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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 81 KB, 1080x1080, vegan-plant-based-news-lightlife-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13823658 No.13823658 [Reply] [Original]

What is Vegan "Meat" like bros?
Can it substitute actual meat?

My gf is forcing me to go vegan because she watched some documentary on how we rape cows or something and now I'm banned from having meat forever.

>> No.13823667

sounds like you're the gf in the relationship

>> No.13823672

It's not bad. I like it as its own thing but it never exactly tastes like meat or satisfies in the same way, I don't think it's as nutritious. I think lab-grown meat has more potential to replace it but it still has its own problems of not being as nutritious yet.

>> No.13823680

well she's the one that does the cooking so no

>> No.13823698
File: 85 KB, 780x520, 1288234_thebiggestlittlefarm_480344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell her about regenerative agriculture and have her watch the documentary 'the biggest little farm' so she can stfu about this "its illegal to own livestock without abusing it" nonsense


>> No.13823708

Depending on the quality it'll get close. The biggest thing it cant replicate the same is the fatty flavor; like how a good burger has just the right about of fat to it.

>> No.13823709
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As someone who was a vegetarian for several years I can tell you it's never as good as the real thing.

>> No.13823783

You can own livestock and have it bred by bulls instead of getting fistfucked. You can just lead it away from pasture and shoot it instead of it being beaten into cattletrucks before being beaten into the abattoir.

It is pretty much impossible to buy meat from cattle raised and killed humanely though. Can't all be farmers.
>Tell her about regenerative agriculture
It's smoke and mirrors. Look at a farms like Polyface which actually are pretty honest. They feed their chickens supplemental feed from real farms ... those real farms get artificial fertilizer. That's why Polyface can build/maintain soil with relatively intensive agriculture, because they fertilize by proxy. Only carbon and to a lesser extent nitrogen come from air. Soil on a farm needs nitrogen, phosphorus and micronutrients and animals don't produce that through internal fusion.

>> No.13823814
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You can say it's all smoke and mirrors but the only way to find out is to try it.

I know about way more people than just Polyface, there are farms everywhere and each one does it differently. Salatin has been in the modern regenerative agricultural movement for a long time, and that's his niche. There are plenty of farms that grow their own feed.
Have you heard of Gabe Brown? I'm reading his book "dirt to soil" and he does a really good job explaining how regenerative agriculture works and requires less input than conventional ag.

>> No.13823819

It has the texture or cheap ground beef but the flavor of vegetable stock with MSG.

>> No.13823822
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It tastes like congealed cardboard, and it's going to give you cancer at a rapid rate. By definition the more highly processed a food is, the more cancer-causing, and mock meat is "ultra processed."

>> No.13823833 [DELETED] 
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Sweet looking movie is that on Amazon primal?

>> No.13823838


Your fleshlight won't survive corona. Move on now. Enjoy the better beef than your girlfriends curtains.

>> No.13823844

I think there's a highland cow in it. Not a longhorn like the Texas but still a very gorgeous breed.

>> No.13823845

You need fiber in your diet so it might be good for you.

Also animals ALREADY regenerate the earth by itself, people just turn them into steak that's why they can't regenerate the earth... oxymoron. if all farmers let the cows go free then the entire planet would be regenerated. They use regenerate farming to gain money, its a oxymoron.

>> No.13823853

Break up with her.

>> No.13823883

>break up with her
>being straight is everything unless your wife is vegan
Why is CK like this? we all know you're all straight people who think being straight is best but give up straight relationships if the partner is vegan. y'all really hate veganism that deeply

>> No.13823902

Taste wise it's okay, some brands are better than others. It's not very healthy though, I wouldn't eat it frequently, like once a month at most. If your gf wants to be vegan she needs to learn to cook actual meals with actual food. Soups, stews, pastas, stir fries, they can all be made with beans/lentils/tofu etc.

>> No.13823914

Most of it is made from soy and gluten, (tofu / tempeh / seitan, etc)

The seasonings they put on it is really what makes or breaks it, you gotta have a lot of shit like mushrooms, yeast, and fermented things to contribute to a "meaty" umami flavor.

