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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13612381 No.13612381 [Reply] [Original]

What type of food did you eat during your lowest point in life?

>> No.13612386

jail food

>> No.13612389


>> No.13612394

None + beer

>> No.13612396

I'm part of the MTV generation. We experience neither highs nor lows.

>> No.13612403

fast food because its the only thing that brought me true happiness.

>> No.13612405

Yep. Cold bologna sandwiches and a little jello cup. For four days. Got a DUI and couldn't make bail for a while.

>> No.13612406

Taco Bell every day.

>> No.13612407

strangers dick at a public restroom

>> No.13612418
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Used to be pic related and beer everyday for close to a year. I would add some BBQ sauce to change things up every now and then.

>> No.13612429

Currently and for the last few months I’ve been eating primarily 1lb ground beef and Zatarains dirty rice.

>> No.13612430

this exactly down to every single detail except hot sauce instead of bbq sauce holy hell

>> No.13612449

I did hot sauce too, just BBQ was more prevalent. I mean they'd go on sale for $3.33, how am I supposed to not buy them?

>> No.13612454

There are frozen pizzas for 1 dollar Mr. Moneybags must be nice

>> No.13612456

bean chili and egg rolls

>> No.13612462

I lived off of cheap breakfast cereal and knockoff Hamburger Helper. Half the time I didnt have hamburger to add.

>> No.13612464

there are frozen meals you can get which are not pizza and which cost 3 dollars you know
better yet, there are NON frozen meals for that cheap!

>> No.13612479

not him but red baron is like the king of the cheapest shit pizzas

>> No.13612485

Jack's Pizza has more flavor than that cardboard shit

>> No.13612487

Yeah. It is pretty nice having money.
But they aren't as filling or as tasty as a Red Baron.

>> No.13612490

I'm probably at my lowest now.
Had a cup of coffee with flour for dinner (I don't know how this thing is called), sounds like absolute shit but it's good, you cook the flour until it's brown and add a couple of teaspoons to a cup of coffee, then eat like pudding. Usually have a cup of milk and some crackers at night, some rice and either cheap hot dogs or "soy schnitzels", or whatever the fuck you call those things in America, because they're pretty cheap.

>> No.13612516

something about Jack's crust just doesn't do it for me. too sweet maybe?

>> No.13612530

Beans and Wendy's. Should I just off myself?

>> No.13612552

peanut butter, straight from the jar, with a spoon
off-brand fig newtons
refrigerated cookie dough

>> No.13612565

A bacon burger for lunch, a box of candies for a snack after that, dinner cooked at home and a large muffin just before bed. Every day.

>> No.13612575

Wow. lot of white people in this thread acting like they no struggle... lmao...

>> No.13612580

Tell us about your struggle, minority person.

>> No.13612642

Triple cheeseburgers with large fries, every day. I got up to 250 pounds. I'm now working on getting the number down.

>> No.13612653

Coffee thing sounds great for breakfast

>> No.13612654

Cheese nips.

>> No.13612656

Alcohol. Shit still downing that shit. Hmmm

>> No.13612661

I had just quit my job and was unemployed for two months. Ran out of money, was too far away to get to the food bank. Literally had a big bag of rice, a bag of flour, soy sauce, sriracha, canola oil, and marmalade. Lived off of unleavened bread with marmalade and fried rice with nothing in it for almost two months. Found a pack of beef jerky my dad had given to me to try in the bottom of my backpack three weeks in. To this day the single best bite of food I've ever had was tearing into that.

>> No.13612675

Around 17 as a high school drop out eating freezer food like corn dogs and microwavable chinese food all day while watching anime. Basically was eating faster than my body could metabolise. Don't feel like I ever really lost the weight ten years later but caught on soon enough to not balloon up

>> No.13612716

anything + ranch

>> No.13612720

bread and vodka, but that was after my corn chips and malt liquor era

>> No.13612726

Flatbread pizzas from Winco

>> No.13612737

where are you from? does this coffee-and-roux technique have a formal name? i am genuinely interested

>> No.13612756

peanut butter, and rice

>> No.13612764

They're more liberal with the sauce out of all under $3 frozen pizzas

>> No.13612794

>fish & chips once a week
>large pizza once a week
>various fast food chains throughout the week
>frozen fries, wedges and chicken strips
>various kinds of crackers, chips and cookies
>drank nothing but diet coke
Back when I was a 16 year old high school dropout spending all day wrapped up in a blanket on the couch.

