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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13681762 No.13681762 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /ck/, let's settle this - what is the best way to cook an egg? For me, it's soft boiled.

>> No.13681773

Poached or scrambled. Omelette also. I've never made or had baked eggs

>> No.13681777

Scrambled with cheese.
Don't (you) me.

>> No.13681792

I'm not even sure omelette should be compared with the others, considering it's (usually) always served with cheese, veggies and meat. All the other alternatives are good on their own, I'm not sure an omelette without the filling would be very good. Like shitty scrambled egg basically

>> No.13681797

Hard boiled
Everything else takes away the flavor of eggs

>> No.13681801

Nothing beats fried with a runny (but not too runny) yolk. You want to cook it long enough so the get the edges of the whites get BROWN and crispy, but the yolk isn't totally solidified yet.

>> No.13681802

>scrambled with cheese
Thats just a poor man's omelet anon

>> No.13681810

I pretty much always add stuff to my scrambled eggs too. You can do a plain omelette, if the eggs are good and you know how to cook it good there's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.13681816

>high art
poached, fried
omelet, soft boiled
over easy, hard boiled
>wtf r u doin
baked, scrambled

>> No.13681853

Fried > omelet > scrambled > over easy > soft boiled > baked > poached > hard boiled

>> No.13681889

Make a cake out of it

>> No.13681901

Fried over hard or go home.

>> No.13681948

Tbf, I fried your mum's runny yolk last night, lol!

>> No.13681955

>considering it's (usually) always served with cheese, veggies and meat.
You sound EXTREMELY flyover, no offense

>> No.13681960

I love all of them equally

>> No.13681979

>bullying flyover people
not cool, you sound like a asshole

>> No.13681987

What do you mean? Are omelettes served differently on the coasts?

>> No.13682008

Look up a French omelette. It's mostly copious amounts of butter

>> No.13682128

i eat plain omelettes and they're good :)

>> No.13682140

Fried, with crispy edges and runny yolk. Nothing like dipping some bread in the yolk

>> No.13682149

Sorry didn't mean to reply

>> No.13682150
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Oeufs en cocotte is the patrician’s choice.

>> No.13682161
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Over easy master race, completely cooked whites and a nice runny yolk.

>> No.13682171

Poached, then breaded and fried (soft).

Pain in the ass that's only good for a fine dinner though.

>> No.13682173

Try doing a french omelette with just salt, pepper, and scallions.Surprisingly good.

>> No.13682193


That looks demented.

>> No.13682199

>has never had a French omelette, literally the best omelette preparation
Enjoy your Walmart sponsored diner eggs, flyover

>> No.13682207
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Sunny side up, of course.

>> No.13682209

Soft boiled is a power move, but baked eggs sound terrible

>> No.13682215
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28 day balut

>> No.13682260
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>> No.13682263

What kind of fag bakes an egg?

>> No.13682271


>> No.13682272

i keep half a dozen hardboiled in my fridge, just because of how versatile they are.. But if i have the time, i prefer poached to slightly firm yolks.

>> No.13682276

i like to catch them hands free with my mouth when my thai wife is shooting them out of her vag.

>> No.13682280

What the fuck is wrong with the first guy's voice?

>> No.13682281

Over easy
Medium boiled

These are equally the best

>> No.13682289

I'm not a fan of the texture of crispy edges.

>> No.13682300

Over easy and made into a sandwich on toast.

>> No.13682382

Ill eat eggs cooked any way. I love eggs.
My favorite, I think, is over easy. I like dipping them or putting them over crispy hash browns.
We have a dozen hens a couple roosters so fresh eggs always.

>> No.13682422

Pleb detected.

Extremely based.

>> No.13683074

Fried and hard boiled are my favorite.
Along with toast and sausages.
Fried eggs take around 2-3 mins to make so I prefer fried because of this.

>> No.13683079

my scrambled egs dont look like that

those fried eggs r too runny i like a solid yolk

>> No.13683083

Do you buy store bought eggs anon?
I have 5 chickens and I fry my eggs more often than I boil them. There's plenty of taste in a fried egg.

