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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 275 KB, 1000x667, Binging-With-Babish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13642626 No.13642626 [Reply] [Original]

So I used to be a fan of Binging with Babish when Andrew Rea first started out. I don't know what happened over the past year or 2 but now I genuinely find the videos completely insufferable to watch. Does anyone else here feel this way? I just can't help but feel annoyed when watching them.

>> No.13642637

Not me, I unironically enjoy his videos

>> No.13642641


>> No.13642655


What do you mean? What the fuck does that even mean? Like my post says, I am not a fan of binging with babish anymore but when you fucking retards just say "reddit" WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN? Can you elaborate besides just posting a word you fucking nigger?

>> No.13642666

he said as much as you did, no explanation or reasoning other than "i used to like it and now i dont... DISCUSS?!"

theres nothing to discuss, you either stop enjoying them or you hate him now that he is popular, either way you can easily fix it by Not Watching

>> No.13642673


No, I specified that I find the videos insufferable to watch and that the videos make me feel annoyed. That is more reasoning and context than just posting "reddit" you fucking faggot

>> No.13642684

Congratulations, now what the fuck you want us to say with that awful comment, give us a fucking reason to discuss you autistic cringe ass

"i find him annoying BEACUSE ____" explain yourself there, if you dont then what the fuck are we supposed to say besides "k"

>> No.13642719

He was fine until R*ddit ruined him. Now he's a mean lean pandering machine.

>> No.13642735

he's alright when he gets creative in doing anythings. pretty sure he let's someone else fuck his GF and his perfectly okay with it. if you ignore that part it's cool.

>> No.13642749

He's gayer than liberacci you know

>> No.13642754

He's now just an overt shill who is just showing off constantly

>> No.13642756
File: 258 KB, 760x535, no-country-jones-new-760.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was a fun watch when he was genuinely doing it as a hobby, when he was prioritizing his passion for cooking. Now that he does it as a living, he pretty much sold out and only does it for views and ad revenue. Pretty telling with the recent videos he's done which are practically 10-minute paper towel commercials.

Absolutely disappointing and repulsive (not in a disgusting way, more of repelling).

>> No.13642760

he introduced his girlfriend a few weeks ago

>> No.13642765

>what is a beard

>> No.13642774

there's one right in the OP

>> No.13642786


Haha faggot suck shit

>> No.13642791


Why would you say that haha? Like what makes you think that at all?

>> No.13642974

relax, andrew

>> No.13642977

I stopped watching him when he starting trying to force memes on us like tiny whisk and saucepin

>> No.13643441
File: 289 KB, 800x600, 1574768831706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically like ja/ck/ more than this faggot or that cuck regusa, at least ja/ck/ has some entertainment value what with his being a stroke victim and all. the problem with babish is that he doesn't have enough skill/knowledge to compete with the bigger food channels, hell he flat out steals recipes/techniques from americas test kitchen, bon appetite, and alt j lopez. even though he often (not always) credits them, it's still completely derivative. the only reason anyone ever liked him was because he made gimmick tv food, since he's abandoned that he literally has no value. gimme a ja/ck/ product review any day of the week.

>> No.13643649

>hey guys today we're making Poutine. I couldn't find one of the literally three ingredients but should be fine, right?

>> No.13643740


That pissed me off too and I don’t buy that for a minute

>> No.13643949

early episodes were fine
don't like new

>> No.13643975

The first few months or so he was doing videos were great. Some guy recreating dishes from his favorite shows and reinterpreting ones that are disgusting (eg Milk Steak from It's Always Sunny).

Now it's just him stroking his own ego excessively and being an ad for things. Plus there was that time he tried to launch a spin-off where he just read children's books in a really creepy way:


>> No.13643995

i loved watching his videos until he decided to shove his gf on my face. it wasn't even a passing mention or some moment where she comes on the camera and acts like a normal person would. noo, it has to be this fucking soy cuck tier shit that was in that fucking banoffee pie video.

anyways, sad to see someone go like that. i wont be watching his videos anymore.

>> No.13644012
File: 475 KB, 500x366, 1581305283997.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much insecurity in this thread

>> No.13644020

found the incel

>> No.13644027

hi andrew.