Some brands are okay, some brands are not.
Boca is pure trash in my opinion. Morningstar is pretty good.

>> No.13823972

This is some weird assumption you're coming up with. Not even sure where you pulled this nonsense out of. Anyway, it's more about not being in a relationship with a control freak.

>> No.13824076
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Meatcucks btfo

>> No.13824284

>relationships are everything and mean no harm OMG IS YOUR PARTNER VEGAN? OMG THEY'RE ABUSIVE LEAVE THEM
>Does your partner like BDSM and hitting you until your bleed? That's fine that's not abusive or a control freak

Why does everything change when veganism is involved? I swear you guys act like freaks when the internet is involved, you don't seethe at vegans that hard in real life

>> No.13824301

>comparing a woman forcing you to change your diet to a consensual sexual experience
Add schizophrenia to the list of veganism-induced illnesses.

>> No.13824327


Aside from unaltered fruits/veg/grains, vegan "cuisine" pretends to be "natural" and "organic", but read the ingredients list; it's actually a science experiment. Green slime instead of pink slime. And your "girlfriend" is shit-testing you.

>> No.13824334

Veganism is a scam. It's biggest claim is that it's a clean way to sustain yourself, but what vegans fail to mention is all the pills you gotta down to get the nutrients you're missing out on.

>> No.13824337



>> No.13824420

>veganism bad sex good

Really feeling victimized by veganism here eh? if only you were this afraid of PIV sex then you wouldn't have to go online to complain about how much you hate your "toxic" gf and paying child support, i.e you demonized the wrong lifestyle.

>> No.13824448

Vegans murder animals with every plant based meal they eat.



>> No.13824450

if they were shaped like that then wouldn't a cooked sausage still have its legs

>> No.13824486


You're so fucking stupid and making claims. all you care about is animals being YOUR MONEY MACHINES. Vegans keep animals as friends while you will NEVER CHANGE. KEEP COPING. KEEP CRYING. KEEP SEETHING AND KEEP CLAIMING YOU'RE THE ONE WHO CARES MORE ABOUT ANIMALS.

in the end you'll always see cows as money machines and never as what they really are. your logic boils down to a 2 year old level "WAHH I CARE MORE ABOUT THIS THING THAN YOU DO" "WAHHH I KNOW MORE ABOUT YOUR LIFESTYLE THAN YOU DO"

>> No.13824501

I like the vegan patties they used to make before beyond/impossible burger. They don't taste like meat, but they're alright.
Impossible burger tastes like cardboard.

>> No.13824586

The impossible burger at Umami burger tastes good, don't do burger king that's fast food and not gourmet.

>> No.13824763

Making weird assumptions and putting words in my posts. It isn't because she's vegan.

>> No.13824820

>putting words into my posts
Your post at least IMPLIED that they should break up because of the different lifestyles.
We need fiber to use the toilet properly, eating more plants would be good for OP.

>> No.13824900

I implied nothing, only that they need to break up because she wants to control his life. Yes, getting more vegetables would definitely be good. If he said his gf wanted him to eat more vegetables for a healthier gut it would be different. Or maybe OP already has a good serving and has a balanced diet. Instead OP said she is forcing him to go completely vegan because she watched some documentary and decided it was 100% true and unbiased. I'm guessing she wasn't even vegan before, she just flipped the switch like most other retards these days do when they watch a documentary.

>> No.13824949

I think mock duck tastes okay. Gluten is good shit.

>> No.13825451
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Nice meltdown snowflake.

>> No.13825471

Pretty much all cattle is raised and killed humanely here in scandinavia, then again we pay out the ass for meat so thats the downside of not "factory farming" cows

>> No.13825516

Leave her

>> No.13825561
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>> No.13825636


>> No.13825664

good if you're not a pussy tastelet, its amazing

>> No.13825667

youre asking the wrong people here OP, they're all braindead loser boomers

there's nothing wrong with being vegan, but you shouldn't do it just because you're being forced. you should want to be too.

i would recommend continuing to eat fish though

>> No.13825713

Just learn from the Brahmins and be a normal vegetarian

>> No.13825719

You need a large man sized portion of sack the fuck up you little bitch and quit being a beta.

