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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13552008 No.13552008 [Reply] [Original]

That was based, made it on my foreman grill. why do people shit talk them?

>> No.13552028

People shittalk bad hotdogs. Good hotdogs are just delicious sausages and no one shittalks sausage.

>> No.13552035

>why do people shit talk them?
There are a handful of vocal dum dums on this site who are obsessed with America. That's basically it.

>> No.13552637

Because if they don't like something, you're not allowed to like it either

>> No.13552647

I hope you got 100% beef hot dogs

>> No.13552848

Kosher is the only legal option in the US nowadays, so of course. Refusing to buy kosher is a criminal offense.

>> No.13552863
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because they use low quality parts of the animal

>> No.13552958


>> No.13553011
File: 39 KB, 395x579, hotdogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because some of us aren't American and don't want your trash cuisine.

>> No.13553051
File: 401 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seething about Americans
>Posts a hotdog from some Europoor country

>> No.13553373

Spam, Scrapple, and Hotdogs are all based

>> No.13553397

Have a Costco dog next. Best dog in the game.

>> No.13554552

Most hotdogs are cheap garbage food. People were raised eating them because they have bland inoffensive flavor.

A good quality dog can be wonderful.

>> No.13554557

Yeah, hotdogs dont come in jars in the US

>> No.13554576


>> No.13554592
File: 9 KB, 310x411, pork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First anon is retarded and let /pol/ memes warp his sense of reality. Most jews don't even bother following kosher dietary practices FYI.
(57% eat pig meat compared to muslims where only 9% of them break that rule).

>> No.13554603

This doesnt answer my question, why are you bringing up jews and muslims? I asked about hotdogs.

>> No.13554610

>why are you bringing up jews and muslims?
Because the post says:
>Kosher is the only legal option in the US nowadays, so of course. Refusing to buy kosher is a criminal offense.
Do you not know what "kosher" means? It's compliance with the dietary rules jews are supposed to follow.

>> No.13554637

So youre saying jews are banning hotdogs? Where do muslims fit in to this? Can we tell someone about this? I dont think what the jews are doing is right.

>> No.13554660

What the fuck are you talking about? I didn't write the post that said "refusing to buy kosher is a criminal offense." I clearly responded to that statement by disagreeing with it.

>> No.13554665

Also muslims were mentioned because it was a comparison in religious dietary adherence rates. Jews aren't like muslims or hindus who actually follow their own dietary rules. Most jews don't bother, which is why it's ridiculous to claim they care so much about it that they're forcing everyone else to follow it.

>> No.13554668

You said its the law, why do jews get to make laws about hotdogs? That doesnt seem right.

>> No.13554672

So theyre not even obeying the law? But we have to? That cant be legal.

>> No.13554679

mohammed pls

>> No.13554695

>You said its the law
No I didn't. I responded to the post that did.
>So theyre not even obeying the law?
>But we have to?
Are you trying to be funny or something? I'm not the anon who made that claim. Like I said, I responded to it and clearly disagreed with it so you're not making any sense.

>> No.13554700

You are the one not making any sense. Explain these laws, im not following your line of reasoning.

>> No.13554710

I told you multiple times now I never said there were laws about this.

>> No.13554713

Yes you did, you said that jews and muslims made laws banning hotdogs and that they dont follow those laws but we have to. That isnt right.

>> No.13554724

because they are insecure

>> No.13554731


>> No.13554735

Also show me the exact post and wording where you mistakenly believe I claimed anyone made "laws" banning anything here. Because I definitely didn't. That was the other anon I was disagreeing with.

>> No.13554812

>6 stuks per pot

>> No.13554818

>American retard thinking only Americans eat hot dogs

Why are Americans so obese and retarded?

>> No.13554992

Anon please, the other anon just wants to know why jews are allowed to decide what we eat

>> No.13555024

Original anon was referencing how it is illegal to boycott Israel
Also beef hotdogs are garbage

>> No.13555034

Imagine letting a nation of obese retards plant its flag on the moon while you stew in your fetid juices in your irrelevant shithole nation, washing your dishes in the toilet and eating cheese full of maggots.

>> No.13555042

i like hot dog

>> No.13555099


>> No.13555268

>plant flag on the moon
Imagine being this delusional

>> No.13555775

t. retard Eurotrash

Based Eurofag

>> No.13555780

Where do you guys live where Jews tell you what to eat?

>> No.13555868

>You wasteful assholes should eat nose to tail
>NOOOOO not like that!
Dumb fucking tranny.

>> No.13556018


>> No.13556027

No. Pretty sure I live in Texas and can still eat pork hot dogs.

>> No.13556031

If only they were using actual animal parts

>> No.13556232

Not the jews, but the republicans made it illegal to boycott or advocate for a boycott of israeli/kosher products so if you have the option of buying kosher hotdogs but choose pork hotdogs instead, that could be construed as boycotting israeli products in a court of law. Best to error on the safe side and buy kosher if it's an option.

>> No.13556241
File: 33 KB, 808x714, OU-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First anon is larping but fucking look up how much packaged food IS Kosher in America. Pic related or something similar is on almost everything in the grocery store.

>> No.13556247

Those laws will probably make it to the Supreme Court eventually. Hopefully.

>> No.13556674
File: 83 KB, 322x385, 20200121_222505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Michigan we eat Koegel hotdogs with Flint chili, cheese, onion, shredded pickle, and mustard

>> No.13556691

>why do people shit talk them?
Food snobs that don't like the fact that they're made from leftover cuts of meat

>> No.13556695


You live in a nation controlled by jews, get over it. Us goy chattel are treated a hell of a lot better than the chattel were 200-300 years ago, and it wont last forever; the corporatocracy will eventually take over and enslave us and pay us in maruchan noodles and doritos. Enjoy it while it lasts

>> No.13556700 [DELETED] 


>food snobs complain about hot dogs b

>> No.13556708

you make more money by having food that more people can eat


>> No.13556710


>food snobs complain about hot dogs being meat cakes made from cheap cuts
>turn around and declare their desire to eat sheep's head and dog.

>> No.13557020

You can use this website to find out which places to avoi... I mean give your business to.
