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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 223 KB, 650x400, epic-meal-time-cookbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13716075 No.13716075 [Reply] [Original]

What went so wrong?

>> No.13716076

The gag got tired and played out

>> No.13716078

Their shtik got old really fast.

>> No.13716085

didnt the guy with the beard fire the other guys because he wanted more money

>> No.13716086
File: 59 KB, 215x202, Screenshot 2020-02-27 at 09.01.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally the point at which it "went so wrong."

>> No.13716087

>bacon flip and bacon flip and bacon flip and bacon flip and bacon flip and bacon flip and bacon flip and bacon flip and bacon flip and bacon flip and bacon flip and bacon flip and bacon flip and bacon flip and bacon flip and bacon flip and bacon flip and bacon flip and bacon flip and bacon flip and bacon flip and bacon flip and bacon flip and bacon flip and bacon flip
Their food was always mediocre at best, and usually just made out of shit.

>> No.13716092

Muscle glasses left.

>> No.13716096

All I know the guy that actually knew how to cook went his own way and you'll notice the quality if there ever was any went straight down.

>> No.13716100

His name is Haley Morenstein, so that seems unlikely

>> No.13716101

too much facial hair

>> No.13716105

I was still in college when they started out and I'll admit I liked their creations at first. Mostly cause of the gimmick that they work out a lot to sweat that shit out. Then they got rounder and it became apparent they let themselves go at which point it went from based to sad.

>> No.13716119

it was funny for the one video and they went and decided to make a second one

>> No.13716134

The basic concept was wrong to begin with. Going any wronger is of no interest to me, and should not be to anybody else.

>> No.13716141

The first video was literally a frozen pizza with burger an fries topping. I'd say the fast food lasagna was the pinnacle of their channel then it went straight down.

>> No.13716149

>just a few dudes get tipsy and make drunk food
It was fun until they had to tryhard, you being the health police makes you look dumb.

>> No.13716151

I'll admit, I watched their early videos, but I'd never recreate or eat any of the garbage that they made. I can't tell if it was entertainment or morbid curiosity. After Muscles Glasses left, I kind of tuned out. Not because I cared about him in the slightest, but when a group of "foodies" loses one of their group, you know the content is just going to become worse than it already was.

>> No.13716154

You just outed yourself as a sad and pathetic normalfag. That is not fun at all.

>> No.13716159
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>> No.13716161

You sound like the willingly sober guy at a party, not even the quiet one, the guy that makes it a topic why you should stop drinking alcohol because you can have fun without it until you get asked to leave or punched in the throat. I'm spot on aren't I?

>> No.13716165
File: 40 KB, 600x600, EAE8C643-9335-4E6B-AFDB-CCBB15B374C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shock value wore off.

>> No.13716168

Me and my roommate tried to make a breakfast fortress minus the alcohol. It was fun. Some things tasted better than others. The bread thing was the best.

>> No.13716196

besides that they did really really tried their hardest to sell out
which was still seen as sort of okay by most normies

>> No.13716212


The dude takes pride in not knowing how to cook. He has said several times he's the most watched cooking channel on youtube and he doesn't know how to cook.

Very apparent because the show boils down to "Make something the biggest it's ever been OR combine several unlikely things into one big thing."

If he actually enjoyed cooking and learned different things about it I have no doubt the quality would have improved. They could have pushed the boundary on convention rather than "DUDE THATS THE BIGGEST BURRITO STUFFED WITH MACDONALDS IVE EVER SEEN."

That and they came out at a crucial time when all the different food chains were trying to be like subway and everything was focused on being good for you(never really went away.) It was a counter-culture experience.

>> No.13716213

When they first came out, the EPIC/XTREME/normal-thing-done-completely-over-the-top memes were already in their dying days. Stuff like Cracked and Maddox had sucked that well dry by then. It’s surprisingly EMT got as big as they did, really.

>> No.13716221

Need I say more?

>> No.13716224

Subway isn't healthy though

>> No.13716245


You're probably too young to remember what pre-subway fast food marketing was like.

