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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 800x800, 7UP-Soft-Drink-for-Export.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13558577 No.13558577 [Reply] [Original]

k so why the fuck does this even exist if Sprite is a thing?

>> No.13558601

Competition. It's good to have different options because it keeps everyone in line. If the coca-cola company had a monopoly over every soft drink flavor they would all probably be even more expensive and even more fucked.

>> No.13558604

7up cherry is good

>> No.13558611

Tbh 7up tastes better than sprite. Before you assume yes I did a blind taste test.

>> No.13558621

fuck you bitch, it's not good to have options when one option is objectively worse than the other but both cost the same

no one has ever asked for Sprite, been offered 7up and thought "wow that's even better!" you bitchmade fuck, the fuck out of my thread you rat

>> No.13558636

What if I told you that your taste is influenced by the commercials you were indoctrinated with the most when you were a kid.

>> No.13558645

I'd say I don't give a fuck and crack open an ice cold can of refreshing Sprite as I stood over your twitching corpse just watching the light and life fade from your bloodied eyes

>> No.13558655

>Sprite better than 7up.
You literally are retarded aren't you?
Nobody asks for the cocktail a "7 and Sprite". It's a 7&7. 7up is the original. Sprite is the derivative mockery so Coke can have a share of a product they didn't have. Sprite was literally a flavor of Fanta before coming to the states. 7up dates back to the 20s-30s and is not only a better tasting soda pop, it is a superior cocktail ingredient.

>> No.13558678

who here /sierra mist chad/?

>> No.13558692

No one who makes less than $250k a year has ever ordered a fuckin "7&7" and not been a hopeless incel sperglord virgin. Fuck outta here with your soda history and hipster cocktails.

>> No.13558702

>k so why the fuck does this even exist if Sprite is a thing?
Sprite is more sugary. people prefer 7up for mixers

>> No.13558711

It's kind of a trashy cocktail. I can agree with that, but it is a common cocktail among boomers. News flash asshole, most people don't make $250k a year. Especially faggots that surf these boards don't make 250k a year. You probably make however much the gov'ment gibs you in disability NEET bucks for your fucking autism.
Sierra Mist is better than Sprite, but still inferior to 7up.

>> No.13558718

>News flash asshole, most people don't make $250k a year. Especially faggots that surf these boards don't make 250k a year
Yes, very good my friend. That's the exact point that I was making. The average person with an average salary has never heard of a 7&7.

>> No.13558720

I don't want to get too tied up in the autism of this thread, but I must say, sierra mist isn't even in the race.

>> No.13558722
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I miss you...

>> No.13558733

So we can have an above average 16bit platformer 25 years ago.

>> No.13558743

This, fucking boomer-tier America soda

>> No.13558751
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simpler & more based times my man

>> No.13558894

This and 7up cake

>> No.13558903
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>> No.13558906

7up is made by Pepsi.
Sprite is made by Coca-Cola.

>> No.13558907

They taste exactly the same.

>> No.13558929

You're fucking RETARDED if you truly believe that

>> No.13558947

Mello yello is goat. Sprite and 7up are just acid water.

>> No.13558957

R C Cola is better than both Pepsi and Coke
Prove me wrong /ck/

>> No.13558960

Apples and oranges. Mello Yello is a Mt. Dew competitor, but I agree it's great.
I miss Vault. They brought it back as Monster Energy Soda for a while but that's gone now too.

>> No.13558970

I can't, but can you explain why 25 cent RC Cola out of a vending machine in a Walmart parking lot tasted so much better than the regular stuff?

>> No.13558976
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I've never seen Sprite on a race car

>> No.13558986

>Formula One
Anything that isn't stock-car racing is big gay.

>> No.13558987

Because the older it is the better it tastes
Also R C Cola uses a different recipe than the other brands

>> No.13558990

Vault is for people who live in trailers.

>> No.13558992

Because sprite is literally for niggers, look at literally any sprite ad in the last 30 years, meanwhile, 7up has always been the white mans lemon-lime drink of choice.

>> No.13558997

Only spics drink that.

>> No.13558999
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Here ya go.

>> No.13559003

pimms cups

>> No.13559008

>look at literally any sprite ad in the last 30 years

>> No.13559010
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>> No.13559013

Every fucking poor bastard at a bar knows what it is you fucking booze virgin

>> No.13559017

Gingerale is superior to sprite and 7up

>> No.13559030
File: 102 KB, 409x799, 1578783573909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vernors or death, pick one.

>> No.13559035

Nice trips, but:
>RC Cola logo on the car
>RC Cola flag at the pit stop
They might not have had first billing, but they got their name out there.

