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File: 1.04 MB, 849x763, ketotards btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13641067 No.13641067[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sorry ketotards!
your meme diet is shit


>> No.13641112
File: 251 KB, 514x388, rawiswar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh!

>> No.13641114

i use keto strips tho

>> No.13641123

what does keto do that is better than just eating at a calorie deficit?

>> No.13641130

Stupid article. Everybody seriously on keto uses piss sticks to monitor themselves, and of course the "journalist" omits that basic fact.

>> No.13641135

higher fat and protein content of the meals at the same calorie level leaves me feeling more satiated.

>> No.13641141

Why do you tards care about keto so much? I have seen with my own eyes maybe 10 people that went from being fat to skinny just by cutting carbs. I lost like 30 lbs with no effort. But I guess it was all fake...

>> No.13641143

protein and fat is less satiating than non-sugar carbohydrates

>> No.13641150

Optimises your genetic potential. There's a bit of a leap of faith involved because the research is not exhaustive, but it's something you might like to try. You shouldn't try it if you're fat and just want to be thin, though. It's more for healthy people to see if they can improve even more.

>> No.13641154

improve how?

>> No.13641173

Be more mentally sharp, have more endurance. Research it if you're interested, I'm not a tutor. Mainstream science abhors it on the basis that it is not fully understood and there are risks. There is the risk of it being total bunk, but it is up to the individual to decide whether those risks are worth the potential benefit. Some people just like playing around with what their body can do.

>> No.13641177

>"a bit of faith"
>"optimises your genetic potential"
science sure hates it

>> No.13641178

how is any of this even considered news? I knew about all of this when I started keto like 4 years ago, lost 80lbs quite fast and then started eating normally, but with more control on the amount etc.
the limit I set for myself was 10g of carbs and 30g of protein, although I would try to keep it at around 25g.
I consider it a diet for those who are fat and lazy, as it's those that it works best for.
if you use it to simply lose 5lbs or around there, you're an idiot.

>> No.13641184

Pick one

>> No.13641187

Is your second quote intended to imply epigenetics is not real?

>> No.13641190

glad to see 4chan is the same all over even here on the /ck/ board.

>> No.13641195

no it's meant to imply you're a retard

>> No.13641197

They can eat more so they don’t have to cry about how they are starving themselves to death on 1700 calories a day.

>> No.13641199

Fatty detected

>> No.13641200

That only makes sense if you believe epigenetics is not real.

>> No.13641201

Nigger what?

>> No.13641211

I trust that you believe that to be true, but again my evaluation of you is very low

>> No.13641218

High protein is not keto

>> No.13641228

The theory is you metabolize fat more efficiently so you'd lose weight faster.

>> No.13641231

1g protein / lb of lean body mass is fine for ketosis and spares the most muscle (which is what you want unless you're legitimately anorexic and trying to waste away into a skeletor)
(that's 0.5g/kg of lean body mass, for my yuropoor friends)

>> No.13641240

Oh wow so when I went keto and lost those 15kg it was for nothing?

>> No.13641243

Maybe ridiculous amounts of protein like 2g/lb of body weight isn’t attainable keto but a substantial amount of protein is almost unavoidable in keto.

>> No.13641258

You need an inhuman amount of protein before your body starts converting it into carbs.

>> No.13641265

Yet you are incapable of properly articulating why, choosing to pick on a point that is known by our body of scientific knowledge to be possible and treating it as anti-science. I do know what you were trying to say, but it was very poorly said.

You are upset because it is fringe science, based on semi-understood things that have not yet been fully proven. That is what I meant by faith. You prefer certainty. Remember, however, that science is not only about what is already known. It is also about what we are yet to know. I'm not suggesting I come anywhere near employing the scientific method, but I happen to enjoy tinkering with possibilities. I don't believe that does you any harm. I do not preach that keto is a magic bullet. I simply suggest that it might interest others.

>> No.13641275

no and cope

>> No.13641321

Cope harder protein fags, you're just low carb not keto

>> No.13641325

i posted a fact retard
yeah if you eat 1000kcals of protein it's not keto but that's not exactly esoteric knowledge is it?

>> No.13641345

You do realize they lost weight because they stopped eating 5000 calories in bread and sugar every day. They could just cut down and exercise portion control instead of falling for a broscience meme

>> No.13641352

Does it matter if they feel better and are losing weight?

>> No.13641396

A lot of people don't do keto properly, so this isn't very surprising.