Literally NO ONE cared about how healthy or good food was for you while eating out. Subway's marketing of Jared completely changed the game in a profound way. Everyone had to have "healthy options" McDonalds started serving apple slices for God's sake. It really started to become a huge trend and everyone focused on eating healthy even when eating at shitty places that are only designed for unhealthy fucks.

It's not about whether or not the food is ACTUALLY good for you, it's entirely the marketing.

>> No.13716255

Subway indeed tricked many people into thinking it was a healthy choice. Do you not remember how successful the Jared ad campaign was?

>> No.13716259

The issue was that it contributes to the wasteful and hedonic postmodern era

>> No.13716260

>What went so wrong?
youtube has moved way beyond food. it's not a big earner anymore.

>> No.13716265

There was no Subway in my country, not even 3 years ago

>> No.13716278


Go poo in loo.

>> No.13716281

Who the fuck at a party would punch somebody in the throat for being sober? Are you like the absolute doucheiest of frat bros or something?

>> No.13716285

Not from India, try again.

>> No.13716286

Depends how annoying you are.

>> No.13716287


Insecure soiboi who hates that some people don't need to be cucked by alcohol to have a good time.

>> No.13716290

go back to the goat shack, sandnigger

>> No.13716302

Not from the middle east either, keep trying.

>> No.13716328
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At least Regular Ordinary Swedish Meal Time stopped while is was good and Epic Meal Time Should have done the same

>> No.13716337


>> No.13716348

They endorsed Google+, and after that everyone knew they were shills in it entirely for the money.

>> No.13716349

1) They were running out of interesting ideas.
2) Harley jewed his friends out of sharing the cash, he pushed away Elkin who was the actual brains of the operation.
Combine 1 + 2 and you arrive at "what went so wrong".

>> No.13716351

You're getting closer. I am from Europe though.

>> No.13716354


>> No.13716366

I'll give you a hint. We use these š, č, ž

>> No.13716374

>man screams
>butters pan with foot

>> No.13716379


Although I think that most of the eastern euros had subway already

>> No.13716385

I still can't believe they didn't edit out the part where he goes to a McDonalds drive-thru asks for a mcmuffin with "the pink meat disk" because he didn't know what ham was.

>> No.13716386

A bit west. We don't even have a KFC.

>> No.13716388

Czech'em Republic?

>> No.13716397

You went north. The joke was we don't have KFC even though we live in a chicken.

>> No.13716400

At least I got dubs, tho
I'm done guessing. I'm not even the guy you had the argument with lol

>> No.13716403

Slovenija it is.

>> No.13716404


>> No.13716406
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Then it shall remain a mystery

>> No.13716407

There's only so much "OMG so eXtreme" cooking that's tolerable. Plus, their hipster style is insufferable. Plus, their early, good videos (e.g., Thanksgiving) wasn't in HD, so fuck that.

>> No.13716411

Fuck me i never thought Slovenia looked like a chicken

>> No.13716414

Dunno, the non HD gave them SOUL. The newest ones may have had all the tech in world but were PEAK SOULLESS

>> No.13716422
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It's been a running gag among locals since forever

>> No.13716454

Thanks for teaching me something friend

>> No.13716572


>> No.13716576


It's in plain sight OP, some conniving kike ruined it, just like everything else.

>> No.13716609

He was the one that started it too, how does that fit the equation?

>> No.13716634

the jew ran the others off

>> No.13716638

Yeah most of the stuff like this is funny for one or two videos, but I don't understand how people can keep watching everything they put out.

>> No.13716650


also it's not very funny if you're over the age of 22

>> No.13716674

As far as I heard Muscles Glasses quit for bodybuilding reasons. Josh (the cook) got a cooking show or something. Stopped watching after that

>> No.13716681


>> No.13716711

since when we have š, č, ž?

>> No.13716738

Ever since Rudolf Majster added Prekmurje to Slovenian clay.

