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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13821787 No.13821787 [Reply] [Original]


I just asked a girl out for a picnic and now im panicing. Not sure what to make and if I should hide my power level. Should I make a simple sandwich with store bought bread rolls or should I make my own rolls?

I feel like it would be a mistake to look like im trying too hard

>> No.13821790

What the fuck are you doing out picnicing in a pandemic you fool

>> No.13821797

>going out for a picnic when theres a plague
good job retard

>> No.13821802

Well its the only thing I could think of as a date to keep away from everyone

>> No.13821807

You're retarded.

>> No.13821812

bring a bunch of cheeses and cold cuts and bread + maybe a couple tomatos
slice up and sammich up on the spot
also wine/beer/cider depending on the girl, bring those travel coffee mugs with lids if drinking outside is banned in your country and use them to stealth drink

>> No.13821815

Shes a pretty healthy eater so I was going to make her a smoothie

but the rest I can do

>> No.13821820

everybody is outside right now, picnics aren't the worst thing

>> No.13821821

The world is on the verge of apocalypse and you are eating outside. Fucking moron

>> No.13821823

If everybody jumped off a bridge, would you follow them?

>> No.13821836

cucumber canape are good for autists who think bread will make them fat

nothing will happen, I got corona and got fine in a week, same for my gf

>> No.13821848

You're still allowed to go out to parks and not everyone is a fat or old fuck with a compromised immune system.

>> No.13821849

I hope she has the plague and is purposely giving it to your faggot simp ass

>> No.13821883

What is your age and do you do anything to harm your body for example smoke or drink alcohol? How bad were the symptoms? Somebody said it could cause permanent scarring to the lungs (which turns out is true but unsure how often it would happen). People have been freaking me out.

>> No.13822085
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>I just asked a girl out for a picnic and now im panicing
The panic should be for if you fall in love with her and she gets pegnant . You will be her slave forever . She can divorce you and take all the money you might ever make in your miserable life or just never even bother marrying you in the first place.
Women have so many ways to ruin your life

>> No.13822094

I lost

>> No.13822105

How was he able to subtly craft such a masterpiece bros?

>> No.13822143

You gotta bring some smoked salmon slices, it makes bitches horny.

>> No.13822149

>tfw my state's parks are all closed.

>> No.13822187

30, drink ~3-5 liters of beer a week. Was drinking during the disease. Symptoms were like a mild drawn out cold. Felt pressure in chest when cardioing too vigorously. If I didn't know about covid19 I'd have ignored it completely.

>> No.13822193
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>I was going to make her a smoothie

>> No.13822271

Sandwiches are dumb and unromantic. Make some croquettes, bring a small bottle of wine/cider, a fruit salad, and some dessert like a chocolate brownie. Also Japanese milk bread is easy and tasty,

>> No.13822427

Eating while shitting is the only multitasking that i could do.

>> No.13822439

Really? You're already being a fine person and making posts, who knows what else you could do? I think you're underestimating yourself

>> No.13822494

OP, go with whatever tastes better. If you can make killer rolls, do it.
She will appreciate the effort and enjoy the food. Sounds like a win.

>> No.13822540
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fuck off /pol/ with your shitass forced "meme"

>> No.13822549

Go all out. Women love men who can cook.

>> No.13822563

Does your plan include feeding your cum to her by hiding it in food?
Btw post her feet pics

>> No.13822566

You don't seem to understand. I won't get sick from boomers. Boomers will get sick from me.

>> No.13822567

nigger, nobody is outside. if you had ever been outside, you'd know.

>> No.13822651

I hope you catch corona and die a horrible painful death

>> No.13822663
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>> No.13822749

Make some pasta salad and brushetta. Maybe a bottle of wine as well, if there aren't too many people around.

>> No.13822813

what do you mean

>> No.13822958

Store bought will be fine. Picnic is cute by itself you don't have to go above and beyond. But if you can make some of the food yourself she'll probably like that. Just don't be autistic and make a big deal about it.

You don't instantly die from breathing outside air retard. Going to a park or and sitting one-on-one isnt going to catch an infection. You catch infection from going to dirty bars and buffets and concerts and riding busses and shit.

