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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13596256 No.13596256 [Reply] [Original]

>he doesn't get all of the seafood he cooks purely from fishing
Where did it all go so wrong in your lives that you've forgotten such simple, fresh pleasures, /ck/?

>> No.13596264

I used to, then chinks illegally trawled in our waters and fucked our ecosystem.

>> No.13596266

Fish in general taste pretty bad desu only shellfish are good

>> No.13597053

Amazingly bad palate you've got there

>> No.13597200

>he doesn't farm his fish

>> No.13597213

I too enjoy fishing, but i live 100 miles away from the coast and only get to fish the local canal and lake for the most part. I could eat the fish from the lake, but it would be european perch or pike only, maybe a roach or a carp too. The fish from my canal are too contaminated with heavy metals to consume, especially the eels

>> No.13597219

I live in the desert and the only decent fishing is like a 45 minute drive, where there's a ton of dead bodies.

>> No.13597243

Any retard can fish. Only a tiny portion of the living things in the history of Earth have gotten to simply have fish presented to them already prepared by an elaborate industrialized distribution system for zero effort consumption on perpetual demand.

>> No.13597245

fishing lvls?

>> No.13597246


>> No.13597248

You sound like you have some experience on that front. What's it like? Been thinking of getting into some kind of aquaculture myself.

>> No.13597252

>Any retard can fish.
>tfw been trying to fish for weeks in the local river and still catch nothing.

>> No.13597261

What are you targetting, and what method are you using? I could possibly give you some guidance, fren

>> No.13597281


>> No.13597290
File: 1.19 MB, 1456x2592, IMG_20200131_234335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm targetting anything. I have a diy no reel 6ft bamboo rod. my line is half twine and half really thin nylon string (out of frame). I bait with sweetcorn. I am too poor for a store bought rod, what do how improve?

>> No.13597300

you can't afford a $10 for some fishing gear? go beg for money for 20 minutes

>> No.13597305

>$10 for some fishing gear
WHERE? I come from bregsit land.

>> No.13597307

Haha, that's our poorfag DIY-fishing anon...

>> No.13597312
File: 1.11 MB, 2592x1456, IMG_20200131_224722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello /out/! have some gnocchi

>> No.13597316

shiet dude, that's some poverty fishing. You can get somewhat decent rods and reels for very cheap. Sweet corn is fine as a bait for carp and bream and roach. If you lived closer i'd give you my old rods, i have about 10 i never use anymore

>> No.13597321

>he thinks it's /out/
Some anons are really holding back, let me tell you. Are those black things supposed to be olives or grapes?

>> No.13597335

literally any walmart

>> No.13597347

Literally the only I eat fish is when I catch it myself. Fresh halibut and rockfish can't be beat, the taste is noticeably better than buying it from the fish market.

>> No.13597363

I'd love to catch some carp. a small grass carp or something. please advice.


I thought that poster was from /out/. Why did he say "our" poorfag diy-fishing anon if he wasn't? I've only ever posted my poorfag rod on /out/

>> No.13597373


>> No.13597377

When exactly did you go fishing? It's winter now in western europe, carp aren't feeding much until spring. In spring, go to a relatively shallow area of your lake, go there two or three times, throw a can of sweet corn on the exact same spot those days. Then go back, put some sweet corn on your hook and go fishing, it's pretty likely you'll catch at least a bream or a small carp. I'd advice you to at least use some lead or something to get your hook to the bottom

>> No.13597378

I used to. then i had a kid. fucked if i have free time these days.

>no free time and on 4chan

I'm waiting for something to compile, so i'm taking a break from work.

>> No.13597387

>throw a can of sweet corn on the exact same spot those days.
AHA! thank you, I'll do this. how much corn do I throw? surely not thw whole can?

>> No.13597395

You could use half a can, just make sure you throw it in about the same spot every day, it will condition the fish to come looking for feed there if you do it a couple of times, makes your time fishing there more productive. Also don't discard the water in the cans, throw it in the lake too, the sweet smell will attract fish.