>> No.13641418

Stop posting in this thread

>> No.13641465

1. In ketosis your metabolism is a fat adapted and breaks down body fat for energy
2. On a high fat diet you are satiated easier and don't eat as much
3. High fat diets don't have high insulin spikes that would trigger fat storage in the body

Basically keto controls appetite, controls insulin, and makes the body more efficient at breaking down body fat.

>> No.13641492

I'm not a retard I believe in the heart of ketosis and such goodness could never do us harm.

>> No.13641534

You literally cannot gain fat unless you're in a caloric surplus and you cannot lose weight unless you're in a caloric deficit, you dumb fattie. Ever heard of thermodynamics?

>> No.13641539

Debunked junk science. Lab studies confirm that groups of rats fed equal calories of carbs, fat, or protein will all wind up at different body weights. The idea that all calories are digested the same is ancient pseudoscience that no real scientist believes anymore.

>> No.13641562

Energy doesn't materialize out of thin air, you obese retard. You can't break the rules of thermodynamics.

>> No.13641566

>energy doesn't materialize out of thin air
>Lab studies confirm that groups of rats fed equal calories of carbs, fat, or protein will all wind up at different body weights

these two statements don't contradict each other.
your intake can affect your metabolism.

>> No.13641686

Hormones like insulin affect weight gain, idiot. Learn science. If you eat foods that spike insulin you will gain weight. It's basic nutritional science.

>> No.13641693

Funny how the Japanese, who aren't scared of evil carbohydrates, are among the slimmest people in Earth, isn't it, fattie?

>> No.13641695

It makes your body prioritize fat loss instead of fat and muscle loss. Sure you'll still lose weight on a simple calorie deficit, but it'll take long and you'll look worse. Fatties on this board literally believe that someone who eat 1700kcals a day of chicken and broccoli will look the same as someone who eat 1700kcals of cupcakes and icecream. Calories in/Calories out is what creates "skinnyfat" people.

>> No.13641704

Funny how this doesn't contradict any of the science.

>> No.13641706

Diabetes in Japan is a major problem

>> No.13641708

>Japanese eat carbs so that means basic science is bunk and I can stuff my face with cupcakes and soda as long as it fits my macros

Okay lardass. Keep making excuses.

>> No.13641717

>obese retard that needs to go on a meme diet calling me fat
>obese retard who can't into portion control calls me fat
>obese retards that thinks shoving steaks and butter down his throat instead of eating moderate portions calls me fat
I don't need to make excuses because I've never been fat in the first place hence not needing to fall for fad diets. Post your arm and we'll see who is fat.

>> No.13641723

Of course a fatty like you doesn't understand food science. This is why you're fat.

>> No.13641726

Post your arm, lardass.

>> No.13641739

Let's see yours if you're so obsessed with arms. Guarantee you're fat.

>> No.13641742

I can mainline lard and tell convince myself I'm better than everyone else.

>> No.13641745

Funny how this hambeast had to come up with some strawman about me saying that eating soda and cookies is a good diet or about me denying insulin's influence when all I said is that you can't lose weight at a caloric surplus.

>> No.13641751
File: 854 KB, 3120x2400, madketofattie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13641769


>> No.13641777

>those narrow bent bones from calcium deficiency
>the pale sickly skin from vitamin d deficiency
Oh god it's worse than being a fatty.

>> No.13641786

Still haven't posted your arm, fat boy

>> No.13641790
File: 125 KB, 747x1024, 1576917146285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This article is fucking retarded, I can tell you from personal experience.

So what, if I eat a little too much protein all the fat I eat is just going to get slapped onto my fat reserves and my muscles are going to waste away?

Fucking retarded.
I've been gaining a lot of weight in ketosis, I eat about 3000-3500 calories of fat with 100-150g of protein per day and getting stronger and apparently not gaining much body fat.

All the talk around keto is centered around unhealthy people who don't have normal routines of physical activity.
Just work out you fucking subhumans, you NEED 1-2lbs of meat (~100-200g of protein), good fucking luck eating that much anyway, its hard and you will have to focus.
How the fuck can you possibly overeat protein?

There is probably a good point about the acidification factor, but that's because pop bro science leaves out the fact that we're supposed to be eating not just meat fat and organs but BONES.
Pretty sure making broths from bones is deep in our genes.
I really like to chew on bones that have been boiled for a long time, especially spongy ones, the bone is soft and easy to grind down and tastes good.
The bones is fish like sardines give the same kind of satisfaction, I think it's an instinct.
Also pretty sure we are literally supposed to eat dirt and clay, but maybe a multivitamin is a suitable substitute.