>> No.13612796

hot sauce on bread for a month or so at a time in high school

Jail food wasn't that bad but quantity was a joke. Went down to 150 pounds cause I refused to buy commissary.

>> No.13612803

the 24 nuggets from maccas for $9.95 and the $1 cheese burgers

>> No.13612854

Bro I'm not out of it, not sure if it is my lowest but definitely lowest to date... One meal a day, but not even big... I've got Tupperware designed to vent from the top for boiling, so I buy 50 cents mac & cheese from walmart, take 3/4 of a bottle of water, add some vegetable oil and crush up a couple smoked hotdogs, throw the whole thing in the microwave at 60% power and add the cheese powder after, fresh spinach if I'm feeling anemic (jk, but I try to eat a little real food). Sad part is normally I eat huge amounts and lift weights, but I'm back in school and poor as fuck so it doesn't make sense to burn more calories. I wish I had food stamps, honestly, as much as I hate to admit... But going back to school was my choice, so I'll be frugal in terms of money, and wasted energy. Giving up working out has made me depressed as fuck, though, and my responsibilities are the only reasons I get out of bed... My hobbies that used to define me, I'm literally embarrassed to admit, like if people are talking about working out, cooking or shooting, I just ignore them.. even though I have a lot to say.. because I'm a spectator now, I can't even afford to eat decent food.

>> No.13612887

Pasta noodles in V8 with sliced kielbasa.

Honestly not the worst thing I've done to food. If you render the fat out of the sausage and cook it until it's super tender, repeatedly adding water so it doesn't burn, then add your parcooked noodles so the seasoned fat coats them, then add the V8 and heat it up.

>> No.13612930

microwaved ginsters ham and cheese slices

every day for at least a month

>> No.13613038

heroin during the day and alcohol in the evening to sleep

>> No.13613048

solely peanut butter from the jar with a spoon

>> No.13613367

flour, water and salt cooked on the stove. that and some Nescafé.

>> No.13613399

Nothing but dry rye bread, wiener sausages (uncooked) and mustard for a few months.
I was far from poor, but depression makes you do strange things.

>> No.13613422

I didn't eat a whole lot. Would usually wake up, sit at my computer for 8 hours, walk into the kitchen and decide I didn't have the energy to cook. On a good day I'd make a pb&j, on a bad day a couple pieces of dry toast.
Probably ended up eating about 500 calories a day on average

>> No.13613429

Lot's of weed, and the greasiest and meatiest of junk food.

>> No.13613434

whole packets of plain biscuits. huge bowls of pasta. whole blocks of chocolate. this is when i was 14 or so.

at 19 i was going through beer and cigs like a sailor. now my life is actually more fucked than ever but my diet is good.

>> No.13613484

Nothing, the lowest point in my life was during my Crohn's diagnosis and I threw up 100% of solid food for weeks.

>> No.13613500

My breakfasts are always pretty pathetic. I eat a can of sardines usually. Forgot mine today so I’ll probably eat the croutons my coworker leaves in the fridge.

>> No.13613613

Instant noodles chips and beer
Mfw I keep sinking lower since I still eat that shit

Lots of servo food too
Best I'm gonna try this next time I make cold brew in a big ice cube jam jar

>> No.13613666

Kratom and progresso soup

>> No.13613679

Salvation Army fare pumped with slow-you-down to keep the prole sedentary in the event of the communist call

>> No.13613686
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I’m eating soley fast food and Chinese takeout right now.
Not because I can’t cook but because I don’t feel motivated to. I’ve had the same rinsed off dishes sitting in my sink for two+ weeks now

>> No.13613692

I live in South America, don't know if it has a name, a friend showed me one day how to make it and I thought it was good.
This girl does it, maybe he got it from her:

>> No.13613740

Okay, Lisa.

>> No.13613749


>> No.13613911
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Heroin withdrawals quitting cold turkey.
Couldn't keep anything but orange juice and grilled cheese down, and not always that either.

In case you were thinking about getting that sort of habit yourself; I wouldn't recommend it. (the Heroin, I mean. Grilled cheese is great.)