>> No.13597400

nope, you open it first

>> No.13597405

retard; leave the man alone, he's trying to learn something

>> No.13597415

thank you brother <3

how far out from the bank should I be fishing? or does it not matter as long as I condition the fish with corn?

>> No.13597422

I'd fish at around 10-15 meters from the bank, your movement could scare away fish right at the bank, but they'll be less spooked if you fish a bit further away, but since you only have a poverty fishing pole, i'd advise you to fish as far as your equipment allows you, just make sure it's not extremely deep or your hook will never touch the bottom

>> No.13597427

you got any throw away email you could give me? i'm considering sending you one or two old rods of mine with the mail, since you only live across the canal

>> No.13597462

should I look to extend my rod? also is it okay if I carry on with no reel?

wouldn't shipping be really expensive? ;o;


>> No.13597480

Get in contact with me with a screencap of this thread and i'll fill you in.

>> No.13597503
File: 20 KB, 405x646, calvard when.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calvard when?

>> No.13597658

The fishing's just not going to be the same without Rean around... all that U-material...

>> No.13597662

Haha... Rean...

>> No.13598061

>he eats fish and not chad crustaceans

>> No.13598108

>he doesn't eat Gigachad cephalopods
Never gonna make it

>> No.13598250

Do you really want a breakdown of the logisitics of why we don't do that, and instead buy salmon from the store?

>> No.13598261

How? Why?
I thought it was only /v/ but even /ck/... I'm not dissapointed i'm just perplexed, haha...

>> No.13598262
File: 50 KB, 220x198, 1565995192304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's holding you back, anon? Let's hear your pathetic excuses.

>> No.13598276

Not funny fuck off /fg/'s down the hallway fuck you go baaack

>> No.13598280


>> No.13598287

I'm not angry, i'm not dissapointed, i'm just surprised.

>> No.13598304
File: 29 KB, 320x240, 0FB52725-5BC3-4688-92D9-5C71ADEFF1AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak for yourself.

>> No.13598326


>> No.13598330

>he hasn't been on /a/ recently
5toubun threads would like to have a word with you

>> No.13598351

Not one rancepost in a 400 reply thread, that is, til i showed up; but really there was nothing.

>> No.13598356

That would limit me to soley catfish, and even though I like catfish, not enough to go noodling or fishing for it

>> No.13598732


>> No.13598742

>all the seafood
>purely from fishing

Yea have fun fishing for crabs and prawns instead of using traps

>> No.13598749

You can catch crab with fishing pole snares. Crawfish ain't really seafood.

>> No.13598750

Misread your post. But who traps shrimp? You net them and thats fishing

>> No.13598755
File: 219 KB, 800x600, Prawn-Bait-IMG_0279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prawns you dolt. I am starting to think you don't even know how to fish and are just larping.

>> No.13598864

They're basically the same you fuck

>> No.13600697

What did he mean by this?

>> No.13600811

I eat local freshwater fish. I live way too far away from any saltwater to realistically catch, store, and transport all of the ocean dwelling seafood I eat in a year.
I used to fish in some of the lakes closer to me but now I typically have to go about half an hour to an hour further to fish anywhere that's not fucked by ag/golf course/roadway runoff or overfished by gooks who keep 3 times the limit/net until the place is barren.

>> No.13602151


>> No.13602310

I love fishing, but im landlocked, and our local ecosystem is fucked. Everything has ridic levels of arsenic from gold mining. The government has an entire branch dedicated to testing us for arsenic levels. cant even harvest berries or garden in parts of town due to the concentrations being so high.

>> No.13602426


>> No.13602429
File: 43 KB, 432x444, 1500994639994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigger has obviously never actually been fishing.
>simple, fresh pleasures

>> No.13602737

what does rean the mean machine cook his wife estelle before he bangs her?

>> No.13603251


>> No.13604063
