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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13571256 No.13571256 [Reply] [Original]

what’s for lunch?

<<double patty melt with bacon

>> No.13571261

you burned it you stupid amerilard

>> No.13571267

Nice stiletto

>> No.13571472

>third-worlder can't recognize takeout container

>> No.13571781
File: 104 KB, 585x640, 82CE1795-D79A-44EC-AE85-F0189603F489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a cheese and haslet toasted sandwich.
It needed mustard.

>> No.13572326

Pasta w/chickpeas. Tomato salad. Peanut brittle.

>> No.13572843

have you ever had a garbanzo bean on your face ?

>> No.13572873

>burned bread
>mince cooked until it's the consistency of leather
>reheated frozen chips

DO ___________ _____? LMFAO OP paid for a Kay meal.

>> No.13572904

>not golden black
I guarantee it doesn't taste burnt

>> No.13572909

Where did you get that knife? Is it decent quality? I've wanted a FS knife for years now.
Also, my lunch is going to be garbanzo beans straight out of the can. Maybe some celery salt on them.

>> No.13572918


>> No.13572928

No, but a girl did pee on me before.

>> No.13572954


>> No.13573127

>EDCing a dagger

>> No.13573130

It's a stiletto not a dagger.

>> No.13573135

>i'm a faggot not a queer

>> No.13573154


Google dagger vs stiletto

So apparently a stiletto is part of the dagger genus.

>> No.13573164

>I literally cannot stop sucking cocks
An interesting insight anon.

>> No.13573179

You're always on this board acting like a 14 year old in every thread. Where the fuck do you exist and have a home your meth parents haven't kicked you out of? Stop being so god-damn childish. You sound like a dumb cunt to EVERYONE. You're that kid from Gummo.

>> No.13573199

That's a Fairbairn-Sykes fighting knife. It's a dagger.

>> No.13573207

>is actually schizophrenic
A thousand pardons my homosexual friend.

>> No.13573224

You are obsessed with male dick. Are you a closet?

>> No.13573232

>Fairbairn-Sykes fighting knife
Sorry I've never heard of that dipshit crap. it's a stiletto. It's a warburn nipplington aggressive ass puncher! Does that make sense to you? Use words normal people know.

>> No.13573234
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Calling you gay doesn't have anything to do with me pal. But i'll level with ya, there isn't just one drunk asshole shitposting on this board. Have some lobster, cool your head.

>> No.13573263

It's a British fighting knife from the World Wars. It was developed by William Fairbairn and Eric Sykes. It is a dagger. Stilletos are thinner and often round.

>> No.13573280

Fine, now go to bed.

>> No.13573310
File: 11 KB, 300x300, Rondel_British_Commando_Armor_Piercing_Stiletto_Dagger_01__11482.1384552192.800.800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go, hon.

>> No.13573318

I'd love to roundhouse heelkick you right in the fucking mandible

>> No.13573324
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>> No.13573332
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What's your point?

>> No.13573335

It's a stiletto, you stupid prick. That's all I was saying the entire time you teenage fuck ups were asperging. Talking to you people is like talking to composting garbage. You don't fucking know anything and you change while you rot.

>> No.13573340

u mad?

>> No.13573348


>> No.13573353

It is a dagger you faggot.

>> No.13573354

It's a poinguard.

>> No.13573369


It's an epee.

>> No.13573379

Why do you human pieces of shit say this like it matters are you teenaged? I'm not mad. I'm talking. Grow the fuck up for one day in your life before you die homeless. Dumb people who parrot others often end up homeless.

>> No.13573381


>> No.13573390

Yeah, u mad.

>> No.13573404


Because I have to deal with secondary schoolers. In fact I'm not angry, I just hate kids. So I'm so mad I'm going off to watch Charlie Wilsons War. So mad though. Hang on to that you screwed up human.

>> No.13573409

Holy fuck dude you can stop responding now, like no one gives a shit how fucking mad you are lmao.

>> No.13573743
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can't believe the thread got derailed by a shitty letter opener

>> No.13573755
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>he believes things

>> No.13573911

It is a Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife.

>> No.13574195

Brit here. It's called a stabby-ouchy.

>> No.13574524

You're supposed to blunt the tip so they don't get stuck in the bone.

>> No.13574528


It's a Manchester-Sheffield Nipple Tickler! With Yorkshire edges.