>> No.13613924

Big Macs. I was at the point of killing myself, so at 2 am I’d drive to McDonalds and eat a Big Mac. I would instantly feel better

>> No.13613932
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that coffee thing sounds cool, I'll have to give it a shot sometime.

>> No.13613947

Take out errey day
My house was a hoarders level mess, layers on top of layers of trash
I was too dirty and afraid to leave so I just picked the phone and the food wizard showed up at my door with more crap

>> No.13613997

sneedsa sneedson

>> No.13614009

I didn’t eat. I lived on whiskey and orange juice for a month. I am a 5’10 man(let) and weighed about 120 pounds at the end of that month.

>> No.13614023

Oatmeal, literally 5 packets of nothing but plain oatmeal for an entire month. I lost 20 pounds in 1 month

>> No.13614193

take out every day
nutella from the cup
a shitload of chips

>> No.13614341

Hotdogs, ramen milk, bologna sandwiches
Then my dad's obese bitch of a girlfriend moved out and her pig stash was free game. I made everything from chocolate pudding pie, sausage egg and cheese pancake-burritos, shrimp pizza and breakfast burritos, etc. Got kicked out for not paying rent at 19 soon after.

>> No.13614347

vodka and beans

>> No.13614398

Ramen noodles
Watched a lot of MMA fighting. Smoked hand rolled cigs and brushed my teeth with a Bob Barker tooth brush.
Jail sucks yo

>> No.13614406

I hit rock bottom 4 years ago, with 3 cans of pringles and a bag of chocolate chip cookies

>> No.13614415

the meal i remember most was when i was 13 years old and ate five big macs, four orders of large fries, and a large oreo mcflurry coming back from a school field trip
my lowest point was probably when i’d order $40 worth of food from grubhub and purge it all every single day

>> No.13614423

>peanut butter, straight from the jar, with a spoon
Is there any other way to eat peanut butter?

>> No.13614442

What did you go down for?

>> No.13614443

Steak cooked with no oil, just straight on pan

Frozen pizzas in an oven microwave that I had to flip upsidedown to actually cook the base

Spaghetti and microwaved meatballs.

1st year of student life is rough

>> No.13614458

this is unironically the gayest post I've read on all my years of lurking these boards.

if you were actually trying to pass this off as an original comment, pls kys right now.

>> No.13614462

I make 130k and still do this

>> No.13614642

90 for assault

>> No.13614661

A bullet.

>> No.13614752

I had a buddy who went to jail for a while. When he got out he insisted on making us all of this amazing food he learned to make in jail. It was literally ramen, hot dogs, and kraft singles.

>> No.13614818

idk i never really had a low point.

>> No.13614819


>> No.13614843

The classic: some cheap aldi spaghetti and ketchup. Cant recall if I even seasoned it.
I was 6" and 140 lbs. Yellow skin, a walking skeleton.
Today I'm 225lbs.

>> No.13614867

The coffee thing is a native american dish iirc, it's breddy good and the texture is pretty unique.

>> No.13614868

Either one of the really shitty sandwhiches from the school cafeteria or a combination of pasta + some processed overly-salty fatty sugary sauce from a box. Taking a masters while working full time was such a terrible experience

>> No.13614883
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Cheez-Its, generic brand multivitamin, and water, nothing but that for like 3 months

>> No.13614892

>cheezits instead of of generic cheese crackers
Not rock bottom

>> No.13614893

>this is unironically the gayest post I've read on all my years of lurking these boards.
lol this but I find the amount of anons triggered by it funny

>> No.13614903

oof, you're right, it was generic brand generic cheese crackers, it's like half the price

>> No.13614904

When my grandma passed, I repressed a lot of those memories so I honestly don't remember. I know there was a lot of traveling around that time.

In college, I was super depressed and overworked so I hardly wanted to eat let alone had time to make meals. I ate a lot of avocados and pizza.

>> No.13614946

At the end of college I had to do summer school for one last class and my parents cut me off entirely for about a month and a half. I found a loophole in my campus dollars to buy beer, so I drank nothing but Keystone Light and ate one Cup of Noodles a day until I ran out with about a week to go. I was so malnourished that while writing my final report my body gave out and I couldn't stop shaking enough to type, so I ate a box of Honey Bunches of Oats I had saved and it got my body to stop long enough to submit the report at about 11:50 when it was due at midnight.

