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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13792243 No.13792243 [Reply] [Original]

Why are millennials incapable of basic survival skills?

>> No.13792265

Because that's the direction society has deliberately been steered in for the last hundred years?

>> No.13792267

How hard is to make something eatable? Christ, my 10 year old niece can even follow simple recipes.

>> No.13792270

>grovery stores aren't build to feed us 100% of the time
yeah I forgot that you can only get flour, tomato sauce and cheese at the special pizza supply store

>> No.13792274

>forced into over a decade of education
>never taught how to cook
The public education system is a fucking joke.

>> No.13792276

Because their parents are garbage.

>> No.13792283

If you can't manage to make some chicken and rice you deserve to die.
And I would expect that the stores supplying the restaurants will be more than happy to supply you directly if the restaurants are shut down.
I don't even approve of the State closing businesses, but this idiot is putting forth some terrible arguments against it.

>> No.13792284

Home Ec should be a mandatory course in middle and highschool

>> No.13792285
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>culling the weak and retarded by cutting off their only source of nourishment

Gotta say based on this one, chief.

>> No.13792286

we were taught when I was in grade school

>> No.13792289

Home Ec is a thing in American highschool and also you should learn from your parents.

>> No.13792291
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>from birth, have unlimited access to all the knowledge in the world
>people need to feed me because i can't cook

>> No.13792301

you can make pretty much anything safe to eat by just boiling
it will taste like shit but it wont kill you

>> No.13792308

dad beat me up if i touched anything in the kitchen when he was drunk
he was never not drunk

>> No.13792310

>the weak and stupid are dying

thanks corona-chan

>> No.13792311

this also applies to old people though

>> No.13792363

Most of us grow up in single parent homes where you're lucky if mom manages to heat something up after work

>> No.13792374
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>4 million people
Should close the grocery stores as well, godforsaken scar on our earth.

Even if you can't cook worth a shit you can buy all sorts of microwave retard food from the frozen section.

>> No.13792391

>Home Ec is a thing in American highschool

that was removed in the 70s because too many niggers set schools on fire.
same goes for metal shop and woodworking, either tools were stolen or someone lost a finger.

>> No.13792394

Elementary school is the only time education does anything. There is a reason national reading comprehension is at a 4th grade level. Lit classes past that point are systematically useless.

>> No.13792396

Must stuck to live in some inner city shithole. My highschool had Home Ec and Shop and this was in the early 2000s.

>> No.13792404
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>Home Ec is a thing in American highschool

Home ec is optional


Boomer parents who grew up with the emergence of precooked meals didn't learn how to cook

>> No.13792409

no one uses checkbooks anymore

>> No.13792412

Was this guys survival plans for the apocalypse to put Dominos on his speed dial?

>> No.13792475

This. It was optional at my school which means only a certain amount of students could take the class. I wasn't able to sign up in time so I didn't get to take this class.

>> No.13792489

Zoomer (entrepeneuer generation) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Millenials (35 & live at home loser generation)

>> No.13792493

Agreed. Millenials are a lost generation and already irrelevant. Zoomers are the future.

>> No.13792502

>American highschool
There is no such thing as a generic "American highschool", you idiot. Every district puts together its own curriculum, so just because something is mandatory in one school that doesn't mean it's mandatory everywhere.

>> No.13792505


>> No.13792509

Big $$$ seems to think so...

> Gen-Z Matters More than Millennials: Goldman Sachs' Christopher Wolf

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8mZx4o32vs

>> No.13792510

Ha this guy produces that ben shapiro guy's show.
Cunt needs to pull himself up by his bootstraps and learn to do things for himself, and not expect others to provide for him.

>> No.13792524

He's speaking out against the State shutting down private business, though. I don't see how that's hypocritical, as you seem to want to imply. His actual argument against it is retarded, sure, but he's not "expecting others to provide for him"

>> No.13792533

in the 30's on an island with no food, it took soviet citizens 3 days before they began to cannibalize each other

im gettin hungry

big sex.

>> No.13792538

i'd rather teach some kid how to balance a budget or have a basic understanding of how a student loan works than say spending six months on mandatory holocaust education

>> No.13792541

thats cause youre a nazi

>> No.13792547

>to provide for him.
Reading comprehension down? He's asking for stores to remain open. He's still paying for shit.

>> No.13792553 [DELETED] 

That's why you 'Mericans are fucked. Our Chinese kids are learning programming & calculus in HS while your 'merican Affirmative Action education is teaching kids Niggers invented errthang and "white people bad".

>> No.13792568

the holocaust was awful, sure
i don't think it warrants spending mandated six months course on it

>> No.13792572

>thats cause youre a nazi
Or he's a muslim.

>> No.13792573


maybe if they gave you some home ec clases instead of programming and calculus you wouldnt be eating fucking bats and we wouldnt be in this mess

>> No.13792579

>Literally this.

>> No.13792582

>you wouldnt be eating fucking bats
please stop with this meme. COVID19 is engineered. only dumb niggers think this shit is from bats.

>> No.13792588
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You literally don't even have to know how to cook anymore, just google a recipe and follow it. If you're not 100% retarded it will turn out good enough at least. Anybody who says "oh haha i can't cook i burn boiling water lol! deserves to be shot in the face

>> No.13792590

99% of my mom's meals were bland and overcooked. the only exceptions were 2 or 3 family recipes she nailed every time. thank fucking god I didn't learn how to cook from her and just figured shit out in my kitchen when I left home

>> No.13792593

I had to learn about the holocaust every year from like 3rd-12th

>> No.13792595

i'm a gook, i have no game in this fight
i'm just astounded that you can devote an entire class to the study on one event, when things like "world history" or "us history" are only afforded one class
i can understand how a basic grasp of world history and the history of your own country is useful for establishing a base of knowledge for a student
i don't see the same value in dedicated an entire course to the holocaust
yes, it was bad, no it shouldn't be done again, that's like a day lesson tops

>> No.13792597

>I don't understand why it's being forced down our throats
>I believe it was real though lol

>> No.13792599

If you are a Chinese gook, you should understand very well how political propaganda works.

>> No.13792601

r o a s t e d

fucking china man im running out of shit tickets cause of you

>> No.13792603

but the bats make my peepee hard

>> No.13792607

Establishing that the Jews are victims is the foundation of modern day US/Isreali relations. Though Anti-semitism is rising with Muslim political power and Muslims are now the "victims".

