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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13634864 No.13634864 [Reply] [Original]

Why does tomato sauce taste better the next day once its gone cold and you have reheated it?

>> No.13634908

Because you have no friends and and you've never know the love of a woman.

>> No.13634925

reheating it removes some of the water, concentrating the flavor.

>> No.13634937

same goes for soups, always better after ~24 hours in the fridge
my guess is some chemical reaction keeps going on even when it's cold

>> No.13634938

Spices have more time to meld together.

>> No.13635416

Spices rehydrate, flavors mix, water evaporates and your mom sneaks into the kitchen to replace your shitty sauce with her own recipe.

>> No.13635434

I find that extremely hard to believe because it would come out of a jar.

>> No.13635440

Still better than your slop

>> No.13635441

Who hurt you kid

>> No.13635524

The flavors of the ingredients have more time to meld with one another and develop

>> No.13635642

More time for the flavors to settle down, start a family, tire of one another, allow the cracks to reach the foundations, have affairs, begin to truly despise themselves and each other, then ultimately melt down at a PTA meeting and complete mass murder-suicide so they can finally know some peace.

>> No.13635777


>> No.13635791

Haha typical 4chan!

>> No.13635818

Maybe when it cools down it makes it easier for more of the flavor of each ingredient to transfer to each other and the rest of the sauce. While it's cooking it's forcing the liquid out of the small pieces of onion and tomato or whatever, but when it cools down some liquid goes back in and pulls more flavor out.

>> No.13635827

The flavors have more time to marry

>> No.13635857

Because reheating costs less time and effort than cooking.

>> No.13636052

It gives the flavors time to get to know each other, go on a couple of dates, court, fight, make up, propose, marry, and have 2-3 kids and move into an upper middle class home before waking up and realizing that you were just dreaming about her.

>> No.13636673

this hit the spot after reading through the above pseudoscience

>> No.13637118

kill yourself you degenerated yunan filth