Also where is the discussion of the roles of vitamins? Pretty sure that having a good supply of vitamins your metabolism will favor processing fat for energy and protein for building.
Eat organs.

>> No.13641793

When you go into ketosis, your body over-produces ketones from fat. Once they are ketones, your body either needs to use them or flush them out via urine. There is no way to convert them back into fat.

Carbs, on the other hand, are converted into sugars. Your body can store those for later use as fat.

>> No.13641802

You're literally retarded. Insulin isn't the only hormone in your body. Your cells are constantly storing and releasing energy. Insulin spike will cause you to store energy and you will then use the energy to stay alive, removing it from the cells.
You knuckle dragging mouthbreathing NPCs who hear one poorly thought our hypothesis by some talking head con artist and think you understand everything about the body and have it all figured out. Use your own brain, try to think critically.

Do you know what a nutritional calorie is and what it represents?
Do you understand that your body uses energy to function and this cannot stop or you die?
If you store fat because of insulin, what happens to it? Does it stay in your fat cells forever?

How do you """learn""" about this shit and feel completely satisfied with an explanation that, after some rudimentary thought, makes no sense?

What would happen if you injected an excess of insulin? Would you magically get fat?

>> No.13641810

Ketotards on suicide watch!

>> No.13641812

why are you still typing?
You're literally retarded and an authoritarian NPC and provide no coherent argument.

>> No.13641814

>durrr insuling nt only hormun
duh. No one said it was brainlet. But it is one of the most important hormones and the primary hormone behind weight gain. That is one of the major purposes of insulin, to store fat when blood sugar rises.

>> No.13641825

seriously what the fuck is wrong with you?
do you not understand that a spike in insulin signals to your entire metabolism to prioritize storage?

>> No.13641827

>dat broscience
Literal nutritionists and body builders have proven you can lose weight or bulk muscle on nothing but twinkies. The macro scam is just a scam bro. Organ meat once a month is plenty to keep the vital nutrient store high. Everything else you consume for basic energy can be whatever. Don't waste your time and money on memes.

>> No.13641828

naming the hormone responsible for storing fat in your fat cells has no bearing on you gaining weight in the long term. the fact that I need to spell this out to you is evidence that you're too stupid to understand it, as I already made this clear in my other post. Stop trying to engage in discussions when you don't actually think and just regurgitate things you don't understand.

>> No.13641834

Yes, then after you store the fat what happens in your body? Try to use that brain and answer the question

>> No.13641870

>the hormone that stores fat doesn't store fat because I think science is wrong
That's not how it works idiot.

>> No.13641899

rec some organs for a white male in europe

>> No.13641911
File: 223 KB, 1600x900, 170522092440-02-trump-western-wall-0522-full-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is diabetes
Go slurp some coke and ho-hos down sugar boy.

>> No.13641934

liver and kidney are easy to find almost every store has liver

there are markets you can go to where the farmers bring their meat directly to sell, you can ask them for other organs which are harder to get, like heart and brain and stomach (tripe).
They're called 'farmer's markets' here in the US, I'm sure they have the same thing in Europe, I know they do in scandanavia at least.

>> No.13641937

Cicken hearts good? I had those once

>> No.13641938

Successfully loses weight
> LoL u FeLl FoR a MeMe1!!1!

Cope harder fatty.

>> No.13641945

yeah they are very very good, you want to cook them at a high temperature, grilling is best

you can cook any animal's heart the same way, beef heart is delicious, like a cross between liver and steak

>> No.13641948

Wrong you can still lose weight in a caloric surplus by removing a limb or getting liposuction.

>> No.13641951

Dude, thanks a lot, i thought hearts were bad, because of how cheap they are.
I'll check my wholesaler to see if they got some, they have chicken fillet at half price (~3.99 eurodollars per kilogram)

>> No.13641954

ITT: vegans shitting on keto

>> No.13641986

ketards and vegans are both sitting in the back seat of the short bus, just on different sides

eat a balanced diet, don't eat too much food, don't eat food that is obviously overprocessed sugary carbage, and have at least one 24 hour fast day per week (with occasional exceptions) and one or two 3-5 day fasts per year.

>> No.13642010

>one or two 3-5 day fasts per year
for what purpose?

>> No.13642019

Makes you not a bitch, tells your body to appreciate being alive.

>> No.13642029

did you get that off of a mommyblog or hindi or something?

>> No.13642045

longer term fasts help strengthen the digestive and immune systems. They trigger deeper autophagy than pure IF.

