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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13560354 No.13560354 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Vanilla Ice Cream the top flavor of choice for most people?

>> No.13560366 [DELETED] 

Because ice cream is w*ite people food

>> No.13560369

Vanilla is my favorite. I think it's the most popular because it's the easiest to pair with things like deserts, fruits, etc, and it's also easiest to depict as generic ice cream.

>> No.13560372

Come to think of it, I've never tasted an ice cream that I didn't like.

>> No.13560512

Mint Chocolate Chip and Cookie dough

>> No.13560514

A good quality vanilla ice cream blows everything else out of the water. Chocolate kiddies need not apply.

>> No.13560530

This. You want to tell the quality of a brand, try the vanilla flavor. Everything else is just a distraction.

>> No.13560639
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a good vanilla is so much better than anything else it's unbelievable

>> No.13560644

Chocolate ice cream doesn't taste like chocolate at all.

>> No.13560650

I make ice cream and vanilla is the most expensive flavor to make just due to the sheer cost of good vanilla extract.
shit whack

>> No.13560655

A man if culture I see
Name a better brand than haagen dazs and I will be inclined to believe you

>> No.13560700

Because they aren't able to mix in garbage failed batches with it at the plant like with shit like chocolate where it could have just about anything in it.

>> No.13560733


McDonald’s vanilla shakes are amazing

>> No.13560741

Too bad they always have that taste of banana

>> No.13560766

my favorite is steak and pistachio

>> No.13560771
File: 67 KB, 638x654, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to get out and experience the world more

>> No.13560785

'cause they're vanilla

>> No.13560790
File: 2.31 MB, 3976x2816, ice cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this post inspired me to grab a bowl of ice cream and also snap my ice cream scoop in half

>> No.13560835

>I make ice cream and vanilla is the most expensive flavor to make just due to the sheer cost of good vanilla extract.
>shit whack
My father in law is a vanilla producer so the beans don't cost me a lot.
I also know how to process them and have some vines in my garden so those are basically free.

>> No.13560851

Get a Zeroll to replace it.

>> No.13560894

I'm not sure I trust that design, it has water sealed in it? I figured I would just buy something solid metal. The liquid seems like a gimmick when more metal would hold heat just as well. I don't really warm my scoops I usually wait for the ice cream to warm a bit instead. I was lazy and also didn't realize mine was mostly plastic.

>> No.13560957

Never had a problem with mine (and similar Stöckel ones) in more than 10 years.
You can use it without pre-warming, just let you ice cream warm a bit like you are used to.
And if you manage to break one you're definitely doing something wrong.

>> No.13560962

Because people have sticks up their asses.

>> No.13560970
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Funny because Blue Bell has the best Vanilla Ice Cream I've ever tasted.

>> No.13560974

The zeroll is what ice cream places use. It’s perfect. Just don’t put it in the dishwasher. Hand wash only.

>> No.13560981

Get a spade style ice cream scoop.
That one you had looks flimsy as fuck

>> No.13560989

tillamook ice cream is better than haagen dazs.

Back in 2009/2010 Haagen Dazs fucked over consumers by reducing the size of their containers, but keeping the price exactly the same.

Wouldn't be shocked if they've shrunk again in recent years, but I wouldn't know since i've refused to buy their ice cream in a decade.

>> No.13561003

cream and vanilla are made for each other. If you don't think think it's the best you're eating low quality dairy ingredients, artificial stuff, or low quality vanilla simulant

>> No.13561484

that's what I had right here >>13560771 blue bell is the best brand I can find at grocery stores. it softens nicely like ice cream should and most importantly it is actual real ice cream unlike half of the shit on the shelves.

>> No.13561488

whoops meant to link >>13560790

>> No.13561530

Vanilla flavored, how fancy

>> No.13561539
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>> No.13561561

Because vanilla is the best base for MILKshakes
Also if you call anything a MILKSHAKE and it doesn’t even have milk, fucking kill yourself you literal sub-30 IQ retarded pile of dogshit

>> No.13561563

what if i use cream instead of milk

>> No.13561565

Then you're obviously making a creamshake.

>> No.13561571

I couldn’t care less, as long as it’s dairy. I saw some retards on here talking about making “fruit and veggie milkshakes” as though it wasn’t a smoothie. Shit made me mad.

>> No.13561599

Are you saying that a company is now charging more for a product than they used to? Do you understand economics or inflation?