>> No.13792610

yeah if only you stuck to having sex with them

but no, you gotta put them in a soup and doom us all


>> No.13792611

>i don't see the same value in dedicated an entire course to the holocaust
Where in the US are they doing this, you faggot? I graduated in the mid 2000s and we never had a holocaust class lmfao.

>> No.13792620

i only heard about it when that florida school shooting happened when someone was described as being a classmate in their holocaust class
but florida isn't the only state with a mandatory class

>> No.13792622


Canadian here, same thing. Once a year, around Remembrance Day, they may have mentioned it?

>> No.13792624

Honestly this is only going to hurt people who don't have a fridge or microwave or stove, which is I guess, what, the homeless? Or maybe people in apartments who somehow can afford to eat out every day but can't afford a $30 used Microwave?

I do think it's gonna hurt the poorer more because they don't know how to cook for their kids and have already bought up the frozen dinners and boxed pasta, so now they'll probably just resort to eating more junk food instead of actually cooking. We used to eat that way at my house and my stepmom's house growing up in the hood, but now we're like upper middle class and know not to eat garbage daily.

>> No.13792625

So a handful of states require study about the holocaust with most of those only requiring around 6 hours worth of material. That's like a day or two lecture. Who cares? You are obsessed with Jews friend. You have Jews in your brain.

>> No.13792635

How many other genocides of greater numbers of people are mandatory teaching?

>> No.13792642

I've been browsing this board trying to learn for a while now, and there are just too many combinations that can make mustard gas if you're not careful. I'm scared to try.

>> No.13792645

my point is our public education system is not preparing the youth for the modern world when it is mandatory to teach something like the holocaust, yet is not mandatory to teach something of importance like financial literacy

>> No.13792646

I have no idea but we learned about the Mongols, Stalin, etc in school, too. The Jooz took up one day of course material and no one gave a shit. Why so obsessed? Do a Jew diddle your bunghole as a wee lad?

>> No.13792647

Literally at my HS we had to take 2 Shop and 2 Home Ec semesters

>> No.13792652

This is not the case for the majority of the US.

>> No.13792653

I don't think we cooked anything in mine anyway, probably because the teacher was out pregnant all semester. All I remember is sewing a pillow but I learned more about that by fixing pants than in class. Same with cooking.

>> No.13792661

I wouldn't want my kid's schooltime wasted on cooking when he could be learning more mathematics or science. School is there to set him up for a career, I can teach him basic survival.

>> No.13792664

yeah, I went to a bumfuck school that I am learning was better than most somehow. Town of 500 people but we had programming, 3d modeling, home ec, and shop where you could actually learn to weld.

>> No.13792672

the inherent problem is that too many parents rely on the school system to provide all education and parenting
the sheer amount of college students who don't understand how student loans work is astounding

>> No.13792681

>create food deserts
>have the infrastructure collapse
>people are so used to living in food deserts that they start starving
So glad I don't live in the US. Again.

>> No.13792694

financial literacy falls under the umbrella of "life skills" and schools apparently will do anything to avoid teaching those

>> No.13792696

>food deserts
Do those areas have places that sell toilet paper but don't sell groceries?

>> No.13792719

>grocery stores aren't built to feed us 100% of the time

Isn't that like... the main purpose of grocery stores? If you can't at least cook basic things like pasta or rice, you're pathetic. Grocery stores even have frozen dinners if you don't want to cook all the time.

Honestly if you're willing to risk getting coronavirus just because you can't be bothered to throw in a frozen pizza at home, you're an asshole and don't deserve food.

>> No.13792725

Schools shouldn't be wasting resources on something children should be naturally taught at home.
Instead, schools should merely test the students abilities and if they're still incapable of basic cooking at 15 they get to eat bullets.

>> No.13792742

You're not really risking it more by eating out than you are by shopping for food at a grocery store, though.
The way this so-called crisis is being handled is completely retarded and illogical. My library, which sees maybe 150 visitors a day, was closed, but he shops next to it that get a couple thousand a day are staying open.
And the high-schooler working the register is wearing the same filthy pair of latex gloves for his entire shift "for your safety"

>Schools shouldn't be wasting resources on something children should be naturally taught at home.
Kind of a fair point, sort of, but you could argue that they can learn English and maths at home too.
Since we do have public schools and the kids are more or less forced to attend them we might as well make what is taught there as useful as possible. I'd say learning to cook a chicken or file your taxes is more useful than Holocaust class or fingerpainting etc.

I have actually been wondering if this manufactured crisis will force people into learning how to cook a meal at home. It'd be nice if it did at least a little good.

>> No.13792754

Every single person who ever claimed to be able to predict how teenagers were going to act has been wrong
I still remember the kind of stupid shit people said about my generation when I was in school
It's like trying to predict the apocalypse using numerology on the bible

>> No.13792758

Can you drop a link? That sounds like a fun read

>> No.13792759

It's true grocery stores aren't the cleanest places on earth, but the average person spends less time shopping than they do sitting down at a restaurant, hence grocery stores being a little safer as you're not sitting next to coofers for 1-2 hours like you would eating out. The warning was to avoid social gatherings, which eating out would count as.

>> No.13792763

A friend set my house on fire trying to make fried mozzarella sticks
Never again

>> No.13792770

It really isn't that hard to make foods. Make egg noodles with just flower and egg. Boil and serve with butter. Make some rustic bread loaf and fill it with garlic powder and olive oil. Jeremy Boreing is just a useless sack of shit that wants his mum to wipe his ass with a lavender wet-wipe.

>> No.13792782

Restaurants get their supplies directly from suppliers they don't pay retail prices for ingredients and many don't even get shipped raw ingredients, only prepared and frozen entrees

>> No.13792800

at least you killed him right?

>> No.13792825
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>Tfw Gen Z
>Tfw learned how to cook from my parents

>> No.13792833

The problem with that is that not every parent teaches basic survival skills though, which is why we have so many people today that can't manage simple budgeting or cook for themselves.

>> No.13792836
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>> No.13792841

I am actually a legit alright cook. But holy shit, I once managed to burn a microwave from the inside by trying to cook toast at a friend's house because I never operated a microwave before in my life and have only used traditional ovens.
Didn't help it was a shitty used Microwave he bought from Ebay, I bought him a way better new one

>> No.13792852
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because it takes a productive effort to create something of quality value

>> No.13792985

not really. it was a siberian internment camp for criminals and kidnapped famine refugees. wikipedia nazino affair

>> No.13793044

>don't know how to cook
let the starve then, useless fucking trash.