>> No.13559037
File: 12 KB, 630x354, milka2master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milk>Ginger Ale>Mello Yellow>7up>Sprite
Milk IS a soda.

>> No.13559041

I choose Schweppes.

>> No.13559045
File: 27 KB, 320x676, 320px-Tan-raffi_kojian-IMG_3584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Milk IS a soda.
Milk CAN be a soda.

>> No.13559056

Schweppes is ginger ale, but it is also pretty good. Also good for making cocktails.
The autism at the beginning of this thread had me compelled to go to the store to buy a liter sized bottle of 7up to mix with tonight's booze.

>> No.13559064


>> No.13559069

Gingerale has literally nothing to do with lemon lime soda you weirdo.

>> No.13559086

>a liter sized bottle of 7up to mix with tonight's booze.
Based. I went to the Chinese grocer earlier today because of all the bat soup threads, so it's vodka and bottled oolong for me.

>> No.13559095

you need to chill out bruh

>> No.13559166

You are fucking retarded and wrong. I would take great pleasure in ringing your neck until there is nothing but a cold dead corpse in my clutches. You are poor, stupid, tastelet and I can beat the everliving shit out of you.

>> No.13559174

Chill, dude. Have a nice ice-cold refreshing Sprite!

>> No.13559304
File: 1.14 MB, 2016x1512, ck7upVodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really did it. 7up is truly superior to Sprite.

>> No.13559382

7&7 has like 6 million views on youtube and the recipe is mentioned in the first verse. Plenty of people know what it is. When ordering the well version you'll hear 'whiskey seven' more often than 'whiskey sprite'. But I go to white people bars, it's probably different for ones aimed at NBA fans.

>> No.13559406

>sprite is literally for niggers
how can one anon be so based, the thread is over now

>> No.13559431

All are Dr Pepper brands, like 7 up.

>> No.13559442
File: 61 KB, 1000x1000, bub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of the way, plebs. Superior product incoming.

>> No.13559490

That is good stuff Anon, but not widely available to much of the USA.

>> No.13559500

I'm doubting that it's an RC cola car. There are many 7up logos on the bumper and a whole hood is a 7up logo. Also, Sun Drop out of nowhere.

>> No.13559546

RC and Sun Drop are also Dr Pepper brands, like 7up. Sun Drop is pretty rare here though, but I think we get like 2 cases (only 4 twelve packs) an order from DP.

>> No.13559563
File: 41 KB, 492x265, 514PD+j+FcL._AC_SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outta my way faggots

>> No.13559584

Nobody gives a flying fuck about your shitty regional garbage.

>> No.13559597
File: 20 KB, 650x650, 49325_XXX_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg to differ. If only I could live in North Carolina and get Cheer Wine at any store. Birch beer (mostly out east) would also be nice too.
t. midwest fag

>> No.13559607

>the fuck out of my thread you rat
General Sam fan detected? Pls correct me if I’m wrong :’^)

>> No.13559628

>While 7 Up is caffeine-free, colorless, and comes in a green bottle, dnL contained caffeine and was an unusual shade of green (vaguely similar to the green of 7 Up's bottle) in a clear bottle. And while 7 Up has a fairly standard lemon-lime flavor, the "citrus" flavor of dnL is that of lime-lemon, (primarily lime flavored with a hint of lemon).
Imagine the cocaine that was being snorting in that marketing meeting.

>> No.13559633

I just died of an overdose

>> No.13559720

you're so correct.

>> No.13559737

>tfw kroger sells this shit
Is it any good? Whats it taste like?

>> No.13559757

I love that we have a website where people can threaten death over 7up and sprite.

>> No.13559760

It's a cherry flavored "pop". It's fucking fantastic.
t. midwestfag, specifically minnesotafag
p.s. I had a girlfriend in the past from North Carolina that introduced me to it. Shit relationship, but was introduced to the nectar of the gods.

>> No.13559765

Cherry soda. Not cherry cola. Cherry syrup and carbonated water. It's pretty good but very overhyped like most regional stuff.

>> No.13559770
File: 26 KB, 500x500, 89e38240-29fb-48a1-b70b-6c22575e716d_1.99aad8d8c59a5e50ffaf4f8e2d402e83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's

>> No.13559775

how is this in comparison to the national/international brands?

>> No.13559782
File: 91 KB, 420x420, lycheesesoda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember my dad buying this shit on sale and we spent nearly an hour making racist jokes about how bad it was. Those were the days.

>> No.13559786

I think it's good, almost the same as Sprite and cheap

>> No.13559800

lychee is okay, but it isn't excellent. it causes hypoglycemia in people that are undernourished. flavor is okay but nothing to write home about. just some fruit from southern china that gets overhyped.