>> No.13561604

>the consumer should just bend over and take whatever price the company throws at them
How about you fuck off you mindless dog, your death would bring about more change to our species than your pathetic life ever has

>> No.13561607

Increase the cost slowly overtime, don't reduce the size of your product without any notice, and just keep the price identical.

I'd MUCH rather see a slow creep in cost.

>> No.13561661

Oh yeah a couple ounces less of ice cream is really sticking it to the customer, fatso
Without notice? Was there supposed to be a memo? You just sound like a boomer when you throw these tantrums about "thing is different than it used to be". Cope

>> No.13561670

>a couple ounces less
>a couple ounces less
>eventually you’re paying for literally 0 ounces
>a couple ounces less
>a couple ounces less
>now I’m supposed to make ice cream for them?
>a couple ounces less
>it’s just a couple ounces less

>> No.13561676

>you just sound like a boomer
And you sound like a fucking moron when you declare that you’ll pay exorbitant amounts of money in order to get ripped off, dipshit

>> No.13561686

I like the sweet cream flavor at Coldstone

>> No.13561745

Please quote the part where I said that, thanks
Nice strawman.

>> No.13561849

It’s implied you fucking retard, do you actually think you need to explicitly write something for someone to deduce the logical points of the argument you’re making?
Your original post implies that raising prices are something that should be ignored and that “change” is inevitable and nobody should give a shit if the same food costs 1$/lb or 4$/oz. You never said this directly, but by claiming that the other anon is a boomer for being upset about inflation (a perfectly reasonable thing to be upset about) you’re implying that the modern generation is willing to just suck up and deal with whatever price is presented to them, and even worse, you’re making it sound like that should be normal.

>> No.13561923

Did they not teach boomers economics on high school or what

>> No.13561979
File: 79 KB, 600x600, large_87d9758b-9002-4bcb-8b54-26d60642c03e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely you meant this one, right?

>> No.13561994

I like Banana ice cream.

>> No.13562002

Boy, you really are a fucking retard, ain’t ya?
>he unironically thinks a highschool education teaches you everything about life

>> No.13562051

Vanilla is delicious.

>> No.13562061

>Did they not teach boomers economics on high school
They did, but that knowledge is now significantly out of date, Won't stop them from preaching it like it's gospel, tho.

>> No.13562067

You can combine it with almost anything else and make it work.

>> No.13562082 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 501x585, EB3FA1B8-FFDA-443A-B665-6FA75799CDE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes goy economics is hard and the American education system hasn’t updated their curriculum
>no, goy, you do not understand economics
>yes, inflation is necessary for an economy to work
>yes, prices must inflate constantly for eternity, if prices aren’t rising then that means we need to import more people to create food shortages and then raise prices

>> No.13562083

>economics is everything about life

Is this some kind of cope for your poor education?

>> No.13562091

You know you come across as mentally ill, right?

>> No.13562097

Because they use vanilla as a base for every other mix-in and additive just by default.

>> No.13562098

This. Nvb is the superior vanilla.

>> No.13562111

I made strawberry and cherry ice cream before from zero, I think vanilla is great because is light but, i like more the red fruit ones

>> No.13562114

This is god-tier vanilla right here.

>> No.13562138

Everyone in America copes with a poor education unless your parents are rich, a good education is something only the rich can achieve
It’s an anonymous image board why the fuck do you even care? There was a thread on /b/ where some OP cut his cock off, I don’t see you whining about that guy being mentally ill

>> No.13562144

>>economics is everything about life
Not him, but I have a BS in economics (although since I graduated in 2002 it's apparently outdated according to some) and I'd say economics is mostly about making choices, and the personal stuff like consumer choice theory and income/leisure labor supply models work much better than the macro ones. It's probably conceit but I wouldn't be opposed to saying economics is a good portion of one's life experience, at least the consumption part of it.

>> No.13562151

That guys just trying to troll because apparently it’s fun to pretend you’re retarded when you’re actually retarded. I obviously wasn’t saying that economics is the only knowledge you need, I was saying that he’s an underaged b& bitch boi that thinks he knows everything.

>> No.13562157


>> No.13562172

He’s trolling, and badly.