>> No.13793064

I hate to play the devil's advocate, but what about apartments that don't have kitchens? Even people with high paying jobs sometimes rent places like that because they might as well just eat wherever if they don't know where they're going to be.

>> No.13793118

lel cityfags literally have zero survival instincts.

>> No.13793134

Why can't leftists cook? are they retarded?

>> No.13793138
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Why is it so hard is it to read a recipe or follow some directions on a package?

>> No.13793152

The guy is right though. Alittle viral scare and all the food in every grocery store is sold out of everything. No meat, eggs, canned goods, vegetables, milk, cereals, its all gone. Each new shipment of food is stripped off the pallets by crazed customers before it gets to touch the shelf

there should be alternatives

>> No.13793153


>> No.13793166

What the fuck would an apartment not have a kitchen

>> No.13793167

You misreading the zoomers. They're legit can't even boil a noodle properly. At least millenials can make simple microwave brownies

>> No.13793170

Ever heard vocational school?

>> No.13793175
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>but what about apartments that don't have kitchens?
What kind of shitty apartment doesn't have a kitchen? I have a shitty kitchen but I can at least make practically anything I want to with a skillet, pot, and oven.

>> No.13793182


>access to the greatest distributor of knowledge unique to this time point in history and no other
>cannot look up a recipe on youtube and follow it
>argue for basic home ec. skills to be mandatory school skills

The real joke is people like you. Public education isn't perfect but learning how to cook basic recipes courses in this day where near every first world kid has a smartphone and internet connection is not one of them.

>> No.13793183

>if you don't want a mandatory class about something that wasn't any more horrific than hundreds of things that happened in the past but there are no classes on those things, you're a nazi
Imagine being this much of a brainier. Just imagine it!

>> No.13793186

Has any city actually closed down ALL restaurants? I'm pretty sure almost everywhere is doing the "delivery and takeout is ok" meme, which is half-assed but allows them to remain open for all the New Yorkers who don't have a kitchen.

>> No.13793187

Fucking got em

>> No.13793196

It's not a true class though. It's a unit in history class

>> No.13793201

Shit man just walk 30 minutes to the nearest bus station and pay $3 up front you don't have to take a 2 hour ride to the public library to look up a youtube video before walking to the nearest corner store to buy another frozen meal because you live in a food desert.

You really, really don't understand what it's like to be poor in this country do you.

>> No.13793203

Sure thing schlomo

>> No.13793207

>implying people who don't know how to cook deserve to live

>> No.13793211

>lavender wet wipe

Toilet paper and wipes items don't exist anymore, he probably has to use his domino's receipts now which is why he's salty over restaurant closures.

>> No.13793226

no because it's a pretty hard feat to pull off

>> No.13793227

Efficiency apartments that are sometimes called studio apartments frequently come with no kitchen in urban areas. They have combined living and sleeping spaces, often with a little nook to eat in; all with very low rent.

>> No.13793231

Stop trying to be sensationalist. In the past a shitload of men had no idea how to cook as women were expected to be wives.

>> No.13793242


>> No.13793243 [DELETED] 

live in the pod, go broke from takeout being your only option. Consume bad financial decisions and get excited for new bad financial decisions!

>> No.13793249

>In the past
There's a reason in shows whenever a man gets divorced he's shown eating frozen dinner in front of the TV. "Men can't cook" is still an overwhelming reality, especially in flyover country

>> No.13793261

Pathetic low-IQ attempt a mic-drop, fatty.

>> No.13793264

>the generation who knows literally nothing besides how to make youtube videos is the future
Both generations are failures.

>> No.13793268


calm your tits sweetie, none of you millennial women can cook worth shit either.

>> No.13793283

Yeah, but that's only because Millennials set a really, really low bar.

>> No.13793287

back when women were useful for something

>> No.13793298

You can say without a doubt Millenials as a statistical generation, are failures. But Gen Z is just reaching 19-20 and just starting life, so we don't know yet.

>> No.13793300
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>millennials, zoomers, and millennials larping as boomers bitch at one another endlessly
>gen x laughs their asses off because they don't get blamed for anything

>> No.13793311

Right because all they did was heroin and kill themselves

>> No.13793314

That's because gen x is NPC: The generation.
Can't be blamed for something when you do literally nothing.

>> No.13793328
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The only way to truly win the game is not to play.

>> No.13793341
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Millenial here, I go out to eat twice a year because I am obligated for family. I hate going out to eat because unless the bill is over 100 per person, their cooking isn't as good as mine.

Most restaurants are fucking shit ass mediocre and you get some stranger who is in god knows what kind of mood while touching your food. Worst of all if you're not spending a good fortune on the food, it's going to be made with absolutely no passion whatsoever.

It's business as usual for me. The time off allows me to experiment more with things like ferments and brewing and stretching my highest nutrient dense foods as long as possible. I have a few weeks of food stashed just in case the worst happens, and I am carefully rationing. My store trips will mostly be buying whatever i can that will last me the longest.

People who waste all their precious time and money in a fucking restaurant instead of learning how to cook deserve to starve, but there's food delivery so these nincompoops will just be spending a bit extra money to continue to be retarded and lazy.

>> No.13793354

You already said that in a different thread

>> No.13793372

>grocery stores aren't built to feed 100% of us 100% of the time

r u dum?
there's more than enough food at grocery stores to feed everyone in the vicinity as long as obese fucks and retards don't stockpile

>> No.13793375

wrong they only stock enough for 1 day of average consumption.

>> No.13793379
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Might be a stretch to call that winning.

>> No.13793387

it is in austria

>> No.13793393

Link? If it was me, I'll admit it.

>> No.13793394

>People who waste all their precious time and money in a fucking restaurant instead of learning how to cook deserve to starve

This. I can't go out to eat anymore because I cook better than 90% of the places and I can't afford or justify Nobu.

>> No.13793448

I believe it's still a mandatory course in middle school in NY.

>> No.13793453


"Who can't cook" ... time... to... fucking... learn!

>> No.13793477

>Boomer parents who grew up with the emergence of precooked meals didn't learn how to cook

Yeah my mom mostly just made Hamburger Helper or a some weird "casserole" made with canned soup and beans. Not gonna lie, it was pretty gross. She told me once her mother's idea of spaghetti was noodles covered in ketchup with cut raw onions on top.

>> No.13793493

It has to be special or we have to be busy as hell to eat out. We typically only eat cuisines we rarely cook at home or dishes that are time consuming or ingredient intensive. Nothing worse than paying restaurant prices for something you could have done better yourself

>> No.13793499

>food desert
>a term that was redefined to only specifically refer to a lack of fresh produce because Dollar General completely fucking destroyed the concept
With DG now heavily expanding into the fresh produce market I can't wait to see how they manage to redefine it next time.

