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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13750748 No.13750748[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is /ck/ for or against tipping?

>> No.13750751

I kind of like tipping, but only because it is fun to complain about the existence of such an absurd practice ESPECIALLY when it is expected.

>> No.13750755

Shit people live off of tips because they don't understand that it's poor people subsidizing poor people for the benefit of the owners.

If you tip, you're destroying society.

>> No.13750756

It would be better if restaurants just paid their waiters/drivers a normal salary so that tipping was not necessary. It's awkward to just leave it up to the customer to decide how much to pay them. Tipping is a weird system. Pay the workers a regular wage for their work, and raise the menu prices a little to cover it

>> No.13750758

Why do we need to have this fucking thread at all times?

>> No.13750759

5 bucks is more than enough especially since you are probably getting a tip from everyone at the table. why do these dumbasses think they deserve 25 bucks total for bringing us some plates and refilling our drinks (less than wed like probably too)

>> No.13750763

I'm not kidding, you better not hold yourself above whores and drug dealers. You're the shit part of society that is causing corruption at the lowest level.

>> No.13750787


>> No.13750794


But that money comes from the restaurant, not the other wage slaves eating at the shitbox establishment. You're turning an 'externality' into a cost.

When you piss PCBs into the environment, but make 20 million dollars, that's good business. The external costs don't effect your business.

>> No.13750799

That is technically called a common tragedy.

>> No.13750800

Everyone here is going to die from the metrics of corporatism. You will not defeat it before it kills 90% of you off. I'm glad I'll die before I see the worst of it, but you're all fucked. The worst part is spared to me and the worst part is watching you idiots flail trying to explain why things happen.

>> No.13750820

Are there any other industries where tipping-like practices occur?

I don't understand, when I go to a restaurant, the cost involves the ingredients, the chefs labor, the owners costs, everything... except the cost of the person taking the order and bringing me the food? Why would that one person be excluded?

>> No.13750830

tipping is voluntary you white slut
now get those juicy lips around my BBC

>> No.13750843

>work at bar playing in band
>bring over 40 people
>literal existence for this bar's survival
>spend two beer tickets
>buy more beer
>tip 1$ a beer
>play good show
>go to bar
>buy more beer
>end of night
>everyone leaving
>ask bartender girl for tequila shot for the road
>"oh shit, I only have 3.75$, i dont want to break my 20, will that do?"
>"What do you think this is? A barter? How do you think this works?"
>"Well... no, but when someone works for you and is an employee we usually get a break..., especially since I tipped you for every drink tonight"
>"That's not how it works here"
>takes my tiny shot away
>"holy fuck, fine"
>give her my 20
>gives me back my change
>i count it loudly in front of her
>"Got to make sure you didn't jip me, normally don't deal with cheapskates. ill let rob know you how awesome you've been, sweetie."
>tell rob, owner, while outside the bartendie didn't give me a shot for 3.75
>he storms towards the bar
>pours me a double shot
>tendie gets mad
>"so how much did we make tonight? brought more people than last time right?"
>brought over 40 people
>"hah yeah, sold at least over 4,500 tonight compared to the normal 1,500 right off band nights right?"
>"yeah... thanks man, ill hit you up again"

Tipping is for faggots

>tip weed driver
>"oh okay, cool"
>next delivery
>guy is mad, and less weed than before
>think "hmm, okay maybe tipping is offensive"
>don't tip anymore
>even more mad everytime
>new driver
>"did the last driver tell you to tip?"
>"well he told at least 5 people to tip because we require it now, and we had to fire him for lying"
>"yeah, you dont need to tip"
>open weed
>way more than usual
>order again next week
>same guy
>turns out he was robbing people too

>> No.13750848


>> No.13750884

Have you ever done the deenz song on stage or was it just for us?

>> No.13750898

alright all you faggot wagecucks, explain to me this:

Meal 1
>3 items
>total cost of 100

Meal 2
>3 items
>total cost of $50

Now if someone can give me a coherent reasoning as to why you deserve $15 extra for the first one and only $7.5 for the second, I'd love to hear it. Until then, I'll tip based on number of items ordered ($2 per each) and nothing else.

