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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 17 KB, 495x362, 041087F8-C111-42B4-A668-1669DA8FE2E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13797194 No.13797194 [Reply] [Original]

It’s been one entire week since I’ve been able to find chicken in any of the surrounding area’s grocery stores. This is fucking insane. Is the simulation finally broken?

>> No.13797196

fuck off you retarded faggot

>> No.13797198

I just want everything to back to normal.

>> No.13797225

just order a chicken pizza

>> No.13797226

>Didn't to get chicken immediately at the signs of happening

>> No.13797228

Where do you live?
Get this stupid hothead out.

>> No.13797230

same these fucking idiots panic buy all the chicken breast once it is restocked

>> No.13797242

>Where do you live?


>> No.13797245

Welcome to the new normal, you voted for it idiot.

>> No.13797250
File: 186 KB, 1600x1263, chicken2020-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a chicken pallet from a few months ago in the deep freeze, cooked it this morning.

>> No.13797258

Sorry anon, but it's a virus. It probably doesn't even watch the news, let alone have a political motive.

>> No.13797264

>let alone have a political motive.

It's a bioweapon released upon the West by China.

>> No.13797270

Yes but the virus itself doesn't care. Voting differently wouldn't change anything.

>> No.13797276

plebit faggot go away

>> No.13797329

Go to the freezer section. All the NPCs cleared out all the meat section at my store but didn't touch the freezer aisle.

>> No.13797389

>a bioweapon released upon the West
It's some peasants enjoying their local delicacies that happened to get sick because whoops there was a deadly new virus on it.

China's economy and way of life and everything is as much dependent on us in the west as we are on them. The reason why it spread so far in the West is because America doesn't beieve in health care and Italians kiss each other right on the lips when they meet someone or when they part ways, it's like saying aloha.

>> No.13797431

I have 3lbs of chicken thighs I bought two weeks before the emergency announcement. I also have about 1lb of drumsticks. I froze all of it.
Got lotsa other things frozen, too. I'll probably be good for a while.

>> No.13797553

Try to go to your nearest bumfuck nowhere town and shop there. whole chickens are buy one get one free at my nearest Bi-Lo. I made a big pot of soup last night, comfy.

>> No.13797575

>forgot to mention my twinkie, wonder bread and soda aisle were completely sold out

>> No.13797623

Wrong. Trump's America was winning the trade war, and funded the Hong Kong riots as pressure against China to force their hand. Once the Chinese eventually capitulated they decided to strike back with a bioweapon to disrupt the US economy. This was planned out over decades--they first needed our industrial and pharmaceutical manufacturers offshored to them so that we would become reliant while augmenting their economy. In order to do this they took advantage of the lobbying system in US politics by literally buying out politicians, most notably Clinton. Once this virus is overcome we are gong to war with those fucking vile insectoids. Trump will finally get to test out the US Space Force then.

>> No.13797692

Exactly? Why are so many pol tards here exploding over this?

>> No.13798752

Because it's a Chinese bioweapon, and the MSM and NPCs are trying to give China a free pass. China literally caused the Black Plague, Spanish Flu, and now Covid-19.

>> No.13798958

I dont know because I dont buy those things.

>> No.13798975

> they decided to strike back with a bioweapon to disrupt the US economy
This, and because of globalism, everyone else got disrupted too.

>> No.13800407

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.13800413

Go to a yuppie organic shop, they'll probably have meat

>> No.13800418

stab a deer

>> No.13800436

I live in a city.

>> No.13800443

I haven’t been to a grocery store in a week and have enough chicken to feed 6 people every night for 2 weeks

>> No.13800445

Post your address so I can raid you.

>> No.13800553

take drugs
kill a bear

>> No.13800598

Yeah but all this catastrophic shit is cause by shit-for-brains politicians who ordered businesses to close and illegally restricted movement.

>> No.13800603

Why is this shit getting posted in more than one thread

>> No.13800620

>Because it's a Chinese bioweapon
You're fucking retarded if you think this was done on purpose. Have you not seen the webms of chinese eating all kinds of shit? Its because they're poor and feral and suffer from over population.
Go suck trumps dick more you fucking kkk wannabe faggot.

>> No.13800638
