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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13843171 No.13843171 [Reply] [Original]

So what've the stores been looking like in your area, /ck/?

>> No.13843173


>> No.13843236

Why would you draw lines over the Campbell's logo? It's not like you're hiding anything. It just looks like those shittily censored hentais where all they do is draw a line over the head of the guys dick

>> No.13843250

Am I supposed to believe everyone hates Mulan and China or something, or that some guy stocking the shelves didn't just put out the content of the 2-3 boxes they just received, including beef broth and creamy celery?

otherwise "wow bro le epic racism meme lol"

>> No.13843357

It would be funnier if you cropped out the cans on the right. Nice try though, dumbass.

>> No.13843375
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I don't know what you mean.

>> No.13843381

why would people panic buy all the beef broth

>Am I supposed to believe

yes. there are multiple pictures of stores where all the beer is gone except Corona. you give people waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay way too much credit.

>> No.13843397
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The C*mbell's mafia will come for him

>> No.13843398
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>> No.13843413
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Coming for the luxury soup huh?

>> No.13843500

>Most popular selling soup varieties
>Not a single one is chicken noodle
That's a thinly veiled threat if I ever saw one

>> No.13843540

>Why would you draw lines over the Campbell's logo
There might be some copyright law outside of the US that op needs to comply with.
How did Campbell's find out?

>> No.13843547

are we mad about something or what?

>> No.13843553

Fresh produce as far as the eyes can see, no eggs, no milk, no bread, no canned foods.

>> No.13843555

Canada wants everyone to be angry with them.

>> No.13843569


>> No.13843586

>why are there still cans in stock?
>its a mulan brand
Of course

>> No.13844523 [DELETED] 
File: 521 KB, 720x526, Meanwhile_in_Germany.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Siluation in Germany:
No Flour or Yeast, few Noodles
No Toilet Paper, Kitchen wipes, Tissues
No Rubbing Alcohol, Bleach or Sterilization Fluids
Still enough booze and cigarettes though.

>> No.13844999

No, he's right. I did it as a joke to make it look like doujins where the line doesn't cover anything at all.

>> No.13845003

he looks like the replicant from the turtle scene in blade runner

>> No.13845055

It's been weeks since the panic buying started where I live in the UK and despite the government and shops insisting there is enough food and supplies, the shelves are still not stocked. My keyholder friend said that 800 items were missing from the last delivery he took on Friday, the shop is still half empty and it will only be worse after this weekend. The problem is all the chain store's warehouses are empty, they now have to wait for manufacturers to make and deliver the stock, but the manufacturers have their own problems with supplies and workers getting the flu.

A simple flu, and the whole just-in-time system comes crashing down.

>> No.13845062

Report-- just went to an upscale Boomer grocery store in North Baltimore area. Fully stocked on everything. Minimal lines even.

>> No.13845068

i haven't been to the store since mid february.

>> No.13845072

Proof that boomers are not the ones panic buying as some claim? What about west baltimore?

>> No.13845086

ah berlin, ich hab dich lieb

>> No.13845151

i mean all the white people grocery stores were barren, the asian markets and bodegas were doing fine.

till one day i go to my bodega and i see 3-4 big suvs driven by soccer moms pulling away. they fucking bought all the meat and eggs in the bodega.

>> No.13845167

>San Diego
Everything is filling back up except for paper products which are being rationed still. The warehouses are saying they have plenty but food and medical supplies are priority. Likely a week or two and we'll start seeing plenty of toilet paper with rations, then no rations. By now everyone has a month of food stored so there's very little panic buying in our area. Eventually delivery services will catch up and we'll be able to prepare over time a lot easier.

>> No.13845178

chicken noodle is trash tho, unless you like drinking salt.

>> No.13845849

Yeah people over here keep saying it's fine, stores will be stocked soon! But it's been weeks now and shit is still fucked.
What I want to know is why idiots hoarded or panic bought all the toilet paper in the first place. It's not like toilet paper expires or you won't be able to go to the store to buy more. Still no toilet paper to be found anywhere, it's ridiculous.

