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13732776 No.13732776[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>A vegan mother says she was left "traumatised" after being served a chicken burger at a London KFC branch instead of their plant-based version.

Vanessa Franco also says staff at the Pollards Hill restaurant laughed at her when she complained - leaving her feeling "humiliated".

The mum-of-one had headed to the south London KFC to sample their new plant-based burger that mimics chicken. The vegan option features Quorn fillets that have been smothered in the Colonel’s Original Recipe mix of herbs and spices, with vegan mayonnaise.

But after three bites, Vanessa says she could tell something wasn't right.
Realising the texture was far more chicken-like than she expected, the life-long vegetarian drove back to the restaurant.

Vanessa asked staff to confirm if the burger was actually vegan.
She says a manager handed her a vegan burger, but failed to apologise. He then allegedly told her: "You should have known it wasn't chicken."

Vanessa added: "All of the staff stood there staring at me. I felt humiliated and have been left traumatised due to not only a life style choice but also religion being broken and made fun of."
>"I was speechless and can’t express how disgusting their customer service was".

A spokesperson for KFC said: "This isn’t great and we’re really sorry for what happened here.

>"Our vegan burger launched last month and we took its arrival seriously – putting strict new processes in place to make sure it’s served properly, including the use of separate coloured tongs and storage units.

>"We’re following up with the team to remind them of the importance of getting this right and will be offering the guest a free meal on us to put things right."

>> No.13732784

It's KFC. Every single one I've been to have been staffed by the worst people. This isn't shocking.

>> No.13732799

Wtf i love kfc now.

>> No.13732798

just a little fast food prank innit

>> No.13732800

Yeah KFC is shit and so is their fried chicken and coleslaw. It is garbage. Both are much better homemade, but I know op is just some faggot trying to get under people's skin.

>> No.13732808

did they laugh or did they stare at her? make your mind up you dumb inconsistent bitch

>> No.13732812

>but also religion being broken
what religion doesn't let you eat meat/chicken?

>> No.13732813

>Vegan mum traumatised

>> No.13732816


>> No.13732822

Who the fuck cares? This isn't headline news, faggot.

>> No.13732826

Durr hurr vegans bad


>> No.13732836

>strict new processes in place to make sure it’s served properly, including the use of separate coloured tongs and storage units
No wonder the employees would despise and mock her.

>> No.13732845

Chink kfc is absolutely based, even the shittiest workers at 2 am on weekdays are better than the best of the assholes staffing it in the west
Yes you can, some believers/sects choose not to

>> No.13732872
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This is obviously just MSM promoting Veganism with a made-up story. Doesn't anyone ever wonder why 100% of the "news" is about vegans and transexuals???

>> No.13732877

Good for them, but this happened in London, so I don't think that applies here anon.

>> No.13732878

No, you're an idiot. Vegans routinely order chicken fucking sandwiches from KFC (their favorite vegan restaurant.)

>> No.13732887

why is her motherhood relevant

>> No.13732890

probably some hippie

>> No.13732892

I'm more annoyed that we live in a world where getting the wrong order at the drive through is newsworthy

>> No.13732893
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And furthermore if this healthy robust looking person is a vegan then I'm Mahatma gandhi.

Look at her healthy cheeks and eyes. That is absolutely 100% not what vegans look like, unless she "went vegan" for this ((((MSM supported publicity stunt)))) five minutes before going to kfc.

Pic related is a IRL vegan.

>> No.13732896

Fuck off massive tripcode faggot.

>> No.13732900

why dont you write a news article about it Lottie

>> No.13732906

>vegan person
>eats at a place where the majority of the their products isnt vegan

fucking dumbass

>> No.13732920 [DELETED] 
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>is a stupid shitskin

>> No.13732922
File: 1.23 MB, 1300x1800, Thriving Vegans 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing noteworthy about this fake news "story" promoting the vegan cult, s that the supposed "vegan" "victim" in this "story" is obviously not vegan.

Evidently nobody who reads this publication ((((the sun)))) nor anyone who reads it knows what vegans look like IRL.

>> No.13732950

Jesus. Even if this is fake it's an accurate representation of "the vegan". I've seen a vegan yell at a waiter because the cook sprinkled non vegan parmesan on her dish. A normal person that received something they didnt want would simply say it's not
what they wanted and send it back or just eat it anyway. But this woman felt personally attacked and felt it was her duty to scream at the 17 year old that was just trying to make a few bucks. I get not all vegans are crazy but it seems that the label is enough to make people fucking insane.