My roommate's parents heard about this episode and ordered me a big pizza with 20 wings. That was the best ever.

I was homeless for about a year about a year and a half after that, so that was pretty bad, but at least then someone would invite me over for a hot meal or I could take advantage of Las Vegas' cheap specials.

>> No.13614951

Every night, no matter what I ate that day (after having all of my regular meals including dinner), I would get stoned and go to the drive-thru for 2 mcdoubles with extra mustard and extra pickles and one yogurt parfait (basically ice cream with texture toppings). Sick.

>> No.13614956

That's more like it anon, carry on.

>> No.13614974

He must have had bad taste before he was imprisoned. You don't just forget that there is better food in the world.

>> No.13615052

Did like a year straight of chips, 4LOCOs, pizza and wings. 310 lbs. I'm down about 40lbs but my body is probably permanently fucked. Used to be in really good shape, too.

>> No.13615082

Burritos made with scrambled eggs, spiced lentils, and a whole wheat tortilla.

>> No.13615106

At 14 my parents packed all of our shit and moved 6 states over. They chose to do this without planning. And I was stuck eating ramen noodles for two weeks straight, along with my sister (2 years younger) and stepbrother (who was 4 years old). All we had for sauces were generic barbecue and pancake syrup. By week 2 I was eating plain ramen with pancake syrup for breakfast and ramen with bbq sauce for dinner. To this day, I have not eaten ramen since.

>> No.13615116

They sell these breakfast sausages at the store that no one buys. Always get moved to the end fridges with huge clearance stickers.
Got about 20 packs on sale once for $0.15 a box. Each box had 8 or so sausages.

>> No.13615286

Cheapest meatballs or chicken nuggets and mayo based "salad" I could find from the store. I ate them cold because my stove and pan were so dirty I couldnt use them and I dont have a microwave, and I ate them for months from the same plate without ever cleaning it. Every now and then I'd treat myself with frozen garlic baguette, I waited until it thawed enough to eat it, threw some cheap cold cuts on it and enjoy.
I lived like that for over a year while getting drunk every single day

>> No.13615332

Baconator add all vegetables and mustard
Large fries with ranch and bbq to dip
Large coke (40oz)

That was pretty much the high point of my day, I'd get this for lunch (breakfast) and coast off the dopamine the rest of the day playing overwatch till whatever my mom brought for dinner. Best of times, worst of times.

>> No.13615546

damn, is a large wendy's drink really 40oz? Are the other fast food beverages also 40oz? 12oz of Coca-Cola is like 150cal, 40oz of soda is 500cal of drink. That's nuts

>> No.13615564

good on ya anon, struggling quitting weed right now, couldn't imagine how hard heroin is.

>> No.13615573

It's a mindset thing. Dudes who are inside for a long time end up doing shit like that

>> No.13615582

Yes, its really 40. I think jack in the box and bk is also 40 not sure though

>> No.13615585

Some Russian bitch's cooking.

>> No.13615589

>When he got out he insisted on making us all of this amazing food he learned to make in jail. It was literally ramen, hot dogs, and kraft singles.

>> No.13615616

Rice and beans. Spaghetti and frozen peas. Bread and butter. Canned tuna / sardines twice a week. Those were my staples during university days.

>> No.13615644

shit nigger i don't even have a doll that i can cuddle with. how the fuck do you think you're at rock bottom when you have a teddy bear you can pretend is important?

i have a fucking pillow that smells of beer i found in a plymouth breeze in 1995. that's not a teddy bear.

fuck you

>> No.13615687

i would eat thousands of calories at once or eat and drink nothing for days.

>> No.13615697

You can get second hand stuffed toys for under a dollar at the thrift store.

>> No.13615748

just porridge (rolled oats) made with lactose free milk and artificial seeetenet

>> No.13615960


>> No.13615981

shitty ass food i would get from the food baskets. powdered milk, boxed milk, imitate cheese, bagged beef stew, this shit called "vegeterian vegetable soup" that came out of the can like a brick, cold hotdogs, raw ramen, the list goes on.

everything was expired when i would get it and some of the shit would make you sick for days.

