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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13840257 No.13840257 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most underrated ingredient?

>> No.13840279 [DELETED] 
File: 170 KB, 600x920, ajinomoto-monosodium-glutamate-msg-50-lb-2-600x920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deal with it wh*teoids

>> No.13840282

It's damn near omnipresent; not underrated

>> No.13840289

wrong. ask anyone how they would rate MSG and they will screech about how it causes autism and they will swear up and down that they can tell when they're eating it because it gave them a migraine.

>> No.13840383

MSG is the only based ingredient

One time I saw a motherfucker on Food Network be like, "so here's how I make my popcorn taste good," and he just threw a handful of MSG on it. Biggest fuck you moment I have seen on TV

>> No.13840418


>> No.13840467

I'm gonna stick my neck out and say pepper. Here's why. I went to Italy recently and my guide said oh that's a pepper tree and I bit into a leaf and there was the pepper taste. Point is pepper is fucking essential in seasoning. Salt isnt a plant it's just salt as in it's part of our bodies. But pepper is an actual plant with a distinct flavour that literally is in every savory food we eat.

>> No.13841337

>what's the most underrated ingredient
>ck names the most popular spice and the most popular flavour enhancer short of salt

>> No.13841342

Fuck off.

>> No.13841356

Chickpea miso

>> No.13841360

It's an interesting one. It's "underrated" in that people think of it as basic, default shit like Vanilla but in reality, it's just very common because it's incredibly good.

>> No.13841362

Lmao cumin is the most overrated spice ever. It's in literally every mexican dish.

>> No.13841364

It may be important but it's not underrated. Pepper is EVERYWHERE.

>> No.13841374

It's okay, I know the soy chad triggers many shitty cooks such a yourself.

>> No.13841375

No it isn't. Fuck off T*xoid

>> No.13841403

MSG is based, it literally just breaks down into salt and glutamate when you digest it. Also it isn’t linked to any negative health side affects other than those that salt can already give you.

>> No.13841441

White gummy bears

>> No.13841475

Adam doesn't trigger me, I like both

>> No.13841483

Anchovy. Pickle juice. Cum

>> No.13841496

This. I'm from Texas but you're absolutely right. Cumin is for chili or Indian food. Should be used very sparingly in mexican food

>> No.13841614

Not an ingredient, but "Acidity" seems to be not used often
Just like saltiness and sweetness it brings out flavors from ingredients. Manny people oversalt their dishes because they want to achieve a bolder flavor, not realizing that what their dish needs is acidity

>> No.13841615


>> No.13841696

Liquorice. Any kind of rice, really.

>> No.13842121

This right here.

>> No.13842181

But that's very widespread. And tastes like soap

>> No.13842302

Coriander only tastes like soap to some. To me, it is savory and delicious.

>> No.13842365
File: 36 KB, 640x427, parsnip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these long pointy boys are delicious but most people have never tried them

>> No.13842385

Every recipe ever has pepper in it

>> No.13842392


Parsnips are the shit. Anything you could do with a carrot or a potato, you can do with a parsnip. Fry 'em, mash 'em, boil 'em, bake 'em. Put those motherfuckers in a soup, it's all good.

>> No.13842427

Butter, salt or Lemon juice. Most dishes can be improved with either of these.

>> No.13842547

Bruno's the best

underrated... as far as spices it's clove for sure one of my favorites but not too common. It's definitly strong but it goes well in a lot of dishes.

if a spice doesn't qualify as an ingredient, uhhhh maybe hominy? It's an american thing so maybe people see it as lacking refinement but as an alternate startch component of a plate i really dig it. Not for every meal for sure but can't have rice, pasta, or potatos every meal.

>> No.13842603
File: 28 KB, 400x225, sicilian_message-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The big fish, it's a Sicilian message.

>> No.13842616

probably stock
people always think they can get by with water or bouillon cubes but those people suck

>> No.13842633
File: 175 KB, 628x640, 1578355685679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eggs. Because people dont treat it as a fucking ingredient like it is you god damn faggots. It is not its own dish, it is an ingredient and it is one of the best most important ingredients there ever was, but it is nothing more.