>> No.13683085

>french omelette
You know what's worse than being a pretentious asshole? A pretentious asshole who's wrong. It's chives, you philistine.

>> No.13683089

Omelet with bacon and cheese and tomatoes.

>> No.13683108
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>egg thread
>50 replies
I don't recognise this place anymore

>> No.13683127

>Scrambled with cheese.

Plus a dash of salt, and plenty of pepper and hotsauce. Bone apple teeth.

>Don't (you) me.

I do what I want.

>> No.13683188

just made a boiled egg but it cracked when i dropped it in and came out with a tumor and was indented

>> No.13683201

Over easy with salt, pepper, and soy sauce.

>> No.13683205

Over easy, usually on a sandwich or something.

>> No.13683215

Poached on hash browns or toast.

>> No.13683223

Japanese soft boiled eggs (ajitama) literally make me feel like I am cumming they are so good. So those.

>> No.13683229
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Good tier
>Soft boiled, Poached
Okay tier
>Over easy, Fried
Meh tier
Shit tier
>Omelette, Hard boiled
??? tier

>> No.13683248
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Yikes! I'd rather not have a beak in my dish.
But then again, the French eat the ortolan whole.

>> No.13683251
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>> No.13683267
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Why is it I can make a three egg scramble and get stuffed but can eat like 12 deviled eggs in one sitting with no problem? Love deviled eggs.

As a kid before running to catch the bus to school (I was perpetually late), my mom would make poached eggs (runny) and toast. She'd cut up the toast into cubes, throw them in a bowl and dump the egg on top. I'd mix that stuff up so the toast would get coated in the yolk. Shit was so cash. It's been decades since I've had that and now I will probably do that for breakfast today.

>> No.13683303

Went to a party a Chinese couple threw in the apartment complex I lived in. The girl made tea eggs and that was the first time I'd ever had those. I felt awkward because I was the only white person there and everybody was speaking Chinese which I don't know. But those tea eggs were so good.

>> No.13683457

Virgin boy egg
real answer is soft boiled in an egg cup with buttered toast fingers for dipping into the yolk

>> No.13683465


>> No.13683468


>> No.13683517

over easy on rice

>> No.13683531


Thanks for the follow-up because it reaffirms me that the French know how to give the best head.

Though, I could do without all the crunching...

>> No.13683579

turkish eggs are nice. Greek yogurt with a poached egg on top, with chili oil and whatever else you're feeling like.

>> No.13683607
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I tried baking an egg on top of a toast once. It did not go well. Not trying it again.

Soft boiled for me.

>> No.13683649

You've gotta bake the egg and then put it on toast. I'm guessing, here.

Never tried that. Kinda sounds like a good idea.

>> No.13683668

Yeah I just discovered it, definitely a welcome change in my egg routine. It's pretty light, and easy to prepare. Garlic oil is essential also I forgot that.

>> No.13683687

poached>omelet>baked>OE>fried>soft boiled>hardboiled

>> No.13683718
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Thanks for the tip... I'm gonna try this.
I just had a four flight Spanish themed dinner and I'm still reeling from it. But the ingredients are much similar to what you had described. That was too much food for me to handle so I took the majority of it home for tomorrow (today) but some of it was Turkish inspired, I think.
The Greek yoghurt part intrigues me because it can counteract the spiciness and yet add richness at the same time but you still get the best of both worlds.
I'm guessing.

>> No.13683721

>soft boiled.
Does that even work?

>> No.13683740

See: >>13683223
That may not be your style, but the technique can be much the same. Just use your preferred seasonings. Or none.

>> No.13683745

Scrambled with broken up tortilla chips

>> No.13683746

not super on topic, but obviously the egg came first

not only have eggs existed longer than chickens have (other animals lay eggs)
but if you think about it in terms of evolution, up to a certain point the first chicken had to have been borne from something that wasn't quite a chicken--but that first chicken came from an egg

>> No.13683795

Fried > french omelet > scrambled > poached > soft boiled > baked > over easy > hard boiled
I need to go buy a carton of 30 eggs, seem to go down on those around every 10 days.

