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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13837736 No.13837736 [Reply] [Original]

have you been forced to change your eating and cooking habits since the wuflu happening started?

>> No.13837779

strong independent white womxn, everybody

>> No.13837780

lol no

>> No.13837871
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jesus christ

>> No.13837887

Career cat mom

>> No.13837922

if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my carbonized chicken breast

>> No.13837927

not really, no lockdown, and the shelves are all stocked, just a lot more masks and people stand further away from each other

>> No.13837944

it's a real shame that the e-thot who's been around here recently seems to be a better choice than most women today, considering that she can at least cook something to go along with her attention whoring

>> No.13837961


Actually, yeah. I haven't eaten any fast food at all. Since I'm stuck at home I have time to cook for myself and I'm making healthier eating choices.

But holy fucking shit I would murder someone for a cheeseburger.

>> No.13838000

i learned how to make breakfast tacos like the mexicans do
the secret is pig fat

>> No.13838009

Cheeseburgers are pretty simple to make, they even sell pre-made patties if you can't manage to make that yourself.

>> No.13838613

it pains me that feminism made being bad at cooking, not having children and not knowing how to raise kids as a good thing.

>> No.13838841

she cooked that on high, without a doubt
such a newbie mistake

>> No.13838985

Yeah I can't find flour fucking anywhere so I had to buy bread for the first time in years.

>> No.13838991

Except it didn't. You're really bad at reading society. Probably have a very limited frame of reference.

>> No.13839073

I've been playing video games nonstop around the clock, though I don't actually own a clock or a calendar so I don't know what day it is these days.

But I've been unable to tear myself away for more than five minutes so I've just been eating tv dinners. So more time at home does not lead to better cooking.

>> No.13839078

For me the issue has largely been that people buy up the ground chuck/beef super quickly because America

That said, it's a great time to be on a cut

>> No.13839104
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No Megan no you didn't. Because part of the cooking process is watching the food you are cooking. Even a fool who watches his cooking will at least have the sense to turn off the flame when things start to burn. What you did Megan was throw some chicken in a pan turn the flame on and then walk away for a few minutes to do god knows what. You can lie to your followers Megan but you can't lie to me.

>> No.13839119

Ny fag here.

Lol nope. I've been cooking for myself since my parents snowboarded down to Florida and have ironically gotten pretty good at it. if I'm lazy I just order a pizza. When the summer comes I'll just do what I always do and go crabbing except I can go everyday bcuz I don't have work.

>> No.13839127

Why not just learn how to make the best cheeseburger ever? Get a meat grinder if you can this will allow you to control every element of your ground beef to your liking. Find a cheese that is uncommon for one like using Munster or Guevere. Just grill it up in some nice oil for a bit and you're good to go.

>> No.13839131

Forced? No, but I'm enjoying having a lot more time to cook now. Absolute gourmet shit around here. I made caramel apple waffles the other day, homemade caramel I made from boiling down milk for like 3 days, the whole deal. Btw for anyone else who is interested a gallon of milk will make about a 6 month supply of caramel even if you use it everywhere you can and give it away to anybody who will have it etc.

>> No.13839150

Not really, her cooking is kinda bland. But she is white so that's to be expected.

>> No.13839174

This. I'm in Germany. Also I work normally since we were deemed an essential service.

>> No.13839190

You just know that was the first time ever that she use the $10.000 dollar stove in her $50.000 kitchen.

>> No.13839562

Kinda because flour is fucking impossible to find, but I still have enough to be able to make the occasional pizza. Will have to try using self-rising flour soon, which I fear will turn my pizza into Focaccia. Ah well, if it does I'll just garnish it like a Focaccia and soldier on.

>> No.13839570
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Found the social justice warrior.

Was your father a florist or a hairdresser? What made so so effeminate and weak?

>> No.13839626

Checked and sensibly chuckled

>> No.13839650

would love to fuck Megyn Kelly, such a hot woman.

>> No.13839819

where did it not go as anon described? Im doing my masters at a european university and even here every female student that identifies as feminist is either/and bad at cooking, wanting kids, takinng care of themselves

>> No.13839843

you can make a caramel like sauce with milk as an ingredient.
you can use sweetened condensed milk to make "caramel" style condensed milk.
but milk --->caramel. how?!

>> No.13839857


Read the post.

>> No.13839863

thats not how it works smart ass. you can not simply cook down milk for 3 days. have you ever cooked?

>> No.13839884

I cut the sweets and the alcohol.
A feeling of angst and dissatisfaction has resulted, but maybe that will inspire something positive.

>> No.13839891


>> No.13839896


Read the post carefully.

>> No.13839951


>> No.13839960
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I still am eating fast food sometimes.

>> No.13840059


>> No.13840071

It's universally true, anyone who can look at countries where feminism is popular vs where it's not, and not see the trend in these skills, is propagandized to the point of delusion. Don't worry, it's common and you'll get over it someday

>> No.13840072

Well okay flyover

>> No.13840315

Not really, mostly just pissed that my mom didn't listen to my advice to start stocking up

She did it at the last minute, hope we don't need more groceries in the next month or so

>> No.13840319

>Hehe it's social media so it's fine Im inept because social media :)

>> No.13840333

Reminder that she said that blackface is okay on Halloween and Santa Claus can only be white

>> No.13840336

and how is she wrong?