I do 4 3 day green tea fasts per year, going back on food sucks but that week after you've refed feels incredible. That's when I'm at my most energetic, strongest and even most virile.

>> No.13642347

fuck off muhummaed, get your dick out of that goat before posting

>> No.13642387

I did proper check-your-pee keto for three months and I did feel noticeably less hungry than when I went on CICO later but not enough that I can't maintain a low calorie diet.

>> No.13642552

shut up, queer

>> No.13642989

Just because the amount of calories in a specific type of food is always the same, it doesn't mean your body processes it all the same. There's a fucking reason why some people can't process some types of food at all.

>> No.13643019

wow, good thing i have a blood ketone meter?
not that i need it, trust me, you can tell by the way your shit smells.

>> No.13643038
File: 61 KB, 853x480, x480[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why (((she))) wants you to eat more carbs

>> No.13643217

Have fun passing your kidney stones while staying at your, "optimal health," you fucking retard

>> No.13643221

Ppppplease listen I'm not retarded
Pseudoscience isn't fake it's just not been proven yet
Eating a high fat diet doesn't lead to heart disease and kidney stones

Haha retard

>> No.13643227


>> No.13643230

I love Who Framed Roger Rabbit. One of my favourite movies. You forgot to greentext, btw.

>> No.13643246

Except veganism is the only diet that is endorsed by some of the largest health organizations in the world for being a perfectly healthy, well balanced diet.
Sorry ketotards, but you're only bro science to keep eating muh bacon and eggs every day

>> No.13643252

Eggs are bad for keto. Too high protein with too few other nutrients to justify it.

>> No.13643253

I just got lazy with the greentext while mobile in all honesty

>> No.13643257

Oh yeah, you're right. More protein than fat. You get my point though.

>> No.13643293

It simulates fasting.

>> No.13643296

Have you heard of hormones?

>> No.13643338


>> No.13643354

control blood glucose

>> No.13643357

>protein gets converted into carbs

nigger WHAT?

>> No.13643360

>just count calories
>just use the method that was disproven in the fucking 60's and is proven over and over again to only work when losing less than 20 lbs that was recently gained, and attempting any more than that will cause extreme damage to your metabolism which has been proven over and over again with shows like Greatest Loser where LITERALLY 100% of contestants have gained their weight back
Keto IS a meme. It is not even remotely a perfect diet. But it is the right general idea. Cutting glucose from your diet and fasting is the way you lose weight.

>> No.13643363

ADA endorsed keto dieting

>> No.13643516

What does being in ketosis for 24 hours a day improve over being in ketosis for 20 hours a day?

>> No.13643534

eating less food is literally all you need to do to lose weight, you hoop jumping faget.

>> No.13643618

Post your arm, fatso.

>> No.13643623

>Eggs are bad for keto. Too high protein with too few other nutrients to justify it.

Eggs are one of the best things you can eat on keto.

>> No.13643625

Major compared to who?

How does an insulin spike make you gain weight at a caloric deficit? Go ahead, explain how it's possible.

>> No.13643629

the dissonance of a religious fanatic put in front of a reality check.

>> No.13643631

Go ahead and post the study then. You fatties are yet to post a source backing your meme diet itt.

>> No.13643632

The idea that they have "too few nutrients" is especially hilarious. Eggs are literally one of the most nutritious foods that exists per mass.


>> No.13643695

But anon there are human trials where high fat is no better than high sugar for maintaining body weight

>> No.13643701

are there? post them

>> No.13643713

Not that guy but ketocucks haven't posted a single source so far.

>> No.13643723


You can maintain normal weight on any meme diet that does not kill you. In reality, a normal diet is by far the easiest and healthiest, but fatties are so convinced that they dindu nuffin and the foods of the world are evil that they bounce from one meme diet to another, losing muscle mass as fast as they can.

>> No.13643725

reading comprehension

>> No.13643750

Data ranges from 8% -12% of all adults. That's on par with China,USA/Mexico. Over exposure to a carbohydrate-rich diet reduces insulin sensitivity over time and renders carbs a less and less viable source of calories


>> No.13643755

she can eat my carbs any day

>> No.13643860

Source for your claim?


>> No.13643905

It literally will tho

You have zero fundamental understanding of thermo dynamics


Eating low calorie high protein foods doesn’t not make you have more muscle if you don’t workout

You can eat as healthy as you want but without proper exercise you’ll look just like any other average joe who isn’t obese

>> No.13643908

>But can keto cause diabetes?
>Srinath said it’s too soon to establish a correlation between the keto diet >causing type 2 diabetes. More research is needed.
>“Overall, ketogenic research is still very limited, and we need more human studies to fully understand its effects.”
That isn't data, its an open ended quesion.