>> No.13616418

So far it was saltine crackers with ketchup on top. Wasn't too bad. Also once I ate a 20 oz jar of mustard with a spoon.

>> No.13616516

During my first full-time job as a lawyer, I was working long hours and drinking myself to sleep every night, with zero social contact besides seeing my family once every couple of months. I went full-on wagie and contemplated suicide every Sunday night.

A typical week night was:
>takeaway Indian or Thai
>six pack of cheap lager
>oven-baked frozen chips if I was drunk-hungry later
>whiskey later if I was still sober enough to feel anything

Gained about 40 pounds and fucked my liver up pretty bad, still climbing out of the hole I dug for myself.

>> No.13616531
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In my second year of college I decided not to go visit my family for Thanksgiving so I could work on a computational statistics project that had gotten off-track.
My GOD DAMN teammates who had previously agreed to also skip Thanksgiving so we could get this shit done flaked on me and so I spent Thanksgiving day writing shitty C code by myself and eating pic related.

>> No.13616552


>> No.13616569

I had a few times in college where I'd spend 72 hours lying still in bed. Sleep for 14 hours and go to the kitchen to eat some peanut butter before climbing back into bed to sleep for another 8 hours.

>> No.13616582

Whatever was in front of me. While I was living in a homeless shelter I’d just eat whatever they gave us that was free.

>> No.13616638

just oats, and only one meal a day

>> No.13616651

Just get food stamps if youre able. You don't deserve to starve because you want to better yourself. You aren't being a burden or a bum by collecting assistance to feed yourself. When you finish school, you'll be able to pay society back through your tax contributions

>> No.13616687

Honestly? Fast food.
Wawa sandwitches, lunch meal chinese food, chick fil a, and carry out discount pizza.
Im not at a low anymore, but I do miss getting to know my local Chinese spot and having small talk. Food helps for a little while

>> No.13616694

my lowest point was last summer and I was eating burritos and ice cream and candy and fast food and smoking spliffs like every day, I did some real damage

>> No.13616705


>> No.13616706

Chinese takeout

>> No.13616714

Seeing whats good and exploring different chinese places made me find the actual good ones for future reference. Daily chinese takeout is kino

>> No.13616983

Nothing except pre-packaged sandwiches from convenience stores and gas stations. For about 18 months.

>> No.13617181

Crushed up Flinstones vitamins mixed into nutella spread onto the last moldy hotdog bun

>> No.13617182

How were you so depressed when you were rich enough to do that?

>> No.13617316

I ate a half maki roll that I left in my car for four days, didn't get sick so the place I got it from is obviously super clean

>> No.13617322


>> No.13617325

Microwave pan-pizza and donuts

Got so damn fat, it sucked and took a long time to get back

>> No.13617336

I tried to get assistance, basically I need to be disabled... Which I'm not (technically) despite having a chronic disease I've managed for 20 years. I try to not think too much about what's fair, I drew my stick and unfortunately it left me in a position where the only way forward was taking two steps back. But thanks for responding to my post, Anon. Means more than it probably should.

>> No.13617337

How could he be? It's one of the most famous Simpsons lines ever.

>> No.13617452

An entire bag of kettle chips and a pound of candy. Daily. I was so fat. Doing better now, bros!

>> No.13618203

Best of luck in life anon

>> No.13618240

I'm cycling between eating basically nothing, then twice a week getting one of Chick fil a, chinese, or a calzone from my favorite italian place.

>> No.13618260

>It's one of the most famous Simpsons lines ever.

Anyone who has a decent university education should be familiar with all the famous Simpson lines and memes.

>> No.13618294

Just white rice with some salt mixed in.

>> No.13618320

does hand sanitizer have calories

>> No.13618415

Red Baron and Taco Bell and vodka from a plastic bottle

>> No.13618444

People drink it because it often contains alcohol and alcohol does have calories.

>> No.13618525

Damn bro, thats rough. Shoot me your paypal I’ll send you 20 bucks or something, cant let someone from the ch0n live like that.

>> No.13618672

Hello? Paging Dr. Based?

>> No.13619087

nothing. when I have extreme anxiety or stress, I just lose all my appetite. it's how I lost 90lbs in a year.