>> No.13644048

If i were andrew i wouldn't be neither on this shithole nor in my home

>> No.13644371

holy shit thats weird

>> No.13644391

I started that copypasta about a year ago. Also I like reddit

>> No.13644396

Babish is the only entertaining foodtuber. Gordon doesnt count bc hes actually TV famous

>> No.13644399

If you were (are) (((andrew))) you would definitely be shilling your shitty videos all over the internet for extra shekels.

>> No.13645414

>implying fags from ck have money and would give em

>> No.13646077

his new web show where he explains how to use Microsoft's search engine is pretty good honestly. it's called Binging with Babish.

>> No.13646096

I liked when he recreated foods from shows.

>> No.13646193
File: 1.73 MB, 1297x1061, featureman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good food channel on Youtube is Featureman. He taught me how to prepare and eat watermelon.

>> No.13646202

He acts humble but is clearly very arrogant.

>> No.13646302

You're not alone, anon. He got way more douchey and full of himself since hitting it big. He's a faggot

>> No.13646351 [DELETED] 

Reddit fags blew his head up on how le epic bacon his voice is when it's rather boring and is an adequate level of deep for a man his age.

>> No.13646631

plus he obviously always speaks into his microphone from a very close range and boosts lower frequencies
he is very invested in making his voice appear quite strong and deep but keeps on getting exposed when recorded next to other people

>> No.13646634


>> No.13646655

more like memeing with reddit

>> No.13646665

BLACKED with Babish

>> No.13646668

I feel ya. He's gotten so cocky it's pretty insufferable. I still watch his videos because I'm a mindless bird idiot, but holy fuck if I hear him say saucepan again I'd shove that thing up his asshole.

>> No.13647056

Featureman is the best. He somehow manages to capture the spirit of content creators of the early internet who just wanted to make stuff because they wanted to, before everything became about metrics and clickbait.


>> No.13647071

that's fucking disgusting

>> No.13647098

Featureman survived this long so I think he knows a thing or two about healthy eating, dude.

>> No.13647134

Or he's old and wants to fucking die already.

>> No.13647143 [DELETED] 
File: 501 KB, 507x598, 1579738114792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new videos are fine

nice guy

ads are cringe as fuck but w/e gotta get that fuckin dosh, retard, you'd do the EXACT same thing if you were in his position

>> No.13647150

>ads are cringe as fuck but w/e gotta get that fuckin dosh, retard, you'd do the EXACT same thing if you were in his position
This. I can understand criticisms of his content style, since it's much more polished and analytics-driven now (like any popular youtuber's is) but complaining about ads always bugs me. Sponsors are the only way channels can reliably have income anymore, don't blame the channels, blame Youtube for shitting on the creators with their unreliable review system and blatant stealing of ad money.

>> No.13647170


is this real

>> No.13647196

probably from being like what, 5'6"-5'7" and having a general appearance that's the guy equivalent of "I'M NOT LIKE ALL THE OTHER GIRLS!"

>> No.13647208
File: 410 KB, 800x800, 50w3bnbld1v31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, I don't like his fans and I'm not always a fan of the dishes he makes, and I've got a few things I don't like about the way he prepares things, but for the most part if I were in his position I can't say I'd do much different. Vlogs are faggy as shit though and I'd have to making a ton of money to fake the enthusiasm and psuedo personality required to make them.

>> No.13647209

Of course it's a joke. He's a comedian.

>> No.13647217
File: 183 KB, 1931x1855, A74CB85C-14D9-458A-99CC-CA48803B43FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya what a stupid faggot he is for making money.

>> No.13647283

His TV/movie gimmick has ran it's course, he seems to be scrapping for vague references to food on shows. Then, to make up for the lack of direction on the premise, he hand makes and/or over complicates every single step of the general recipe to pad out content for the video.

Just pointless.

>> No.13647300

its* course

>> No.13647337

>I'd have to making a ton of money to fake the enthusiasm and psuedo personality required to make them.
He's guaranteed making a ton of money. We have no idea what kind of investors are behind his channel and brand. He can afford to live in Manhattan, which means he's either retarded with money, or loaded af.

>> No.13647340

his content is consistently good, but it's consistently the same every week too. so it gets boring

>> No.13647351
File: 5 KB, 225x225, Без названия (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he needs money
>it is hard without sponsors
A year ago he had around 1500 patrons and 12k per month on patreon.

>> No.13647364

He has like 5 people working on his show at least. do you think he just makes all the videos himself?

>> No.13647368

you've been on /ck/ for too long

>> No.13647377

Now it is even more - 1800 patrons and hidden cash sum.
Considerig he bought tesla, well...