>> No.13750901

If they were on a wage they wouldn't need tips. They're less than wagecucks. They're beggars.

>> No.13750902

Tip the chefs instead.

>> No.13750975

i don't eat out and hope everyone ends up in the gutter

>> No.13751004

The thing is, the labor market in 2020 is actually really tight, so a lot of servers are making $15/hour base pay because anything lower isn't competitive in the current job market. Even here in the shithole deep south, I see people at Applebee's and shit getting paid $12-14/hour starting with regular pay bumps.

The whole, "we're poor waitstaff pls tip uwu" is a high-level grift because it takes advantage of our perceptions of how the job was paid ten years ago to guilt us into giving them more money that they don't necessarily need.

>> No.13751010

america lol

>> No.13751028

Wow, their contribution to taxes must be immense. Based waitstaff.

>> No.13751044

At $15/hour, they're still only making ~$30k a year before taxes which puts them in the lowest tax bracket. Add the generous individual deduction, deductions for the single mothers with their bastard children who make up a lot of waitstaff, and other tax credits, and they're probably not paying much in taxes.

Oh, and they don't report their tips either. I dated a waitress recently. She had a fat wad of cash in her night stand because she didn't want the IRS to know she was pulling in >$200 in tips a week in addition to her $15/hour wage.

>> No.13751057

For me, against. Its pathetic, employers should pay their employees properly in the first place and not put their bullshit lack of paying their people up to the customers. The USA is pretty fucked up that way.

>> No.13751071

I'd really rather have the damn bill in the first place instead of having to "tip" like a fucking moron. If these fuckers can't pay their own employees then why put it on me?

>> No.13751077

based retard

>> No.13751080

There is a misconception intentionally spread by people in the service industry that the minimum wage is somehow lower for people who wait tables. It isn't. If they're not making at least minimum wage from base pay plus tips, their employer has to make up the difference.

Seriously, if you're not trying to flaunt your social status by tipping generously, then there's no reason to tip at all. The only reason I do it is because it's a socially acceptable way to flaunt your socioeconomic status in front of women without coming off as a douchebag.

>> No.13751090

against, it should be abolished but it's something you have to deal with. I hate people who don't tip anyways cause its always black people or teenagers

>> No.13751106

Unfortunately that's the law, the minimum wage is lower for restaurant employees, so they "expect" "tips." I think that's wrong but until the laws change it'll be that way.

>> No.13751107

$200 a week would really have made a huge difference to her tax liability? That actually sounds pretty sad.

>> No.13751113

Shut the fuck up, you faggots force 15% gratuity

>> No.13751115

No, dude, the law is that if servers make below minimum after tips, the restaurant has to pay them more to make up the difference. Reading comprehension, faggot.

>> No.13751116

I think it's 18% on parties of six or more.
Sad shit.

>> No.13751120

That is state law in many places, but it is not federal law

>> No.13751122

Nope, you've got it wrong.
Look up the laws by state and locality, like by county.

>> No.13751140
File: 103 KB, 1023x453, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally federal law you niggers. Stop falling for the waitstaff grift.

>> No.13751163

I only tip men. If women can't figure out a better way to get paid than food service, they don't deserve my money.

>> No.13751170

holy based!

>> No.13751242

Walking from the service counter to the table isn't anything worth being tipped for. Actually preparing the food takes more effort. Preparing the food takes more effort, unless you'e going to some garbage diner.

>> No.13751365

i tend to tip 15% to 20%, but i never exceed $10 in tipping

>> No.13751368

Here's a tip: get a better job!

>> No.13751391

If you say you'll give them a 300% tip if they give you a blowjob they'll usually throw you out immediately and you don't have to pay at all, but when they accept that's good too.

>> No.13751395

sounds like you're just gay

>> No.13751456
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yes, I always take my time to enter the kitchen and tip the line cooks for making my meal

>> No.13751463

That anon put it quite right.