>> No.13716757

It was multiple things that all happened at the same time most of which has already been mentioned in this thread
The lead guy jewed everyone else while trying to sellout and shill with the success causing everyone else who actually made the program mildly entertaining to leave right as the same jokes were getting old (which would have been fine if they thought to change up the format somewhat to keep things fresh) so the viewer count fell off a cliff in addition to that among the ones that left were the guy who actually cooked (I think Jake or Josh was his name) and Musclesglasses who was a notable personality in the group leaving behind a bunch of average bearded nobodies and Haley who can't cook for shit so instead of getting more creative or challenging they started buying stuff from fast food restaurants (also an attempt to tie in shilling) leading to them having to go back to the dry well for content. Haley went on to actually make alot of movie industry friends oddly enough and guest stars places here and there but it was s flash in the pan that he tried to capitalize on and failed horribly at

>> No.13716770

Josh>Muscles>>>>>Tyler>Atari>Stein>literal whos
Should've wrapped up after Josh left.

>> No.13716779

>7.1 million subs
>most vids can't even break 100k views

>> No.13716798
File: 2.18 MB, 3140x4000, 1577307101186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why 22 specifically?

>> No.13716886


>> No.13716927

Muscle glasses

>> No.13717068

He either didn't pay the other guys their fair share and they left, or he stopped paying them altogether.
Muscles Glasses was the most likable guy on the show and he left cuz of the above.
Also there's only so many times you can wrap shit in bacon before you start running out of ideas and selling out.

>> No.13717097

Because it mostly appeals to college bros.

>> No.13717102
File: 535 KB, 1140x700, 1561215620969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haley Morenstein made his own brand jerky and apparently it was awful

>> No.13717119

Compare their donut video to Alvin Zhou's donut video:


Not only is theirs smaller, they half assed it in an oven. Theyve simply been outdone by producers who put more effort into their content

>> No.13717151

What's wrong with muscles? Even bacon is enjoyed by many. I get the dagnels meme.

>> No.13717171

How does it not? By starting something do you mean he had an idea? Because the show itself was comprised of the original cast, he just happened to have an idea. Are you a conniving kike by any chance?

>> No.13717190

Judaism kicked in

>> No.13717217

one hit wonder tries to make an album

>> No.13717241

No, I'm just saying, according to the cast he composed cooking ideas.

>> No.13717252
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The internet moved on. They didn't.

>> No.13717279

I felt the same way about Is It a Good Idea to Microwave This.

>> No.13717290

the only thing sadder than watching joey shit himself in his car while eating fast food is watching new epic meal time videos

>> No.13717340 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 820x245, (((elkin))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13717366

Think about it Stein used to be a teacher but quit.

>> No.13717391

We have KFC and Subway my man. Sure, only 1 of each, but we do. They’re both shit, just like mcd.

>> No.13717400

They got famous and let it make them lazy and disgusting and their shtick was running out of steam. Mukbangs were a thing after a while which further killed their shock-value.

I think someone also laid an unwelcome hand on one of the skanks on the show and had a legal issue with that too. It was a meme that enjoyed it's 15 minutes of internet fame. Let it die with grace.

>> No.13717408

When did we get a KFC, last I heard people were going to Zagreb for chicken.

>> No.13717413

We have KFC in Maribor. I went once. It was the greasiest meal I have ever had in my life. I hate fast food anyway, but that was fucking atrocious. Subway in Maribor closed down because noone wanted to eat such garbage, but I believe the one in Ljubljana is still open.

>> No.13717428

Yeah like I said, the one in Ljubljana still works. I guess Ljubljana has enough foreigners and tourists that want to eat this garbage.
facebook /subwayslovenija

>> No.13717461


>> No.13717467

You've obviously never been to Šnicel King

>> No.13717544

Because the person who made that post is 23.

>> No.13717577
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Good old Lone Star. I live a few blocks from the brewery.... the beer isn't anything special... I'd rather drink the river water

>> No.13717919

Oy vey! pure coincidence

>> No.13719425

university/college students cant fucking afford to buy $70 bottles of Jack Dagnels.
They drink $9 gallon bags of wine straight from the box instead.
maaaaaayyyyyyyybbbbeeeeee a case of beer after payday.

