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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13663151 No.13663151 [Reply] [Original]

Gas or Electric?

>> No.13663158


>> No.13663159
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>> No.13663162

If your power happens to go out you can at least heat shit

>> No.13663165

Wtf happened


>> No.13663169

Gas happened

>> No.13663176


>> No.13663181

Electric, I could never trust my gas stove to go overnight or while I'm out of the house so it limited what I could cook

>> No.13663186

gas allows for better temperature control, you don't have to wait for the coils to warm up or cool-down and you can go from 0-100 instantly.
theres a reason all restaurants use gas burners.

however is overall more expensive to run, and yknow gas is a high explosive so more dangerous.

>> No.13663188

Probably some shithole country that doesn't add scent to their gasslines so the crickets couldn't smell a ton of leaked gas behind/under the stove.

Lol look at how far it launched those stars. You can see the stove start to burn after they leave, after the gas should have fucking blown out any fire!

>> No.13663198

>Wtf happened
Gas. It could happen at any moment. Anytime you use a gas stove or grill, there is a risk.

>> No.13663212

The only experience I have with electric is the old exposed coil style and fuck those things.

>> No.13663217

Who's that cutie?

>> No.13663226
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FNC from Upotte

>> No.13663236
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I rike it

>> No.13663242

gas is objectively better for temp control, utility, and general cooking

electric is cheaper, easier, and idiot proof

>> No.13663243
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She's a cute

>> No.13663252

I'd suggest we take our rifles for a walk together, but then feel embarrassed about being poor and stupid with my SLR106.

>> No.13663268

If I remember right, she doesn't like AK's

>> No.13663271 [DELETED] 



>> No.13663283
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plutonium 238

>> No.13663300

Dude is your wifegun a racist?

>> No.13663318
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But will have a new gas system now, modern and beautiful. Does she think all AKs are AK-47s?

>> No.13663349

Don't remember everything, but in the anime the eastern AK's and AK variants go to a separate school from western rifles

>> No.13663355
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Girl's Frontline is the objectively better gun girl franchise

>> No.13663370

I love when /ck/ becomes /c/k/

>> No.13663371
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>chinese mobile game

>> No.13663402

right now it's like c/k//a/y

>> No.13663409

wish gas but neighborhood isn't hooked up for NG so have radiant electric stovetop. I use one of those countertop induction things for everything unless I need multiple pots going.

>> No.13663923


>> No.13663951

Gas, if you have a blackout you can still cook food / warm things. Electric stoves stay hot for a while after which is annoying

>> No.13664615

>neighborhood isn't hooked up for NG
What kind of neighborhood doesn't have gas?

>> No.13664777

That's why propane exists

>> No.13664914
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Kill yourself pedo slime

>> No.13664915

too old

>> No.13665326
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>> No.13665347

>Ugly 3D slag
Go back to whatever normalscum site you surely crawled out of

>> No.13665368

Enjoy getting royally fucked over paying 5X the price of NG since they are entirely unregulated.

>> No.13665556
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I'm in a propane situation and I notice the stove just doesn't use much up, it's nothing compared to the heater. Which means I need firewood for my woodstove so the heater doesn't run. Which means I have an extremely hot woodstove going a lot of the time. So actually to answer the OP's question: wood. Can just put pots and pans right onto the woodstove.

>> No.13666169

God I just want a gf so I can get her to wear shit like that then have sex with her

>> No.13666239

Why the fuck can't I load images

>> No.13666248

Gas since my HOA dues include the gas bill.

>> No.13666254


>> No.13666287

Nobody cares.

>> No.13666342

You cared enough to respond

>> No.13666389

Pedo website

>> No.13666431

I'd tell you to kill yourself, but with that disease going around, you won't have to.

>> No.13666721

Fuck off with your normalfaggot tier response, normalfaggot.

>> No.13666881

Stay mad, roastie

>> No.13666909

Fuck off, retard.

>> No.13666921

gas, obviously. we're in 4chan

>> No.13666961


>> No.13666993

Definitely gas. Much more control.

>> No.13667766

Parents had a gas stove but since I moved out this cheap apartment's had electric and I hate how finicky it is

>> No.13669542

Anime > this Maddy Ferguson wannabe cunt

>> No.13669550

Amateur connected the stove with gas line and didn't check for leaks, or the pipes are in bad condition and started to leak.

>> No.13669680
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Okay, chang.

>> No.13671148

Gas is cheaper than electric

>> No.13671226


>> No.13671894

Restaurants are switching to induction. and so should you.

>> No.13671940

If you live in a shithole country yeah

>> No.13671944

Gas is explosive no matter which country you live in.

>> No.13671970


>> No.13671980
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Nice buzzword, catboi

>> No.13672631

It's probably a subhuman where they don't have gas hookups because they can't be trusted to not blow up the commie bloc. Which means gas cost more for them.

>> No.13672805
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Gas, it's faster and more convenient

>> No.13673713


>> No.13673734

Take what I can get.

>> No.13673739

What if your gas goes out?

>> No.13673749

Used to have gas when I was a kid and my mom would let the gas leak from the stove just enough to not kill us but it definitely made her more crazy and I had nose bleeds the entire time I lived there.

>> No.13674310

Unless you lived in Victorian England gas alone can't kill you unless you ignite it. Old "town gas" used to be deadly because it was mostly carbon-monoxide produced from the partial combustion of coal. Modern natural gas is mostly Methane which is non toxic. It's also lighter than air meaning it poses little risk as an asphyxiatiant as it usually just floats away before it can displace all the oxygen in a given space.

>> No.13674651

cope harder nigger, you fucking dilate pleb

>> No.13674675

Gas, is that even a question?