>> No.13822975

>Corona virus

>> No.13823022

Me too. This is an exciting time.

>> No.13823051

Picnic is a great move. OP needs to get his D essed and effed. Can't blame him.

OP, show your power level. Nothing makes a V wetter than a guy with dark triad personality traits who also has expert culinary skills. I recommend French bread too.

Make sure you bring some spermicidal lubricant because you'll be pounding that roastie immediately after the 'nic.

>> No.13823054

why are straight people locked into these retarded social mores
"trying too hard" Jesus christ if she's put off by you actually putting effort in, she's clearly a useless retard

>> No.13823058


>> No.13823062

You have to learn pickup skills and game. Women are revolted by a guy who appears to be trying too hard. It's irrational but true. The reason is that women are brainlet subhumans whose sole purpose is to provide us holes to fuck.

>> No.13823081

that's awful tbch
a man who is a go-getter and puts effort in is infinitely more attractive to me than one who doesn't

>> No.13823088

because it would make it seem like he's desperate, which he'd only be because he knows that no other women want him, which is an indicator of his general attractiveness, so that even if she was at first attracted to him she must now doubt that impulse because she realizes she was wrong.

>> No.13823097

holy shit I'm glad I'm gay

>> No.13823109

Except fags all give it up just for fun and never learn to appreciate an actual relationship.

>> No.13823121

that's a great stereotype but I'm married and monogamous
plus statistically gay men have the lowest rates of domestic violence and divorce
(coincidentally, lesbians have the highest, worse than gay men and straight couples rates combined)

>> No.13823122

how do they get out?

>> No.13823169

>What the fuck are you doing out picnicing in a pandemic you fool
congrats on not recognizing bait when it's right in front of you

>> No.13823177

Domestic violence is a massive problem in the gay community, as all real gays who aren't roleplaying as gay are very aware.

>> No.13823183

Cold fried chicken, pan fried then baked, pasta salad (feta, basil, cherry tomatoes, kalamata olives, lemon vinaigrette) simple fruit salad and maybe some bread with some butter or jam. Easy to store in a small basket.

>> No.13823186

pierce brosnan confirmed for based af feeder

>> No.13823192

hello? is this officer based? thank you for your service

>> No.13823263
File: 97 KB, 625x796, blanketfort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not hide that power level, and homemade bread is a great talking point. However maybe make sure to pick her up...
I met a really sweet guy in a seaweed foraging seminar one time. He asked me to a picnic on a beach 40 minutes away, where we were going to forage seasweed , he had a tiny grill to cook rice cakes on, and bought a bunch of snacks.
I was kind of nervous to drive there however because it was in a rocky costal area with a lot of landslides and i had not driven in a longtime .the day of the date too I could not find my drivers liscence ( left it at the library found a day later :c )
so because i couldnt get to the date, I had to cancel.It was really one of the nicest thing any guy has ever planned for me, in theory, and wonder what it would of been like had we done that.
p.s. for a future date you could totally make a pillow fort picnic to pass quarantine times

>> No.13823276

anon confirmed for very new

Don't hide your powerlevel. Don't make something extremely elaborate for a picnic but definitely make it all yourself if you reasonably can.

>> No.13823292
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It’s also possibly based on genetics retard

>> No.13823306

Fucking weeb

>> No.13823310

Florida retard

>> No.13823354

>Majority of NY COVID-19 Cases in People Under 50


>> No.13823356
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Here's what you do:

Ask her if she's got any food allergies. Don't assume shit. Confirm she ain't gonna tip over and die from anything. Next, ask her if she's got anything she absolutely cannot stand or won't eat. Some people don't like onions. Some people can't do fish. Ask.

If you get the all clear and she's of healthy breeding stock, it's time to make your move. You gonna seduce her. With food. Easy to make food. HEALTHY BUT GOOD is the key. Something that's tasty and satisfying but not heavy and leaving you bloated and farty.