>> No.13683799

He just watched chef john.

>> No.13683801
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Yup. I totally have to agree with you on that point. It just makes sense, when you think about it.
A chicken doesn't just HAPPEN.
Or a snake just doesn't happen, or a fish, etc...

>> No.13683815

I'm just not sure if it works.

>> No.13683885


>> No.13683927

>what is the best way to cook [insert food here]

as usual, everyone have different taste and there is no answer more relevent to another since its at anyone's taste. you could ask "what is your favorite way of cooking it" which would make more sense.

also perfect egg is quite good. and yes "perfect egg" is a thing: cooked at 65°C in a steamer for about an hour in its shell. if anyone gets to have access to a steamer, try it is really nice.

>> No.13683929
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Welp, thanks to your link, so did I. And I thank you for that. It looks gross but at the same time AMAAAAaaaaaAAAZING!
>and go wrestle some mountain goats

The difficult part for me would be getting a good and proper yoghurt. I'm sure I could find it where I live (the wild west in California) but it would be pricey. Still, doable. I'm lucky that I've got neighbors with chickens who give me eggs all the time because they don't eat them fast enough.

It's funny. Sometimes, they'll spike the feed with cayenne to keep the rodents out of it. But chickens don't have those kind of taste buds so they eat it willy-nilly and that results in a very rich colored yolk. But the taste is no different -- just the color.

I will be honest: I don't know, either. I've never done those before on purpose. But I did look up a bunch of recipes on the technique tonight based on that Anon's post and bookmarked them for future use and they seem fairly straight-forward.
I've done stuff that turned out similar so I know it's easily done, although mine was by accident.
Mostly though, I will just drop an egg or two into the ramen at the end of cooking and leave it at that. Good enough for me.
But ajitama is a bit more than that.

>> No.13683948

btw a proper omelette, here in france is supposed to have no coloration in the pan, the trick is to (indeed) use a shit-ton of butter to make the egg mix "float" in the pan, then make it in an oval shape with your spatula and flip that shit from the pan to the plate. the only one i've seen doing it perfectly was the sous-chef of the gastronomic restaurent i worked in. i tryed real hard to do it. it was decent but man is it hard to do it properly.

i have never seen this shit ever. you might be mistaking france with china...

>> No.13683963

Softboiled > scrambled > fried

>> No.13683992

>no egg whites

>> No.13683994
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No, that's a French thing.
Although, it seems right for China, as well.
I don't know. People use what they can get their hands on at the time.
I don't think it's a thing in France, anymore.
for the decadent indulgence of that crazy lady.

p.s. I like your version of the omelette. Those are difficult for me to pull off -- but I still try and usually mess something up along the way.

>> No.13684008

They are all based for different reasons, I usually do over easy or scrambled because they are the most simple and least time consuming.

>> No.13684143

i fucking love eggs bros
Probably eat omelettes with scallions or spinach the most often though when I make them at home

>> No.13684146

Favourite way is sunny side up, runny yolk.
Close second is scrambled, French style.

>> No.13684148

Poached is also great.

>> No.13684162

Fried over easy and fried bread, and Worcestershire sauce. Try it

>> No.13684439

Over hard

>> No.13684470


>> No.13684527

Omelette or scramble if you have something to put into it. Over easy otherwise.

>> No.13684533


>> No.13684537

she probably took a whiz in the egg pot m8

>> No.13684545
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>> No.13684831

lol, probably. She was one of the shy ones. The reason I was invited to their party is because I was the one who could calm down their stupid little yappy dog in public.

I wanted to bang her so bad... The girl, not the dog. So, a little whiz in the egg pot? I would've been totally OK with that.

The breakfast of Popeye the sailor man.

>> No.13684841

Nothing better than a warm cup of qt girl pee

>> No.13684854

Not when you get numerals like those.

>> No.13684863
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over eggs...
when the shells have been cracked but not yet peeled so it soaks right in.
mmmmm mmm!