>> No.13574565
File: 23 KB, 413x211, 1580084060383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some folks call it a Kaiser blade. I call it a Fairbairm-Sykes Fighting Knife.

>> No.13574592

>posting meme foods
>including weapon for no goddam reason

holy fucking cringe!

>> No.13574835

need a knife to cut food, dickface

>> No.13574855

If you're not a mall ninja child, you'd have a real knife. But you're an insecure 17 year old trying to look like something you absolutely aren't. Am I wrong?

>> No.13574905

Is there a flamethrower to along with that knife? Because your food is burnt to shit. Kudos for taking the time to post it for our amusement, though. You made a lot more people happy than had you went back and got a refund.

>> No.13574930

That knife is clean, you didn't cut shit. It came cut and you just wanted to show off your knife.

>> No.13575007

Anyone want to practice Italian dagger techniques?

>> No.13575011

Does that involve surrendering to Ethopians? Italians couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag.

>> No.13575041
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>> No.13575053

when did dark-golden become burned to shit, holy armchair chef

>> No.13575066

Cooked food is a luxury that not everyone on here gets to enjoy. Check your privilege.

>> No.13575083

It's literally black, and the burger is practically well-done.

>> No.13575129

who cares what knife it is op is a faggot teenager for thinking anyone gives a shit about his gay knife that has absolutely no use other than stabbing someone

imagine actually carrying around such a thing, op is definitely a virgin

>> No.13575251

The food looks like barfed up garbage a wild boar wouldn't touch. The only thing interesting in the picture is the very very very thin "dagger". So. That's why this thread went off the rails.

>> No.13575274

>Third worker doesn't understand food
It's like all the money we give your country does nothing.

>> No.13575284

It's hilarious listening to Americans talk about 'third workers' and thier countries like they actually give them money.

Hegemony isn't giving money, it's about extracting wealth. It's the advanced version of Empire. Go.. learn a bunch of things I can't teach you here.

>> No.13575291

The US does most likely give your country money, loan nukes, provide security, or subsidise some sort of industry for you. Yours doesn't do any of that for the US.

>> No.13575295

There's a better way to say
>Thank you
You tsundere sub human third worlder.

>> No.13575299

It's very obvious you have never heard of Arditi or ww1

>> No.13575316

We gave you the DEW line, all the planes you finally used at the end of ww2 and generally made you safe from the Soviets. Like every other western democracy. You deserve no thanks, you need no thanks for your destruction of central and southern america for companies like the united fruit company and your ongoing worship of lockheed, raytheon, boeing in your retarded forever wars. You're a blight on this planet just like Russia and China. You're shit people, but your propaganda is good enough to keep you from know it. Actually it's your education system, then your propaganda system. You're too stupid to know how stupid you really are.

>> No.13575318

But then ww2 happened.

>> No.13575322

>Oh it's a Canadian
>We gave you something I swears
Your country literally can't survive without America.

>> No.13575332

I count at least seven possibly more.

>> No.13575338

>seven, possibly more
Nah. It's all me.

>> No.13575346

A few blunders does not make an entire history irrelevant

>> No.13575353

So you post the stupid Taco Bell everyday threads and all the other /alck/ threads and respond to yourself in all of them? Sounds schizophrenic.

>> No.13575354

>A few blunders that completely destroyed a country, and caused it to be replaced with a similar named nation.

>> No.13575356

No, no that's the other guy.
I specialize in
>Does America really...

>> No.13575362


If you didn't exist, North America would have socialized health care and an economy that didn't live off of Wall Street. And a state that wasn't listed as one of the most impoverished places on the planet. You don't really understand much of anything and how America kinda died after the war. It got really powerful in the short term but set itself up to die in the long run. You're nearing the end of that long run, 24 Trillion debt, which is debt to GDP hell at this point. If you're younger than 45, you're fucked.

>> No.13575380

>socialized healthcare
We don't buy drug addicts their heroin down here you retarded faggot.
Canada is pretty fucked up for a nation with less than 40million, and a lot of you poor faggots that can barely feed yourself end up in the US, because your shit country can't support itself without the US giving you someform of economic support.

>> No.13575382

Canada sucks American dick for trade deals.

>> No.13575383

But you said that you were the one doing ALL of the drunk posting...

