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File: 62 KB, 793x605, img_pan_para_hamburguesa_28980_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13644479 No.13644479 [Reply] [Original]

The only thing americans ever did for cuisine

>> No.13644487

You're welcome

>> No.13644488
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>> No.13644516

Wasn't chicken parm an american invention?
And all other dishes that were originally vegetarian, but now everyone knows as meat dishes?

>> No.13644531

Actually England invented sandwiches

>> No.13644556

>t . seething eurofaggot
what have you contributed? bread? bland meat? beans? european cuisine is fucking garbage and anyone with tastebuds knows this

>> No.13644561

Muttsharts didn't even invent that. They are truly a meme nation. American cuisine doesn't even exist. It's just European food + two pounds of orange plastic flavoured cheese.

>> No.13644564

are you saying bread is bad and unimportant?

>> No.13644585


>> No.13644587

Hamburgers were invented by the USA

Hamburg steak =/= a Hamburger

>> No.13644607
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>are you saying bread is bad and unimportant?

>> No.13644624
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>It's just European food + two pounds of HFCS

>> No.13644632

imagine being this uneducated, kek

>> No.13644645

Imagine taking a hardy, healthy European dish and then deciding to dump 5 kilos of corn syrup and kraft singles onto it. That's your mind on America

>> No.13644663
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imagine eating bland cardboard your entire life and thinking you are superior to others

>> No.13644703

Fuck you for making me remember this magnificent fast food concoction again that I know I can't get

>> No.13644714

>inventing putting something between bread
Just like a nigger "invented" peanut butter!

>> No.13644804

it was invented by italians living in new york/jersey/chicago/etc, so kind of

>> No.13644807


>> No.13644815

You fags are still seething over our natural produce. Tomatoes and Potatoes are pure American.

>> No.13645136

>Be native america
>make some awful foods with tomatoes and some mix of cocoa and spices that tastes like shit
>europe actually uses those ingredients to make edible, good food
>"wahh wahh you stole our food"

>> No.13645148

Imagine being part of a race that is proud of “inventing” a smushed nut

>> No.13645158

Both potatoes and tomatoes have been in Europe for 2 centuries before USA even existed, you absolute retard. They are, however, from south america.

>> No.13645164

Reminder that Spain was the country that literally invented chocolate, because locals were too dumb for that and drank cocoa with spices as a potion
the first chocolate bars ever sold in the world were in Madrid

>> No.13645238


>> No.13645376

i saw a youtube video with some french chef and he said the one thing Americans do well is pickles

>> No.13645400

was he referring to pickles in burgers?

>> No.13645409

No you massive Jeb End! Everyone knows it came from the port of Hamburg you utter tosser, then like most things in America, a bunch of immigrants took it there with them and it spread like aids.

>> No.13645423

Bread was invented either by Egyptians or Mesopotamians, though.

>> No.13645433

so was beer, althought the egyptian recipe was probably different to what happened later in europe
hell there was literally 0 beer industry in some of the european countries until the 20th century

>> No.13645666

*Laughs in French*

>> No.13645693
File: 60 KB, 800x600, just-needs-a-lovely-bit-of-HP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We invented lasagna and Turkey dinosaurs, bitch.

>> No.13647323


>> No.13647332

american women's mouths are my toilet

>> No.13647335

So youve never even tried spaghetti? Gyros???

>> No.13647339
File: 924 KB, 2000x1333, bbq pork butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only thing americans ever did for cuisine
Aren't you forgetting barbecue?

>> No.13647356

I stayed in cali for about 2 weeks and I gotta say I liked the aerosol cooking oil, its covers the pan so neatly and evenly with a minimum amount of oil!
PRob. quite bad(worse) for the enviroment tho but yeah...

>> No.13647968



>> No.13647974
File: 22 KB, 333x460, cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we intevned the mission style burrito (chipotle)
also nacho cheese
your welcome

>> No.13648088

just regz picks

>> No.13648134

Europe steals
>Chili peppers

And you all claim it as your own. You're all literally nigger-tier and have been stealing American culture and cuisine for over 400 years. Fuck off.

>> No.13648142 [DELETED] 

Sounds like something a German would say.

>> No.13648154

t. Angry europoor that got rejected by an American woman

>> No.13648160

UK cucks can fuck right off with all their shit cooking
France, Italy and Germany, you niggas alright

>> No.13648165

Get rid of the hash brown, the tomatoes, and the beans, since they belonged to America before the world discovered them, and then you'd have an authentic English breakfast.

>> No.13648317
File: 130 KB, 715x1073, Chicken Tikka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly you don't understand how brit cuisine works. It was built through colonialism.