>> No.13684871

That is an over medium, muh nigga. over easy has slightly runny whites

>> No.13684900

Totally depends

Favorite way: Soft boiled with toast

Omelet when I host
Scrambled when I'm lazy
Poached if the dish calls for it
Sunny side/over easy go with just about anything

>> No.13685002
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> what is the best way to cook an egg?

1.deviled eggs


3.hard boiled



>> No.13685066

based rogan
you're fucking nothing if you don't have an eggplant in your yard

>> No.13685215
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I like this list.
Quite a lot, but isn't hard boiled and deviled pretty much the same style of cooking? I know with deviled one would want the yolks to be more soft (and of course, spiced). I like that style for just hard boiled in general like Mark Bittman does (author of "How to Cook Everything") -- bring the water to a boil with the eggs in the water, cover and turn off the heat and let sit for about 12 minutes. My mom would do a rolling boil for 12 minutes and the yolks come out like chalk. I've tried to school her on this but she's set in her ways.

My favorite, once I figured out how to microwave eggs without them exploding everywhere is scrambled with goodies included & put on corn tortillas, then toast the loaded tortillas to cook them up. Makes a great breakfast that is quick and easy.

The trick to microwaving is you have to watch them and have some liquid involved such as milk or tomatoes or whatever. Put them in a bowl or ramekin and let her fly at high. After about 30 to 45 seconds it'll start to expand and make a dome. At this point cut the power. Mix and stir. Put back in and hit high power. When it starts to make a dome again cut the power. Sometimes I will do this a third time and it's usually about 15 seconds for each time. If I'm gonna put them on tortillas to go into the toaster I keep it runny so it doesn't get to that gross rubber texture. Also, I break up the eggs each time I turn off the microwave so as to get the fluids mixed up -- that's how microwaves work. Plop them on the tortillas and into the toaster oven with whatever other spices / sauces on top. Quick & easy but the bowl that was used for microwaving needs to be soaked or cleaned quickly or else you've got a ring of cement on your cookery.

>> No.13685221

How do you do omelets when hosting? I get nervous about cooking for guests and would love to get some real tips and not something from a click-bait website.

>> No.13685241

Yolk eaten raw, disgusting whites thrown away.

>> No.13685252
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I can make six at a time on this. They come out more diner style than french, sure, but you can feed a lot of people quickly it is a real crowd pleaser with fresh ingredients

>> No.13685254

nice blog

>> No.13685265

To expand on >>13685241, I get the griddle as hot as can be, then turn the heat all the way down to low, then put 1/2 cup of beaten egg down with one hand, keep egg from running across the griddle with another. After 30 sec or so, add the filling ingredients down the middle. Fold right side over middle, fold left side over middle, then flip whole thing over from right to left, wait about 30 seconds. Then crank the heat up to high again to prep for the next round.

>> No.13685360

Most disgusting flip food

>> No.13685367

Jeebus Kristos! If only I could afford something like that, I'd be in Heaven.

Are you mocking me? I can't tell. Yeah, I guess it's a long way to say how I liked my eggs cooked but it's true.

>with hand

>> No.13685382

And they say Americans use too much butter, Jesus

>> No.13685393

Imagine joe’s flatulence

>> No.13685397

carry on anon, carry on.

>> No.13685404

properly done sunny side up

>> No.13685427

As an American, I can say that the majority of this nation ABUSES butter. I was an Amerifat for different reasons (alcohol and all the treats while drunk) but I had never abused butter. Which is too bad because butter would have been better for me since I was working out at the time and eating eggs. Ah well, so be it.

I am not gonna look up the stats on heart attacks between the U.S. and France because I'm lazy but I do wonder about all the smoking and butter. I have a feeling the U.S. is worse off because of all the crap ingredients used as replacements for what would have been traditional.

I liked that song.
Johnny Marr is cool.

>> No.13685468

Unless it's in a breakfast burrito I don't much care for eggs, they're actually kind of gross the more I think about them.

>> No.13685485

Spatula in hand, of course.