>> No.13647380

I would guess less, 4 people total max. most likely 3 or below. Youtube content doesn't need that much overhead.

>> No.13647394

Well we know it's at least four from named team members in the videos. The biggest secondary overhead would definitely be the kitchen space, which considering it's in Manhattan would be expensive af. They're definitely earning way, way above 12 grand a month with that kind of setup, the kitchen space alone costs at least 2 or 3k, if not more. Add in 4-5 people's salary, and Babish buying a Tesla, they're making a LOT.

>> No.13647402

probably over 500k a year is what I would guess, it is hard to guess youtuber earnings. Content creators salaries are hard to guess because of how different some earnings can be.

>> No.13647410

He stopped making interesting things and started using movie clips as an excuse to make utterly ordinary food.

>> No.13647427

I wouldn't be surprised. We also have no insight into any kind of sponsorship deals going on in the background, which can be easily be tens of thousands a year for him to just agree to use a certain brand of spatula. He's making bank but he's definitely not doing it on his own. He 100% has people helping him with videos and other business aspects.

>> No.13647524


Sponsorships+ youtube ad revenue (he gets millions of views each video), cookbook which John Favreau supported, + merchandise + patron + other media appearances is probably closer to around a million/year. All in all good for him. He put his talents to work and is able to make a great living off of doing something he is passionate about. Virtually this is what everyone dreams of.

>> No.13647801

He's just a s o y hooker with a penis.

>> No.13648962

his value lies in his great videography and the fact that he makes everything from scratch, even when it's unnecessary

his dry commentary and humour

>> No.13649000

I liked his "basics" series since I'm /ck/ pleb and got some good pointers out of it. His other videos where he makes some "lol so random xD" meal from different show are shit.
Though I understand those are why he's popular in first place.

>> No.13649003

Tourist detected

>> No.13649010

This thread is brought to you by Bounty.

>> No.13649150

fuck him, his newest video shows off his hot wife and im not okay with him bragging like this when he knows his fan base are a bunch of involuntary incels

>> No.13649345

piss off reddit

>> No.13649751

Welcome to Binging with Babish
Today we're making a disgusting food that appeared in one scene of a TV show but I'm not going to make it like it was in the TV show I'm just going to make an entirely different dish
Here is my girlfriend, no I am not gay, no am I not insecure
This video was sponsored by paper towels

>> No.13649759

Now his girlfriend is forcing herself into every video the quality is going to plummet even further.

>> No.13649819

he always starts off by making an accurate version even if the recipe makes no sense before improving the dish

>> No.13649834

The problem with Babish is that the most simple dish needs like fucking $40 worth of ingredients and some arcane, one use utensil/dish/creator

>> No.13649930

Reddit is better than 4chan at this point. Both have their uses, I usually browse 4chan on my computer and reddit on my phone.

>> No.13650026

maybe for niche shit but something tells me you arent referring to that

>> No.13650269

i know what you mean OP. if you watch his french onion soup video, it's depressing. it's the most low effort careless "just get it done" thing i've ever seen him do, and for such a fantastic and classic dish that has so much technique to it which he hardly touches upon in the video.
he doesn't even show you how to make beef broth in the video, instead choosing to use store-bought beef broth and add herbs to it. what the fuck? in all his other recipe and tutorial vids he makes so much stuff from scratch! but not here, not anymore.
and with the whole caramelizing onions thing he doesn't even talk about that really. how did he get this way? he actually puts more effort into his ads and product placement than some of his actual cooking demonstrations.

>> No.13650306


J A / C K /

>> No.13650584
File: 15 KB, 210x260, 1455753701396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>involuntary incels
>involuntary involuntary celibates

>> No.13650594

What do you mean? You don't have your own pasta extruder/oven-top smoker/sous-vide immersion bath/meat grinder? Why even bother living?

>> No.13650605

Tbh Josh Weissman does that except actually has a high degree of skill and experience.
Sure he's a pretentious, Jewish, hipster cunt, but he knows he is and plays that to his aesthetic advantage whilst actually teaching you how to up your kitchen game and go from scratch.

>> No.13650638

Took me a couple reads to get this joke

>> No.13650656

Guga Foods > Binging with Babish

>> No.13650674

Probably busy that week and didnt want to spend 2 days making broth.