>> No.13559812

A true soda "pop" (from Minnesota, not Canada) is how it is used in a cocktail, rather than just pure drinking. How does this particular pop fare in a cocktail?

>> No.13559815

We drink Fresca and sprite

>> No.13559821

Based Spic.

>> No.13559824

why does pepsi exist if coke already exists?

>> No.13559827

I used to use it instead of tonic with Gin and it was a good enough replacement

>> No.13559838

>not squirt
Anyone else remember citra from the 90s? That was my favorite grapefruit pop.

>> No.13559842

Because coke products are under carbonated garbage that go flat five minutes after opening.

>> No.13559852

Because some people prefer more sugar and less battery acid. Me, I'm on team battery acid.

>> No.13559853

why did you have to remind me ;_;

>> No.13559870

NIGGER (with the utmost respect), gin and tonics (also vodka tonics) are good, but they are a throwback to an era that had to deal with malaria.

sorry for reddit spacing.

Old cocktails are fantastic. An Old Fashioned made with rye whiskey is a dream.
A martini made with gin or vodka is still supreme. 007 was right.

>> No.13559879

Because back in the old timey days, you got twice as much Pepsi for the same price as a Coke.

>> No.13559880

how's the taste?

>> No.13559882

I would add that a stirred martini is better than a shaken one.007 was not entirely correct.

>> No.13559885

>but they are a throwback to an era that had to deal with malaria
Modern tonic water was a negligible amount of quinine for flavour only. Still tastes pretty good, though. Bombay, lime instead of lemon, no ice but chilled, and 1:1 gin to tonic.

>> No.13559886
File: 87 KB, 1400x950, 102538946-new-coke[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coke is the worst soda on the market I don't know who the fuck is drinking that swill.

>> No.13559890

Very salty and slightly minty. Pairs well with Persian cuisine.

>> No.13559903

that 1:1 ratio is pretty good.
I personally like a little more gin or vodka. but the solid drink is 1:1

>> No.13559915

sounds good, what's this drink called?

>> No.13559929

You know what grinds my gears? When I say to get 7up and by dad says "they didn't have it" and buys Mountain Dew instead of jee I dunno maybe SPRITE?! Fucking boomer doesn't understand what niches these sodas fill. Don't be a NEET guys.

>> No.13559942
File: 29 KB, 450x600, milkis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the guy posted and the flavour he describes coincides with Yoghurt soda, a middle eastern drink.
Milk soda is more of an asian thing with brands like Calpis and pic related. It's a lot more milder than the yoghurt soda. I'd recommend it over the middle eastern shit.

>> No.13559945
File: 131 KB, 1545x869, IMG_20191204_090500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there truth to this? Carbonation is very important to me feeling satisfaction. I don't like certain Monsters because they're uncarbonated.

>> No.13559956

Doogh, or whatever your regional variety is called.
Do east asians really?

>> No.13559965

Yes, compare a can of coke to a can of pepsi, or any coke product to its pepsi counterpart. The only coke product i drink because of this is the occational can of surge once in a blue moon for boomer nastalgia.

>> No.13559969

this nigger knows what is good.

>> No.13559970
File: 12 KB, 350x350, 14005877-calpico-original-50-lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, try the Northern American version, they renamed it just for you.

>> No.13559998

And where does Dr. Pepper fall when it comes to bubbles? I always thought Cocacola tasted better than Pepsi. But I really really like bubbles.

>> No.13560015

Ehh, its a little better than coke but not pepsi teir.

>> No.13560034

Sprite is too sweet to be used as a mixer. 7up goes well in a 7&7, or a quickie gin fizz.

>> No.13560044

>7&7 is a hipster cocktails
>both my WWII-era granddad and my boomer dad drank them

>> No.13560065

>stock-car racing
Keep deluding yourself idiot.

>> No.13560078

>Gay Prix
Get off my internet, please.

>> No.13560090

*deludes myself*
*turns off internet*

u like that shit white bois?

>> No.13560096

>viciously and irrationally defends sprite
>types like an idiot
proof blk ppl do browse here

>> No.13560099
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>> No.13560102
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>> No.13560111
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What am I supposed to do with my 300 plus reaction gifs now?

>> No.13560116
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>> No.13560123

7up has a crisper flavor and less sugar. sprite makes my teeth feel sticky

>> No.13560125

That's kind of how I felt in the late 90s early 2000s, but in the 2020s I really feel the Nothing has consumed the internet too and there's nowhere left for me.

>> No.13560128
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watch out kidney stones coming through

>> No.13560134

And yet here we are, still wading through all the shitposts...

>> No.13560260


>> No.13560941

That's the definition of a hipster drink you stupid hipster