>> No.13840353
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>> No.13840410

I've mostly been eating rice and beans since I got laid off but sweet blue fuck I can assure you that will be changing when I get my coronabux on Monday

>> No.13840417

Yes. Instead of 4 meals a day, I'm now eating 6 meals a day (homecooked dinner, and we usually bake something sweet for coffee later). It's exhausting. My qt.13 sisters want me to cook with them all the time. I am spent.
t. Finnfag

>> No.13840519

I'm actually not cooking as many full meals because I can't go out and get ingredients whenever. Feelsbadman. Except for toilet paper, stores are well stocked with most things. There's restrictions on milk bc it was selling out, and non-essential businesses are closed, but it feels fairly normal otherwise.

I didn't eat basically any fresh fruit or vegetables for nearly two weeks because I just didn't get out of the house. Had a glucose test yesterday and I may have diabetes, so I guess if my next test result in a few days comes back looking like shit, I'm gonna have no choice but to shop regularly anyway for the sake of a better diet. Not what I wanted to deal with right now. welp.

>> No.13840533

Please send your homeliest sister to me and I shall make her a very loved housewife

>> No.13840538

>hurr durr i'm proud of being stupid

>> No.13840643

I'd eat it. I like a good char

>> No.13840650
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I had to move back in with my parents and the constant influx of food they provide already has me up 6 pounds from last week.

>> No.13840654


>> No.13840803

It's probably the liberal maintstream media's fault for giving her fake news directions, desu.

>> No.13840817

found the triggered little white tranny

>> No.13840820

I also don’t see any oil or butter in that pan.

>> No.13840846

Why cant cooklets understand that if their food is burning, the temp is too high and or they weren't paying attention to it. That's day 1 stuff imo

>> No.13840848
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Spicy chicken soup

>> No.13840856

>the first thing i'll do is document being a fucking retard and then post it on the internet for everyone to see!
i don't understand this mentality

>> No.13840858
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I’m feeling some chest tightness today :-(

>> No.13840896

That's because you're (probably) an ordinary human being who doesn't have any problem relating to the average american. So, when you fuck up, you just try to hide it and avoid embarrassment.
Megyn Kelly is a multi-millionaire cosmopolitan elite, which means most people despise her on principle. By broadcasting her mistakes, she hopes that the average person will see her as "relatable" and forget that her lifestyle and beliefs are totally different from their own.

>> No.13841010

it's not an isolated thing though, having a "wow guys i totally fucked up" post isn't exactly rare on any boards at this point
i just don't understand why it's a thing
like what do they expect aside from people calling you fucking stupid

>> No.13841018

That bitch is most definitely retarded; but there's nothing wrong with joking about failure. Trying to hide it makes you look insecure; like those egotistical old fucks that can't be wrong.

>> No.13841076

??? What are you on about retard

>> No.13841086

sounds like they like you, why'd you move out in the first place?

>> No.13841094

there's a difference between hiding something and not broadcasting to the world how fucking retarded you are

>> No.13841138

I don't see what's wrong with that either. It's not a competition of who's the best. Try to take life less seriously, autist. You'll have more fun.

>> No.13841804

I still eat rice,beans, eggs, tortillas, sometimes avocado, cheese.

started eating american cheese sandwiches and tomato soup for breakfast, tasty.

2.5 dozen eggs was 7 dollars, fuck demand and supply. Used to cost 4.30, which I find crazy how expensive it got in such a short time.

I miss chicken though

>> No.13841835

>have you been forced to change your eating and cooking habits since the wuflu happening started?

Yes, I usually go out every week to get a bunch of bananas and a pack of value size pork or chicken, and infrequently, frozen dark greens, pasta and oats on sale.

I eat several bananas a day after I just brought when they are less sweet, cook porkchops or chicken with rice and onions, maybe carrots, I start eating the dark green veggies in the freezer after I run out of bananas, and then I go out for more. I also eat canned sardines several times a month.

Now I haven't gone out since May 9th. I won't starve because I stock up on rice and pasta before winter - can't pull shopping cart through snow or slush well (I'm in Toronto, Canada), but I really miss fresh meat and fruit. WuFu will come back next winter, I'm so going to stock up on apples before then.

I have canned food but I don't want to start eating them till May or June, right now if my fridge breaks it's still cold enough to put everything on the balcony.

>> No.13841873


>> No.13841878

>Kinda because flour is fucking impossible to find, but I still have enough to be able to make the occasional pizza. Will have to try using self-rising flour soon, which I fear will turn my pizza into Focaccia. Ah well, if it does I'll just garnish it like a Focaccia and soldier on.

I wonder if it's possible for you to buy flour from a bakery or a pizza shop? People in Wuhan brought groceries from restaurants that had stocked up for Lunar New Year.