>> No.13719431

Epic manly bacon time

>> No.13719462

Mass adoption of the wireless internet.

>> No.13719474

i have no idea what youre talking about but fina look it up senpai

>> No.13719480

>Over 7 million subs
>all the latest videos have nearly 100k views
Nothing went wrong. How can a single trick circus act even survive for this long?
They are doing fucking great taking all things to consideration if you ask me.

>> No.13719519

i miss muscles glasses, maybe coincidence but that was peak enjoyment

>> No.13719541 [DELETED] 
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>extreme greed
>people not getting a fair share and leaving
>got rich of the bitches eating food
>eventually turned into some kind of sellout version of itself with the original crew not even in the videos
It was a lot of fun at first, but then the usual shit killed it off. Not really surprising though considering the cast.

>> No.13719970

The joke is Orban keeps dreaming about greater Hungary. That includes a part in Slovenia, where those letters are used obviously. So theoretically according to Orban Hungary uses em. Rudolf Majster was the guy in charge that won that part of clay for Slovenia.

>> No.13720428

yeah, it isn't really super, bought it for the novelty

>> No.13720890


le epic meme bacon strips & bacon strips & bacon strips


>> No.13720900

Those mofos are posers. Shoenice is the oeriginal. Thank you.

>> No.13720963


>> No.13720973

You got a loisence for that post?

>> No.13721199

>someone doesn't want to drink poison
>murder them
Oh hello antifa, don't remember inviting you to the party.

>> No.13721219

can't unsee

>> No.13721242

The meat cthulhu video

>> No.13721264

how is life in Slovenia? the pictures online make it look beautiful

>> No.13721278

Ok, that's enough posts ITT. We know they suck and they're sellouts.



>> No.13721309

It's beautiful if you're visiting. It's comfy if you have some land in a small community. It's a vampire flea market everywhere else, bloodsucking politicians and incompetent people in charge. Somehow we're still trucking along.

>> No.13721378

thanks, anon. I will visit some day if I can

>> No.13721414
File: 975 KB, 480x1481, 1581790090165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're behind the times gramps.

>> No.13721431

The girls were hot jewesses.

>> No.13721521

I had the middle one. It was really good to me.,

>> No.13721596

You can't even read the text from the last edit. Dumb meme

>> No.13721608

samefag have sex with yourself zoomie

>> No.13721623

Being canadian

>> No.13721627

Were they the first ones to really profit from 4chan? I remember they got started stealing all those epic bacon recipes and shit from /b/ back in the day.

>> No.13721673

Doesn't really work as well.

>> No.13721710

Their first video is literally a stolen /b/ idea. The good stuff was all from 4chins, everything else was a hit or miss lottery.

>> No.13721743
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Even tho I knew about it back then, I didn't care cause I always wanted to see these abominations being prepared. Once they used up all the material it because just a take x put it in y, add bacon and wrap it in z.

>> No.13721816



>> No.13721821

^ fag

>> No.13721825

>come up with idea yourself
>purchase fliming equipment and computer yourself
>pay for all expenses for each video yourself
>film it in your own home
>do all your own editing and uploading and social media bs
>lol y he no split monie equal?

>> No.13721829

>be multi millionaire 7 foot tall muscular chad who can grow a beard
>be jewish but still eat bacon
>get paid to now go to restaurants he likes and eat food he likes, no more highschool kid bs
wish my life was half as good desu

>> No.13721832

>all that stuff
>be tom cruise
>lol y he make all the monie?
A lot of people watched the videos for the side characters, musclesglasses and the other guy carried the show. Being a draw is its own worth.

>> No.13721846

no one watched for musclesglasses, and its obvious you can look at video views at the months after he left, they had same amount, if not more views

>> No.13721849

The eating bacon while jewish made them tolerable.

>> No.13721853
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You weren't even alive then how would you know?

