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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13692931 No.13692931 [Reply] [Original]

Foods that ruined your life?

>> No.13692964

Yoohoo, wendys chili, and taco bell nacho fries

>> No.13692968
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This bitch right here. I can't live without her.

>> No.13693003

Is morphine a food?

>> No.13693739

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

>> No.13693839


>> No.13693841

Cheez-its, I gained 20 pounds after I was introduced to them

>> No.13694250

HFCS the people who decided to put that in everything should be hanged.

>> No.13694272

Vanilla custard doughnuts

They didn't ruin my life but one time some of the cream got onto my trousers after a date at the cinema with this girl.
When she saw the stain she thought I jizzed myself during the film.
So yeah that was kinda shitty.

>> No.13694275

Kettle chips

>> No.13694280


>> No.13694387

sugar water.

I don't even care for the sweetness, I just want body in my fluids. Sugar free drinks are so thin.

>> No.13694390

It's a mass amount of people but yes. Hfcs products are inferior.

>> No.13694659

How did this loser ever get famous and successful?
He's such a whiny annoying bitch.
What's popular on youtube is baffling to me.

>> No.13694665


>> No.13694667

carbs and sugar

>> No.13694686

Because he is, and was, very fucking good at CoD and was locked in as a "pioneer" of the content, similar to a guy like DSP.

>> No.13694979

For me it's cheese and pop

>> No.13695017


>> No.13695031

I got fat on personal pizza, krave cereal, chicken cordon bleu, and lemon meringue pie in the mental hospital

>> No.13695038

same. white cheddar specifically

>> No.13695057

He's was one of the first gaming YouTubers. It's just inertia at this point.

>> No.13695060

Based Elpresador

>> No.13695166
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I just ate nearly a pound of chocolate hazelnut cheesecake and I feel like I'm going to die if that counts

>> No.13695184

I’m 25 and eat whatever I want without gaining weight
Sorry about your shit genetics mates

>> No.13696041

>Because he is, and was, very fucking good at CoD
wtf is this revisionism lmao

>> No.13696055

>very fucking good at CoD

>> No.13696113

7-11 slurpees. Drank a large one pretty much everyday for like 4 years, sometimes twice a day.
I gave them up because they really took a toll on my body, and I dont just mean fat. It felt like I was self destructing.

>> No.13696125

he got destroyed by a fucking zombies pro player. He was just a pub stomper and camper. he got big because he got in early, same goes for DSP.

>> No.13696382
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Vanilla oreos, utz cheese balls, moose tracks ice cream, bbq chips
t. former fatty

>> No.13696393

Gin and rum
Probably wouldn't have fallen into alcoholism if I didn't start making drinks and coctails with them. Should have been content with beer.

>> No.13696412
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I hated peanut butter all my life until recently, and since then I've gained like 30 pounds lmao

>> No.13696418

That guy is a great cringe watch: https://www.bitchute.com/video/2n9WHSYfv54W/

>> No.13696442

It's KikkoMAN!

>> No.13696487

now look here- look here listen, i was fine my entire life and i got pregnant and it induced lactose intolerance and i want to fucking kms
i found out when i got a box of rice crispies from a weird random craving and having one was so concentrated i felt like my kidney burst. it was so severe i considered it an allergic reaction rather than lactose intolerance

>> No.13696520

Arizona Iced Tea
Can't drink any other beverage not even water or milk than this

>> No.13696583

Wings has unironically probably helped out so many depressed fags out there.

No matter how bad you have it, watching this fat piece of shit squeak his chair to its very working capacity brightens your day up just a bit

>> No.13696724

mmmmm Hnnnggmmmm OH yea oh YEAAAAAHHHHH Just smoke that sausage, smoke it, smoke it, smoke it ohhhh uhhhggghg ugh, oh yes, OH YES, oh yes daddy, daddy yess, please SMOKE THAT SAUSAUGE. Oh yes. Put it in my dutch oven, my dutch oven is so ready for your YEASTY FERMENTED sausage. MmmmMmmMMMmMMmmm your ribs taste so good daddy, what's in the sauce? Oh your special sauce? I love your special sauce, could I please have some more daddy, oh hyeshhushshhsss OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OHHHHHHHHHH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD oh yes oh yes daddy please fill me up with your special sauce. It makes me so happy to see your special sauce all over my ribs uh hu uh uh uh uh uh oh uh oh uh uh uh uh oh yes OH YES oh yes please don't stop

>> No.13696739

These bad boys right here courtesy of my mom. They were so dry I put soy sauce on them and the yolk instantly soaked it up like a dehydrated sponge. I ate the rubbery whites and slurped the salty paste of a yolk. Sat in my stomach for maybe 10 minutes before I vomited in the toilet as a poetic foreshadowing of my alcoholic self today.

>> No.13696743
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Sorry obviously drunk

>> No.13696752

It's not a certain food in particular. Its smoking weed, and uncontrollably eating everything. I'm 5"9 and my weight fluctuates. Mostly from 160 lbs to 170 lbs. I hate it.., if I dont smoke weed though. I'll just feel sick, and I can't even eat anything. Just tried to eat a 5 layer burrito after going out drinking. I ate half of it, and felt sick. Now there's 2 more burrito in the fridge just going bad.

>> No.13696757

Same here, I started working out a lot. Soo I started eating peanut butter with my bananas every chance I got.

>> No.13696759

Nori chips. This is the tastiest snack I could ever find, but it made me realise how much of a dead-end poorfag I am, without me ever being able to escape my third world shitty country and get a better life.

>> No.13696790

ice cream

>> No.13698580

cant take this shit no more man

>> No.13699912

Boogie, did you become a woman?

>> No.13700623
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>> No.13700966

appearing offline does not fucking stop it, ban everyone who says chili is bad for you.

>> No.13701115
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good lord

>> No.13701124
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>> No.13701141

"food" tends to imply something with nutritional properties. not literal poison