>> No.13562184

I like vanilla ice cream because it's simple, satisfying, and can act as a canvas for a host of toppings and mix-ins. My favorite ice cream flavor of all time is moose tracks, and the vanilla ice cream is a really nice contrast to the chocolate and peanut butter. I've had moose tracks made with chocolate ice cream before and it's just overwhelming.

>> No.13562192

>economics is everything

>> No.13562199
File: 114 KB, 1334x750, 8421746D-0743-4012-8F7E-BE026E86B6D8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but this is what I actually said which is about 10 inches up the screen if you can manage to find the mouse wheel

>> No.13562223

Which implies you think economics is everything. That's all I was referring to. Is your autism flare up over yet

>> No.13562268

>no period at the end of your sentence
This implies you’re retarded

>> No.13562301

I prefer peanut butter desu

>> No.13562321

>haha bro you almost had an argument but then you made a TYPO. BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME FAGGOT

>> No.13562345

Your post is longer than mine
>this implies you’re more buttblasted than me

>> No.13562352

Jesus, boomers do not know how to banter

>> No.13562369


>> No.13562375

Because most of the time your only options are vanilla and chocolate. Most people either prefer toppings that go better with vanilla, don't care for chocolate ice cream, or don't like chocolate ice cream.
It's primarily a top choice due to convenience, and soft serve plays a huge limiting role in that.

>> No.13562377

Ok, bo

>> No.13562383


>> No.13562386

Vanilla extract is easy to make yourself and orders of magnitudes cheaper. Just buy some vanilla beans and put them in a mason jar with vodka. Wait a period of time and pour it through a filter into your container of choice.

>> No.13562390

Have sex

>> No.13562402


>> No.13562415

Everyone should understand cost opportunity and apply it to everything in their life, primarily in reference to time cost.
The rest of economics is more situational.

>> No.13562527

It's actually the best flavor for stuff like sundaes, with all the extra stuff they add, it doesn't overpower the flavor like other flavors do.

>> No.13562825

Vanilla is what people think plain icecream is. It isnt.

>> No.13562830

but mint chocolate chip exists

>> No.13562831
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>> No.13562854

Because white is always the best.

>> No.13562946

okay but what are the best toppings for ice cream?

>> No.13562978

It's the patrician choice

>> No.13563002

>Toothpaste flavoured chocolate
Absolute disgust

>> No.13563270

The quantity of ice cream that I produce makes this prohibitive. Good idea for those that make it at home for fun though.

>> No.13563293

Because vanilla is the finest of the flavors.

>> No.13563447

Fiordilatte (i.e. plain) gelato is great, you need very good quality milk and cream to make it though.

>> No.13563472

>price of goods never increases
>the value of the dollar never drops, even if you do nothing with it
>you will be just as rich 20 years from now even if you never spend a dime
>investors are therefore perfectly comfortable letting their money sit still in an account forever
>no money flowing into the economy
>no economy
>get raped by wild dogs in the wake of the collapse
yeah bro, fuck inflation

>> No.13563509

>Chocolate kiddies need not apply.
>he's never had a dark chocolate chili gelato

>> No.13564422

>inflation is prosperity
Want to know how I know that you are economically illiterate?

>> No.13564461

Inflation isn't, but the fear of guaranteed future inflation is.
Without that fear, there is less incentive to take risky investments. With the fear of inflation, you don't want to just sit on your money forever. If you DON'T invest your money, you will slowly lose it.
It's like an expiration date. If your milk never expired, how much would you honestly drink?
Expiration dates help your bones in the long run, even if they suck.

>> No.13564529
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I got my new ice cream scoop somethings wrong

>> No.13564573
File: 704 KB, 1023x631, ice cream scoop 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this really that much of an issue? people fuck them up leaving them soaking in the sink overnight too.

>> No.13564593
File: 32 KB, 637x185, madagascar vanilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the taste of corruption

>> No.13564597

Is it just me or does chocolate ice cream taste really sour and nothing like chocolate?

>> No.13564754
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Step aside, boyos

>> No.13565282

Well I live on a vanilla bean plantation in Madagascar so fuck both of you.

>> No.13565291

Happened down the road from me lmao
Nothing can exact justice on a nigger like a pack of angry niggers let me tell ya

>> No.13565311
File: 191 KB, 624x494, HG-Mardi_Gras_King_Cake-NS-624x494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue Bell's best flavor is currently out.
I usually buy 3-4 cartons because they only keep it around for a few weeks a year.