>> No.13575384

Hence the propaganda.

>> No.13575418

Yes, and I meant it.

>> No.13575421

I doubt you are, but you keep believing it, schizo

>> No.13575423

There is only one anon here, and it's me.
I'd like you to remember this whenever you read a response that calls you a faggot, faggot.

>> No.13575437

Kind of what happens to every country that loses a major war

>> No.13575443

Your point?

>> No.13575446

its plastic

>> No.13575450

Whatever you say, faggot.

>> No.13575452

Same anon here, and you're the only faggot in this thread, faggot.

>> No.13575457

Again, I am doubt, faglord, of the omnifaggot order.

>> No.13575484

>I am doubt
Y-you too?

>> No.13575487

it looks burnt, golden brown is what you strive for

t. American

>> No.13575493

It looks toasted.
t. American

>> No.13575510

Might want to take a color blind test if you haven't before

>> No.13575511

hey guise.
op isn't american.
that's clearly british bullshit "food".
if there's anything americans are good at it's food.
brits can't cook.

>> No.13575527

>British knife
>British bacon
You might be right.

>> No.13575536

The first clue was that it looks like something you pick off of stand that has fish and chips but nobody gets THOSE fish and chips.
The plastic knife was the second clue.
No guns and knives are controlled contraband in Britain.
Only a Brit would think a plastic knife is "cool" and something to brag about by including it in a pic.
An American would have included a gun or bowie knife.

>> No.13575542

That, and the patties are well done while the fries look soggy.

>> No.13575546

> patties is a brit term
> but fries is an american term
tell me, friend... where are you from?

>> No.13575550

i think its rye bread
patty melt on rye with bacon is patrician

>> No.13575552

Ya never watched spongeboy friend ?

>> No.13575560

we call those patties here in the states
the hamburger is the whole
the meat are patties

>> No.13575614

Cringe bro

>> No.13575621

If the US didn't exist then Canadians would be less able to afford anything.
Just the fact that you're connected to America, and use the same electrical standard grants you a discount on merchandise from around the world.
If Canada didn't exist nobody would be negatively affected.

>> No.13576058

that’s gay

>> No.13576076

If the US didn't exist, the southern parts of North America would be inhabited with normal human beings and us a parliamentary democracy and all of your racist slave owner shit would be dead. No 3 levels of police in the streets that are undereducated and scared shitless of people. Just none of the garbage America is today.

>> No.13576081

If the US didn't exist your country might have had a chance, but the US exists, and your country is shit.

>> No.13576120

Of the several thousand consistent active IP's that post on this board almost half of them are drunkposting. This isn't al/ck/ie for nothing.

>> No.13576132

America IS the 20th Century

>> No.13576164

only faggots eat breakfast and lunch, and dinner is optional anyways

>> No.13576177

A slice of 'bo 'za from 'co

>> No.13576185


I have about a quarter of a quiche left in the fridge, some chicken parmesan I made and some other things. I'll either have quiche or chicken.

>> No.13576193

I wish.

>> No.13576692

I want to get an FS..

>> No.13576785

at most it's at most light rye because of how pale the golden brown parts are in contrast to the burnt bits and you can see the inside of the bread as well as the crust but still the patties would be almost flavourless along with the american "cheese" the bacon look minimal at best so not much flavour. the only thing that looks like it has flavour is styrofoam

>> No.13576791

That patty melt isn't getting me into the bone zone. They damn near burned it.

>> No.13576798

the cheese isn't even melting

>> No.13576809

I smoked a bunch of weed and drank 2 Stella for lunch. I got a week off and don’t know what to do with myself...

>> No.13578197
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they let trannys in here?!?

>> No.13578221

I had one of those knives when I was 12. All black too. Now I imagine you're 12 year old me.

>> No.13578275
File: 104 KB, 1000x720, 1538954950374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not the overweight tub of lard who thinks this burnt mess qualifies as 'food' let alone food one would willingly pay money for and consume.

>> No.13578448

>It's a Jacuzzi not a hot tub

>> No.13578467

A dagger isn't a knife

>> No.13578852

Sure, you're just an overweight tub of lard

>> No.13579075

I have a butterfly knife when I was a kid, and nun chucks. Stupid fucking kids.

>> No.13579203

I know this because I read the Splinter Cell novels as an adolescent and Sam describes owning one of these