>> No.13845857

what region?

>> No.13845886

Hardly any paper goods, but otherwise more or less unchanged.

>> No.13845890

>So what've the stores been looking like in your area, /ck/?
Not so bad this week. We went around 2 to a major chain and they had plenty of meat, milk, eggs, and bread. Still some stuff cleaned out, but not as much as a week ago.

>> No.13845905

No TP, No paper towels/napkins, minimal cleaning supplies
Little bread except for the whole grain/nutty varieties so a win for me
Limits on eggs, limits on milk
Not many canned beans, but dried beans abound
Other than that I'd say about 80% on everything else, no one seems to be panic buying at the moment outside of the TP

>> No.13845933

Except for the fact they've closed down all of the hot food bars in every store, pretty good.

>> No.13845937

Pretty filled actually. The initial hoarding seems to be over.

>> No.13846047

Mine are all stocked since they started putting limits on the shit people are hording.

>> No.13846062

I don't get out there. I can report the big "wholesale shopping club" stores were 99% empty on beef and chicken. Barren shelves. But I got a report that a normal suburban grocery store in suburban Maryland (Columbia) was fine. No shortages.

My relatives report zero problems in finding the food they need around Baltimore. Same for me, besides a couple wasted trips to the big box stores which ended in frustration.

>> No.13846074

Yeah the panic buyers really fucked everything up. There is genuinely plenty of food, but manufacturers now have to basically run 24/7 to replenish the shit because dinguses thought they needed 30 lbs of rice and flour for some dumb reason

>> No.13846175

There was more to it King. The restaurants had to shut down too, and people felt locked up in their houses, so the grocery stores had all the sudden, more demand than they ever did. They even had more demand than their own supply chains could satisfy. Instantly creating a bottlneck and empty shelves.

Once people figured out they could take-out from restaurants for meals, the grocery stores were able to catch up, along with using rationing.

(Restaurants also opened back up)

>> No.13846183

over here you can get eggs in the smaller stores but only if you go first thing in the morning. just got 2 packs of a dozen eggs yesterday. while I grabbed them a line was already forming right behind me

>> No.13846190

No problems with food. Only things lacking are toilet paper, lysol wipes, and hand sanitizer. To buy any of those you generally need to line up when stores open, and usually there's enough TP to go around (lysol wipes and hand sanitizer are more sparse though)

>> No.13846252

>lysol wipes and hand sanitizer are more sparse though)

Why you worried about that for a fake virus bro wtf?


>> No.13846277

same, no flour to be found at three different stores now for the past couple days. i've got some bread flour at the house that I guess I could use in a pinch but I just need all-purpose, it's nowhere to be found

>> No.13846584

>0 canned tomatoes
>50%less beans
>0 eggs
>0 frozen pizza
>0 frozen vegetables and fruit
>way too much fresh produce, literally unopened boxes piled on the floor in front of the displays, prices are all reduced, avocado pillar that no one wants

>> No.13846729

Pretty good, though the egg shelves are still pretty empty. Theres a couple of large boxes but it's far emptier than normal. Last week I needed some beef stock but they were all out, they still had some game stock which was still pretty good. Sometimes random ingredients like that are out of stock. My dad says he has trouble finding flour.

>> No.13847316

Milk, eggs, and fresh produce, but no rice, flour, or canned goods other than refried beans.

>> No.13847416

Also a Masshole. Aside from TP my local store is still fairly well stocked.

>> No.13847419

Things are relatively normal in Ann Arbor. Shelves are a bit thinner but I've found everything I needed the last 5 or so trips except buckwheat flour

>> No.13847463

Normal if not for the fact that only a Small amount of people are allowed in at any time so there's a line outside of people standing meters in-between one and another
Also everyone is wearing masks

>> No.13847616

Same thing with the toilet paper. People used to shit at work or at school or somewhere other than at home. So when they realized they had to be at home all day, they had to prepare.

