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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 37 KB, 212x400, kimchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13796377 No.13796377 [Reply] [Original]

why is kimchi so fucking good? the more i eat the more i want to eat, it's addicting. i go through at least a jar a month and that's with really limiting myself. i could probably eat a jar a week if let myself.

koreans are alright.

>> No.13796388

>jarred kimchi

>> No.13796458

chill nigga i aint got a garage to turn into a kimchi factory.

>> No.13796460

Enjoy your stomach cancer

>> No.13796476

No idea but I made some and kept it fermenting for three days and now it tastes funny. I may have thrown away the salty water that was in the napa cabbage prior to fermentation. There was enough liquid for it to be completely submerged and the brine was fairly salty from the gochujang and added salt. Did I fuck up /ck/ ?

>> No.13796488

It's fucking fermented in jars

>> No.13796490

OP, do yourself a favor and fuck off with that tiny overpriced jar of bullshit. Find you an Asian grocery store and get a a kilo bucket of it for like ten bucks. Oh, and here's a protip: when you start using it not just as a condiment, but as an ingredient is when kimchi will really blow your goddamn mind.

>> No.13796495
File: 428 KB, 612x407, E5A9CDCB-943E-45DC-990D-8279AC1DA55C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s too spicy for me

>> No.13796500

imagine going to an asian grocery store during a pandemic

>> No.13796507

the stuff in the OP isnt kimchi. I dont even think its fermented.

>> No.13796520

It's pretty easy to make and way better and cheaper. You dont need much space

>> No.13796521

its not even spicy doe?
not that exact brand. jar i have fucking exploded when i opened it, there was kimchi spray all the hell over the place.
actually this

>> No.13796540

just make some sauerkraut then

>> No.13796547

Yeah it's pretty great there are no wait times and everything is in stock.

>> No.13796674

I don't know bro, I'm obsessed, and finding it in decent quantities where I live is a fucking challenge, corona-chan or not. It should be cheap as fuck and everywhere, instead I have to pay $10 a jar at Whole Foods.

I might just take one of these days off of work to go to find a big ol' jug of the shit. It's the best.

>> No.13796685

Kimchi gives me wicked deadly farts. I love it.

>> No.13796754

ouch. i was paying $4-5 a jar and thought it was expensive.

>> No.13796856

Imagine actually eating rotten cabbage

>> No.13796893
File: 85 KB, 540x540, IMG_-sh2m3p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off you Chinese asshole

>> No.13798749

ever eaten sauerkraut? its basically the same thing just without the spices. Ever had alcohol? oh shit.......

>> No.13799207

I really wanted to like kimchi, but even when I tried to hide it in other food I find it disgusting.

>> No.13799221

I like kimchi a lot, but sauerkraut doesn’t taste good to me

>> No.13799261

are you retarded or just pretending? Kimchi is korean.
>inb4 whats the difference
Maybe pass geography next time ok bud?

>> No.13799269

it's all China you faggot hippie, get the fuck off my lawn

>> No.13799371

Koreans didn't have high stomach cancer rates from kimchi, it was from copious amounts of salt in general along with a lot of drinking and smoking. Like the average American eats around 5g of salt a day but Koreans were eating almost triple that.

>According to a government report on the nutritional condition of Koreans, 13.5 grams of salt per day per person was being consumed

>> No.13799375


kimchi tastes like shit right up until I put it into a soup, at which point it becomes a wonder ingredient. it's like mayo and worcesthershurshutr sauce

>> No.13799413

Yes, that’s how gimchi is made.

>> No.13799426
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>> No.13799681

i believe that sauerkraut really depends on the person making it. I never liked the store bought ones, but when neighbours etc made some I liked a few of those

>> No.13800450

>>According to a government report on the nutritional condition of Koreans, 13.5 grams of salt per day per person was being consumed
How is this even possible?

>> No.13800465

>koreans are alright.

When people say that Asians have no soul or that they're bug people, it's because of Koreans. Asians are alright. Japanese, Indonesian, Filipinos, Taiwanese, they're all cool. But Koreans? They literally have no soul.

>> No.13800467

costco has jars about 10x that size.

>> No.13800524

>kimchi fried rice

>> No.13800526

nah you're probably just a tastelet that hasn't had much truly fermented food.

embrace any and all funkiness and odd flavors that come with fermentation. until you get botulism of course.

>> No.13800530

>when you start using it not just as a condiment, but as an ingredient is when kimchi will really blow your goddamn mind

>> No.13800531

>kilo bucket of it for like ten bucks.
>going to a korean market to buy shitty poorfag kimchee instead of the quality brands they offer

>> No.13800539

i disagree. chinese are wayyy more soul-less than koreans.

>> No.13800544

nta but there are fuckloads of korean dishes that use kimchee as an ingredient. stew, soups, savory pancakes, fried rice, dumplings, stir fried with pork. in pork buns, in noodle dishes.

>> No.13800615

have you met a korean? everything they make is way oversalted.

>> No.13800663

ive met koreans but that doesnt mean i steal their lunch

>> No.13800698

>not stealing lunch boxes from koreans
shiggy diggy

>> No.13800871
File: 81 KB, 650x971, DSC_2958-e1414811200348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres kimchi for retards like you too

>> No.13800885

백김치 is good even if you like spicy food though
my upstairs neighbor gave me some 총각김치 and its so fucking good im thinking of what i can buy her when i return the tupperware

>> No.13800980

>gweilo gaijin tries to fit in

>> No.13802002

Fair enough, I'll have that funky kimchi. As far as I know the risks of botulism should be very small since there is no oil in it at all.

>> No.13802005

Lots of salted fermented food + salted processed food

>> No.13802027

Just to add, kimchi doesn't even have a lot of salt. you rinse most of it off. then you add a little back in the form of fermented shrimp or fish sauce. i'm sure some korean grandmas add tons of salt just like us grandmas add tons of sugar to stuff. but if you make kimchi yourself properly, there's not too much salt in it. if there was the fermentation wouldn't work properly.