>> No.13732957
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>I get not all vegans are crazy

How wrong you are!

>> No.13732960

Damn the guy on the top left in that image is a vegan? Fucking yuck, time for me to stop being vegan I guess

>> No.13732976
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He's not vegan, his eyes are too healthy looking to be a vegan.

Here are vegan eyes for a reference.

>> No.13733009

What is your opinion on impossible whopper

>> No.13733013

>Life-long vegan
>Knows it was too chicken-like

>> No.13733037

I'm guessing she's unemployed if the only title they can give her is mum

>> No.13733047
File: 432 KB, 1280x800, 1583027721371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All mock-meats are incredibly unhealthy. Prominent vegan advocates pamela popper and Dr joél khan both 'hinted' the same thing, but not directly.

Vegan nutritionist Hench Herbivore blatantly declared mock meat "unhealthy." Shocking honesty, most vegans will ignore their fair warning and consume mock-meat items.

>> No.13733064
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>Prominent vegan advocates pamela popper and Dr joél khan both 'hinted' the same thing, but not directly.

By this i mean that popper and khan both admitted that ultra-processed artificial foods are very unhealthy, but they wouldn't specifically say they were talking about impossible meat, while Hench Herbivore said "unhealthy mock meat" directly, making himself more legit as a nutritionist, but risking the wrath of the vegan cult.

>> No.13733095

Based poster.

>> No.13733124
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tks bru

>> No.13733235

she cute

>> No.13733358

>including the use of separate coloured tongs and storage units.
Why do vegans insist on things like this if they're concerned about their impact on the environment?

It's not a food allergy. They're wasting resources just to satisfy their ego.

>> No.13733370

Man, imagine being named Lottie Tiplady-Bishop.

>> No.13733381

Personally I think vegans are annoying and I don't agree with their way of life but this is a scumbag move. Even if she is dumb as fuck for eating there in the first place.

>> No.13733388 [DELETED] 
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That's what happens when you staff your restaurant with niggers who didn't graduate high school.

We all know it

>> No.13733399

Agree 100%
Fucking with someone's food isn't acceptable no matter how much of a new age hippie they are
However, contacting the media and saying she was "traumatised" by it makes her almost as bad.

>> No.13733405

Yeah that is a recipe for disaster.

Some intoxicated, apathetic chav will mistake the vegan tong for the nut allergy tong and end up killing someone.

>> No.13733407

>vegan mum
i believe they meant to type mutt

>> No.13733421

hindus can eat meat just not cows

>> No.13733432

I almost posted a rant about people starting with the N word but the. I remembered I’m on ck and the jannies on here are fags. Anyways the people who work at kfc are the lowest on the fast food totem pole, they are most likely of a darker complexion as well and thus less likely to give even semi tolerable service. Bitch should have known to check that shit.

>> No.13733445
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>the sun

>> No.13733472

>vegan mum
Impossible. Vegans can't get pregnant. Sperm is an animal product.

>> No.13733475

read the fucking shit, it says it right there
>the life-long vegetarian

100% of her just thinking that she is setting a good example for her kid by claiming "life long vegetarian"
She got her first decent meal in months and returned back to complain about it only because she is broke and she knew that there was a scandal to be had from this.

>> No.13733551 [DELETED] 

Reminder that subhuman vegans made mcdicks change from beef tallow to disgusting vegetables oil for their fries. Vegans want u to suffer and die and I hope every vegan gets gang raped by a pack of feral niggers. God willing

>> No.13733561

Under the slightest provocation, the vegan outs itself. Also if you’re under strict religious reasons to not eat meat, why in the Kentucky fried fuck would you go to kfc of all places?

>> No.13733597

>A normal person that received something they didnt want would simply say it's not what they wanted and send it back or just eat it anyway.
I disagree here. I can see a lax vegetarian-ish person reacting like that. Vegan is by default someone emotionally invested into not eating meat so an "overreaction" is to be expected.
And while I see that screaming about dish instead of just asking to fix it is dumb, the story in OP has me on the vegan's side.
I can easily see her shock being comparable to something like person with severe food allergies realizing they just ate something they explicitly asked to be removed. Or, another fun comparison, would be realizing that the meat you were served were actually human meat.

