivalent of mixing so many colors together that it comes out as brown?

>> No.13872159

Wow, racist?

>> No.13872161

Wtf won't the plastic melt into the rice and poison you? This is retarded.

>> No.13872182

No, see: the thread about plastic bottle rice on the catalog

>> No.13872245

Yes, we don't require copious amounts of seasonings because we still have functional taste buds, because we don't smoke menthol cigarettes all day long.

>> No.13872638

spices are a meme

>> No.13872669

literally looks like hobo shit served on cabbage rice.

>> No.13873206

yes, they also use big cowboy hats all the time and instead of water they drink Coca Cola.

>> No.13873217

>call non whites sub human and worse
Wtf why are people offended
>food jokes
REEEEEEEE white genocideeeee

>> No.13873220

No. Try not being a homosexual obsessed with america posting.

>> No.13873232

No you have a problem with snake owners who live feed and are projecting onto the snake.

>> No.13873240

that recipe is just curry

>> No.13873260

Yes, in fact we only eat table salt.

>> No.13873311

just buy the dry shit, it's not perfect but it works.

it gets to that point if you overdo it, but that's the joy of cooking. you continue to push that line until you find something that works well.

>> No.13873358


>> No.13873368

Yes. Salt & Pepper. The reason why we do this is so that we taste the ingredients themselves instead of the spices. Arguably, this makes for repetitively bland dishes and we should make an effort to mix it up with other spices. This is a very reasonable argument to make.

>> No.13873450

That is incredible. Something that most would consider bland gives them an overwhelming sense of flavor that other people legitimately cannot even sense. You have to wonder how that even came about.

>> No.13873500

Youd think that but after thousands of years the indians have it figured out

>> No.13873508

One problem with "flyover cooking" is that we have forgotten how common adding fruit to spice dishes was in Europe. Stuff like juniper berries, currants, etc. I add stuff like blackberries to pork, or glazed citrus to fish and people really like it. It just seems like most people don't think about it. Acidity in general is really underrated in home cooking.

>> No.13873525

Gee anon why could southern food possibly resemble soul food? It couldnt be the fact that blacks were a large portion of the south before the civil war could it? Obviously there were european influences but to deny black people were a large contributor to the cuisine is disingenuous or wrong and I suspect youre hesitant to give black people credit for anything. And since Im pretty youre a /pol/cel who hates foreign things Im going to let you believe how you do about your statement of african cuisine until you have some good Ethiopian or cameroonian food

>> No.13873531

White people have always seasoned, except for the damn midwesterners. I guess people in ohio are too busy crying themselves to sleep due to the fact that they live in ohio to remember to season their scrapple casserole with something other than salt.

>> No.13873534

Americans are not white face facts lol

>> No.13873557

i've been living with a relative with a fucked up stomach for over an year. i cook for the both of us and he can't eat any seasoning except for salt and also avoids a lot of foods like mushrooms, garlic, cabbage, celery, tomatoes etc. it's a handicap in the kitchen for sure but it definitely taught me how important and flavorful good ingredients are. and how good certain recipes like risotto or chicken soup are, even without using seasonings.

>> No.13873591

majority of Midwestern blue collars just don't give a fuck about good fresh food
turmeric is really good for your stomach. not all spices are bad

>> No.13873608

well i know that and my mom keeps trying to convince him some seasonings are okay but he won't have any of it. and if he believes something upsets his stomach, i have to humor him. i'm not about to sneak shit into his food.

>> No.13873640

Spices have nutritional value and antimicrobial qualities. You are a meme

>> No.13873716

>conquered the entire world in the advancement and search of spices and flavors
literally not true

>> No.13873752

Real mexican here, we don't this retarded white is just saying shit outta his ass.

>> No.13873789

I've also stopped using butter, only bacon fat

>> No.13873819

I'm sure if you didn't compliment the spices. I mean there are curry recipes with upwards of 4 dozen seasonings and they taste very distinct from each other in flavor.

>> No.13873836

>christopher columbus traveled west to find an easier route to the indies for the spice trade
>discovered america

>> No.13873848 [DELETED] 

There is literally no argument against national socialism that isn't either cope, seethe, or soy

>> No.13873955


>> No.13873991

Why would I? I can afford a lid.

>> No.13874015

amerika is brainwashed beyond believe in regards to germanic food
unless it's latkes (german), "kosher" pickles (german), gefilte fish (german) or brötchen with a hole in it (bagles)
go figure

>> No.13874034

Americans like schnitzel, bratwurst, potato salad, coleslaw, mashed potatoes and hot dogs (originally Geman but heavily modified now). It's really not as you say, especially if you're trying to use gefilte fish as an example. That's a punchline, not a food most people actually enjoy.

>> No.13874923

>It takes intellect to understand when natural things are irrational and adjust your behavior accordingly.
That's kind of racist of you to say, are you implying that blacks and asians are nonintellectual?

>> No.13874929

Why are whites so defensive? They can't take bants at all but are quick to deal it out.

>> No.13874985

"banter" is a back and forth.
if you try to start a banter and immediately retreat and cry foul when the other side returns it you're a bitch ass pussy.

>> No.13875145

because niggers make me uncomfortable and i don't even have a purse or a bike to snatch

>> No.13875254

>wahhhhhh i-its just bantz bro noooo not the dang crime satisticerinooooos
Its just bantz bro

>> No.13875264

That looked really good until they dumped the inventory of an East India Company warehouse in it

>> No.13875279

What's the point of just putting the cinnamon stick, bayleaf, and star anise pod on top of the rice? Why not actually mix it into the water so it absorbs the flavor?

>> No.13875287
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>niggers think this is banter
at least we have families

>> No.13875325
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>thanksgiving with blacks

>> No.13875423


>> No.13875448

Tea and sugar aswell

>> No.13875454

seething nonwhite coastie detected

>> No.13875484

the seasonings are already in the recipe. whole herbs placed on top of a pot of rice simmering 25 minutes would be mostly aromatics.

>> No.13875505

Hahahahahahahaha this is ill