Save up, get one. $280 for a big one, $200 for a small one. It is worth every cent. I use it almost daily. Fajitas, cheese steak, everything breakfast, Cuban sandwiches, fried rice . . . set the heat to low and don't fry your bacon, render it over 20 min. and save the drippings for, well everything. I gained like 3000 XP to my cooking skill line within a month after getting it

>> No.13685701

just ate a fagita with my 175 dollar spaula O matic. Worth every penny for what it makes.

>> No.13685948

>The difficult part for me would be getting a good and proper yoghurt.
Well I live in a mediocre neighborhood in Brussels, at least I can get turkish yogurt for cheap. Spice your yogurt up with lemon juice or sumac to get that tangy taste.
>I'm lucky that I've got neighbors with chickens who give me eggs all the time because they don't eat them fast enough.
Nice, I get a couple from my grandparents chickens sometimes but I usually just buy cheap eggs since I eat a lot of them.

>> No.13686875

Nice digits anon and scrambled with cheese is ok

>> No.13686878

What is a soft boiled egg like?

>> No.13686887

Is this the true power of Filipino food?

>> No.13687528

I've never eaten a poached egg what is it like?

>> No.13687541

All of the above bro

>> No.13687552

arguably the best way

>> No.13687604

That doesn't answer my question

>> No.13687661

It's surprisingly good and not at all as runny as you'd think for an egg cooked in hot water.

>> No.13687757

soft boiled for sure

>> No.13687792
File: 92 KB, 760x507, oeufscoquesmouillettespolentagranapadanoherbesfraiches-squashed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A la coque. Et les mouillettes of course

>> No.13687797

Si c'est français les ortolans. Délicieux.

>> No.13687799

The scrambled egg looks different to me. I understand many people scramble the egg before they put it in the pan, but in my culture we crack it immediately into the pan and stir it. Not to the point where the yolk and white and fully combined anyways.

All eggs are delicious :)

>> No.13687810

Those are all poor examples. Those scrambled eggs look real strange.

>> No.13687822

i like over medium myself. yolk not too runny, not too hard. just nice n creamy

>> No.13687837

the best way is to not cook one at all. as much as i loved my dear chicken fetus soup, i had to let them go once i learned that the male chicks are thrown into a literal fucking grinder as they're of no use to the dairy industry. pretty hard to overlook unless you're a sociopath and not worth it for a mediocre food

otherwise, idk, i'll probably get backyard chickens someday too, but it takes an enormous amount of energy and 10% of their own bone calcium to lay an egg, and they usually resupply themselves with that energy by eating the unfertilized eggs, so idk

toads in a basket, and fried egg are good but im gonna have to go with no egg at all.

sunny side up is for corny pussies

>> No.13687849

No it was a lady chef, but I've seen john's videos in the past. He should work for disney doing animation voice overs but his videos are okay

>> No.13687858

I really like soft boiled but hate peeling them, baked is based because you're not making much or a mess, but I can smashed on all of them, better question is which is superior on a burger?

>> No.13687919

it's just the sheet kind of scrambling where you let the bottom layer cook before pulling it away as a sheet and then you let more cook. I like adding more cream to it if I do it like that and it ends up tasting a bit like an omelette

>> No.13687929

Honestly, I just like eggs in almost any way.
Tho I more often than note have them fried or over easy just cause how little prep there is

>> No.13687939

Omelette is just scrambled but cooked properly.
Change my mind.

>> No.13687946

For me, it's usually scrambled, because I hate the stress of making over easy. If I'm making over easy and they don't come out perfect, it can ruin my morning. I am incredibly autistic about them. My question is this.. what the fuck is the appeal of a fried egg sandwich? Doesn't the yoke get all over your hands and shit? Or are you supposed to cook the egg over medium or hard when putting in sandwich?

>> No.13688007


>> No.13688097

Scrambled. One slice of American cheese per two eggs. Salt, pepper, and a little bit of milk added. Add a spoonful of butter to the pan and coat it. Constantly stir the eggs so that they don't have that texture that's like a chopped up omelette like in the OP. Don't cook for too long. They should be moist, but not runny. Never stop stirring. This is the best way, and I may have invented it when I was a kid. Probably not though, since nothing's original.