>> No.13619101

Ramen, eggs, bacon, and cereal. Not much else

>> No.13619189

I ate a bowl of cookie dough ice cream mixed with some of those dehydrated cereal marshmallows (like in lucky charms)

I was doing IF and was sad so I just binge ate carbs and ice creams

>> No.13619225

When i was homeless, i lived on nothing but sausages. they were both very cheap and the easist to steal, very high in protein, and I had access to someone's backyard so I used their bbq

>> No.13619323

kraft singles with a squirt of ketchup and microwave popcorn

>> No.13619515

I was hella depressed for a while and literally only went to this expensive local japanese steakhouse every night alone and spent like 60 bucks a meal every weekend. it was depressing

>> No.13620332

I live the same but I’ll PayPal you too bro.

>> No.13620679

that state of cumskins

>> No.13620693

Jimmy johns day old brrad with a fuck ton of free mayo packets.

Also, tuna packets and crackers from the dollar store.

>> No.13620835

Making car payments back in the 00's. I was stuck eatin fuckin cheapass frozen dinners. They still make me gag when I even smell one to this day.

>> No.13620897
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>> No.13620910

lowest point was probably when i was in middle school. i didn't eat lunch, would have a frozen microwave hamburger for dinner. mom wouldn't come home until very late and wouldn't cook then. also lived on campbells chicken noodle cans. at least i was skinny. makes me mad i probably would've been taller if i had eaten right.

t. 5'11" king of manlets

right now i'm living off footlong subways. one per day. that's it. well... plus five-to-eight beers a night.

>> No.13620922

how big are your mantiddies

this was another one of my jams in early 20s. ordering a texas double and a side salad off the wendy's dollar menu. $2 to fill up.

not as cheap as buying dried beans and rice, but pretty much as good as it gets for bought ready made.

>> No.13620956

Pretty much lived off of hemp hearts when I moved to a new town all on my own. Good protein, but not sustainable on its own. Lots of soda crackers and cheap no name ramen noodles too.

>> No.13620976

Halal guys platters, chicken wings and fries. I would wake up at 7pm daily and do nothing but watch tv and eat and then go back to my phone in bed.

>> No.13621158

yup 2 week 1 large jar pb...

>> No.13621261

Once for dinner I had a can of cheddar pringles, a zebra cake, and a king size kit kat

Yes I was fat.

>> No.13621283
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The answer is Nothing at all.

>> No.13621301

are you me? but to be honest make that 12+ beers everynight.

>> No.13621304


>> No.13621308
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>12+ beers everynight
So money wasn't the problem.

>> No.13621319


>> No.13621510

A couple years ago I drank a large shamrock shake + ate mcdoubles every day and gained 10 pounds. Was in a real bad spot in life after losing my job. The shakes just made things worse

>> No.13621515
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Fast food

>> No.13621517

Not him, but beer can be found very cheaply.
My local Lidl charges less than a dollar for three of their cheapest lagers. Call it 3.50 bucks a day for a 12-beer habit.
You can cover a week's drinking by mowing some boomer's lawn that way.

>> No.13621525

Thanks, and good luck.
It was fucking miserable to go through but very much worth it.
Still rebuilding everything I ruined years and years later, though. I can see why some people lapse.

>> No.13621666

literally nothing but dark chocolate coated rice cakes, cucumbers and diet jello for 3 months

>> No.13621867

how did you endure that shit

>> No.13621983

Like 3 bags of tortellini with butter and romano cheese a day

>> No.13621999

>lowest point in life?

>> No.13622006

At my worst I didn't eat and was on IV food for 4 months. The lowest point while I was still eating I would eat about 4-5 bites of Cantaloupe per day and drink maybe half a redbull before going back to depression naps

>> No.13622090

Old bread I got for free with butter and salt

>> No.13622284

Assuming you are/were a smoker, is the meme about quitting smoking being harder than quitting heroin accurate?

>> No.13622488
File: 154 KB, 158x600, C577B50F-3FAC-4018-9BF8-06747CAC73D0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related with plain rice, if I was lucky maybe some beans too. Took a big risk with my career and was dirt poor for a couple of months along with some really crippling depression. Everything worked out tho

>> No.13622520

Whichever liquor was on sale that day and instant noodle.

>> No.13622532

Will I lose my current gf if I choose the m2?