>> No.13648321
File: 166 KB, 640x360, sunday roast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that? I can't hear you over my Sunday roast.

>> No.13648764

Do you ever just crave a mcdonald cheeseburger? Not saying they're good or anything but I kinda just want them sometimes

>> No.13649739

Honestly everything on that plate looks pretty unappealing, not like plastic cheese unappealing but pretty close

>> No.13649950

Sounds more like a dumb mudslime, if you ask me, lmao

>> No.13649957

I recognize McDonald's as the lowest tier of fast food and think every other chain makes better tasting burgers, but even so I still sometimes get a craving specifically for a McDouble or Quarter Pounder

>> No.13650185

>lowest tier of fast food

That would be Taco Bell.

>> No.13650282

>hurr durr muricans invented heating meat

How fucking retarded are you?
People have been barbecuing for thousands of years.

>> No.13650302

Some locations still have it around here (SE US)

>> No.13650349

B-but hfcs sugar sauce has only existed for the last 60 years a-and that's amerilard bbq, ok?

>> No.13650452

>throw hundreds of different cultures together
>expect us to reinvent the wheel

>> No.13650589

>Bland meat
Anon... time to end you.
Hamburgers were invented in Hamburg, Germany. Beef patties were likely from France (Steak Haché). Cheese and tomatoes are European, and Europe had pickles long before America existed.

>> No.13650908

Yea, but only Korea and America do BBQ the proper way. Every other country sucks literal dick at it for some ungodly reason. They just don't know what the fuck they're doing and it's astonishing how bad other countries are BBQ. Even neighboring countries like Mexico and Canada manage to fuck it up and make some of the most dry, unpalatable BBQ I've ever tried.

>> No.13651057

How fucking retarded are you?
You Eurofags can talk all sorts of mad shit about us but you start lying about BBQ, then you've crossed the line.
>merely heating food is the same as barbeque

>> No.13651135

Cooking previously thought 'throwaway' cuts of beef and pork via indirect heat and smoke to delicious perfection is the Americans best contribution to culinary excellence, and no, this is not the same as spit roasting or 'throwing a shrimp on the barbie' or some such terms which commonwealthers try to marginalize the amazing technique of true wood smoked barbecue.

>> No.13651396


>> No.13651409

no that would be burger king, which i still kind of like

>> No.13651415

>The only thing americans ever did for cuisine
One of the greatest meal creations in human history? Thanks America!

>> No.13651435

>tomatoes are European
Nightshades aren't white people food. It comes from the new world, stay away from that shit if you are white.

>> No.13651583

imagine being such a loser you derive your self worth from the race you consider yourself part of

>> No.13651605 [DELETED] 

We didn't invent that.
The Mafia invented that.

>> No.13651622

obviously that means it's an american thing, unless you think American is a race.

>> No.13651644 [DELETED] 

It was a way to hide meat from stupid people.
Everyone got bread, but the smart people got meat.
Enjoy Bernie Sanders by the way.
I plan to leave this place.

>> No.13651659 [DELETED] 

>Enjoy Bernie Sanders by the way.
nah bernie won't win. It's really really fucking hard to beat a president on his second term.

>> No.13651664

Seriously, I know people who have welded custom rigs and have set wood chip ratios to make sure their bbq is the best. We didn't come up with 47 ways to chop an onion, but nobody does bbq like America.

>> No.13651683 [DELETED] 

He hasn't had a proper first term.
What makes you think they'll give him the latter?

>> No.13651723
File: 617 KB, 1407x812, SmartSelect_20200212-232301_Message+.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also New York style cheesecake is objectively a whole level above any of the euro and Asian varieties
It isnt even a conversation, the discussion is a fight for second really

>> No.13651727

>buffalo wings
>ranch dressing
>chicken and waffles
All uniquely American

>> No.13651732 [DELETED] 

When you're right.
You're right.

>> No.13651738 [DELETED] 

Anyone else been burdened by these foot pictures?
Are they trying not to repel us?

>> No.13651742

American cuisine is the best kind of cuisine, by far. It improves upon every other cuisine that has come and is not mired down by tradition for tradition's sake. The country is massive lending itself to many regional cuisines worthy of note by itself. Any obnoxious, stale, embittered response by a European will be ignored.

>> No.13651756 [DELETED] 

Hopefully they'll be hanging by then. Or at least in GITMO.

>> No.13651785 [DELETED] 


>> No.13651841 [DELETED] 
File: 259 KB, 794x725, ascared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow they erased my post?
I can see why this board is so slow.
Hey, eraser guy. Jannie.