>> No.13847636

When I went this Wednesday past, the supermarket was mostly back to normal. TP was out as well as the entire deli department, but the rest seemed pretty close to back on track.

>> No.13847649

Add cornflour (AKA cornstarch in Ameriland) to bread flour to make plain (AKA all purpose) flour. Forgot the ratio, tho. Should be easy to find online.

>> No.13847797

Because they're out of work and will soon be out of money, stuck in their homes for months, maybe years.

>> No.13847816


>> No.13847854

no flour
no rice or beans
no eggs or bread
no canned shit
costco has TP but the hands them out one by one like a soviet bread line in the morning and they're gone by 11am.

>> No.13847867

There is a dire need for laborers and retail and restaurants will open again eventually. If you starve it's from ignorance and failure to adapt

>> No.13847885

A few weeks ago it was picked over like hell, bare shelves everywhere, the only stuff left was stuff that was either expensive or undesirable.
Went last week, I actually found some toilet paper and things were back in stock. Guess the panic buying season ended as quickly as it started.

>> No.13847985

The unique situation of being an online store (largest in the country) is that everyone panic buys one or two brands of something but nothing else. Usually what's on special or just the popular brands.
Most heavily applied to TP and tissues but also everything. We ran out of our tiny stock of yeast and other baking doodads 3 weeks ago and flour is really bare this week. What is full on the shelf i expect to empty in a couple days as nothing else will be showing on the website.

>> No.13847995

I do overnight production for a seafood department. We can't get any product in at all, so I'm getting out at 3 AM when I'm scheduled intul 7:15.

>> No.13847997

Retail isn't the only thing shut down dipshit. Auto makers are shutting their doors left and right. ALL manufacturing will be shut down by the 15th. Aerospace is done too. Fucking grocers will be on reduced hours and layoffs in a couple months when they don't have enough paying customers to justify their hours. Hell most are already cutting hours back in many locations.
Fucking what? No one is hiring a brick layer or a yard worker.

>> No.13847999

almond milk is hard to find at my walmarts but everything else was in stock

>> No.13848013

Only the paper stuff and disinfect cleaners and hand sanitizer and rubbing alcohol are still gone the rest is back

>> No.13848096

what is good to order right now

>> No.13848347

Depends on where you live. You want diced tomatos go for crushed or whole peeled. For rice try exotic brands that don't sell much normally.
Rationing is sort of like betting on a horse because you don't know what we have tons of or nothing at all.
Our kosher section has seen a huge spike in sales and I'm not American. Problem is supply for that is sporadic at best so any ethnic shit is hard to replenish.
We sold through a dozen pallets of toilet paper to supply people who ordered another brand in a day. Next week its going to be the same with that initial brand unless we get another bulk delivery of literally anything.

>> No.13848362

wait WHAT, they sent him 36 l*xury soups to shitposting? Is this going to be the dark reflection of getting sponsored on youtube...getting paid to stop memeing?

And it's not even a crime, but a civil matter, so how did they get his info?

>> No.13848387

They're back to normal now. I went to pick up some veggies this morning and there was just toilet paper just sitting on the shelves. Also the baking aisle has finally been refilled. Business as usual desu.

>> No.13848468


In Texas, I am seeing cleaning supplies and paper towels in stock. Also, meat is also plenty abundant now to the point the stores are trying to get rid of it.

>> No.13848496

stores round me were barren for a bit but are recovering now. I usually shop at aldi and they are still a bit picked through because I am not an early morning shopper. Luckily I work at a pharmacy in a grocery store and the store has given us early access to the inventory due to covid

>> No.13848529

rather full except for lack of frozen fish sticks

>> No.13848587

A lot of long term storage foods is kinda hard to come by. You can find "enough" here and there. But you're not going to be leaving with what you have on your shopping list.
My main concern is cleaning supplies. I can't find anything.
I'm trying to ration out a couple of jugs of bleach and one can of disinfectant spray. I have enough hand sanitizer, but that's pretty useless considering I wash my hands like I have OCD

>> No.13849018
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>> No.13849022

Just stay calm

>> No.13849026