>> No.13751465

Not the guy you're quoting but that's how brackets work anon. 200 a week with let's say 4.5 weeks per month so 900 a month in tip so 10800 a year. Yeah that can definitely make you go up.

>> No.13751467

No it's not federal law, why don't you quote that so called bullshit law.

>> No.13751468

You're the one that's a nigger for not knowing law.

>> No.13751469

>friend makes more money from tips as a part-time waiter only working saturday and sunday than my minimum wage job
Fuck tipping and people doing that. The waiter has to be exceptionally good for a tip, being a passive-aggressive bitch after every questing sure as hell won't make me shill out some bucks.

>> No.13751474

That's bullshit and you know it. I've been making more money since I was right out of school than idiots making "tips" in the USA, they can piss the fuck off.

>> No.13751477

>allowing your employers to shrift you for wages
>whining about the guy who tells you you got fucked over on a Mongolian flower-arranging forum
Unless you're a specific kind of religious weirdo, you're entitled to at least $7.25/hour. The law is very clear.

>> No.13751481

I really couldn't care about so called "waiter" or "waitress" types. They can piss the fuck off because they're useless to me.

>> No.13751484

200€ from tips over 6h on a night without having to pay taxes seems pretty fucked up.

>> No.13751489

americans need to stop doing this shit before all the rest of the sane world are expected to tip too

>> No.13751490

Holy fuck you people dont understand marginal tax rates

>> No.13751493

Apparently you're an asshole. Are you an entitled nigger or something? I've been making more money than that since I was in like 5th grade or such. Why are you such a moron?

>> No.13751495

"entitled niggers"

>> No.13751496

Mouthbreathing retards whose only useful skill is bringing plates to tables don't deserve more than minimum wage. Maybe you should have stayed in school, slut.

>> No.13751500

You didn't read what I wrote did you?
I guess reading is too complicated for you. You're not useful and will deal with minimum wage for the rest of your life.

>> No.13751502

I make $40/hour as a college dropout, roastie. Acquire some useful skills or accept that your only value is as a dumb babymaker.

>> No.13751503

Is that all? You sad sack of shit.

>> No.13751506

It's more than enough to own my own house and start a family. Maybe if you actually did what you're supposed to do, you wouldn't be a sad shitpoter with ovaries full of rotten eggs.

>> No.13751507

You should try about $300 or so USD right out of school. I did that, why can't you?

>> No.13751508

So you're the baby pumper? GTFO!

>> No.13751509

You can't do $300/hr right out of school, whats your major malfunction?

>> No.13751512

I could, but I refuse to work in an office. $40/hour lets me stay at home and play videogames all day while still being present in the lives of my children.

>> No.13751515

Keep saying that but you're a cheap whoar. I can pick and choose and have been able since I was a little kid. That said I make more than $40/hr, now suck my D.

>> No.13751516

$40/hr for your age is pretty lame, deal with it.

>> No.13751519

You don't even know how old I am lol

>> No.13751521

I don't want to know you creepy festering fuck.

>> No.13751522

BOH should get a cut of the tips, we do all the fucking work. Making 10 bucks an hour cooking and cleaning and washing dishes and these entitled bitches have the audacity to come back to the kitchen and whine to US about bad tips when they easily make 200-300 bucks a night to look cute and move plates for a 5 hour shift. Fuck I hate most servers. Scum of the earth.

>> No.13751526

Just work at a place with a tipsharing arrangement bruh. Enjoy the JUST'd expression on the roastie's face as you take some of her tip money and use it for vidya instead of for raising Jamal's bastard like she wanted.

>> No.13751532

D00D, you have issues!

>> No.13751534

Someone might like this.
David Bowie, Station to Station

>> No.13751540

Where do you get this retard level "roastie" shit from? Is it from reddit or do you just make it up like a retard?

>> No.13751549

It's a /pol/ meme. Reddit would call it sexist.

>> No.13751558

Like some democrat scumbucks from california, the basic useless morons.

>> No.13751561

damn you're badass

>> No.13751592
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thanks faggot

>> No.13751699

Absolutely against. Then again you're not supposed to tip in my country