>> No.13825865

>letting a woman cook

>> No.13825871

You should just punch her in the head

>> No.13825890

if she won't let you eat meat you are a bitch and a fool, you don't have someone who respects you.

>> No.13825906

Johnny leave her

>> No.13826005

This didn't happen and fuck off with that elaborate flaming.

>> No.13826297

watch some documantaries, eat some good veganburgers and stop cry.
if u have to eat dead animals go and kill them yourself u retard

>> No.13826300

Why don't you smack her?

>> No.13826311
File: 100 KB, 1000x563, this is the dumbest fucking picture ive ever seen in my life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly we're approaching cultured meat being appreciably cheap to produce. at that point, it's no longer a "meat substitute" because you're literally cloning muscle tissue cells.

>> No.13826677
File: 193 KB, 1200x675, imossiblewhopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried this once and by the standards of shit tier quality fast food burgers, i was rather impressed by the resemblance. taste and texture was pretty damn close, but it looks very different from a real meat patty.

>> No.13826727

I tried it twice in two different locations. The taste at first is allright but the after taste is horrible. It leaves this weird chemical flavor in your mouth and throat

>> No.13826762 [DELETED] 

i recently picked up smoking again, so my palate is probably shit right now. i don't recall picking up an aftertaste, but you're probably right.

>> No.13826777

i recently picked up smoking again, so my palate is probably shit right now. i don't recall detecting an aftertaste, but you're probably right.

>> No.13826809

Learn to hunt

>> No.13826811

>My gf is forcing me to go vegan
get better bait

>> No.13826846

We technically do rape cows by sticking our hand in their vagina and artificially inseminating them because they can only make milk when they have a baby.

>> No.13826873

>be you
>eat beef
Boy I sure am glad I saved all those animals and didn't leas to the death of any animal other than the cow I ate. The vegan food that had to be produced as food for the cow ate over it's lifetime does not in any way have to do with the cow I ate.

>> No.13826918

I'll bite and take this seriously. I like everything, meat, nonmeat, I actualy like the taste and texture of beyond meat. It fills the same niche but is very different, sort of how you can use some types of tofu to substitute for some types of cheese like feta or halloumi; it is in the same galaxy texturally, but you know it's not the same and it doesn't taste the same.

Don't be a pussy wrt going vegan. I am a big believer in humane animal treatment and you can find pasture raised organic grass fed cows or whatever, but dont let anyone bully you into different dietary choices

TLDR it's edible, you wont hate it, it isnt meat, go grass fed if you care about animal welfare

>> No.13827304
File: 455 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_20190503-220042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Means you and me. So you personally rape cows? What other living things do you rape?

>> No.13827313

vegan meat is the boipucci of foods.

>> No.13827326
File: 609 KB, 1280x800, 1574800501100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a vegan and I am also a complete imbecile.

We already know that. Cows can live their entire lives and not eat a single food that is edible to humans. Grass, hay, silage, etc

Hogs can do the same eating discarded foodstuffs, but governments (run by YOU LIBTARDS) have shut that down for (reasons.)

Please let me Know what vegan food in this image had to be "carefully prepared by Humans?"

>> No.13827342

Don't worry too much about it. The majority of people who are shocked into veganism don't stay vegans for long. I'd give it 2-3 months before she's back to eating meat.

Anyway, I've had the Impossible Burger a few times and it's ok.
I'd eat it for the novelty, but no way would I let it replace meat.

>> No.13827626

>The majority of people who are shocked into veganism don't stay vegans for long.
Yeah most people end up using it as a temporary break from meat to get a new perspective on it, probably because they never cared about it much before. But it can still be a good thing if it makes people have more respect for the animals and try to solve some of the problems with factory farming.

>> No.13827646

>Forced to adopt an absolutely fucking miserable lifestyle for the rest of your life because some roastie demands it
>"T-this is a perfectly healthy relationship"

>> No.13827666
File: 108 KB, 811x1200, 1585037348241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your brain on a soy-based diet
It's clear that you have lost your mind and are now incapable of understanding even basic rhetoric. The solution is to hunt down vegans and eat them. We get to eat, and your carbon footprint goes down to zero - everybody wins.