>> No.13674680

Why was I having nose bleeds then?
Also, I can't be entirely sure that the house was on Natural Gas or Propane. I was really young, like 9 or 10 years old.
Once we moved into an apartment, the nose bleeds started to lessen.

>> No.13674700

Because you're lying for (you)s

>> No.13674706
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I'm not. My childhood was wild as fuck. That was just the tip of the iceberg.
It might not have been the gas but that was the only correlation I could come up with later on in life when I thought about it again.

>> No.13674715

I do just fine with electric.
If I absolutely need to use gas, that's what my barbecue is for..

>> No.13674724

>hank hill.jpg.gif.exe

>> No.13674726


>> No.13674733

>haha bro my crazy mom totally left the fucking gas on and it totally drove us crazy and gave me nosebleeds even though modern gas can't do that haha
At best you're woefully misinformed. At worse you're just lying on the internet for the attention of strangers.

>> No.13674753
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ah yes i too am a gun enthusiast

>> No.13674772

Ah, a fellow man of culture

>> No.13674781
File: 544 KB, 720x540, vlcsnap-2019-11-05-22h39m39s348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it totally drove us crazy
No,I think it made her even more crazy. Stop putting words in my mouth, asshole.
I'm not lying. And I even said, maybe it wasn't the gas - but what else could it be?

>> No.13674786
File: 262 KB, 1258x812, AK FAGGOTS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing /k/ about that shitty chink mobile scam game.

>> No.13674815

gacha shit and waifu faggots belong in >>>/a/

>> No.13674886

fuck you upotte is board culture. i don't know about your chink iPhone games but /ak/ has always been a thing

>> No.13674956

Radon seeping up from your basement, lead in your pipes, asbestos in your walls, infrasound from a shitty fan somewhere in your vents, fumes from a poorly maintained furnace or water heater, or maybe something elsw. Who knows?
I DO know however that it probably wasn't your gas lines because if it was your house would have blown up whenever you turned on your stove or plugged in an electronic

>> No.13674967

Gas is just a hazard

>> No.13674973
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>Radon seeping up from your basement
Didn't have a basement in that place.

>lead in your pipes
But that was removed from housing before my generation?

I don't remember seeing any.

ok now you're getting into some fucking George Noory territory. I remember seeing an Unsolved Mysteries segment on that shit. Stop pulling my fucking leg.

I mean, my mom would fucking turn on the stove, and I could smell the fumes and she would pretty much stand there and inhale that shit.
You can't sit here and tell me that wouldn't fuck someone up mentally.

But you're right. it HAD to be something else.

>> No.13674981

>Gas or Electric
If you're referring to weebs, i would say gassing is an overall more cost efficient method of disposal.

>> No.13675008
File: 2.97 MB, 640x360, YUMMU GOOFD FOOD.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"m-muh board culture"
>like the furfags and /lgbt/ shills
No it's shit. You know what's board culture on /k/? Discussion about weapons and the military. All the trash /ak/niggers post has no on-topic substance, and they usually end up circlejerking over their waifus in it. It belongs on /a/ and /c/. Fuck off with your revisionism.

>> No.13675027
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stop spamming a picture of your mouth you fucking attention whore.

>> No.13675107

why does harmless weeb shitposting in one containment thread bother you? do you really care that much about it being more 'off topic' from the other 40 carbon copy threads

>> No.13675120
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>Enjoy getting royally fucked over paying 5X the price of NG since they are entirely unregulated.
You take that back right now partner!

>> No.13675126
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>> No.13675236

Hank Hill doesn't say partner you fuckin poser.

>> No.13675515

gas makes me paranoid, i prefer electric. it still heats up pretty fast, though not instant, and i can leave it overnight that way
consider that you can get a gas stove and a small electric stove or vice versa to get the best of both worlds
also nice wifu, thanks anon

>> No.13675815
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electric but having one of these bad boys to do the heavy lifting when i need it.

>> No.13675846

Assuming all that's true, how did your house regularly fill with gas an not explode? Did you just not own any electronics?

>> No.13675849

Gas, I've never had a problem with it plus I can always arsonirize my place if I have money trouble.
It works out to be cheaper here, my gas bill is basically nothing. Not sure why that's the case but I haven't been spurred to inquire.
Electricity is monopolized by a city subsidized company that nickel and dimes you raw for every kWh they can because there isn't any direct competition.
I already pay more than I want to for my shitpost rig, don't need to add to that because I wanted to heat up some soup.

>> No.13676002
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I did grow up as a Jehovah Witness but I think we did have a radio at that time. Wasn't allowed to have a TV or any gaming consoles while I lived there.

Anyway. What she would do is turn on the gas, let it leak out, stand there for like a few minutes and then light the pilot light.

I'm not making this up. I wish I was. My mom was a fucking dangerous loon.

>> No.13677667


>> No.13677691

the game is so trash though.

>> No.13677732


>> No.13677781

Fun is something that the average election trog does not understand.

>> No.13677807
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>My childhood was wild as fuck
Show us on the doll where your uncle touched you

>> No.13677823

That's generals in general, very few stay on topic.

>> No.13677824

For a great example*

>> No.13678201

i like electric because you can clean the stovetop pretty easily using sugar

>> No.13678315

In certain countries this is true.

>> No.13678328

Christ. That's like a Jeff Dunham joke.
It was my dad, not my uncle.

>> No.13678338

>go to sleep
>never wake up


>> No.13678644

I was going to say that but your the faster Based man

>> No.13678689

Is Brexit good or bad?

>> No.13678810

living in first world doesn't make you immune from accidents.
huh indeed

>> No.13679151

>thinks anyone in the first or even second world still uses town gas