>> No.13842649

You have a nice open mouth there for a few hardboiled eggs. How about it fag?

>> No.13842656

Pork fat

>> No.13842657
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>> No.13844036

>I went to Italy recently and my guide said oh that's a pepper tree and I bit into a leaf and there was the pepper taste.
i can literally hear a decrepit boomer yell this at me from across a table with a beer in his hand

>> No.13844052


>> No.13844774

This guy gets it.

>> No.13844839

I don't get seasoning. Most of them barely have any taste and the ones that do do nothing but make the dish taste like themselves instead of whatever the dish is made of.

>> No.13844882

>eating chink chemicals
no thanks im not retarded

>> No.13844912

Depending on the variety if it's fresh or dried where it's grown how it's cooked it could have so many different flavors but people are just assume it's spice if you want something spicy add cayenne one really it can have so many different flavors and it's so underrated people just use it for heat

>> No.13845931

Tomato powder

>> No.13845950


>> No.13845975


>> No.13845979

where do you apply that? sounds interesting

>> No.13845983

t. Chef John

>> No.13846007

smells like lye 2 me, it happens to 10% of ppl or so

>> No.13846037

literally just had an omelette

seethe sweaty

>> No.13846066

I only ever really use them for stock but they taste and smell so good

>> No.13846073

Is that the guy who used string cheese to make pizza?

>> No.13846703



>> No.13846910


>> No.13846915

String cheese is just cheap mozzarella.

>> No.13846965

Pomegranate mollasses
Subtly adds sweet and sour instantly to any dish and lasts in your cupboards forever. Is great on meaty fish like swordfish and venison as a straight up sauce too
Its replaced worcester sauce as my secret ingredient in lots of dishes
Spicewise id say fennel seeds, arent as in your face as anise etc and tastes amazing when toasted

>> No.13846975

Also sumac and barberries dont get near enough love

>> No.13847030

Qustine thyne

Few people know what it is and it's painfully expensive for even a gram.

Worked with it twice and both times it turned an otherwise dull dish into something from heaven.

>> No.13847493

salted lard/ salted pig fat.
Its very tasty and is great in a lot of slow-cooked foods.

>> No.13847501

Right but if you're making a video on how to make good pizza you shouldn't use low tier string cheese.

>> No.13847510

Monosodium glutamate

>> No.13847900

I can't confirm if Ragusea does, but I saw someone else use it because that was all he could get where he lived that was low moisture full fat mozzarella.

>> No.13847925


>> No.13847949

That's would be shillary and her crony / henchmen democrats.

>> No.13848015

Pomegranate molasses sounds great

>> No.13848028

No that's him

>> No.13848039


>> No.13848040


>> No.13848044 [DELETED] 

why the fuck were they banned for saying msg? fucking /b/ tier mods

>> No.13848046

Albouze is so based.

>> No.13848052


>> No.13848068

Fuck off back to your containment pen pol

>> No.13848337
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>> No.13848343

op said underrated, not overrated

>> No.13848346

ewww you're still seething because your shillary shilll hillary lost? Get over the fact that she lost.

>> No.13848355

How many centuries will it take for you democrats to get over the fact that your shillary and democrats lost?

>> No.13849072

Based obsessed schizo poster

>> No.13849221

dont believe

>> No.13849308

Fresh dill. It just makes everything better. Parsleyniggers can go fuck themselves.

>> No.13849317

Stir fried noodle.

>> No.13849670

Crème fraîche

>> No.13850246

>amchur powder, it adds pleasant sourness without adding liquid and it's almost impossible to overdo
>marigold leaves, they impart a nice earthy taste
>lard, especially in bean dishes and soups/stews
>chicken feet, makes excellent stock
>grains of paradise, has nice black pepper + coriander flavor
>shrimp paste, smells like shit but adds a unique undertone to dishes
do you have a recipe?
yes, surprisingly underutilized and makes a huge difference unless you're making a poverty dish like spanish rice.
are you a chain smoker by chance?