>> No.13827677

>Why yes of course cows are given a wide variety of foods in order to grow up to be as nutritious an delicious as possible and are definitely not kept in indoors in cages beside each other and fed grains and corn alongside b12 vitamin pills for most of their life.

>> No.13827697

>and now I'm banned from having meat
Hrm. You should say that meat is delicious and it's one of the 4 food groups of a balanced diet, and if she doesn't understand how AI works in the animal husbandry and ranching world, she's kind of a dummy, and she can go fight that issue, and become an activist if she wants, but you're not going to nutritionally deny yourself 1 of the 4 major food groups because of something idiotic like her opinion. It's fine to think that baby lamb or baby cows that supply veal haven't lived a full enough life for you to personally want to buy, that's fine, but to eliminate all meat from your diet? No logical thinking.

>> No.13827710

>Cows can live their entire lives and not eat a single food that is edible to humans.
And not kill any animals in the process of acquiring those foods?

>> No.13827718
File: 105 KB, 736x1074, 976b5a48b460541b90289f2445cb7ac3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be correct.

>> No.13827732

people get really worked up about stuff they have no control over. namely, the decisions of others.

>> No.13827759

What are you talking about faggot get straight to the point

>> No.13827784

soapboxing for or against meat on the internet is retarded

>> No.13827793

So is being on 4chan in general

>> No.13827800

Nothing wrong with trying Vegan lifestyles for Science. Give it a shot. She's just your girlfriend, so it's not like you put a ring on it and committed yourself to a lifetime of tofu and carrot sticks. If it's not working for you, then it's time to dump her and wish her luck and then go celebrate with a pizza and chicken wings!

>> No.13828494

Some are ok, some not so much. Depends. Just try some stuff and see what you like.

>> No.13829511

>>Why yes of course cows are given a wide variety of foods in order to grow up to be as nutritious an delicious as possible

No. Cows do fine on just grass. But they eat all the weeds and plants and etc etc but we can technically call it "grass and hay."

>Cows are definitely not kept in indoors in cages beside each other and fed grains and corn alongside b12 vitamin pills for most of their life.

After reading this true comment from a vegan I began to doubt my sanity. First time any vegan uttered the truth anywhere. Are you OK?

>> No.13829528

On a perfect ranch, yes. (One with no winter) Texas or Arizona it would be possible if there was grass all year. The Getty ranch may accomplish this, just a possibility. If cost and profits were no concern it would be easier to do with year round grass.

But winters mean haying, and that does entail some light harvesting, much lighter mind you than the intensive plowing and pesticides etc associated with vegetables farming. So haying would involve some light animal deaths, but mind you no plowing, no pesticides or light pesticides only.

>> No.13830763

So this is the power of soy

>> No.13830933
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Yes. The soy gives them one last surge of energy, then they die.

>Vegan HIV counsellor/activist dies.

>> No.13830965

Unless you want to go vegan for your own reasons, it is not going to work, and this will cause dissent in the relationship. Also, going cold turkey is not very effective, it is comparably easy to start by transitioning (key word) to vegetarianism and then transitioning to veganism, if you so choose.

Your gf should respect your life choices as your own as you should respect hers, and not force on each other. While it'll make eating together difficult, it can help continue the relationship longer.

To actually answer your question, the most well-done versions are too meat-like for me, as I was one of those weird people that didn't care for meat before I stopped eating it. The quorn mcnuggets are pretty much indistinguishable in my opinion. It's not accurate, but it is getting better as time goes on. Impossible is pretty close to beef and Beyond is pretty good too, in my opinion.

Do remember that the fake meat stuff isn't actually that healthy for you, treat it like eating fast food. It's more meant for people like you who are trying to transition to plant-based but don't know what that kind of diet looks like yet.

Also, really look into the nutritional requirements of a vegan diet. For that alone you and your gf might want to stick to being vegetarian until you learn how to deal with getting your micros. It's not as simple as eating a lot of beans = full protein, but it doesn't have to be super difficult.