>> No.13565557

Typical idiots who think everything can go in the dishwasher.

>> No.13565578

I'm gonna beat you up and pour a non-dairy milkshake all over you while you're bloodied up and crying

>> No.13565599

good for you nigger

>> No.13565617

Pistachio ice cream is the true and undeniable master race.

>> No.13565728

It just pairs well with with other dessert flavors and you can make a cola float with it. im sure a chocolate cola float would still taste good, just not ideal.

>> No.13565761

Good vanilla is tasty, but I personally find good pistachio ice-cream the best.

>> No.13565797
File: 306 KB, 1280x958, 427C1633-0FAC-4307-B32C-7FE35C0FE81C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even make your own ice cream?
Here’s a vanilla and salty liquorice ice cream I made the other day.

>> No.13565842

>Why is Vanilla Ice Cream the top flavor of choice for most people?
Statistically, it sells the most. But, I think it's because it morphs so nicely with pies, birthday cakes of every flavor, becomes a milkshake, tops a soda for a float, and takes on toppings so well. When you account for all of that, versus people having a big ol bowl of ice cream, it explains a lot.

>you need to get out and experience the world more
Listeria brand. I don't buy Blue Bell anymore. They didn't care for so long about the deaths or the failed inspections, for about 2 years, just kept cranking it all out to keep up the productions. So, I don't trust them.

I buy Publix, but have you to look hard for the original Vanilla with the bean flecks in it, because they have a churned, and homestyle version now that are extract only, and they distract you from the REAL thing!

>Get a spade style ice cream scoop.
>That one you had looks flimsy as fuck
Agreed, they're great. I like my Tupperware scoop, though. It cuts through rock hard ice cream like butter.

>> No.13565851

>Just buy some vanilla beans and put them in a mason jar with vodka.
Supposed to use rum silly!

>> No.13566792

Actually bourbon is the right answer

>> No.13566857

Objectively wrong. The best to test a brand is with its plain cream flavour, the purest. Also the tastiest.

>> No.13567253

why can't they just make a good stainless scoop of that design?

>> No.13567285

Vanilla and it's coined term is popular not because it's plain, but because is the standard, is the ice cream flavor that is pretty much always available in every ice cream store and brands, and it's probably the first flavor that comes to mind when people mention "ice cream."

>> No.13567646

I’m gonna pour my non-dairy milkshake down your loose poop chute if you don’t shut the fuck up, fren

>> No.13567840
File: 20 KB, 304x612, istockphoto-508549005-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unimaginative, safe, underwhelming

because MOST PEOPLE are BORING and MUNDANE. Vanilla ice cream is for Mr boring-ass-cubicle-joe who listens to U2/coldplay, dresses like pic related and their idea of an """"""exciting night out"""""" is going to the movies after a dinner at olive garden

>> No.13568466

why would you cover up the vanilla flavor with strongly flavored spirits?
484ml whole milk
242ml heavy whipping cream
1g salt
140g sugar
30ml vanilla extract
stabilizer if you so desire
blend milk, salt, sugar, and stabilizer if present together. heat in pot with cream to 180F, blend shortly once more and decant and rapidly chill and let cool overnight.
whisk in extract and churn.

>> No.13568578


>> No.13568662

>Actually bourbon is the right answer
Nope, it was rum.
Il de Bourbon was the old French name of an island in the Indian Ocean, just one of the locations vanilla bean pods were introduced to as a crop (originally from Mexico), and Il de Bourbon was in a a pathway of the East India trade until the Suez Canal in the late 1800s, and consequently was a very busy trade port, and, a big exporter to europe, where they became known as Bourbon vanilla pods. For transport, yea, extract is one way to preserve it, but be sure they weren't distilling bourbon as the alcohol in the extract. The island of Reunion, as it's now renamed, is close to Madagascar, and we refer to the vanilla from that area as Madagascar vanilla today, sometimes to be dreamy and historical, Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla. There's never been actual american bourbon whisky, corn mash, rye, groats, or any other other whisky involved in the process nor vodka, but sugarcane spirits, yes. It's historically a rum production island.

>> No.13568669

Tbf he looks pretty hot.

>> No.13568926
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*blocks ur path*

>> No.13568945

It isn't. Ever served ice cream at a parlor?

