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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13661528 No.13661528 [Reply] [Original]

Is it pathetic to eat out alone?

>> No.13661532

Thats how u pick up the ladies my man

>> No.13661536

>imagine caring what other people think

>> No.13661541

>Is it pathetic to eat out alone?
yes but you're pathetic any time you set foot outside, so why worry?

>> No.13661550

Nobody is paying any attention to you. You could go out dressed like a clown and nobody (except kids) would notice you.

>> No.13661554

>You could go out dressed like a clown and nobody (except kids) would notice you.
i don't know where you live but this is simply bullshit.

>> No.13661557


if you have ranch dipping sauce then yes

>> No.13661560

Probably China or some other country full of NPCs

>> No.13661562

>letting what strangers think prevent you from eating spicy chicken
absolutely fucking not. grow a spine and slap some chik fil a sauce on that shit

>> No.13661614

Houston, TX. I can assure you, nobody is paying any attention to you.

>> No.13662743

>Is it pathetic to eat out alone?
>Is it pathetic to have fast food alone?
Fast food is basically an "I'm a loser who's given up on life" badge if you're over the age of 20

>> No.13662797

I eat out alone all the time at only vegan places and I never tip.

>> No.13662802

Can anybody confirm that people in Houston are completely oblivious to their immediate surroundings?

>> No.13662805

This, there’s no reason to worry about being sad or creepy or whatever, there’s nothing you can do about it

>> No.13662848
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Imagine going into an establishment to eat a meal while minding your own fucking business, what a goddamn loser, right bros?

>> No.13662853

Normies think it's weird and a sign of unattractiveness.

>> No.13662871

takes one to know one now get out

>> No.13662874

Breakfast, no. Lunch, a bit. Dinner, kinda. But so what?

>> No.13662893

it's all the niggers

>> No.13663022

its the best , you can eat and leave at your own times.

>> No.13663027

no, you fuck off. /ck/ is basically just reddit without profiles. same jokes, same crowd. this is normieland and incels have no say here.

>> No.13663079

women dont eat out alone
not at all. if an alpha needs to to eat he needs to eat. Bonus points if you listen to a funny podcast and laugh out loud

>> No.13663089

i eat out alone because im unattractive so...

>> No.13663102

women don't eat out alone because of freaks and losers like you who might make their meal experience an uncomfortable encounter with someone who doesn't understand personal boundaries and common courtesy desu

>> No.13663143

It's pathetic to live your life worried about what someone you'll never see again thinks my man. Seriously fukkem

>> No.13663187

>choosing ranch over chik-fil-a sauce

>> No.13663248

When my little sister was 7 years old she told me she was going to get everything she wants because she’s the girl and that’s how it works, don’t pretend girls don’t understand what’s going on here

>> No.13664250
File: 116 KB, 639x626, B1E5F153-AE91-43A4-A2DB-039A89C01DE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about what others think especially when it comes to non-controversial things that literally 99.9% won’t judge you for/ won’t care/ won’t notice
never gonna make it

>> No.13664252

No they don’t it’s their scum mothers who teach them that

>> No.13664317
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No. Stop making this thread.

>> No.13664478

you mean A E S T H E T I C ?

>> No.13664481

No, stop asking this question.

>> No.13664505

Whenever i see people eating out alone I think: 'This is the most fucked up thing I've ever seen', there is no other way of expressing it. I hate it so much. If you have friends and they're eating out, it's an amazing experience. I personally love it. I'll go into a restaurant and I'll order a burger and a drink – everything's more normal. If I go to a restaurant by myself, it's like a tiring experience.

How do you address loneliness when you're out having fun?

>> No.13664529

No, but it is pathetic to live alone and that whale that you call a mother doesn't count as a person so you're shit out of luck, buddy.

