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13576837 No.13576837 [Reply] [Original]

So I've seen a few foreign people come to the states and they are always alarmed and shocked to see white chicken eggs. They were only aware of brown eggs. What other countries have white chicken eggs? Also if this is the first time you're seeing a white chicken egg yes this image is real and yes we eat them.

>> No.13576857

I've seen white eggs in tv shows sure but bleaching eggs is against EU regulations. regardless it's barbaric and part of american bleaching fetish.

>> No.13576864

I choose to believe this is an American pretending to be a European

>> No.13576874

>bleaching eggs
Do Americans really

>> No.13576882

Either you're right or its just a retarded european. The colour of eggs is not dependent on bleach, but on the breed of chicken.
In fact I doubt you could even change the colour of eggs with bleach without ruining the egg due to the semipermable nature of the shell and membranes,

>> No.13576893

>The colour of eggs is not dependent on bleach
I bet that you think coloured Easter eggs are from special Easter breeds of chicken as well.

>> No.13576897

>breed of chicken
actually it depends on their mood. european eggs are healthy natural brown while american pale white eggs are the result of the torturous life the chickens have to endure.

>> No.13576914

The amount of pigment, Protoporphyrin, applied as the egg travels the reproductive tract of the hen determines the colour. The amount of pigment applied is up to the genetics of the chicken.

>> No.13576920

does anyone else remember straight outta cloaca?

>> No.13576937

>non refrigerated eggs
do euroshits really?

>> No.13576958

Yes, because we don't introduce bacteria into the inside of the egg by washing them. Shell and membrane are semipermeable, bacteria can't get though until it gets wet, that is why hens like to lay in warm dry areas, it is nature's defense against bacteria.

>> No.13576966

i see white eggs all the time in the UK

>> No.13576969

White eggs come from chicken vagene, and brown eggs come from chicken buttholes.

>> No.13576994

we have mostly white eggs in Switzerland as well, I think it's just a type of breed desu

>> No.13577004

did you think chicken run was a documentary?

>> No.13577022

no I read many wikipedia articles a day and copypaste them on 4chan to prove people dumber than me wrong.

>> No.13577029

I read somewhere that selling unwashed eggs is illegal in the US while selling washed eggs is illegal in Britain.

>> No.13577040

Quick rundown on white eggs?

>> No.13577048

It's illegal in the US if you sell more than a certain amount. The number depends on the state.

>> No.13577053


American eggs are white because the breeds of chicken that lay them are smaller and therefore cheaper to farm. That's all it is

>> No.13577064

Completely identical to brown. No one on Earth would be able to tell the difference in a blind taste test.

>> No.13577070

Seems unlikely.
See for answer

>> No.13577090

There has to be some difference, just like blacks and whites aren't the same.

>> No.13577093

>His local shop doesn't sell blue eggs

>> No.13577099

There are chickens that lay colored eggs. They aren't used for easter eggs usually, or rather easter eggs usually don't use them as the breed is quite rare, but my mother had chickens that lay green and blue eggs. If you touched one just after it has been laid the color would rub off a bit, but if it had dried already it wouldn't. Brown eggs behave the same way.

>> No.13577108


>> No.13577198

No one on Earth would be able to tell the difference in a blind taste test.

>> No.13577273

They're trying to undo the opposite happening to their females.

>> No.13577277

Having lived with a black dude for a while, I wholeheartedly disagree.

>> No.13577379

>even the eggs need to be white
The rest of the world isn't that racist.

>> No.13577399

White eggs come from white hens. You fucking retard

>> No.13577549

Norway has white eggs
No they're not bleached
Yes they are completely edible

>> No.13577589

White egg shells are almost always more fragile than brown shells, at least in the US. Cracking a white egg with the same force as a white egg results in the white egg exploding

>> No.13577758

Amerifag here. Just bought brown eggs for the first time. What can I expect? I'm finishing off my white eggs and should be eating brown by tomorrow morning.

>> No.13577793
File: 157 KB, 1262x592, embarrassing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nor do they dye them.
the color of eggs comes from the amount of beta carotene in the diet of the chicken so eggs can range in color from white to blood red. they all taste the same.

>> No.13577804

oh your talking about the shells? also nobody bleaches those either. the color of an egg is put down by the chickens egg forming chamber in the last 2 hours before an egg is laid. it can easily be rubbed off. the color of the shell HAS NO BEARING on the quality of the egg.

>> No.13577913

I know it's less than a 100 hours to Brexit, but my mum came home with a six-pack of white eggs today. I was very surprised, but I think there's no EU rules against bleaching eggs.

>> No.13577986

Washed and bleached eggs are awful for you

>> No.13577992

Why, do you eat the shells? This is the dumbest fucking post.

>> No.13578000
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, 8D3A8114-13F6-4E49-9CFF-84BEC693F2E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13578074

I like white eggs but they're pretty uncommon here in Italy.
I've read that in the US brown eggs wouldn't sell as much because there's the idea that brown eggs are somewhat "dirty".
Here, on the other hand, white eggs would be considered "artificial" by most customers, like they've been bleached or something, while the brown ones look more natural.

But there's a specific breed, the "livornese" chicken, that produce white eggs with a huge deep orange yolk. It's the one many of us will use to make homemade pasta and it's delicious.

>> No.13578090

India has white chicken eggs. You can get brown too but i think they are expensive.

>> No.13578734
File: 168 KB, 499x600, 1574456089414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is literally a breed of chicken that lays blue/green eggs and is nicknamed "Easter eggers" you fucking stupid nigger faggot.

>> No.13580066


In general, yes.