>> No.13850265
File: 229 KB, 2518x1024, raggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe youve got your own way, of gettin' omega 3s
but for me
it's all about the /deenz/

>> No.13850279

>The guy who seasons his cutting board instead of the meat
>The guy who defends the rights of mexicans
>The guy who screams at his plate
>Te guy sponsored by squarespace
>The guy who asked me to fuck his wife
>The guy who preps his bull with white wine and olive oil

>> No.13851294

unseasoned boiled potato

>> No.13851319


>> No.13851360

dijon mustard

>> No.13851365
File: 27 KB, 480x696, 1576892470001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this man knows too much

>> No.13853040


>> No.13853065

helen rennie get out

>> No.13853076

Sugar or any kind of sweetener like honey can really bring out the flavour in savoiry dishes where you wouldn't expect sugar.

Lemon juice to add some acidity.

Cinamon in savoiry dishes, not nearly enough that you can taste a clear cinamon taste.

Cocoa, again in savoiry dishes.

>> No.13853094


>> No.13853519 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 818x588, evil racist jewish boomers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a leftist kike. You should consider gassing yourself in the oven, you fat bald kike.

>> No.13853524 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 1180x927, Swastika-Spiral.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself, tranny samefag kike. You're a jewish pedophile kike.

>> No.13853567
File: 100 KB, 958x960, 1585027767086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based schizo boomer

>> No.13853599 [DELETED] 
File: 289 KB, 142x146, swastika3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally sound like a leftist kike. Gas yourself, kike.

>> No.13853640

why are you doing this? i know you're not a poltard and i can tell you hate poltards. but what's the point of what you're doing? making them look bad? you're just being a part of the problem by derailing food threads with this nonsense. can't you just be a normal, decent poster and not do this shit? do you really think you're helping by being like this?

>> No.13853647 [DELETED] 
File: 326 KB, 500x281, GlaringAlienatedIberianchiffchaff-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself, KIKE.

>> No.13853650 [DELETED] 

t. triggered kike

>> No.13853652

fine, be like that. but it's not pol you're making look bad. people already know pol shits up threads. you're making yourself and whatever side you're on look bad.

>> No.13853654 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 1280x768, 1280px-Flag_of_Germany_(1935–1945).svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself, KIKE.

>> No.13853655 [DELETED] 

Ya seethe?

>> No.13853657
File: 196 KB, 1024x768, SmartSize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>salted lard/ salted pig fat.

My nigga.

>> No.13853838

Vinegar. Pretty bad on its own but a key part of almost every dressing and condiment known to man.

>> No.13853856

>If I was a nazi would I be posting swastikas and calling people kikes?
Checkmate, libs.

>> No.13854847

Why is this guy such a faggot redditor? Why does he sound so gratingly self-righteous while talking about literally anything. I had to stop watching midway through a video and made YouTube stop recommending his videos. Does anyone have an analysis for why these “Le science” cooks are such insufferable faggots?

>> No.13855064

pepper is GOAT

>> No.13855372


>> No.13855638

Coriander is overrated. Parsley is better.

>> No.13855688

Parsley is useless, its just flavorles garnish it adds nothing to anything.

>> No.13855698

Throw some cleray in there with some parsley to make anything truly flavorful.

>> No.13855710
File: 5 KB, 225x225, CELARAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13855777

the fuck is an Ragusa or an albouze? how far into the ground have we run this stupid meme?

>> No.13856963

>tastes like soap
I can see what you mean, but I think it's great anyway. Yes, there's some soapiness there, but coriander is like soap that's nice to eat.

The seed is a good spice too.

>> No.13857049

Adam ragusea, Bruno Albouze.

>> No.13857057
File: 450 KB, 503x515, 1577226980827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13857062

Most underrated? A little cayenne.

>> No.13857095
File: 29 KB, 400x297, 1573059589954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you shut your fucking whore mouth you absolute spaniard

>> No.13857330

jesus christ what a bad meme. why is each little thing an essay?