>> No.13793503

Because teachers are overwhelmingly liberals and like their democrat leaders want people to be wholly dependent on the government for survival. Teaching kids to be self-sufficient goes against their training and destroys their plan.

>> No.13793515
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>tfw Gen Y
>learned how to cook from my dad
>been supplementing his half-truths with stuff I found on the internet for years

>> No.13793526

My Safeway has 6 shelves dedicated to applesauce. There is no way that is going to be gone in a single day under normal circumstances.

>> No.13793527

If some of these soy sucking faggots actually die that would be good. Unfortunately they won't. They'll cry and whine a lot, though. They should kill themselves for being so pathetic.

>> No.13793534

That's shit-tier restaurants like Crapplebees and TGIF not real restaurants.

>> No.13793564

That's when you buy a fucking hot plate and toaster oven

>> No.13793568
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>> No.13793623

It is taught, it was mandatory in my middle school they went over the basics of sewing and cooking but because none of us practiced at home because middleschoolers I personally forgot most of it.

>> No.13793639
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Listen here Jack, I'm gonna set you straight. I'll only say this once so listen up, Fat. This virus isn't going anywhere. Let me repeat myself, this virus isn't going anywhere. Back in my day we didn't call it covid whatever; we called it the "Shanghai Shivers". OK, here's the deal, Slick. I used to know a guy, went by the name Cornflake Jackson. Ol' Cornflake used to play guitar down at the pool hall. He caught the Shanghai Shivers one year and let me tell you, if Cornflake Jackson says, "It ain't no thang" you can take that to the bank, Buckaroo. That's how I know you're full of shit. I'd punch your daughter straight in the mouth.

>> No.13793659

My friend was in the class and they were mostly baking things like cookies and other useless shit. That class seemed like a joke. Public education is a fucking joke in general.

>> No.13793668

12/10 senilepost

>> No.13793749
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>eats premade food
any welfare rat who doesn't cook their food from scratch is the furthest fucking thing from being poor.

>> No.13793753

>Home ec is optional
not in FL, the best state in the union

>> No.13793754

Will this "shutdown" make a god opening for us co/ck/s to make bank by selling home made food? I'm not even talking gouged prices but regular fair pricing.

>> No.13793812

Computerized ordering systems usually ensure that several days worth of product, based on averaged sales data, is delivered whenever the ordering threshold is reached. That doesn't mean that stores always have several days worth of each product on hand at all times, but it does mean that several days worth of whichever product is being ordered is showing up on the truck, baring shortages at the warehouse level.

>> No.13793823

My high school's home ec was awful and for one class we just watched a YouTube video by Jack on how to made red lobster biscuits.

>> No.13793901

I'm a millennial and I can cook. Not knowing how to cook is a cityfag retard thing, not a generational one.

>> No.13793910

Not unless you're already licensed as a food vendor with a separate commercial kitchen. Home cooks can't sell anything that requires refrigeration.

>> No.13793934


>> No.13793938

They said the same about millenials you fucking faggots.

>> No.13793949

What government agency will even be active to shut it down?

>> No.13793960

Agree, although this is more or less why I don't mind getting fried food at restaurants, considering I'll never fry food at home. Too much mess, and if I got a proper fryer, I'd gain too much weight. So with this in mind, paying extra for fried food keeps my house cleaner, smelling better, and prevents major obesity issues wrought from my likely lack of self-restraint.

>> No.13793968

Idk bro, but right now while the supermarkets are empty, thousands of dollars of perfectly good food is going bad in each of these restaurants

>> No.13793974

Grocery stores don't have food anymore either, I had to eat fast food today because I couldn't find fresh meat in stock

>> No.13793977

>Soylent rage as avatar.

I don't know how to cook, but I still can come up with some fried potatoes in an egg.

>> No.13793981

Cooking is a skill your fucking mother needed to teach you.
Or father.

Not the fucking school.

>> No.13794002

Unfortunately when parenting is so bad that children love friend fries but can't identify a fucking potato, or know that fries are made from potatoes, it's time for government intervention. I'm looking at you California.

>> No.13794036

>it's time for government intervention. I'm looking at you California.
If commiefornia somehow managed to have more government intervention than it already does it would fucking implode

>> No.13794040

everything at least in elementary school can and for a long time was(successfully) taught by a normal ordinary housewife without the need to spend insane gobs of money teaching kids 8+5 so this argument doesn't hold water

>> No.13794044

8% of ruralfolk are farmers, while 92% would starve if Wal-Mart closed down.

>> No.13794046

>friend fries
what are these anon??

>> No.13794053

Good point.

>> No.13794057

that guy is clearly not a millennial

but also, this is like old people in 1940 complaining that 20 somethings don't know how to ride horses anymore

>> No.13794059

I grew up in Florida. I'm the same anon in this thread that mentioned it being optional and that my friend was in the class but not me. They made fucking cookies and didn't learn shit about actual skills that would help them as adults.

I left Florida as soon as I could cause it's a huge shit hole. You're fucking delusional, anon.

>> No.13794060

Gen x is known only for having done a shitton of drugs. Thats your claim to fame

>> No.13794066

Agreed. Grew up in a small town. My mom always cooked, and eventually got good. Taught me, and now I cook 90% of the time. Definitely depends on location one spent their teens. 36 btw.

>> No.13794103

baking you can follow a recipe with
cooking you need a feel for it
and i don't have that feel for it yet so whenever i try it doesn't turn out well

>> No.13794111

I don't even understand the problem here. I'm in Los Angeles and restaurants still offer take-out, you just can't eat in the actual restaurant.

>> No.13794116
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>cooking you need a feel for it
You can just follow a recipe for cooking savory food too and you can also bake savory stuff.
You just need to learn more I think.

>> No.13794128

>but also, this is like old people in 1940 complaining that 20 somethings don't know how to ride horses anymore
No it isn't. It's like actually functional humans mocking worthless pieces of shit literally incapable of surviving even the most minor disruption to their shitty millennial lives.

>> No.13794135

>minor disruption
I guess that's true for most people but my roommates are about to move out and I can't fucking find a place to live fast enough and now all these places are closing and people are self quarantining. I was really hoping to take a shitty server job so that I could make tips but now that's out the window.
I'm completely fucked because of this bullshit.