>> No.13650685

The only channel which matters


>> No.13650698

>Poor, starving, 19th century French peasant: Time to carameliseux l'onions all day and boil bones at a very specific temperatureaux while working on le farm
>Rich hipster who can afford shitty tattoos and an apartment in NY: I don't have time to do this even though it's my job
No excuse

>> No.13651708
File: 47 KB, 500x375, B0CE2E75-6934-4CC5-BE34-22B41D52A86D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched a few episodes and thought the food from TV gimmick was cool, but I realized I don’t watch the majority of things he references. Then I saw the Hot Dog episode. Now I greatly prefer pic related.

>> No.13651808

this is also redditshit, faggot

>> No.13651812


>> No.13651842

He is obviously a huge fag in style and mannerisms and generally just how he exists is moderately offensive to me in every way... but I still like his videos. Wanted to hate him, sorry CK.

>> No.13651849

Too cringe to watch, wtf.

>> No.13651866

used to be comfy actually but all of his new content falls flat

>> No.13651875

This. They actually look at cooking from a more experimental standpoint and I love that. Cooking should be trying new techniques and methods not doing some trendy or meme shit for validation.

>> No.13651883

Well duh, but it's more niche.

>> No.13651911

oh, he was busy that week!

busy with what? his job?

his job which is that cooking show?

>> No.13651932

Underrated post

>> No.13651938

More like cringing with Babish

>> No.13651939

Cringing with Reddit

>> No.13651994

faggot weed smoker promoting drug use

>> No.13652567

he was better when he didnt show his ugly soyboi face

>> No.13652654

That nails my sentiment exactly

It doesn't seem as genuine

I don't watch bingo with babuska anymore

>> No.13653458

Idk why but his food makes me feel genuinely sad. I feel fucking depressed watching his channel, like my life is stuck in a dead end.
Vibe's all wrong, man.

>> No.13654727

Hes to boring for me.

>> No.13655327

>Sponsors are the only way channels can reliably have income anymore
Tough. Making YT videos was always a hobby and the only people who ever made big money did so by getting in early or sneaking stuff in (also early) under the radar like successfully-monetized song rips.

>> No.13655437

It’s not that kind of beard. A beard is when a gay man dates a woman, marries a woman, and sometimes even has children with a woman so that people won’t think that he is gay.

My uncle did that for many years and came out as gay when his moved out of the house.

>> No.13655458

When you have to make up conspiracy theories because you have no proof, you're probably wrong. Sorry to hear about your gay uncle though.

>> No.13656994

That Sunny vid was super pretentious though with his "spins" on it and awful pretentation

>> No.13656999

Fuck that guy he's painfully unfunny and try hard. His music that he forces into every episode is so god damn bad.
Oh and his food is awful

>> No.13657009

Guga is the best uncle in the world. Holy shit I wish I was his idiot nephew sometimes

>> No.13657018

Literally makes the same video every time

>> No.13657030

numaling with numale

>> No.13657032

His excuse was dogshit too. If he left NYC for five minutes he'd find cheese curds in any gas station downstate.

>> No.13657042

>t. pleb

>> No.13657148

The only reason why the guy annoys me is when he has to show the same step by step process from making bread from scratch. Like no matter what the recipe is he HAS to make the bread in the recipe from scratch for bread-cred. And then spends fifteen minutes going over the steps. Do no high end bakeries exist in NYC?! It's so goddam pretentious.

>> No.13657149

redditors don’t know how to use reddit as an insult.

>> No.13657150

I like that he triggers weakfags. Your butthurt makes me hard.

>> No.13657168

>youtube man bad

>> No.13657409

You're annoyed because you know he's popular now.

>> No.13657413

I never liked him. You know what I don't do? Make gay little whiner baby threads about it

>> No.13657551

lol @ haters tryna dunk on a man who makes more in a year than they will in their lives

>> No.13657627

>point out that babish is useless because there are other more interesting and more useful channels
>you're just jealous
of course I am, I'd love to make a ton of money doing nothing, doesn't change that he's completely derivative and boring.

>> No.13657682

I can think of dozens of weird foods/deserts that he hasn't made but it's annoying when he makes an incredibly ordinary dish just because it was in a movie for five seconds.

>> No.13657685

I know, I want to see him do foods from American psycho. Really curious as to how he would interpret Rare-roast partridge breast in raspberry kool-aid

>> No.13657845

dude was too busy cooking and making youtube videos to cook for his youtube video huh?