Here are facts:
>Over time, this can deplete the pancreas of insulin-producing cells, which is common in type 2 diabetes. Also, prolonged high blood sugar can damage nerves and organs. Reducing your carb intake could help increase insulin sensitivity. That's because high-carb diets tend to lead to spikes in blood sugar, which put more pressure on the pancreas to remove sugar from the blood (69 Trusted Source, 70).
Many studies have found that higher intakes of fructose can increase insulin resistance among people with diabetes (80 Trusted Source, 81 Trusted Source, 82 Trusted Source, 83).

Prevalence of diabetes among asians:
>Based on disaggregated data, Filipinos had the highest age-adjusted prevalence (15.8% men, 9.4% women), followed by Japanese (11.8% men, 7.6% women), Korean (6.7% men, 5.1% women), South Asian (6.3% men, 2.7% women), Chinese (5.0% men, 3.6% women), and Vietnamese (2.5% men, 2.1% women). These results demonstrated that among some Asian American groups the age-adjusted prevalence of T2DM was even higher than in non-Hispanic Black (8.8% men, 13.3% women), and Hispanics American (6.7% men, 10.7% women) groups. In particular, Filipino (15.8%) and Japanese (11.8%) American men were found to have among the highest rates of T2DM.
I was wrong about Mexicans, they are actually healthier than Japs.

>> No.13643920

>In the present study, we investigated the association between dietary intake of carbohydrates and the risk of type 2 diabetes. Incident cases of diabetes (n 749) were identified and compared with a randomly selected subcohort of 3496 participants aged 40-79 years. For dietary assessment, we used 7 d food diaries administered at baseline. We carried out modified Cox proportional hazards regression analyses and compared results obtained from the different methods of adjustment for total energy intake. Dietary intakes of total carbohydrates, starch, sucrose, lactose or maltose were not significantly related to diabetes risk after adjustment for confounders. However, in the residual method for energy adjustment, intakes of fructose and glucose were inversely related to diabetes risk. The multivariable-adjusted hazard ratios (HR) of diabetes comparing the extreme quintiles of intake were 0·79 (95 % CI 0·59, 1·07; P for trend = 0·03) for glucose and 0·62 (95 % CI 0·46, 0·83; P for trend = 0·01) for fructose. In the nutrient density method, only fructose was inversely related to diabetes risk (HR 0·65, 95 % CI 0·48, 0·88). The replacement of 5 % energy intake from SFA with an isoenergetic amount of fructose was associated with a 30 % lower diabetes risk (HR 0·69, 95 % CI 0·50, 0·96). Results of the standard and energy partition methods were similar to those of the residual method. These prospective findings suggest that the intakes of starch and sucrose are not associated, but that those of fructose and glucose are inversely associated with diabetes risk. Whether the inverse associations with fructose and glucose reflect the effect of substitution of these carbohydrate subtypes with other nutrients (i.e. SFA), their net higher intake or other nutrients associated with their intake remains to be established through further investigation.

>> No.13643924

>Many studies have found that higher intakes of fructose can increase insulin resistance among people with diabetes
>among people with diabetes

>> No.13643927

It's a fad meant to justify overeating meat and cheese. They'll die young, it'll all solve itself.

>> No.13643933

>I was wrong about Mexicans, they are actually healthier than Japs.
Yeah, that must be why Japan has the highest life expectancy, retard.
>asian americans
Mutts corrup everything.

>> No.13644193

I intermittent fast eating one meal every 24 hours on a keto diet. Yeah I'm in ketosis sorry retard I can smell the ketones in my piss.

>> No.13644199

imagine believing this. yikes!

>> No.13644204

>said nothing

>> No.13644209

i called you a liar

>> No.13644210

well done

>> No.13644239
File: 598 KB, 1280x800, 1580733979675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a fad meant to justify overeating meat and cheese. They'll die young, it'll all solve itself

OK vegan.

>> No.13644245
File: 632 KB, 1280x800, 1573979400663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do vegans gaf if we are technically in ketosis or not? Shouldn't they worry about their own starvation diet regimen and not worry about us?

>> No.13644246
File: 185 KB, 508x524, 9dd4366b2fb31fc6129989b4c6a4af9a3167af702b39cddfdb13b7c7c1050c44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not even on keto but vegans with their anti-lowcarb crusade have been shitting up this goddamn board way too hard recently. wow, you're assflustered because some faggot decided not to eat bread anymore. good, now kill yourself.