>> No.13794144

Yellow person here. I can't see the deleted post but this anon is right. Maybe educate the retards that make up 80% of china's population and your country wouldn't be on the brink of collapse. Your immigrants that can do basic math don't mean shit.

>> No.13794146

>"Hah, it's going to kill boomers!"
>Boomers shut down millennials only means of eating.
>"Wait, that's illegal!|

>> No.13794159

last time i tried to cook a thing - i think it was teriyaki chicken or something like that, it had the sauce on the meat when cooking in the pan at least - i didn't trust the short cooking time on the recipe so i cooked it on a low heat for too long and it was basically inedible cos i couldn't tell when it was cooked cos the sauce was dark already so i couldn't identify what colour the meat was to see if it was ready
i don't trust myself if the cooking process is any more complicated than sausage i think, i just don't have confidence
unless bacon pastry twirls count as cooking (i made the pastry myself)

>> No.13794163

i think his argument is based on the assumption that theres a good number out there that are abstaining from takeout because it can be a risk

>> No.13794171

>Most of us
Speak for your melanin enriched self

>> No.13794173

Poor people are stupid and also sort of don't have time to cook. I say sort of because there's always solutions for saving time, but again, they're stupid.
And premade food is actually really cheap. That's why its garbage. You paid a dollar for that burger, it's bound to be shit.

>> No.13794185

i wish i was american so i could spend a dollar on burger
a hamburger at mcdonalds (simplest burger) is $3
hash browns are $2.50

>> No.13794188

It's just fucking laziness.
If you can read, you can cook. It may not be tasty but you won't starve. My parents, school, god didn't teach me how to cook it's just no excuse.
You're afraid to burn yourself using a range means you actually are worse than the homo erectus.
You don't have a fridge, then you're a moron
You can actually save 50% of your food budget by actually cooking your food, but it takes time, and now you have it

>> No.13794189

92% of rural folk hunt and fish and garden, meanwhile 100% of urbanites would starve from looting niggers if wal-mart closed down.

>> No.13794192

I have a feeling you're just smug pieces of shit whose cooking isn't as special as you think it is.

I've never met anyone who has claimed this that isn't an actual trained cook/chef for a living who was actually right. That doesn't mean knowing how to have some idea how to cook isn't important, but most adults don't have the time or flexibility to match the variety and taste of restaurants.

>> No.13794193

That's because your currency is worth less than ours.

>> No.13794207

i wish our currency was worth more so i would be richer and be able to buy 10 hash browns for not $25

>> No.13794262

Californian here. The dollar menu at mcd is dead here. It's three dollars for two hamburgers or mcchickens now. Breakfast burrito too.

>> No.13794287

aussie here, fire bros
$3 for 2 is better than $3 for 1, for a no meal version too
chicken snack wraps are $4, we don't have breakfast burritos

>> No.13794295

what do you mean you think it was teriyaki chicken? Do you not know what teriyaki chicken is?

You should trust the cooking time on a recipe that you get from a legitimate cooking site.
I always follow recipe's exactly and everything comes out fine.

Your problem seems to be that you don't trust the recipes you're using. I don't know why that is but I would suggest you try to google legitimate cooking recipe sites and follow recipe's exactly as they say.

>> No.13794313

i don't remember what it was cos it was years ago but it was something asian that i really liked the concept of with a dark sauce, i think it went with rice and/or was cut into small bits

it was like 5-10 minutes or something and it didn't seem right and i didn't want to get sick from undercooking it

i don't trust myself to not spaghetti it as well
what counts as legitimate cooking recipe sites
i think when i hunt for recipes i tend to go away from taste.com stuff and kind of more for recipe bloggers for some reason

>> No.13794330

I hope they die off personally. If you can't cook and didn't at least stock up on tome instant ramen you deserve it.

>> No.13794337

This is why Home Ec should be arequired course in highschool.

>> No.13794342

Nongshim Black ftw.

>> No.13794347

At least he is a nazi who can fed himself.

>> No.13794366

why are you basing your cooking skills off of something that happened years ago that you can't even remember clearly?

Again. Try following a recipe from a legitimate cooking site.
I used to go on FoodGawker and they had a lot of good recipes. Just pick out something you like and then follow it exactly. I can assure you that no one on there is under cooking chicken.
I'll be real with you. Chicken isn't easy. You should wait to get into cooking stuff with chicken in it unless you're chopping it up first into small bits because that will cook faster and you'll be able to see that it's cooked all the way.

As for spaghetti - I learned how to make this as a child. It's really simple.
All you need is ground beef, jar of pasta sauce (I would recommend red), and then pasta of your choice.

Brown some ground beef, you'll know it's cooked when it turns from red to brown and there will be some grease. You can keep the grease in the pan or you can drain it. Then cook the meat in the sauce you have.

In another pot you'll boil some water. When the water is boiling, you'll see some bubbles and you can put in the pasta. Cook the pasta until it's tender. You don't want it to be too soft so make sure to take a bite out of a piece to make sure it has good consistency.

It's always a good idea to taste what you're cooking to make sure it's how you want it. This will also help you not fuck up.

And yeah, I would recommend staying away from taste.com stuff. I hope you can make some ok spaghetti anon.

>> No.13794395

im basing my cooking skills off of it cos it's the first time i remember doing something that's actually cooking alone, everything else was with help/instruction from my dad or grandparents or low skill stuff that doesn't count

meant "spaghetti it up" as a metaphor
don't have things like ground beef rn, only meat in freezer is sausages which i could maybe just cut up and use as supplements to the soyaroni we have for some reason
thank you for spag tips though

>> No.13794407

He's right but not for those reasons

Closing restaurants is a panic measure, a couple of weeks will do nothing in the scope of the epidemia and forcibly shutting down the services industry (like restaurants) for a long time will crash the industry, send thousands of business into bankruptcy and cause hundreds of thousands of people to lose their job

It's not a sustainable measure

It's just a 'feel good' measure that companies are hopping on for the sake of virtue signalling and marketing
e.g. "wow McDonald's is shutting down for now, they're so worried about the people"

Mass quarentining doesn't work in a democracy

>> No.13794421

man are you fucking trolling or you just not even trying?
Can you at least try to speak better english? God fucking damn.

>> No.13794424

If you were too retarded to take HomeEcc / cooking in HS its your own fault. Its easy A's & you get free shit.

>> No.13794429

>Mass quarentining doesn't work in a democracy
ok but I live in a large city and people are doing this. And any time I go out, there are few people in businesses or on the street.