>> No.13721861

>In 2011, Harley and Darren Morenstein attempted to lock out co-creator Sterling Toth claiming that Toth wasn't fulfilling his role as cameraman and chief technician, to the detriment of the company. Toth responded to these allegations by taking up the issue in the Québec Superior Court, where he obtained a judgement ordering the Morensteins and Nexttime Productions Ltd. to provide him with a monthly account of sales, salaries and deductions, and obtain signed authorizations for any cash withdrawals from Nexttime intended for them or members of their family. Subsequent legal proceedings were settled out of court, though neither party has alluded to the exact details of the settlement. Toth was no longer part of the company following the lawsuit.

>In 2013, Perrault and Lemco left the show; Perrault cited conflicts with Morenstein and his brother, saying, "Essentially, I felt like I wasn’t being treated fairly considering the value I brought to the show. Other than Harley, no other member of the crew had any ownership of the company." When asked about his departure, Lemco replied, "Business got in the way of it being fun."

>In a video blog, Morenstein explained that he co-created the Muscles Glasses character and Perrault was an actor hired to fill that role. Following Perrault's departure, Morenstein expanded the Muscles Glasses character into a spin-off series titled The Legend of Muscles Glasses, which chronicles the adventures of different men from different eras wearing the Aviator sunglasses.

>> No.13721873

it takes 3 seconds to go to youtube and look at total views for the videos. its not that hard grandpa

>> No.13721893

At least you didn't try to deny it, did you ask your parents permission before posting here?

>> No.13721898
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I liked the toned down spinoff show when Josh made things. You could see he was the cook and actually knew what he was talking about.

>> No.13721930

>called "epic mook"
>the only one that wasn't completely useless
Sensible chuckle

>> No.13721961

It's not even that. If they moved to a bi-weekly or monthly thing and stayed the same format-wise as they were in 2012-2013 I think they'd still have a decent following. But the reason it became a husk and died is due to 3 things:
1. They clearly ran out of cool ideas for epic meals a few years in.
2. All the YouTube people they networked with got them nowhere.
3. Harley.
Harley basically destroyed the soul of the show and eventually drove out the only people who made EMT tolerable within 4 years, solely because he wanted to be a massive shill for every given financial opportunity thrown at him.
Tyler and Muscles leaving was the death of the comfy vibe the cast had and David and Josh leaving basically meant that the cooking quality went down significantly because they both knew way more about cooking then either Harley or Ameer do.
It also hurt that Harley and his brother were the only ones really making money off EMT. Nobody but those two had any ownership of EMT. So once Harley became too much of an intolerable shill the soul died and then when the actual cooks got better gigs the food died.

EMT used to be the best shit when I was in high school but sadly they went the way of Spoony, although Harley is nowhere as autistic or self-destructive as that fag is.

>> No.13721982

Tyler was the lovable retard of the show, even tho he had a degree or something.

>> No.13721986

I'm pretty sure that was more a jab at the whole "McDonalds doesn't actually use real meat" thing that happened with the chicken sludge controversy around that time.

>> No.13722003

Yeah, Tyler definitely helped keep things non-serious which was good. Same with Muscles' character when he talked a bit more. Honestly every member of the cast brought a certain persona that just seemed to work in the "buddies doing dumb shit" scenario. Harley is such a faggot for ruining a good thing.

>> No.13722004

I always knew that stupid lazy kike would ruin them. He looks and talks like a fucking asshole every single time i see him. I could never stand watching them because of him. He even snuck his way into some movies that i have seen, like what the fuck. Fuck this guy.

>> No.13722026

gag got stale after their first video

>> No.13722042

repeat that joke over and over

>> No.13722076

No it's not

>> No.13722090

That's spaghetti, not lasagna. Stupid fairy.

>> No.13722093

>based pasta made into a geometric shape
Sounds like lasagna to me.

>> No.13722098

You're a stupid fairy, too.

>> No.13722100

Stop shedding coronavirus everywhere stupid Italian.

>> No.13722128
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>/thread'ing your own post
Lurk more faggot.