>> No.13644250

Whether you're in ketosis or not, can be easily tested through urine or blood samples. This article is wrong on pretty much all levels.

>> No.13644263

Never go full retard anon.

>> No.13644264

The only people I see talk about it are overweight middle aged soccer moms anyways the people trying this meme diet are always fat I mean the same for any other diet but this one specifically and intermittent fasting

>> No.13644279

i know it’s probably bullshit but it works for me. i do vegan keto, which is massively restrictive, and never eat over twenty grams of carbohydrates a day. i had never gone more than three days without binge eating, but keto, along with the added moral obligations and consequent guilt if i were to binge on non vegan foods, has made it so that i haven’t binge eaten in over two months. highest bmi was 27, now at 23

>> No.13644369

>this samefagging retard trying to shill the idea that making fun of keto makes you a vegan

>> No.13644387

You're right, the anti-keto posters are more likely to be same actors in the sugar industry that caused the misinformation about fat being bad in the 60-70s in the first place.

>> No.13644389
File: 7 KB, 232x217, insulin-makes-you-fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What would happen if you injected an excess of insulin? Would you magically get fat?
People have been injecting insulin for a century. Are you seriously not aware?

Insulin causes fat accumulation. There's nothing magic about it.

>> No.13644404

How does insulin make you fat at a caloric deficit?

>> No.13644432

By causing muscle loss.

>> No.13644434

I sure hope they don't cut clozapine with glucose...

>> No.13644440

drinking my daily keto shake right now

4 oz almond milk
4 oz milkadamia
4 oz cashew milk
tbsp hemp seeds
tbsp flax seeds
60g keto shake mix (mostly MCTs and shit)
20g collagen powder
tsp ashwagandha

mmmmmm--mmmmmm good!

>> No.13644448

I am

>> No.13644688

Imagine not just adjusting your carbohydrates intake to your actual needs. Same with all nutrition, really. Pursuing these ridiculous know-it-all diets was always a scam.

>> No.13644710

Literally wrong. Calorie deficits causes your body to believe that food is scarce, and cause it to store MORE fat out of desperation. Obese people who became calorie starved DID lose weight... about 20lbs, and then their weight slingshotted back to ABOVE their original weight. Meanwhile underweight people who had a calorie surplus of TEN THOUSAND CALORIES gained only a very minor amount of weight, even without any changes in lifestyle.

Obesity is not linked to calorie count. All an increase in calories does is increase how active your bodies internal systems are, which is why obese peoples hearts beat faster, and what causes the 'fat sweats'. Ethan Allen Sims literally sought to prove CICO 20 years ago, and only managed to disprove it, as has happened in every major study and meta analysis.The ONLY effect calorie surplus/deficit has on your body, is BMR, and even then it works the opposite of how you are implying. Giving your body more energy to burn causes it to burn more energy. Giving your body less energy to burn causes it to ration it out more to keep your brain from shutting down.


In fact, we know that CICO is wrong because keeping a fixed diet can still result in changes in weight gain due to BRAIN DAMAGE of all things, as the signals to release certain hormones get disrupted and prevent your body from processing and storing those calories in the same way.

Also, you know, Lipohypertrophy being a thing that exists.

At the end of the day, it matters less how many calories you are intaking, and more how efficiently your body is processing those calories.

>> No.13644722

>Calorie deficits causes your body to believe that food is scarce, and cause it to store MORE fat out of desperation
wow a keto fag believes the starvation mode meme

>> No.13644755

We get it.

A Slav can survive starvation. (barely)
How they do it is beyond chink tier. They will be dead within the decade: >>13641751

>> No.13644757

Yes, because it is real. Its not a fucking 'mode' your body enters into, you just fucked up your god damn metabolism, and your body is trying to cope with your shitty damaging mistakes. Its the reason why, as mentioned above, LITERALLY 100% OF CONTESTANTS on the show The Biggest Loser end up gaining their weight back. 100%. Every single one. All of them. Because caloric deficit only works short term and damages your metabolism and they way you process food at all.

Meanwhile there are dozens of studies that demonstrate people losing weight at a caloric surplus, without changes in exercise. Keto is one way to go about it (not the best though desu because extended ketosis doesnt offer any additional benefits beyond standard ketosis), but anything that helps you fast more will cause you to lose weight.

>> No.13644764

opinion discarded

>> No.13644840

What are you on about, fattie? Try to rephrase that with some proper syntax.