>> No.13794433

i didn't buy it, i think we bought it for someone else or something or just to try it
it went unused for months if that makes you feel better, we just don't have any other pasta but it and lasagna sheets

>> No.13794434

>too retarded to take HomeEcc
Fuck you. It was literally full before I could sign up cause the popular cunts in my classes were sucking dicks to get in first.

>> No.13794453
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god fucking dammit anon. I didn't know you were Australian. You shouldn't keep pasta for months, it can accumulate mites. Especially in hot climates where you live.

It sounds like you need to go shopping for real food, anon. Also, I can't really be much help any further cause I have no idea what it's like to live in Australia. Are you like 500 miles from a grocery store or something?

...and do you still live with your parents? Cause holy shit dude.

>> No.13794486

i live with my dad but i graduated in 2019 and think i'm too autistic to get through a job interview and too unskilled to keep a job
can't drive on my own cos i'm on my L plates and dad is currently not going to be home for at least 1 more day or so for basically work stuff, i can take the train or walk to a store if i stop being depressed or lazy or whatever, it's just that that's a pretty big hurdle
buying real food may be a good idea anyway
how would it get mites in a sealed plastic bag, the flour got weevils once before the pasta got mites

>> No.13794496

Yes because they're in panic mode.
It's like the toilet paper craze
Quarentine by definition is a 40-day isolation period and you can't shutdown the economy for 40 days

China is doing it because they can force people into staying inside and they have a billion-strong disposable workforce

Self-quarentine can slow the spread but it's not sustainable long term, especially since we know for a fact the virus is going nowhere and a vaccine can take up to 1 year or 2 to be developed and tested
It's just a desperate measure

>> No.13794500

I just lost The Game

>> No.13794524

>what is home ec

>> No.13794534

what the fuck are weevils??
Where I'm from, they're called mites, but they're actually a bacteria that grows on pasta. Bacteria is a living thing so they move around and shit. Once pasta has this on it, you should throw it out. Usually happens in hot climates. I used to live in Florida and that's where I saw this happen the most. I moved up north and don't have this happen anymore. But I also don't keep food that long.

Always be sure to throw stuff out. Inform your dad if he isn't aware.

Weevils sounds like some crazy aussie shit though. I googled it and it seems to be the same thing? You just have a silly word for it because you're Australian which is kind of hilarious.

I'm sorry you live on a crazy desert island, anon.

>> No.13794540

Where I live people have already been doing this for about a month. I do see some people going out - I'm obviously one of them but it's way less than the crowds I used to see.

A wild indicator was a restaurant that usually has a fucking line out the door was mostly empty on a Friday night. I have never seen that place not have a fucking line out the front door before this shit happened.

>> No.13794543
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weevils are bugs
how do you know that it's got bacteria in there
another fun aussie word is skerrick

>> No.13794574

Maybe they're not the same thing then. I had pasta in bags that were sealed and that shit just developed on there. Tossed it out.

>> No.13794604

rich white suburbs
none of that shit

>> No.13794632

>it's time for government intervention. I'm looking at you California.
What the fuck are they gonna do, sternly ask you to teach them how to boil water? How to use a skillet?

>> No.13794837

They will be weeded out.

>> No.13794840
File: 2.46 MB, 400x225, slap slap slap slap slap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>state math scores were constantly below average so home ec and shop class were canceled in favor of more math classes

>> No.13794841

I also write things like "wee lad", hope you are more based than myself

>> No.13794842

>taught to read at age 6
>go to grocery store
>read back of the box of macaroni

Bam, suddenly I know how to cook without a home economics course

Also, arent we using THE FUCKING INTERNET?

>> No.13794846

>shanghai shivers
> I'd punch your daughter straight in the mouth.
This shits gold

>> No.13794854

It's a non-issue.

You will quickly discover that when you are hungry - and I do mean HUNGRY, actually hungry - a primal fear arises. One that most people have never experienced in their life and only comes when you begin to actually starve to death.
When this happens you shall see that a person who has never touched a stove in their life and can't even break an egg will become masterfully skilled in a matter of days.

>> No.13794913

doubtful considering that people are buying all the wrong items right now.

>> No.13794951

Home ec was worthless. Just made tacos and a bag. But I did get a boating license in school, so I got that going for me.

>> No.13794955

I mean, tacos are worthwhile compared to fucking cookies and brownies like they were making at my school.

>> No.13795033

>most of us
Speak for yourself, trailer trash.

>> No.13795040

Majority of you can't do taxes much less start anything other than a fortnight video.

>> No.13795043

the millennials that don't know how to cook are just mentally retarded, it's so fucking easy to do even the most basic dish like a grilled cheese or scrambled eggs

>> No.13795053

lol @ ur life

>> No.13795059

My parents taught me to cook and there's this thing called the internet which has recipes.

>> No.13795078

It's not like people within that age range can't cook, but they're rare compared to convenience of buying meals. I think it just comes down to shitty wage slave mentality people have in the developed world. Who really wants to cook after 9-5 or whatever shift combination you have with two jobs when McDonalds is cheap as fuck in the US? You gotta be passionate about cooking to dedicate time to it specifically. Which is why it seems home cooking is still strong in eastern and southern Europe, for example.

>> No.13795087

Used to be back when women could be expected to have some useful skill.

>> No.13795103

Can confirm, I also didn't take a home ec class in Florida but I don't even know that our district offered it.

>> No.13795104
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So not only will the idiots be forced to learn how to cook food, and the fact that there isn't enough food will result in the fatties loosing weight. Doesn't sound like that big a problem to me.

>> No.13795116
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Unironically this.
TV dinners are over twice as expensive as boiling a box of pasta, which is over twice as expensive as boiling a bag of ramen. Being poor is eating bulk food out of bulk bags.

>> No.13795124
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>conservacuck can't survive for a day without a restaurant to feed him

So manly, so fit for survival

>> No.13795130

>implying cooking shouldn't be taught by your family at home and school shouldn't be about improving academic knowledge
HS dropout, maybe?

>> No.13795149

I'm not a good cook by any means but I know how to boil pasta and open a tin of tomato sauce and that's got me through 20+ years. I imagine most people are the same, and when they say "I can't cook" what they are really saying is "I am a picky eater who won't eat the food I make because I don't like how it tastes."

>> No.13795152

But that's stupid. Schools should teach important things regardless of family background. Everyone eats and uses money, therefore cooking and budgeting are essential skills for everyone.

>> No.13795153


>> No.13795165

Post timestamped physique

>> No.13795183
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I don't think my cooking is special. I just think it's better and less likely to give me indigestion than restaurants that cost as much if not exponentially more than my cooking.