Resources include Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen checklist, and good YouTube channels for recipes are AvantGardeVegan and Pick Up Limes (the latter is a nutritionist and I highly recommend for information).

>> No.13830971

There are sane vegans out there, plenty of them. They are just generally less vocal and less accounted for on the internet than the crazies, like with every other demographic.

>> No.13830975

t. has never been to midwestern america

>> No.13830984

It's more about lessening the impact than eliminating the suffering, because it's foolish to think that anyone can buy food (not grow it) and not contribute in some way to the death of innocents.

Vegans contribute to the murder of animals that are caught up in farming practices, like bugs and rodents, but those who eat meat are contributing to the deaths of those bugs and rodents as well as the cows that are fed the soy and corn grown for feed.

yes, primarily grass fed cows exist, but in america this is not the norm. you'll find if you do some research that most of the crops farmers grow is for animal feed.

>> No.13831323

>Do remember that the fake meat stuff isn't actually that healthy for you

True. But I think you are being very generous. Ultra-processed pea protein isolate congealed with Canola oil? Recipe for arterial destruction would be more accurate. Vegans and non-vegans however proceed with eating the mock-meat slop so sucks to be them.

>> No.13831335
File: 806 KB, 1280x800, 1574800642173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes, primarily grass fed cows exist, but in america this is not the norm

In the US, ALL Cows are born and grow up on grass, then they transfer to the feedlot. So your comment indicates extreme lack of knowledge, or perhaps you are a deliberate liar?

>Well I watched cowspiracy and gobbled up the vegan agenda lies and made it my religion!

We knew that already.

>> No.13831363

Tell your gf you heard a great new song and make her listen to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HlUBke0U5A while staring her dead in the eyes the entire time.

>> No.13831365

Hey hello grass-fed-cow autist

>> No.13831379

>In the US, ALL Cows are born and grow up on grass, then they transfer to the feedlot
gonna need a source on that

>> No.13832233
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>In the US, ALL Cows are born and grow up on grass, then they transfer to the feedlot

To be fair, that's a little over-stated. There are exceptions such as diary cows, and bottle calves who might get their life ended short, or raised indoors drinking powdered "milk." Etc. Full disclosure.

>> No.13832310

Sup King. I hope you are in good health?
Furthermore, the cows that are born to the beef industry farms and ranches are the ones who are born in natural way, often without artificial insemination. Boy cow plus girl cow = +1 babby cow nine months later.

The calves grow up drinking their mothers milk the healthiest food for them obviously (contra all vegan teachings) and once they reach a certain weight, 500 pounds or whatever depends on the farm, they get sold to the next part of their life which is probably the feedlot, which does suck, but this is not their entire life, just like purgatory before the final slaughter.

But they got to enjoy the ranch for the first part of their life growing up, outside in the sun and the wind and the rain, something vegan propaganda leaders hide and obfuscate at great lengths through their vegan lies. (All cows get a way way way better deal than horror-factory chickens and hogs) Why do vegans hide this so much?

The lucky cows stay alive as breeding stock and get to live many years. If they killed all the cows at age one, then all cows would be gone off the flat Earth in one year.

>> No.13832344

oh fucking please come on, that's such fucking placebo bullshit

>i-it had a weird chemical aftertaste! but not the normal whopper, that's 100% natural!

like a 10 year old who's mom tells him some good is healthy so it's automatically "yucky" (not saying impossible whopper is healthy but that's what you're being like, 'ewww vegan chemical yucky!'"

>> No.13832365


seems a little oxymoronic innit

>> No.13832367

bait bait bait bait

>> No.13832478
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No this is chemical slop. It looks feels tastes and smells disgusting. It's been compared to cat fcod. (But less nutritious.)

>> No.13832486
File: 515 KB, 932x1330, Hitler vs Vegans Meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you dump chemical pesticides on animals for the express purpose of poisoning them, to death, is that humane?

>> No.13833604
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Soy is not grown for feed you dumbass. They grow it to extract the oil for your tofu/"milk" and then feed the inedible rest to cattle which just happens to make up 80% of the mass.