>> No.13644848

Lol, you're a retard denying the rules of thermodynamics. If your body needs say 2100 calories a day and you eat 2500, those 400 calories won't vanish into thin air, you dumb fatass.

>> No.13644852

Btw, why don't you post your arm? Or will you cop out like the other fattie?

>> No.13644853

>Meanwhile there are dozens of studies that demonstrate people losing weight at a caloric surplus,
cite them please

>> No.13644871

>Calorie deficits causes your body to believe that food is scarce, and cause it to store MORE fat out of desperation.
How? If you use up all of the calories that you eat, what fat are you storing? Fat that materializes out of thin air?

>> No.13644877 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 398x428, BA08C1DE90D3400E92AF1EA47DD3B13A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh thermodynamics
"A calorie is a calorie" violates the second law of thermodynamics

>> No.13644893

You haven't answered yet, where do those 400 calories go?

>> No.13644897

you do realize each macronutrient is assigned a calorie count per gram that represents the usability of that macronutrient?
saying “it depends on how your body uses the macronutrient bro” does not apply at all
calorie is a measurement of energy
each macronutrient is assigned a measurement of energy based on their functions

>> No.13644902

>ketard desperately searches reddit for scientific evidence supporting keto and deletes all his posts after getting btfo

>> No.13644903
File: 889 KB, 2886x1967, DSC_0721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jeez, you sound like a tranny on speed. why are you sperging out in every keto thread?
t. gallon of diet coke a day

>> No.13644906

you aren’t thin and it’s hilarious to see you stretching your hand out hoping to show bones

>> No.13644907

Shit that fats contract because they are constantly eating. A diet of maintenance level kcals of pure sugary shit would not give you diabetes unless you were extremely insulin sensitive already from being obese.

>> No.13644910

lol ok

>> No.13644997
File: 43 KB, 400x350, 1567582611217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dedicate my life to telling other people to stop doing what I don't like.
Imagine being this sad. Get a life.

>> No.13645295

You don’t know what keto is.

>> No.13645311

i didnt write the article you autist, settle down. your """""diet""""" is a meme though

>> No.13645371

That chick has humongous hands.

>> No.13645378

imagine getting fisted by her

>> No.13645410

By slowing down your metabolism, i.e. the diet that was caloric deficit no longer is.

>> No.13645501

it made me lose weight, that's all I need to know (((science))) is fake anyway

>> No.13645524


Whoever wrote this is definitely obese.

>> No.13645587

>post cock I wanna make sure you ain't gay >:)
fuck off, mo

>> No.13645663

>all those estrogen mimics
Enjoy the gyno!

>> No.13645677

>he thinks phytoestrogens work like human estrogen
>doesn't realize that if they do anything, they increase your overall hormones, giving you more testosterone

>> No.13645709

what makes you think you understand a single thing when you use such uneducated terminology as "estrogen mimics"

you're a fucking retard, i hope you never drink a single beer, because that's 3000 times more estrogenic than my shake.

>> No.13645723

Yeah, same here. Probably the people who don't use the sticks have no clue, but geez.

>> No.13645734

Here, have some entry level education on basic fucking high school chemistry you fatasses should know as you continue to try to starve yourself.

>> No.13645736


"keto" diets (which are rarely keto diets) make achieving caloric deficit easier

>> No.13645755

Anytime a diet goes mainstream where some 55 year old dude I work with is talking about it, it's over.
>This diet is so easy
See, there's the mistake. Diets are not easy.

>> No.13646361
File: 345 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200211-193054_Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Renegade Jannie censors scientific papers that BTFO the calorie shills.

What a joke.

>> No.13646370


>> No.13646373

all the mods are fucking literally jewish and live on their boards and constantly ban people they lose arguments against
all of the mods, everywhere on the internet, especially here

>> No.13646382

>muh jannies
Why do zoomer newfags not understand 4chan culture and that being banned for dumb shit has literally always been a thing? Go back to fucking reddit if it's that much of an issue.

>> No.13646385

>anti-semite is also a lardass
Can't say I'm surprised.

>> No.13646392
File: 758 KB, 700x700, 1579127588369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. janny

>> No.13646396

It wasn't a ban. Its a biased janitor.

Probably the guy who got humiliated by that paper is a janitor and deleted it himself.

>> No.13646408

>reddit frog
Proving my point.
>muh biased jannies
It's 4chan. Welcome, newfags.