>> No.13688758

I like over easy. Still got that gooey yoke you can enjoy like a sauce. Especially if you got some bacon to dip into.

>> No.13689177

I usually add stuff to my scrambles. Usually veggies and mix it all up ahead of time. Depending on the liquid, sometimes I will add a bit of milk. Then into the pan and just flop it all around until the eggs are almost done. Take them out and onto the plate where they still cook themselves. During that time, I'll make something like toast or a tortilla to go with the scrambled egg mess.
So good.

>> No.13689206

I always thought this, as well. I'm not even going to attempt to change your mind because you are right.

>> No.13689211

I've only seen it fried hard for sandwiches.
Otherwise it would turn out like you said, runny yolks all over the place.

>> No.13689214

you want them a little harder than usual but the idea is for it to soak into the bread

>> No.13689221

That sounds completely disgusting and completely awesome at the same time. I think it's the milk that gives it a fluffy texture and the smoothness of American "cheese" makes this work in my head. I might have to try this. Goddammit, Anon, I thought I'd never get American "cheese" but you may have converted me.

>> No.13689315
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for me, it's poached
t. breakfast this morning

>> No.13689391

fuck off coastie. we can make omelettes however we want.

>> No.13689436

Depends on what it goes with.
If it's the main event then Medium boiled on rye.
For a hearty stew i like it hardboiled
For fried food either sunny or if I have it, raw yolk on top, just letting the heat "cook" it

>> No.13689437

Fried or soft boiled.
Poached is autistic.
Scrambled and omelet is pants on head retarded.

>> No.13689455

Oh and of course eggs in a basket, I just rarely have white bread in the house.

>> No.13689469

That's literally an omelette for people with cerebral palsy.

>> No.13689738

Thanks for that. Is there a way to make a "fluffy" omelet? I'm assuming lots of whipping of the eggs with dairy.
I don't know what I'm doing, just prodding along.

>> No.13689938

over easy but on a low flame so they're not runny. Eggs are supposed to be simple I don't want to have to deal with runny shit. The white has to be white and soft though. Any hint of crispness and it's not fit for human consumption.

>> No.13690081
File: 440 KB, 573x1404, Brede horseradish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> isn't hard boiled and deviled pretty much the same style of cooking?

Yes, in that you have to make hard boiled eggs first to make the deviled eggs, where the yolks are then mashed up with mayo and mustard and squeezed into the hard boiled egg white halves.


I like my hard boiled eggs sliced in half with some salt and horseradish.

> microwave eggs

Years back I got call from a buddy who was crying in pain and needed me to drive him to the emergency room. Seems he wanted a soft boiled egg and just put a whole egg in a coffee mug of water and nuked it for x minutes.

When he grabbed the mug and took it out of the microwave, the egg bumped the inside of the mug and blew up like a fucking hand grenade and blasted his face with burning hot molten egg.

>> No.13690109
File: 93 KB, 750x1000, corned beef hash omelette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desi’s Taco Lounge up in Oscoda MI has a corned beef hash omelette on the breakfast menu that is great but no restaurant down here in metro Detroit makes them (which I understand are a New England thing).

>> No.13690129
File: 133 KB, 640x480, kiszka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I’d also like to try an omelette made with Kiszka, which I think would be really good.

>> No.13690131

Yeah, you can poach eggs in a microwave just fine, but that's flat retarded.

>> No.13690159

Where the fuck did you get that idea?

>> No.13690671

Soft boiled ideal time? For me it's 6m30s

>> No.13690898

That is my understanding. I don't know because I personally don't like them that way.

>> No.13690944

I saw a webm recently where they separated the yolks from the egg whites then whipped them both individually. Then after they were both whipped, they were mixed together again and it made a very very fluffy omelet.

>> No.13690990

So today I was making a omelette, There was a goddamn fetus in it.

>> No.13691016

they should be bullied though. they are dragging us down as a country

>> No.13691149

why is that kid's neck so long?