>> No.13834776

I'm a vegetarian, but your gf trying to control you like that is not cool

>> No.13834817
File: 67 KB, 900x900, 1539823752366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My gf is forcing me to
Bro, just beat her.

>> No.13834832

>Westerners export manufacturing to other countries, because consumbers want more cheap crap, and corporations want to pay lower wages
>this results in people in impoverished countries having to ruin their local environment just to put food on the table
>so the quickest way to solve the problem would be to get western consumers and companies to stop that
>dumb westerners who don't understand the negative effects of globalism and consumerism ignore this

>> No.13834905

>this results in people in impoverished countries having to ruin their local environment just to put food on the table
It isn't about putting food on the table. People in impoverished countries want cars, appliances and eat meat every day too.

They don't have a highly developed economy ... so they offer what they do have, cheap labour and natural resources. When they are high IQ they work themselves up the value chain, the low IQ ones get stuck ... but don't glorify the barbaric lifestyle they give up in the process, that sucked too.

>> No.13834926

is that a fox news anchor? this isn't facebook m8

>> No.13834932

you let someone tell you what to eat. you are the girl in the relationship

>> No.13834936
File: 11 KB, 218x232, faggotop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell that bitch youre gonna eat what you want

>> No.13835234

Faggot just tell her no

>> No.13835238

It kind of is, but a slaughter where the animal is stunned first and pretty much instantly goes unconscious and never experiences the unpleasantness of what happens after is a lot different from someone just cutting its throat open while it's conscious.

>> No.13835556


>> No.13836290

>does what his girlfriend tells him to
>can’t cook

You call yourself a man?

>> No.13836323

>What is Vegan "Meat" like bros?
Like a castrated "man".....cancer.

>> No.13836332



You're not a fucking pet, anon. Eat what YOU want to eat and quit letting some deranged bitch dictate your life like you were a fucking child.

>> No.13836342
File: 91 KB, 534x712, 07B6C924-F672-42DA-94DA-9E79437B60F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is proof that advertisement conditioning works perfectly on a population of flabby impotent males.

>> No.13836370

>What is Vegan "Meat" like bros?

>advertisement conditioning works perfectly on a population

>> No.13836407
File: 45 KB, 375x499, 9CBE9FA6-6445-4BFB-A02D-8577485D96B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t think you understand what I was saying, cumbrain, and you fucked up replying to the proper posters. My point is that meatcucks conflate eating meat to being masculine which could not be further from the truth. The whole psyop was a meat industry ploy which managed to convince at least 2 generations of pot-bellied cuckolds (like yourself) to consoom more steak.

>> No.13836425


I too look forward to such a time. How would they replicate the flavours of fat and bone marrow though?

>> No.13836426


it goes both ways, dipshit. the difference is that processed meat substitute had no reason to ever exist without the conditioning, and people would still eat steak and burger without conditioning.

>> No.13836438

Wow sure is quarantine around here. Can't believe so many faggots fell for this old bait

>> No.13836459

>psyop was a meat industry ploy
First, eating meat being a "masculine" thing has been around long before the "meat industry" was ever created, as it was men that hunted down, killed, and butchered that meat in the first place.

Second, the modern "masculine meat eater" meme still exists because meat eating westerners developed far more muscle mass than their vegan eating non-western peers. I've been to 4 of the 7 continents through various military deployments, and the vegan populations we've ran into are like children compared to us as far as muscle development.

I encourage you to openly debate every person you meet about your vegan beliefs. Maybe I'll find you out there one day.

>> No.13836468

>fell for the leftist vegan psyop

>> No.13836502

Ahhh the shills have arrived. Don’t worry you can give me another reply to vent that rage.

>> No.13836685

Fact-- you are a raging vegan/antifa activist who hates us.

OK fine, what advice, "advice" do you have for me?

>Go vegan and never eat meat again you white male scum!!

OK I'll do the exact opposite. Who would listen to the "advice" of people who hate you and want you to die? (In this case antifa/vegans)

>> No.13836929

dump her