>> No.13646414


You sound like an essentialist cultist just for fasting instead of ketosis. I hear the same ridiculous nonsense about how fasting is this silver-bullet miracle method that makes one into a superman. Isn't it funny how every single fancy diet ultimately goes right back to the reduction of calories, be it by reducing your food options or how often you eat?

>> No.13646423

>over 180 posts in
>ketocucks are yet to explain how you can lose weight at a caloric surplus
Do they magically vanish in defiance of thermodynamics?

>> No.13646439

also this nigger kike mod who got beaten down in argument deleted my link to a good video:

This is a medical doctor with a PhD in nutrition that does research on keto that explains the basics really well and pretty much answers every question in this thread
and refutes the vegan/fatass/jewish/nigger retards in this threads.

>this samefag kike mod calling others samefags
daily reminder this is the pinnacle of jewish life
they literally exist to troll and disrupt real people
we need to burn all of their children to death, or else go extinct

>> No.13646450

Not only you're fucking paranoid and racist but you're advocating murdering children. You're a shitty person.

>> No.13646455

Also you're making excuses to keep stuffing your face with food in order to lose weight. The irony of you calling anyone fat when you're this much of a deluded gluttonous subhuman is hilarious.

>> No.13646458

calories don't work, it's empirical and pretend the human body burn all food like a flame. Eating large quantity of fat at once means you'll shit most of it out. the calories of protein and fibers aren't digested at all. your calorie scam only work if you follow the food pyramid scam as well, where you only eat sugar, which is digested at 100%

>> No.13646470

not that guy but now you're randomly moving goal posts all over the place, please kill yourself

>> No.13646476

In a fasted state (meaning you have no glucose in your bloodstream from food energy, and the glycogen reserves in your liver and muscle tissues are exhausted), your body uses the glycogen energy reserves stored in body fat. This results in a condition called ketosis, which is an elevated level of ketones, the by-product of the process of breaking down body fat.

Our body stores excess food energy as body fat. It's important for basic physiological functions. The reserves in our liver and body fat are the reason you don't simply starve to death while sleeping or missing a few meals. We engage ketosis regularly in the process of being alive.

Dietary fasting is willingly abstaining from food intake in order to engage ketosis. Your body, having no other source of energy, will begin to use body fat exclusively. Eating anything will end your fast, as your pancreas will secrete insulin into your bloodstream in order to metabolize the glucose. Your body will always use food glucose first.

A ketogenic diet is an attempt to maintain a relatively elevated level of ketones in the bloodstream by eating certain kinds of foods. It's a medical diet used for epileptics and diabetics. However, it became fashionable as a weight loss diet in the past few decades. It allows people to maintain some of the benefit of fasting while still being able to eat.

>> No.13646490

Have you heard of adaptive thermogenesis? You wonder why some people can eat a lot of calories and not gain weight? some people eat few calories and don't lose much weight?

>> No.13646497

More like moving the donut shop because you obese ketotards have never been in the vicinity of a football field in your life lmao

>> No.13646507

>randomly moving goal posts
you mean a mentally retarded leftist subhuman who has his brain constantly zapped by programmed bursts of emotion can't maintain a train of thought?

no way

>> No.13646511

How am I moving the goalposts exactly btw? It's not like he made an argument or said anything of value in those mentally ill rants.

>> No.13646516

>from denying the laws of thermodynamics to ranting about leftists and jews and how he thinks murdering jewish children should be a thing
What kind of mental illness is this?

>> No.13646530

>I pissed on the fire once and put it out
>My piss has firefighting properties that no known science understands, it's not the water

Yeah it worked, it must mean it's real.

>> No.13646550

>I can tell you from personal experience
I like this broscience alert. It saves me time reading the retardation after this sentence.

>> No.13646558

the funny thing about bro science is it often turns out to be true in hindsight.

>> No.13646662

The funny thing about this post is retards truly believe whatever they want to hear

>> No.13646720

Why don't they call it Atkins anymore? Not trendy enough?

>> No.13646860

>the human body has 100% energy efficiency
Your argument is already flawed. Not to mention you are outright ignoring the many many other factors. Hormones play a bigger role in fat storage than calories. It also completely ignores HOW the body burns fat. You are basically denting the fact that ketosis even exists at all.

If CICO worked, fat people could go MONTHS without eating. But guess what? They starve to death at the exact same rate. Because fat storage is hormonal not caloric.


>> No.13646871

>I’m illiterate, that makes you wrong!
t. dumbass

>> No.13646912

Different diet. Keto has even less carbs, and focuses on fat instead of protein.