>> No.13664616
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no i do it all the time

>> No.13664623


I've been dining in restaurants alone since 21 (I am 37 years old now). At 21 I was the intelligent, well dressed, mysterious guy that would always go to the same restaurant at 5pm on a Monday and order a scotch and the same meal (steak and mashed potatoes). I would always bring a copy of War and Peace with me. Got to know my waitress, she would always smile at me and we flirted a bit. I asked her out but unbeknownst to me she had a boyfriend. Alas I tried and we became friends anyway. My point is, don't let losers tell you how to live your life. Go into that restaurant wearing a sharp outfit, bring your favorite book and order your favorite meal. You only have 1 life make the most of it!

>> No.13664683

Good. We need to make women fear leaving the house alone again.

>> No.13664703

looks comfy anon. id join you. no homo.

>> No.13664706

You should be dressing sharp, regardless. And befriending a girl is alpha as fuck. Nothing wrong in my book, faggot.

>> No.13664725


Thank you good sir!

>> No.13664734

As someone who ate Chick Fil A everyday except ofc Sunday I had to switch sauces everyday as well.

>> No.13664736

Imagine feeling raped when your social anxiety gets in the way of you just saying gtfo

>> No.13664752

I just get take-out.

Last night after flooring all day, I ordered 4 rolls, dropped by, picked em up and watched wood working videos with a fifth of whiskey till I fell asleep on the couch.

You're in and out in no time flat, and you get the good food without having to wonder about stupid questions like this

>> No.13664811

Just eat your food in the car and stick on the radio

>> No.13664832


I literally never see people doing this which I find strange
Personally if I'm alone I always get food to go because it just seems like a waste of time to sit there and eat it when I could just take it home

>> No.13664840

What if they come onto you
You sound like a virgin

>> No.13664891

Plenty of reasons to eat out alone.

You're single.

You're a widow/er.

Your wife is pregnant and can't eat sushi or should stay away from pho, feta, and other stuff.

You're in a different town.

You want to try out a new place before putting it on rotation with friends.

You want to dine and dash without having to worry about an accomplice screwing it up.

You need an alibi.

You want to purchase the exit signs if the meal is exceptional.

You wanna be creepy and hit up the waitress.

You like bar seating.

All good reasons.

>> No.13664916

anon you either have a massive hate-boner for the gays, or you have bad spending and eating habits

>> No.13664925

stop posting these threads

>> No.13664974

What about an e-book

>> No.13664979

You must have the willpower of s Saint to not eat everything on the ride home

>> No.13666065

sorry for your shitty parents bro

>> No.13667015

It's a million times more pathetic to actually believe that.

>> No.13667018

post bobs

>> No.13667032


>> No.13667053

no, you should do it more often. i was once alone in a booth at bk when all of a sudden christopher walken sat down next to me and asked "dinner's on me, bubba, whacha havin'?".

>> No.13667082

Only if your dad isn't willing.

>> No.13667127

Literally no one cares. It's not the same thing as sitting alone in your middle school cafeteria.

>> No.13667339

I used to care but when you’re in college and afterwards niggas have shit to do at lunch so people are going to be eating alone there.

No one cares, you can stare at your phone half the time anyway

>> No.13667682

Same thing happened to me only it was Johny Cash and yes he was dressed in black.

>> No.13668180

That's so funny, because I have a nearly identical story, except it was with Adam Sandler at Arby's

>> No.13668189

From a normie perspective, yes, objectively. But at the end of the day, who gives a shit. As long as you don't run in to someone you know

>> No.13668190

Fast food? nah it's fine.

>> No.13668196

Fast food? No. At a bar? Not necessarily. At a 5 star restaurant? Yes.

>> No.13668241

When has someone ever given a shit that you went to McDonalds alone to grab a McChicken or something

>> No.13668287

Unironically, my housemates in Uni used to tease me all the time for doing this.

I understand most of 4chan is very sheltered socially, but this is genuinely something that normies take notice of

>> No.13668299

I’ve eaten alone at Panera and had a qt girl sit right across from me and give me seductive looks.
Idk just eat and have your headphones in, it’s comfy

>> No.13668425

It's on par with seeing a movie by yourself

>> No.13668448

idk my dude I once went to a taco bell somewhere in indiana wearing a homemade shirt that sad "fuck you" on it and people commented on it. The funniest reaction was this gay black dude who looked at me, gasped, then exclaimed "I didn't kill Michael!" This was right after michael jackson died, for context.