>> No.13722324


>> No.13722362
File: 62 KB, 278x340, 1539725459672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oth responded to these allegations by taking up the issue in the Québec Superior Court, where he obtained a judgement ordering the Morensteins and Nexttime Productions Ltd. to provide him with a monthly account of sales, salaries and deductions, and obtain signed authorizations for any cash withdrawals from Nexttime intended for them or members of their family. Subsequent legal proceedings were settled out of court
fucking KEK

>> No.13722367

How does he get out?

>> No.13722381

fuck off soy. please kill yourself as soon as possible. If you want to talk about policing, go on reddit and start being a douchebag over there with your fellow soy guzzlers.

>> No.13723097

Since the birth of Christ heathen!

>> No.13723127

I've emailed and messaged these fucks every 2-3 months for SIX YEARS about the stock music track in this video and they have never once replied to me. I have been looking for it off and on and they're still my only lead. FUCK THEM.

>> No.13723677

Don't go to parties sober, dumbfuck.

>> No.13723867

>Food meme channels that do some stupid shit with tons of food then eat like a half of it while the rest is probably thrown away when the camera is off
Hate it.

>> No.13723878

I remember they said they keep the leftovers and eat it during the week or invite more people and give some to them. I remember this from a q&a video because Harely acted semi-normal for once.

>> No.13723897

>eating the leftovers after they practically bathe in it

>> No.13723910

What do they care, it's their leftover.

>> No.13723925

If they don't care and don't waste food then kudos to them.

>> No.13724311

Fuck you, you're not my mom

>> No.13724312

Americans decided that diet food wasn't for them.

>> No.13724367

Their best ones were boozy breakfast and the first couple of times they got girls to eat it while hilariously sexualising them.


jesus christ this was 9 years ago

>> No.13724368

this was funny when I was in middle school

>> No.13724376

Can anyone remember the episode where Harley says the line " Cuz we're stupid!! Real stupid!"
it' from one one of the very early ones where they use a lot of alcohol, probably jack daniels, but the context might be doing something outrageously fatty.

>> No.13724641

the " just for fun " aspect of the show turned into money/fame parade that they didn't want to end, even if that meant sellout which drove the creative staff away & left the money hungry retards to try and out clickbait themselves into not being interesting anymore. thus you have the current product.

>> No.13724670

Wow, it's not even that good. Why are you looking for it so bad?
I've managed to locate some of their year or two old music but never cared about the stock music.

>> No.13724718
File: 97 KB, 485x322, thefuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like with this infestation of retarded Reddit bugmen something like epic meal time could exist in current day.

>> No.13724724

they were american, only americans watched them, and only americans abandon epic meal time

>> No.13724734

the main cast was all Canadian but nice try euro tard

>> No.13724917

In highschool I used to go to a subway close by maybe once a week, sometimes twice.

I swear I saw some lady throughout my school life balloon and get fatter and fatter, she was there everyday I went, and I can still distinctively remember he saying a few times
>trying to watch my diet, I'll get the veggie sub today.

Wonder if she is still eating an entire loaf of bread stuff with shitty food.

>> No.13725283

seems like muscles glasses turned into a vegan cuck, he looks awful now

>> No.13725388

They're from Canada. When I was in college in Kingston way back in the day a friend of mine actually ran into Harley at a grocery store.

>> No.13725833

Did he smell of bacon?

>> No.13725935

he's white, so what do you think?

>> No.13726011

alcoholism. Also the host got fat which destroys the humour of the show

>> No.13726039

All channels have a life cycle. It's like a TV show. It grows. If it catches on with new audiences it continues to grow. At some point it reachest peak saturation. Everyone who would care has heard of it. At this point you NEED to branch out. Whether to find new audiences or come out with fresh content for your current viewers. You can't keep pumping out the same "we wrap [thing] in bacon" and expect people to tune in month after month. Sometimes the changeup works. Sometimes it does not.
Stagnation leads to burn out, both of the creator and the viewer. Eventually it just won't feel worth it.
EMT felt like it was stagnating when I was watching it in like 2008. I can't even imagine how sad it would probably be to watch that content now.

>> No.13726065

He's jewish.