I think Pizzas are still being delivered, but bakeries might be experiencing a loss in sales.

>> No.13841886

She was correct you underaged r*ddit faggot.

>> No.13841895

Did you get that pic from this thread:

I rebelled against my mother the housewife and gendered divided work, but while I wanted to mow the lawn because that opens the door to high paying seasonal work, I also wanted to cook, everybody needs to eat, I just used to fight with my mother over what to cook because we have different idea of what's tasty and what's healthy.

My mother would always cut the fat from the meat and THROW IT OUT!!! - but then she uses cooking on to cook bok choy, and she ads so much salt and sugar to meat and bok choy. I prefer to keep the fat and use it to cook veggies and rice, I'm less afraid of fat but I avoid adding salt and sugar, it's already in various food.

>> No.13841932

>flour is fucking impossible to find
Not only this, but I've had trouble tracking down most dried beans/legumes, rice, oatmeal, ground meats and chicken. And reduced hours makes it harder for me to run out and pick stuff up before or after work. Thankfully I have a decent stock of some of these right now, but I'd feel a bit better with a bit more.

>> No.13841961

>reduced hours
They say it's for more frequent cleaning, but I heard it's because of staff shortage, empty shelves that need to be restocked, and they are trying to keep the stockers from getting infected.

I like to shop at Sobeys during off peak hours, might be 5am, might be 8pm or 11pm - I avoid 9pm because that's when they restock, drop all these boxes in the aisles. If stocking crew gets infected, they might infect the truckers too.

Normies will panic buy up all the rice and beans, what about cereal and yogurt,

At this point if I'm still going out I will snap up oats and sardine, stuff I can set aside for 7 days in case there's virus on it, but I will also buy potatos and meat, and cook right all right away, freeze some. Sweet potatoes to grow sweet potato greens to eat (just stick bottom half in a jar of water).

>> No.13841994

I can't eat out any more, because everything's closed, and I'm on furlough.

>> No.13842001

>considering that she can at least cook something to go along with her attention whoring

That's globalism. Early feminists support home economic classes and were concerned with stopping husbands from blowing paycheque on booze, divorce support if he was abusive, working conditions of factory girls, maternal and child health.

I think a lot of the early feminists would be horrified by Modern Women, as horrified as many WWII vets would be when they look what globalists have done to their country.

I remember in Toronto or Ontario, feminists pushed for home economics after a baby died because the mother didn't know something. When we made the shift from generational home to nuclear families, young mothers don't get advice and other help form their own mothers anymore, they might have been across the country or further away. There was a period of time when mothers switched to bottle feeding not just because they don't have time, but also because advertisers said infant formula are healthier, so a lot of knowledge on feeding babies were lost. New parents don't just by infant formula and baby food instead of DIY because of laziness, they also do it because they are afraid they'll screw up.

I think it'll be cool if there was a grandparents hotline or adopt a grandparent, that let new parents without older parent support to phone and ask advice, and the people in nursing homes can get more visitors - when this pandemic ends.

>> No.13842009
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>not much fresh fruit/veg
>no store bought bread, only homemade
>eating more because of stress/boredom
>more boxed/instant food

Other than that it's the same.

>> No.13842040

I used to get takeout every other day. I've only gotten it once the past month.
Right now I'm eating my perishables. Fruits, certain vegetables, and so on.

>> No.13842165

That's chicken?

>> No.13842198

Nothing changed. Still a shut in, still get everything delivered

>> No.13842823

St Nicholas was Greek and Santa Claus is technically German. So yes.

>> No.13842923

I chose to cook simpler meals, less meat, more greens.. Pulses, rice, barley... making my own bread and pasta because I can't seem to find any.

>> No.13842944

There must have been something wrong with the instructions.
Megyn wouldn't lie to us.

No, I live in pretty much exactly the same way as before the virus. Just get less response to the job applications I send out really.

>> No.13842989

Definitely eating more left overs which is good. Usually it is just me but now the wife and kids are too. Also getting more creative with the basics. Amping up something simple like ramen.

>> No.13843004

based and spice pilled.

>> No.13843010

You're telling me that she didn't learn how to be a good house wife after telling America that Santa Claus and Jesus were white.

>> No.13843070

Is that a thing?

>> No.13843079
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Just keep eating oatmeal like everyday before this shit happens. Also been sleeping longer too.

>> No.13843151
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>Work from home
>Has been absolutely dead this entire last 2 weeks
>tfw have actually started cooking again instead of eating Del Taco 1/2 pound burritos as my main meal

>> No.13843158

>Not using rotini

>> No.13843169
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Nope, I lived on a remote island for about 2.5 years just before this. I got used to canned food and milk that doesn't need to be refrigerated.

>> No.13843181

Yes. There was barely any meat last time I went to the store. I got salmon and have ate it every day for nearly a week.

>> No.13843668


>> No.13843741


>> No.13843745

>have you been forced to change your eating and cooking habits since the wuflu happening started?