>> No.13670013


>> No.13670022
File: 71 KB, 633x758, fettbernd_weini4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros chick fil a is not that good right?

t. yuropeean

>> No.13670025

It's honestly life changing. They opened their first location in Canada last year, and there are STILL lineups around the block

>> No.13670029

Based 'chupper

>> No.13670034

I imagine the only reason you'd be embarrassed to eat out alone is if you're a fat fuck. I presume all of you who are saying 'yes' are fat fucks. I have severe social anxiety and eating alone in public is no better or worse than doing anything else out in public. Lose weight.

>> No.13670036

>You choose to eat alone
>You are forced to eat alone

Eating with people you love is kino, but people you hate is hell.

>> No.13670071

>overpriced fried chicken white meat is a life changer
I can't imagine how pathetic your life is if that had an impact on it.

>> No.13670120

I'm pretty depressed

>> No.13670145

hang in there bud. It's just because its winter

>> No.13670925

We all agree that Polynesian is the best sauce, right?

>> No.13670973

For me its hunny mustard

>> No.13671019

>I usually come with my grandfather but he has been very sick recently

>> No.13671307

You're going to get weird looks if you eat there alone, sure sign you're a closet homo

>> No.13671361

Feeling insecure about eating alone is pathetic as fuck

>> No.13671467

I go to taco bell, in n out, miguels jr ect all the time by myself and never once did anyone even like look at me let alone say something. I go to the bar alone too i just don't care

>> No.13671640

It's a little cringey if you're going to a serious sit-down restaurant for a full size dinner, since the whole point of doing so it being with other people, but breakfast and lunch are fine and these places have bars for a reason.

>> No.13671651

its pathetic to ask this question

>> No.13671681

it kind sucks that other than fast food and buffetts, there's not many "grown-up" restaurants where you'll fell fine eating alone

>> No.13671738

I met my gf at chick fil a while eating out alone.
Nothing is pathetic unless you’re pathetic.

>> No.13671938

I feel like it's pretty polar- either just act and look normal, or go full on autismo.

>> No.13671945

Whenever I'm flush with cash or know that there will be hard times around the corner, I will just go out and buy myself a nice meal.
It never feels weird, iunno.

>> No.13671984

>met gf at cfa
How big is "her" dick?

>> No.13672030

absolutely not

>> No.13672087

I eat out alone cause i'm short and no one likes me

>> No.13672650

bigger than yours

>> No.13672857

>You want to purchase the exit signs if the meal is exceptional.
underrated, loved that video

>> No.13673022
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>> No.13673078


I either take a book or magazine, something to work on, or my laptop and feel perfectly comfortable doing it.

Only once did someone ever complain about it. I was in suit and tie reading The Economist. I didn't care for his opinion and ignored the idiot.

>> No.13673338


>> No.13673583

If his entire world changed from a chicken sandwich I dont think it's just seasonal depression

>> No.13674954

What the fuck is miguels jr

>> No.13674960

absolutely based

>> No.13675095

Met my girlfriend while eating alone at a b dubs

>> No.13675118


>> No.13675260

no. no one gives a shit except insecure people and no one cares what they think either.

>> No.13675295

I feel ya. But not everybody thinks the same.

I wanted to see the Joker (btw a really great flick) and they wouldn't let me in. They had a no single policy. Man I was pissed.

I had to wait until the digital release to watch the Joker.

>> No.13675734
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Why would I eat out alone? I can justify watching a film alone but eating alone that's just unpleasant I'd just be looking at my phone. Maybe your idea made more sense in the 50s?

>> No.13675744

As a professional clown- this is not true.
Roughly 25% of people notice.
Less than one would expect, but still.

>> No.13675790

>some people you'll probably never run into again, might notice you're eating alone