For example, I managed to get 5 lbs of salmon filets for 35 bucks back when it was on sale. About 6-9 servings of fish -easy-. For reference: I just looked up what my local restaurants are selling salmon for. Judging by the photos this is probably similar farmed salmon that I have.

They sell 4-6 oz for between 16 and 22 bucks. Probably cooked in a cheap oil, adulterated with cheap fillers, and ambiguously sourced.

Sure, I could get a higher quality wild caught salmon or salmon farmed in a cushy, high regulation place like british columbia or something, but it's pretty good fish and I am eating it at 3.50 per 8 oz of fish. There is no way a restaurant would sell me the same quality of fish for even double that price.

And at the rate I'm going, in the future when I am producing my own food there will be even less restaurants that I will be interested in unless I wanna blow way too much money on it.

>> No.13795299

>tfw learned to cook from youtube

>> No.13795440

It's all good. While my grandmother taught me some basics before she passed, I basically learned from cooking shows on tv that I taped on vhs since they all played while I was in school. Fuck you, whoever scheduled for PBS in the 90s.

>> No.13795454

hey, but you learned though

>> No.13795491

>we just watched a YouTube video by Jack on how to made red lobster biscuits
You unironically watched a Cooking with Jack video as instruction on how to cook something? Dear God.

>> No.13795496

nigger even kids can be great cooks, there's a reason it was the job given to women

>> No.13795518

Hey when you got nothing you got to start some where.
When I did home ec when I was 13 I knew how to bake biscuits, cake, cook pasta sauce for scratch, noodle and eggs and also use knives and I was not good at it.
Most people in my class had not ever even boiled water in a pot, cooked eggs or pasta or held a sharp knife.
People only know how to make sandwiches unless family teaches them to cook.

>> No.13795543
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Got my kids cooking by 18 months

>> No.13795555

put it in the pot
feel like that's an easy way to end up with burns on your kid

>> No.13795560

I would assume theyre closely supervised.

>> No.13795592

Single mothers are by and large worse than being an orphan

>> No.13795774
File: 52 KB, 500x441, bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a bat peepee.

>> No.13795778


>> No.13795795


>> No.13795813

This. Not learning how to cook is a laziness cope that people who are allergic to responsibility go for, and all generations have those people.

>> No.13795923

You think that's crazy, this is also the only event where having an opinion on it is a criminal offense.

>> No.13796192

rich white suburbs here, we had home ec, shop, and CAD classes with early 3D printers.

>> No.13796193

They removed home ec from public schools because you can't trust minorities with knives. If this were a homogeneous population it would be fine and all but when you have minorities believe that they are oppressed they're gonna lash out at whitey.

>> No.13796233

Not knowing how to cook is just laziness. Pick a recipe for something you want to eat then follow it.

>> No.13796252


>> No.13796333

Why didn’t you rape him anon

>> No.13796338

That's gay as fuck you fag

>> No.13797689

it's funny how millenials think this virus will wipe out boomers when it's the millenials who will be starving to death once grub hub and door dash have to stop service

>> No.13797799

here's an ez delicious recipe for you desperate zoomers
1 small diced onion, 1 can garbanzo beans (or whatever beans you have on hand) 3-4 cloves garlic, spice mix (1tsp each cumin, coriander, paprika, black pepper, 3/4ths tsp cinnamon, 1/2tsp cayenne), 1 heaped tsp tomato paste, salt to taste
fry onions till slightly transluscent, add garlic, tomato paste, 1 can garbanzos
add spices once the beans have cooked a bit
cook until the spices have been fragrant for a bit, then serve over rice or on bread

>> No.13797803

oh yeah, make sure to drain and rinse the beans, nasty bean water is not part of the dish

>> No.13798036

isnt aquafaba a thing

>> No.13798051

I think the main problem is milenials and zoomers think every meal they eat is just that: a meal. You need a main dish, a side, and a drink at minimum. You know what I ate yesterday? A couple wheat English muffins (the only thing avaliable at my supermarket when I went), a little saucer of olive oil for dipping, a couple slices of pepperoni, some slices of fresh parmesan, and a pickle. This new generation doesn't understand that food isn't just a four course meal: it can just be some shit you throw together in order not to starve.

>> No.13798052

Schools aren't a replacement for parents. You retards who expect systems to replace everything need to fuck off.

>> No.13798090

give me your olive oil i need to finish frying my doughnuts and we're all out they're just gonna keep rising
theres definitely people out there who only eat ramen or eat more than you but with shittier food selections
idk what im saying im hungry and sleepy

>> No.13798095

I mean if you're such a useless person you can't cook food simple enough to live on, maybe you should just end it.

>> No.13798098

>Schools aren't a replacement for parents.
Please, please, tell this to your 'Merican nigger parents. They don't seem to get this concept.

>> No.13798103

This but unironically.

>> No.13798184

I'm glad corona-chan has come to kill the boomers and zoomers alike

>> No.13798424

haha you drank too much kool aid bud

>> No.13798449

>3 days before they began to cannibalize each other
When the average person can choose to fast for three weeks easily. Really makes you think.

>> No.13798474

I never cooked when I lived in singapore

>> No.13798481

Right, someone educate me, why toilet paper?

>> No.13798489

TP is physically bulky and generally demand is pretty stable, so stores don't usually stock much excess, only what they need and no more. This left no extra for when normies decided to go out larping as preppers and it snowballed from there, people buying up all they can get because there's a shortage, ignoring that it was caused by hoarding in the first place.

>> No.13798505

Chain reaction.
One or two idiots buy all of the toilet paper in a given store.
Other shoppers see that there is an apparent shortage of toilet paper, and rush to other stores to buy all of the toilet paper there.
Repeat until everyone is full-on panic hoarding.

>> No.13798514

I apologize for this anon's lack of empathy for the English language. I think what he meant is why didn't he rape you, anon.

>> No.13798517

>millenials can't cook
>twitter post is from a gen X jew that's demanding catering

>> No.13798592

Honestly cooking is so fucking easy it's ridiculous
I don't think people understand how easy it is, because they don't even try
Not to mention how much easier getting basic cooking knowledge has become with the internet, you don't even need to make your own learning mistakes anymore
For fucks sake, I mean you can get a whole chicken, rub a bit of olive oil on it, sprinkle some salt and pepper on it, shove it in the oven for 40 minutes, and you've got a delicious roast chicken that'll keep you fed for 4 days or more and takes next to no effort at all
Honestly, fuck these people

>> No.13798624

Is it true many burgers don't have ovens in there homes?

