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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13778039 No.13778039 [Reply] [Original]

>blows up your house

>> No.13778044
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>afraid of plain ol' kerosene
lmao pussy

>> No.13778047 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13778087

Yes, gas leaks are real. Yes, they happen.
However, as long as your system wasn't put in during the '60s and hasn't been maintained since, the risk is low.

>> No.13778088

But I can scorch my chili peppers and eggplants

Worth it

>> No.13778090

Never had a problem with one, no matter how grody.

Gas ovens on the other hand are a liability.

>> No.13778091

the real downside to gas is that it's a bitch to clean, unless you have a really nice one

>> No.13778093

>Tiktiktiktiktiktiktik WOOSH

>> No.13778102

>be mouthbreathing retard
>blow up your own house
>hurr durr fuck gas

>> No.13778103

Based and onomatopoeia-pilled

>> No.13778104
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>gas stoves

>> No.13778115

This is your brain on gas stoves. Get with the times gramps. It’s all about electric stoves now

>> No.13778124

Reminder that induction is king

>> No.13778149

If it takes more than 2 ticks to light, your stove needs to be replaced.

>> No.13778176

>tiktik BOOOM
looks like you had a gas leak

>> No.13778581

Get a better portmanteau, retard.

>> No.13778606
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>slices off your fingertips

>> No.13778609
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Around gas, NEVER relax

>> No.13778614

Holy shit that sucks.

>> No.13778615

Underrated yet retarded

>> No.13778621

It’s all good man, they were only brown ppl

>> No.13778630
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>electrocutes you

>> No.13778825

Newfag spotted

>> No.13778853
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>electric stoves

>> No.13778866

I've had one with a glass top that shattered at some point. Pretty dangerous.
My brother has left the gas on once or twice. He has no sense of smell.
I've also lit my hands on fire several times, but that's what mittens are for.

>> No.13778892

I'm not sure how comforting "the risk was low" will sound when you're lying on the ground with your arms blown off.

>> No.13779072


>> No.13779105

Actually happened recently near me. Killed boomers wife and permanently disabled him

Heard it over 2 miles away

>> No.13779112


>> No.13779373

The reward > risk

>> No.13779380

None of you assholes know what mercaptan is do you?

>> No.13779385

Based gas, same as ever i suppose

>> No.13779393



>> No.13779428
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>Burns down the entire Savanna

>> No.13779430
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>ruins your stirfry

>> No.13779437

what sucks is the oven didnt rip those sheboons in half

>> No.13779444
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>wets your hand

>> No.13779536

>It’s all about electric stoves now
Which are shit.

>> No.13779550


>> No.13779556

Does anyone itt know if there's a difference in safety between the ones that are installed into your counter vs the one's that you have to plug in to your wall?

>> No.13779586

There isn't really any, in both cases you should have someone who knows what he's doing connect the gas line.

>> No.13779652

or you can just use matches

>> No.13779795

>lights your ashtray-salvage cigarette
>w-what happened to your eyebrow, anon?

>> No.13780153

lowest tier shit knives

>> No.13780181

I've been to a gas distribution station and the area surrounding the mercaptan injection part smells like an absolute nightmare.

>> No.13780714

I would happily have my house blow up if I didn't need to use these shitty electrical hobs that take ages to heat up and are impossible to cool down.

>> No.13780775

This is correct. I'm much more likely to be killed in my car everyday, then having an idiot blow himself up within twenty blocks of my house. People who are afraid of having any risk in life are genetic failures. I'll never go back to an electric coil or glass top stove.

>> No.13780795

Only a complete retard could blow themselves up using a gas stove. You have to fill your house up with massive amounts to blow it up.

>> No.13780804

Every one has a water heater and those can blow up and it doesn’t matter if they are gas or electric.

>> No.13781088

I've got an induction stove top and I still feel like you're wrong.

what have gas shills done to my brain

>> No.13781186

OP confirmed millennial faggot
>$5 in elec each time you boil water
>$10 a month to cook all the shit you want

>gas leaks are real
yeah not inside your house stupid where the lines are protected. no one, and i repeat no one has gas leaks inside their house unless you didnt hook something up correctly. and forgot to use tape for the comp fittings.
HOWEVER, there are leaks outside all the time from being exposed to the elements. Gas co came and dug up my whole yard, ripped the meter out of my basement and put it in my yard. from the time i reported smelling gas out front to when they had a bobcat digging up my yard was under an hour, it was impressive.
absolutely this. i fire roast shit all the time right on the stove, cant beat it.
also try cooking on a wok with an electric stove. imagine a flat bottom wok on an element, what a joke. i dont have a ring and it still works fucking great.
just shut up. this is 100% bullshit.
you mean to tell me that those "people" couldnt smell the gas in the air?? if they couldnt then they have must have polyps or some nasal disorder. you can smell 2pt tertiary butyl mercaptan per million thats how strong it is.
BERNOUT detected
theres always a reason for this. gas lines just dont leak on their own its always operator error
>ruins all food
electric is for cooklets. fire is for men.
same with filling up a propane tank somewhere you can smell that shit everywhere.
those have multiple failure points. gas lines are galvonized steel, once taped, sealed and fit together they will not leak if done correctly
induciton is a fucking joke meme. >>13781088 gets it. ive heard stories about people unuable to boil water because of the pulsing of the magnetic inducers. induction is for fucking retards who are afraid they might burn them selves on the heating elements.

>> No.13782152

>induction is for fucking retards who are afraid they might burn them selves on the heating elements.
Or people who don't own, nor can they get, an actual stove. And aren't allowed a butane table stove.

>> No.13783453

Hyperbole much?

>> No.13783792

Checked. Drowns in sink.

>> No.13783796

It can literally happen at any time without warning.

>> No.13783800

no one asked for your stupid ass fucking running commentary you autistic faggot

>> No.13783814


mercaptan smells like rotten eggs you fucking idiot. You smell it well before your "house blows up".

Stop being a stupid prick. It'll serve you better in life when people stop trusting your stupid opinion.

>> No.13783836

most ppl in th uk use gas.....every single day.......explosions are a rare occurence

>> No.13783842

I guess you've never heard of a supply line connector coming loose while it's in use before. Oh well, maybe you'll find out someday. Moron.

>> No.13783844


>> No.13783853

A good induction stove is unbeatable
A crappy one is just meh

>> No.13783858

>Not drinking Artisanal, free-range, cruelty-free, paleo, organic, pestecide-free, free-trade, umami, himalayan rock salted water.

Fucking Plebian.

>> No.13784059
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holy FUCK

>> No.13784177

Why did this happen and how to prevent this

>> No.13784194

3rd world shit

>> No.13784214

>had a gas stove and oven
>furnace broke
>Pulled my mattress in front of the oven, turned the oven up to max, cracked it open, and slept in front of it

That was some comfy stuff lads

>> No.13784335

There is higher chance that your gas furnace will blow your house up than the gas stove.

>> No.13784373

Gas accumulated in the gas oven and ignited from the flame of the stove. Solution is to use an electric oven.

>> No.13784381

>in the oven
So then why does the whole unit launch out of the wall instead of just blowing the door open

>> No.13784715

the best things in life are free negro

>> No.13784747

Only if you buy a bootleg regulator

>> No.13784810

It's gas in close proximity to fire. You do the math.

>> No.13784876

That is also how you cook on gas. I can't really tell if you're genuinely retarded or just pretending