Also, farmers tend to choose breeds of chickens to raise by which will do best in their area. In warmer places like the southern US, the chickens that lay the white eggs do very well. In places further north that get colder, breeds that produce brown eggs will generally do better and are the better choice.

What is funny is the twits in areas where brown eggs are common thinking that white eggs are preferred and will pay a premium for them. On the other hand, you go to the south and twits think that brown eggs are better and will pay a premium for them.

>> No.13581220

>semi-permeable membrane
You are the dumdum.

>> No.13581241
File: 52 KB, 214x289, Foghorn_Leghorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ck/ dispells troll
>Not spreading rumors about the Leghorn mutation virus altering the DNA of chicken so that they lay "faded eggs"

Boring motherfuckers.

>> No.13581393
File: 60 KB, 554x554, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only white ones, we have black ones too (and no, this isn't shopped)

>> No.13581465

One of the reasons why your eggs at at risk of salmonella is because you clean them so much the outer layer of protection is wiped clean off.

>> No.13581519

>even the eggs are blacked in america
The meme is real, you can't make this shit up!

>> No.13581670

Those eggs are not from that breed of chicken, they lay white eggs. I have seen black eggs before from a certain breed of duck. Egg pigmentation has absolutely nothing to do with the color of the bird that comes out.

>> No.13582058

When I was a child in the 1970s there were only white eggs in the supermarkets. Then gradually more and more brown eggs began to turn up to a point where it's almost impossible to find a white egg. Eggs taste a lot worse now than they used to aswell.

>Also, the country is overrun with wogs

>> No.13582082

Germany has white eggs

>> No.13583304

It's literally just the breed.

>> No.13583355

>brown eggs are somewhat "dirty"
Nope. Complete falsehood, whoever said that. We just happen to use chicken that produce white eggs.

Because of the organic trend and other things, people in the U.S. are likewise apt to think white eggs are "artificial" and that "real eggs" have color to them.
They make a point of using chickens that produce brown eggs for """organic""" eggs because they know this is good way to make people think it's natural. We associate brown with earth, nature, recycling, etc..
And they admittedly do sort of give an impression as if this is what a chicken should naturally lay, but it's just not really the case; different breeds lay all sorts of eggs but the mug organic fucks won't listen to that.

Sounds like a mutated rumor to me.

>> No.13583359

>Muh organics
*Muh cage farms
What I meant to say. It's not exclusively the organic people that think this...

>> No.13583396

Eggs are not actually at risk of salmonella in the U.S. look into the actual math.
Engineers would round it to 0% chance for sure...
You'd need to eat so many eggs in average to have a "chance" of getting salmonella and that's forgetting all the fuck ups a company has to do for that to even happen and don't give me some dumb cage farm excuse mistakes like this are expensive as fuck. People would sue for one...

>> No.13583437

In fact, if you wanna know the real reason why the CDC still recommends against eating raw eggs it's because powerful companies are so fucking paranoid about
people suing them and so obsessed with sucking up every pathetically tiny drop of even just perceived power they can, that they decided to get into the pockets of the CDC so that even when there is literally no risk unless someone totally fucks up, they wanted an excuse to do a last-ditch "oh no it's fine this is perfectly fine and legal and please don't try to start a lawsuit" by making these authorities forever paranoid and massively dumbing the public down. But that defense is only a psychological illusion; if someone actually goes for them, they'd likely do a settlement. Legal proceedings like this generally offer no profit on the part of the person who is sued...

>> No.13583503

That's just not true in any way. White eggs have never been hard to find. Every grocery store has them. I buy them from winco in a pack of 60. Are you blind?

>> No.13584589

7month dry storage length for my farm's eggo

>> No.13584664

So what about the white eggs I've bought in Wales, Ireland, and Belgium?

>> No.13584672

Look up "chicken egg color varieties"
They range from white to blue to even speckled olive green.

>> No.13584675

Maybe he doesn't live in the same place as you. It's a big world out there.

>> No.13584690

we bleach the chickens, not the eggs

>> No.13584695

imported american eggs

>> No.13584712

We do one unfortunate thing with the eggs: we wash them. That makes it impossible to store them at room temperature because it removes a protective coating that would normally prevent salmonella intrusion.

>> No.13584724

how unfortunate that we don't want chicken feces on the eggs

>> No.13584728

And yet, people don't realize Senor Garcia's feces are on the tomatoes and fail to wash those.

>> No.13584957


>> No.13585463

The eggs all taste the same its just down to local preference. In the UK white eggs used to be popular now brown eggs are usually the only ones sold. People see brown eggs as more rustic and natural here, kind of like how people see brown bread as better than white bread. If you go to Asia you see white eggs everywhere.

They taste exactly the same it just depends on what breed is the layer what colour the shell is.

>> No.13585598

You have eaten both black and white people?

>> No.13585630

>his krushyovka doesn't have a black market balut seller

>> No.13585633

That's generally a non-issue since you can simply wash/rinse the eggs right before using them.

>> No.13585704

The risk of salmonella is extremely low in both cases. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages.
The washing method puts most of the burden on the producer, makes it take more effort to keep eggs in good condition, and practically eliminates the risk of the eggs cross contaminating something else.
The unwashed method puts most of the burden on the consumer, who needs to be mindful of cross contamination, needs to wash the eggs before use, but doesn't need to worry as much about keeping the eggs themselves in good condition.
Both methods will not protect against an egg being infected with salmonella on the inside of the egg (happens during the formation of the egg inside the chicken).

From a health and safety perspective it's easier and more effective to force rules on the industrial producers than to try to educate consumers and tell them what to do. And more importantly it puts the liability on the larger entities that can actually pay fines.