>> No.13569038
File: 335 KB, 514x387, 1471215402066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want vanilla to taste different than it does. i dont know what the hell that i want but i fucking need it. that being said vanilla is my favorite flavor. i want it to be more of a "yellow" flavor if that makes any sense. whatever the fourth flavor is supposed to be.

>> No.13569046

Vanilla is best but mint chocolate chip is a very very close second.

>> No.13569048

I would definitely try that.

>> No.13569818

>fourth flavor
75% Artificial banana mixed with 25% vanilla

>> No.13569837

Aren't like most ice cream have a vanilla seasoning?

>> No.13569839
File: 116 KB, 1024x853, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ice cream cone made of this stuff please

>> No.13569841

This. Plain vanilla is like a hard-copy resume; you can print it on cheap, weak shit, or thick, sexy card stock. It's the ultimate canvas for ice cream.

>> No.13569843

only white people like vanilla

>> No.13569852

>tillamook ice cream is better
Ahhh you too are a man of culture I see.

>> No.13569958

I was always a strawberry milk, strawberry milkshake, and strawberry iced cream type of person.

>> No.13569996

Cotton candy and gummy bears for me.

>> No.13570001

Is vanilla really the most popular flavor? it seems like more often its thought of as boring or the "default". possibly because many people buy cheap brands that just taste like generic sweetness. but a good vanilla icre cream really is one of the best.

>> No.13570100 [DELETED] 

I ate all the salty liquorice ice cream so now I made a batch of caramel ice cream.
The last batch ended up not quite sweet enough, so this time I made sure to douse the base with caramel and topped it with caramel sauce.

>> No.13570106
File: 251 KB, 1280x958, EB95D2B0-9D96-4D83-A171-8C662EBD2902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate all the salty liquorice ice cream so now I made a batch of caramel ice cream.
The last batch ended up not quite sweet enough, so this time I made sure to douse the base with caramel and topped it with caramel sauce.

>> No.13570125

You can do a lot with vanilla
My personal favorite thing to do with it is to pour Grand Marnier over it

>> No.13570163

vanilla ice cream is synonymous with white cake and white icing. I don't want that boring plain shit. Gimme chocolate, ya cheap bitch.

>> No.13570478

wrong. it is vanilla rum.

>> No.13570836

Anon I need you to marry me

>> No.13570920
File: 10 KB, 218x231, 4D287855-0156-4CEE-9659-4286CC0AEC45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the best vanilla of all. Edy’s discontinued Dreamery in 2006 :(

>> No.13570938

I think vanilla ice cream is popular because it pairs with almost every other flavor or topping. Even chocolate is flavored with vanilla. Also, I've never met anyone who hates vanilla. That must be very rare. Even if vanilla isn't your favorite, very,very few people hate it. This is how a #2 becomes a universal #1.

>> No.13571518

I've made plain ice cream before. It was pretty good, much better than any of the cheaper "frozen" treat".

>> No.13571536

Where are you getting pods cheaper than extract?

Making some weak extract?

I put whole pods in a high speed blender for 100% yield and it costs more than extract.

>> No.13572231

Can confirm, I’m from said island.

>> No.13573017

only white people are people

>> No.13573030

Too bad I can never try cuz the ice cream machine always broke

>> No.13573779

Uh, that's frozen dairy treat to you sweetie

>> No.13574338

Gamer Girl Pee.

>> No.13574390

because most companies are full of losers who cant just make their flavor built on top of their vanilla ice cream. Like 90% of places would probably have a killer chocolate ice cream if they just tweaked their vanilla ice cream recipe a bit. Instead they are cheap bastards and it shows with their substandard ice creams. Vanilla extract makes almost anything sweet better, I add it to my shakes, coffee, etc.

>> No.13574394

is it possible to learn this power?

>> No.13574412

It's really good at complimenting other things
I especially like it with cardamom and cinnamon

>> No.13574420

It’s not very complicated but can you get your hands on ripe pods?
Or vanilla planifolia/tahinensis/pompona vines (if you live in the correct climate and have some space to grow them)?

>> No.13574509
File: 45 KB, 488x488, GUEST_bf1dc05b-ef8e-4fbc-84e8-b9e212b1245a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /moose tracks/ here?

>> No.13574520

because you can put whatever you want on vanilla. its the most cost effective.

>> No.13574526

based, this shit is so cheap after christmas lmao

>> No.13575059
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I like Blackberry Cordial