If this is going to be a basic picnic in the park, I suggest an avocado beansprout turkey wrap with potato salad and strawberries on the side. Easy. Simple. Filling. Clean. If you're of legal age, pop open a few bottles of something. A 6-pack of your favorite beer or a bottle of white wine to pair with the turkey (Fucking light up if weed is legal in your state!)

Picnics are more about the food though, my dude. It's about spending time together and talking and looking at shit. Bring blankets to lay on. Bring MULTIPLE blankets and keep them in the car in case she gets cold, or someone wants to lay down and needs a pillow. Bring video games, bring books, bring cards, bring a soccer ball, bring a frisbee, bring a dog if you have one.

Just keep chill and sit outside with her and talk and have fun. Don't over think this. Be confident but not cocky. It's gonna be fun and you're going to be fine!. Good luck and have fun!

>> No.13823361

midnight chili guy?

>> No.13823367


>> No.13823375

damn dude, no homo but I want to go on a date with you

>> No.13823385

A majority of people carrying this very widespread virus are under 50, yes, but the majority of people actually falling seriously ill and dying from it are much older and/or have comorbidities.
If you could magically test everybody you would probably find millions of healthy infected. Just like you could with other strains of cold viruses or influenza.

>> No.13823391

Go get'em tiger.

>> No.13823396

someone post the 2am chili pictograph please I don't have it saved

>> No.13823456

Cool thanks for the info

>> No.13823542

I'm just bored enough to pretend this is real.

>Should I make a simple sandwich with store bought bread rolls or should I make my own rolls?
>I feel like it would be a mistake to look like im trying too hard
There's no way she'll notice that you made your own rolls unless you bring attention to it. Don't bring attention to it unless she comments on them being especially good.

>> No.13823544

videogames and books?

>> No.13823756

based bondi.

>> No.13823759

Why not? Options.

>> No.13823778


>> No.13823784

if everybody locked their doors when someone cuts a fart, would you follow them?

>> No.13823813

outside where there's space to be away from people is the smart move. getting jammed up with people indoors is where you faggots fail at life. get out and get fresh air before the radon kills you.

>> No.13823817

you're either a fag or in need of dilation

>> No.13823824

Like everyone, everyone? Because I'd probably loot whatever shit I could find and once the electricity went out, I'd find a nice bridge.

>> No.13824425

Picnic is a great idea. Don't be autistic and be too fancy with something like wine and cheese, go with something simple like sandwiches and potato salad or something like that, but kick it up a notch from store bought. Picnics aren't about the food, they're about the setting.

>> No.13824464

cured meats and cheese and pickles and mustard you nerd

>> No.13824468

>falling for the radon jew

>> No.13824608

I never heard of this until today

>> No.13824615


>> No.13824758

yeah no shit i made it pretty clear I'm a gay dude

>> No.13825315

Sandwiches and some kind of side are fine

>> No.13826688

Going outside for something casual is allowed in my state. Where do you live?

>> No.13827929

Seems like those are activities to do alone and not out in the middle of a field. Video games dont have to be alone but you probably aren't bringing a tv and game station on a picnic.

>> No.13827956

Why is it so hard to believe that women play video games? Do none of you have friends who own Nintendo Switches? Has anybody in your life ever played Pokemon? The concept of someone you're dating being an active gamer seems like such a foreign concept to some of you basement-virgins....

>> No.13827985

ho Lee fuck anon. give this some thought. giving a person a smoothie to drink? would you even accept that? you're an autist

>> No.13827994

Fry chicken and bake some rolls, and make a potato salad. When she realizes you can replace kfc, she will happily shack up with you during quarantine.

>> No.13828117

Huh. Maybe read what I wrote again and try not to read between the lines so much.

>> No.13828134

My reading comprehension is fine, thanks. How's yours?

>> No.13828148

>being this much of a faggot
>still calling others basement dwelling virgins
stop being the 38 year old playing his switch at Starbucks

>> No.13828184

ok edgelord supreme

>> No.13828199

It's ok. I dont understand how you derived those assumptions from what I wrote but i guess i will address one thing specifically: I don't think it is very uncommon for women to be gamers. I do know a couple women who game and one who likes pokemon but doesnt play video games.