I bet you're mother is proud.
Oh I'm blocked from posting for 7 minutes?
These are the limits of your life faggot .
Enjoy your rule over a abandoned board.

>> No.13651867
File: 172 KB, 1200x800, GettyImages_1082818572.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eurocucks mad.

It must suck to spend 300 years spreading your empires around the world only for a nation literally formed from your lower class rejects to reverse conquer you with McDoubles and denim jeans and rock & roll. All of your cuisine has been unseated by the undisputed worldwide king of the modern culinary world - the humble cheeseburger

Stay mad, eurofags

>> No.13651946
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>> No.13652339

yes american means white people i thought you knew that

>> No.13652779

And yet it's the thing (or variation) that former colonies still choose to eat on special occasions like Christmas and new year.

>> No.13652991

Nobody Claims that avocado, Chili, Vanilla, pineapple or cocoa are from Europe. Seeth morgen faggot.
An American Cuisine doesnt exist. Its Just a Mash Up of good from other countries.
>First Made and cooked by America
Gosh Just kys

>> No.13653185

the real hamburguer was created in hamburgo germany.
But it couldnt actually be called an hamburguer today because it was just the meat patty with some side stuff like tomato and lettuce , it didnt even had cheese on top.

One day when the old hamburgo burger was already served in america , some customer didnt have time to eat it in the restaurant so he asked the owner if he could make it in a way he could eat it on the go.
So he chosed to put the meat patty between two slices of bread (the ones used for grilled cheese sandwich since there were no burger bums).

Since then like with any other food in the world , people started to put different things in the burger , change breads , change cheese , change toppings until we had today's burger closer to perfection.

A year ago i was watching 3 argentinians going to that restaurant where it all started and the story of the guy was quite awesome. He even said some big company was going to give his father more than 5millions dollars but he refused , then they did the same offer to him (the son) and he rejected it too because all of the generations believed it would love the charm it had.
I remember the video with the 3 arges crying while leaving the place because of the burger and because of the story.

>> No.13653215

its true they improve everything from other countries but they have this weird thing about "inmense amount of food == good" ,like make a big burger with 20 meat patty , lots of bacon , 5 different sauces with a cheese mess that makes it looks quite weird and makes the bread all soggy.

before they can eat 1/4 of it all the other parts of the burgers lose heat and the sauces + cheese mix into a complete soggy mess.

funny this often comes from fat lords with 500 pounds and not from chefs.

>> No.13653391

"Immense amount of food = good" is a common sentiment because many Americans are accustomed to taking the uneaten portion of their meal home for lunch the following day. Makes no Goddamned sense with sandwich-style food, though.

>> No.13653865

Guess you've never tried:
>New York Style Pizza
>New York Reuben
>New York Bagel
>Garbage Plate
>Bacon Egg n' Cheese
>Chicago Dog
>Clam Chowder
>Biscuits and Gravy
>Chicken and Dumplings
>Philiy Cheesesteak

>> No.13653955
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jesus christ i was just shitposting earlier but now i realize how fucking awful american cuisine is

>> No.13654183

i still miss her bros

>> No.13654188

wow i just realized american food is the finest cuisine on earth

>> No.13654431

As a non-american I like how you guys take boring bland foods of other nations and actually make them taste good with decent portioning. I went to Italy and their "pizza" and it was the most bland shit ever with barely any toppings or sauce and real thin and small. It was like comparing a healthy buff american man to a sickly euromutt soilad.

>> No.13654493

what do you mean bland? what kinda pizza did you order?

>> No.13654539

>>New York Bagel
you're gay and you're a fag

>> No.13654705


>> No.13655119

Nathan's Super CheeseBurger is the best Cheeseburger, fuck their hot dogs

>> No.13655126

Funny how you left out tomato. Also Hungarian paprika isnt even hungarian.

>> No.13656552

I really want one don't you?

>> No.13656564

americans tend to improve everything generally, the world would still be stuck in medieval times without us.

>> No.13656719

A Canadian invented PB.

>> No.13657044

An imaginary one. The lard lad has probably never left his state.

>> No.13657273
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>France, Germany, Greece, Spain, Fucking Italy
Let me guess, "B... but I don't like tomatoes"

>> No.13657287

LOL american cuisine is all sandwiches, hotdogs, and basic bitch soups. it's anglo as hell

>> No.13657290

You know what I like to do for cuisine? Stop in my local White Castle and order a slider prepared by my favorite fast food worker. If they are black? All the better. I. Love. Black. People. And. Janitors.

>> No.13657459

anglos are just super lazy with food in general