If the story is not exaggerated it's kinda fucked up.

>> No.13733605

Brahmin can't.

>> No.13733617

Bong “”””women”””” look like this, but they have the audacity to call Americans mutts?

>> No.13733624

Christians because it's lent, dumb dumb.

>> No.13733630

this article is confusing me. at some points it looks like it's saying the burger wasn't chicken? the sun is fucking bad.

>> No.13733632

You think this place has a lot of female British posters?

>> No.13733636

Depends on who yoy ask but they just come up with some bullshit loophole to eat meat anyways.

>> No.13733649

You've noticed that this attractive woman is somewhat brown but have you noticed that the average American woman is morbidly obese?

>> No.13733671

Realistically McDs changed because vegetable oil is way cheaper. But they wouldn't say that, so they claimed it was for health reasons.

>> No.13733677

>"being vegan is like a religion"

There you have it.

>> No.13733737

Cant eat meat on Fridays during Lent. She possibly gave up meat altogether for Lent

>> No.13733751

>moving goalposts
Classic euromutt coping mechanism.

>> No.13733768

All you're doing is parroting some 5th party source, aka, a screenshot of some asshole reading girlymag headlines without doing any digging

real talk
fake meat is probably just as healthy as real meat, but people don't eat fake meat because it's better for human nutrition

>> No.13733782

>You're not doing any digging
Opinion discarded

>> No.13733798

Nooooo, it was da joo- I mean da veganns!

>> No.13733805

based KFC staff dabbing on vegan faggots

>> No.13733816

I was in Greggs last month and asked for a Cheese'n'Onion pasty as I'm vegetarian.
They gave me a steak bake instead by mistake.
I didn't call the news stations.
I didn't call the newspapers.
I didn't call anyone.
I simply asked if they could rectify their mistake, without wishing to get 'oppression gibs'.
I'm a straight white Christian male btw.

>> No.13733960

Congratulations incel, youre a true US-american hero.

>> No.13733976

>I'm going to go vegan because muh health benefits
>Goes to KFC anyway
Retards like this need to be sterilized

>> No.13733993 [DELETED] 

that "mum" looks like she's 15
and of course she's a shitskin

>> No.13734022


>> No.13734024

that steak bake probably got tossed into the trash, you are a vegan who just indirectly wasted meat, blood is on your hands. a million dead baby cows prolly

>> No.13734035
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you're also trash and you knew no one was going to fucking care about your inbred mouthbreathing ass

>> No.13734037

Does Americans really get traumatised over chicken?

>> No.13734044


>> No.13734047

Fuck this hate-mongering website.

>> No.13734065

better head on over to a moderated safe space, faggot.

>> No.13734083

Why, you fuckin scared?

>> No.13734095

This was in the UK.

>> No.13734096

What a poofter.

>> No.13734115

Pity they were out of cyanide burgers.

>> No.13734185

Stop spewing hate

>> No.13734219

>south london
scum, absolute scum. i hope they bioweapon that whole shithole and remove whatever cultural artifacts are left over once everything moving stops.

>> No.13734225


>> No.13734239

Stop spewing hate. Period.

>> No.13734254

anyone with a hyphenated last name is guaranteed to be bad news.

>> No.13734262

Any Christian who would be animatedly upset at accidentally eating a non-lenten food has missed the entire point, badly. It's not a justification for a rude remark, let alone calling up the media. It's justification for a smile and a thank you. Vegans aren't people.

>> No.13734288
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Die in an acid attack you neutered faggot nigger.

>> No.13734302

Vanessa says she could tell something wasn't right.
Realising the texture was far more chicken-like than she expected, the life-long vegetarian drove back to the restaurant.



>> No.13734310


>> No.13734312

Stop spewing hate.

>> No.13734314

>lifelong vegan
>"I could tell the texture was far more chicken-like than fake chicken"
How could you tell unless you've had chicken in your life? She probably thought "this taste to good, this must be real chicken". When she would have thought "wow, this vegan fake chicken meat is really good compared to the others!"

>> No.13734318

normie get off my board

>> No.13734334

Stop spewing hate.

>> No.13734356
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>> No.13734377

Stop hating spew.

>> No.13734463

Based up until your identity politicking, kike on a stick, etc.

>> No.13734508
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