>> No.13798625

I agree, what the fuck happened to home ec? My district had everything cut because it was more important that the football team and band had the best of the best every fucking year instead of actually enriching the 90% of the school that DOESN'T do that shit. Goddamn. I was lucky to go to a middle school that still had woodshop, ceramics, a computer engineering class where we got to use 3D printers and run manufacturing simulations, 3 different foreign languages- the school cut every program and every language except 1 by the time by brother attended because of lack of funds. Our children are suffering from a poor education

>> No.13798630

Gotta eat the others before they eat you

>> No.13798633
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Made this, this morning. I could do it in my sleep.

>> No.13798634

No, everyone has ovens but most people use them as counterspace and nothing else.

>> No.13798636

He's correct in the sense that grocery stores are currently having all their shit sold super fast. I can't even imagine how much of it is going to go to waste. I'm just lucky I had a supply of TP and some pasta/beans/rice before this shit happened. Otherwise it would be really hard to just get staple foods.

>> No.13798638

Why people with assholes don't purchase a bidet astounds me. It's free ass cleaning.

>> No.13798643

I wish you fell asleep while cooking that so it could get a proper sear.

>> No.13798653

looks like death warmed over

>> No.13798655

Because I don't want to get my asshole soaking wet every time I take a dump. I don't get you bidet people- don't bring up the "blow attachment" either. I've dried my asshole with a blowdryer before, it takes time to dry up the moisture, even if you wiped your crack with a towel first, it's dry but not DRY DRY. Going from DRIPPING WET to bone dry would take forever. So that leaves you forced to have a dedicated butt-drying towel. I'd rather have toilet paper

>> No.13798661


You don't sear skinless you idiot. That entire pallet cost 4 bucks. Cooked to 165F. God you people are so fucking stupid. That'll go in sandwiches, fried rice, salsa rice. God you people are like talking to human toast.

>> No.13798669

You're a fucking freak. Use the bidet, then 2 squares of shit paper, then it's dry. You're brain damaged.

>> No.13798674
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Two sheets isn't even enough to wipe up after a tiny piss. They would break off and disintegrate and become TP soup if I tried to wipe with just two in a soaking wet butthole. Sorry dude, but I am very familiar with my ass and I know what works and what doesn't. Why are you so defensive, are you a bidet salesman?

>> No.13798690

>Who don't know how to cook
Hahahahaha How The Fuck Is Not Knowing How To Cook Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk And Apply Heat to Foodstuff Like Nigga Just Eat Wathever Comes Out Haha

>> No.13798736

Are you stealing 1 ply paper towels from public toilets?

>> No.13798743

I use normal thick TP, not charmin but it's thick

>> No.13798787

not necessarily. the euro is worth more than the us dollar, but our mcd is more expensive. there's a lot of factors involved in the price of a mcd item in a country. there's even an economical index called the big mac index, which measures the price of the big mac in usd in a country.
in russia, one big mac costs 2.04usd, in europe it's 4.74usd and in the us 5.51usd.
interestingly, there are only 2 countries with more expensive big macs than the us: switzerland and sweden, enemies of the burg.

>> No.13798799

Lol yeah when I moved out of parents I didn't know much cooking besides middle school home ec, but I learned even if it meant some really nasty mistakes (using an entire bulb of garlic instead of one clove was my most retarded mistake) but you actually have to practice it, instead of just complaining about how "the man" is forcing you to cook shit on twitter.

Back when I used to work home healthcare for old folks who were older than the damn boomers, they still cooked despite being in walkers and needing me to assist them at the supermarket. Young people have no excuse.

>> No.13798819

because of anime and vidya

>> No.13798847

They'd probably just teach how to make sugar cakes and mayonnaise macaroni oil "salads"
This is why I taught myself to cook you have no excuse

>> No.13799344

Canadian here, we don't have that

>> No.13799385

Anyone can make the most basic food and eat it and be alright. Like literally anyone can make sandwiches and pastas and such. You can boil an egg and you can scramble and egg with zero cooking skills. You can fry a variety of meats on a pan and it takes no real skill. Anyone can make rice, and you can fry the rice with meats and vegetables mixed in and it will taste good and takes zero skill. You can make beans and it’s not hard. There’s no such thing as “I can’t cook” your ass is just lazy or wrong, maybe both. Even if you fuck up cooking most the time the shit is still edible, and you can just put salt and spices on it to make it maybe suck less. This is ignoring the fact that like a ton of shit in grocery stores is just microwavable. Anyone can operate a microwave and heat up some chicken nuggets or pizza rolls or whatever. But really, it isn’t hard to cook and make food.

>> No.13799465

>Jeremy Boring
>certified account
literally who

>> No.13799476

Can't people just learn how to cook by watching youtube videos or reading articles online nowadays?

>> No.13800460

Generation sex
Elects the type of guys you wouldn't want to leave your kids with

>> No.13800471

Thick charmin is so good.

>> No.13800480

How come no one ever compliments homemade food on this board yet everyone complains about fast food posts.

>> No.13800486


The average millenial fag who cries about not being taught these skills in school is not some poorfag like you are trying to portray in your rebuttal.

>> No.13800497

He very well may have had his penis mutilated by one.

>> No.13800515

It wasn't Jews who came up with that in America, it was a fucked up Christian named Kellogg who was obsessed with children masturbating and corn flakes.

>> No.13800540

why can't boomers figure out how to use excel?

>> No.13800558


i've lost 10 pounds so far since i only eat at home now.

>> No.13800591


>> No.13800599

Cucks though they are, the BBC has a great recipe section for simple foods. follow it to the letter, you can deviate when you know how to

>> No.13800655

>people don't have food at home
Then buy food
>don't know how to cook
You don't have to cook. Grocery stores sell microwavable and frozen foods, like frozen pizza.
>grocery stores can't feed 100% of people
yes they can. Walmart is literally the biggest business in the entire world. they have the money and resources that otherwise only the US army has.

>> No.13800950

thank god someone realises that there are people in this world without a kitchen.

>> No.13801263
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>> No.13801277

How pathetic must you be to admit you don't know how to cook

>> No.13801590

Good question

>> No.13801734

Sure, if you live in Africa or India, it might be a legit problem.
But if you're American and you don't have a kitchen, it's literally a first world problem, because you are spending more money on restaurants and take-out food every year than it would cost to build a kitchen and buy a year's supply of groceries.